The Universe Says YES

Andrew Donovan

This is the moment where all your power is. It's the springboard into everything that's possible for you. What can you create when you live your soul-truth and flow with the well-being of the Universe? Let's get deep about it. I'm Andrew Donovan - international success coach, top 50 podcaster, rebel to limits and norms, and unapologetic attractor of love, wealth, and fun - here to spotlight how you can create your masterpiece life, to call you out on your b******t when you argue for your limitations, and to remind you that no matter what you desire, The Universe Says YES!

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#49: Inspiration VS Determination
Dec 1 2023
#49: Inspiration VS Determination
Being inspired and being determined aren't the same. When you know the difference, you realize that determination is fickle - while inspiration is incredibly reliable. If you're someone who tends to rely on strategy, hard work, and effort to achieve your goals, allow this to resonate with you.Here’s what’s inside:Discover the hidden power within—how your inner state of being fuels every action and encounter in your life.Find the frequency of your truth—your worth, your belonging, your freedom—and how to harness it for profound transformations.Understanding the dichotomy between the logical, strategic human mind and the divine, intangible inspirations guiding our journey.Learn the art of balancing determination with inspiration, crafting a life that blends both into a harmonious symphony of creation.How energetic alignment fuels a more fulfilling journey.Determination alone doesn't guarantee success. If it did, everyone working tirelessly would be massively successful. But success isn't solely about pushing through obstacles; it's about understanding the energetics behind your actions.Energetics form the essence of everything we create. Behind every action lies our state of being, and that energy significantly influences our outcomes.The universe mirrors our inner energetics. By aligning ourselves with truth and inspiration, we not only unlock boundless potential but also witness life's miracles unfold in ways that resonate deeply within.Take a moment to recognize the difference between determination and inspiration, to live in alignment, and create from a frequency of truth. When you embrace this, success becomes more than an achievement; it becomes a way of being.******************************************************************************************💫 👉🏼 Energetics of Success Masterclass: This free 90-minute class will give you a powerful methodology for attracting success - unlike anything you've learned before! Register here: ⭐️ 👉🏼 Conscious Creation 3-Day Workshop: Master your ability to create a life you truly love living. This workshop shifts your energetic trajectory and point of attraction in every area that matters to you. Register here:
#48: The Conscious Creator Manifesto
Nov 24 2023
#48: The Conscious Creator Manifesto
You're not just shaping a life; you're crafting a masterpiece—a living, breathing testament to your authenticity, resilience, and boundless potential.Today, let's explore the art of intentional living. This manifesto is your guide to embracing your creative power and shaping your reality consciously.Here’s what’s inside the episode:Understanding the beauty of growth and the continuous evolution inherent in being a conscious creator.Appreciating the value of being here for the journey, not just seeking instant manifestations.Understanding the significance of inner alignment in the creative process.Realizing that happiness exists in the present momentUnderstanding that creation is not about scarcity but about the possibility and inspiration to manifest what's within.Living a masterpiece life in the present moment.Life is a mix of highs and lows, and you get to embrace its complexity. You understand that joy isn't just a future destination but a feeling you deserve now.Conscious creation isn't about fixing flaws; it's about acknowledging possibilities. You create because it's possible—driven by an innate energy that compels you to manifest what your heart truly desires.Your journey is about thriving, evolving, and creating from a place of deep authenticity. Your commitment to this path not only benefits you but contributes positively to the world around you.Embrace your truth, your worth, and your potential to create the masterpiece life meant for you.Remember, Your life is meant to be a masterpiece—an evolving testament to the greatness that resides within you.💫 👉🏼 Energetics of Success Masterclass: This free 90-minute class will give you a powerful methodology for attracting success - unlike anything you've learned before! Register here: ⭐️ 👉🏼 Conscious Creation 3-Day Workshop: Master your ability to create a life you truly love living. This workshop shifts your energetic trajectory and point of attraction in every area that matters to you. Register here:
#47: Cultivating Deep Connections in Relationships
Nov 10 2023
#47: Cultivating Deep Connections in Relationships
We're not meant to be alone; we're meant to pivot into relationships that bring us joy, growth, and expansion.In this episode, we unravel the secrets of connection and delve deep into why human bonds are so powerful and essential. Here's a glimpse of what’s inside:🔮 Unveiling the extraordinary power of human connections and why they sometimes challenge us.🌟 The pivotal role of alignment in our relationships and how it leads to meaningful interactions.🚀 Diving into the fascinating world of attachment and resistance, and finding the balance that unlocks your desires.💖 The transformative magic of allowing and receiving in your quest for authentic and joyful connections.✨ Focusing on the heart of your desires, rather than preconceived notions of how they should unfold.Creating meaningful connections isn't about striving for perfection or forcing others to change to suit our desires. It's about aligning with our true selves, and our authentic desires.This is what makes us an energetic match for amazing connection. The beautiful connections you seek are waiting for you, and you're capable of creating them consciously. Let go of attachment and resistance, embrace your worthiness, and let meaningful connections flow into your life effortlessly.**************************************************************************************💫 👉🏼 Energetics of Success Masterclass: This free 90-minute class will give you a powerful methodology for attracting success - unlike anything you've learned before! Register here: ⭐️ 👉🏼 Conscious Creation 3-Day Workshop: Master your ability to create a life you truly love living. This workshop shifts your energetic trajectory and point of attraction in every area that matters to you. Register here:
#46: The Spiritual Truth of Sex & Pleasure Part 2
Oct 20 2023
#46: The Spiritual Truth of Sex & Pleasure Part 2
Trigger Warning: We'll be discussing adult-themed content, so if you're listening with little ones around, consider popping in some earbuds for privacy.This is a continuation of our episode about The Spiritual Truth of Sex and Pleasure. Today, we delve deep into the topic of aligning with your Whole Truth and how it can transform your perspective on sex and intimacy.Aligning with your Whole Truth is everything when it comes to creating your most beautiful sex and intimacy experience. Here’s what’s inside the episode:Embracing the Freedom to Be Your Whole TruthThe impact of aligning with your Whole Truth in your relationships and sexual experiences.Discover how self-love and self-acceptance can lead to more meaningful and connected sexual experiences.The value of bringing your own worth, belonging, and freedom to your intimate moments.Coming into alignment with your Whole Truth is a transformative journey that can profoundly impact your relationship with sex. It frees you from seeking validation, worth, or belonging through external circumstances.It allows you to show up authentically and enjoy a more fulfilling and conscious sexual experience. Your journey to sexual liberation begins with aligning with your Whole Truth. Embrace your desires, playfulness, and authenticity to create a sex life that brings joy and fulfillment.************************************************************************************💫 👉🏼 Energetics of Success Masterclass: This free 90-minute class will give you a powerful methodology for attracting success - unlike anything you've learned before! Register here: ⭐️ 👉🏼 Conscious Creation 3-Day Workshop: Master your ability to create a life you truly love living. This workshop shifts your energetic trajectory and point of attraction in every area that matters to you. Register here:
#45: The Spiritual Truth of Sex & Pleasure Part 1
Oct 13 2023
#45: The Spiritual Truth of Sex & Pleasure Part 1
Trigger Warning: We'll be discussing adult-themed content, so if you're listening with little ones around, consider popping in some earbuds for privacy.You are worthy, deserving, and free to create a sex life that lights you up like fireworks!This episode is part of a series on Whole Truth, where we explore how living in alignment with your true self can impact various aspects of your life, including sex.Here’s what’s inside the episode:Understanding the multifaceted meanings we attach to sex.Unraveling the historical, religious, and societal influences on our sexual beliefs.Embracing your Whole Truth and how it can positively impact your sex life.The role of conscious creation in crafting a fulfilling sex life.How to navigate the contrast between societal expectations and your authentic desires.Finding the win-win scenarios in relationshipsIt all begins with embracing your Whole Truth – recognizing your worthiness, deserving, belonging, importance, and freedom. When you show up to sex with these elements in alignment, everything changes.So, how can we consciously create a life where sex aligns with our truth, the masterpiece of life we are crafting? What if you showed up in that Whole Truth? How would sex be different for you? When you embrace your Whole Truth, you enter the world of sex and pleasure with a sense of self-assuredness and confidence.You're not seeking external validation or trying to conform to someone else's ideals. Instead, you're creating a space where your desires and boundaries are honored.Your sexual experiences are a sacred, joyful, and liberating part of your existence. By embracing your Whole Truth, you can consciously create a life where pleasure, intimacy, and love align harmoniously with your deepest desires.******************************************************************************************💫 👉🏼 Energetics of Success Masterclass: This free 90-minute class will give you a powerful methodology for attracting success - unlike anything you've learned before! Register here: ⭐️ 👉🏼 Conscious Creation 3-Day Workshop: Master your ability to create a life you truly love living. This workshop shifts your energetic trajectory and point of attraction in every area that matters to you. Register here:
#44: Romance Story of a Lifetime
Sep 29 2023
#44: Romance Story of a Lifetime
Your romantic journey is a unique masterpiece waiting to unfold, and you have the power to shape it in a way that brings you happiness, fulfillment, and authentic connection.Today’s episode is about creating the Romance Story of a Lifetime. This isn't about promoting a specific lifestyle; it's about empowering you to manifest the romantic experiences that resonate with your Whole Truth.Here’s what’s inside the episode:Discover how to consciously create the most extraordinary romance of your life by embracing your Whole Truth, making aligned decisions, and embodying your authentic self. Explore the five core elements that make up your whole truth and understand how they shape your romantic desires. Understand how your decisions shape your trajectory in love and relationships and learn to make conscious decisions aligned with your desires.Delve into the importance of being authentic and how it attracts the right kind of love into your life.How to Consciously Create Your Romantic MasterpieceBreak free from the cycle of seeking external validation through romance and instead become the source of love you've always been.Align with your Whole Truth, make decisions that resonate with your desires, and be the authentic, confident, and loving individual you were born to be.You are the source of love, and by aligning with your Whole Truth, you'll effortlessly draw the love you desire into your life.💫 👉🏼 Energetics of Success Masterclass: This free 90-minute class will give you a powerful methodology for attracting success - unlike anything you've learned before! Register here: ⭐️ 👉🏼 Conscious Creation 3-Day Workshop: Master your ability to create a life you truly love living. This workshop shifts your energetic trajectory and point of attraction in every area that matters to you. Register here:
#43: The Love Epiphany
Sep 25 2023
#43: The Love Epiphany
You are the source of love, and creating a life you truly love begins with the love that comes from aligning with your whole self - or your Whole Truth.Today's episode is a revelation about the gravitational force at the core of every single thing that matters to us: Love.Here’s what’s inside this episode:The profound connection between love, manifestation, and self-discovery.The transformative power of aligning with your whole truth.Love is the essence of your being and the catalyst for conscious creation.Shifting the focus from external desires to internal fulfillment.The liberating journey of embracing your true self.I've realized that manifestation is just one piece of the puzzle. True happiness comes from aligning with our Whole Truth, our inner essence, which is love. You are your Whole Truth. You don't need to seek the truth outside of yourself; you are it. Your Whole Truth comprises your worthiness, deservingness, belonging, importance, and freedom. All of these aspects are rooted in love..Contemplate what it means to be your own Whole Truth and how this is the way to a life of greater love.Remember, you are the source of love. You have the power to create a life that reflects the beautiful love that you are.💫 👉🏼 Energetics of Success Masterclass: This free 90-minute class will give you a powerful methodology for attracting success - unlike anything you've learned before! Register here: ⭐️ 👉🏼 Conscious Creation 3-Day Workshop: Master your ability to create a life you truly love living. This workshop shifts your energetic trajectory and point of attraction in every area that matters to you. Register here:
#42: The Truth About Successful Manifestation
Jul 14 2023
#42: The Truth About Successful Manifestation
Let's talk about the truth behind successful manifestation and how it can change your life in amazing ways!We all desire to manifest more in our lives, whether it's material possessions, fulfilling relationships, or personal growth. We've been conditioned to believe that our happiness hinges on external circumstances aligning with our desires. But what if I told you there's a different, more profound approach?I've come to realize that true fulfillment lies not in manifesting external things, but in becoming the masterpiece ourselves. Rather than seeking external validation or relying on others to change, you have the power to decide what you are being. You hold the key to your own transformation and the creation of an extraordinary life.By embracing the journey of becoming who you truly want to be, you shift the energy you emit into the world. You become the vibrational match for the experiences, relationships, and abundance you desire. It's a reverse equation that defies conventional wisdom. When you focus on being the embodiment of your deepest desires, life rearranges itself to match your energetic frequency.I want to empower you to unfold into the masterpiece that you are meant to be. When you consciously create yourself and align your energy with your deepest desires, the universe responds in awe-inspiring ways. It's not about chasing specific things or outcomes, but about the profound satisfaction of becoming your own masterpiece.If you resonate with these principles and feel a calling to unleash your potential, I am here to support you. As a coach and mentor, I specialize in helping individuals navigate the complexities of self-transformation and manifestation. Together, we can uncover the masterpiece within you and watch as your life unfolds with awe-inspiring manifestations.If you're ready to step into your power, embrace your journey, and manifest a life that surpasses your wildest dream, DM me or visit to learn more about how we can work together.Remember, you are the creator of your reality, and your potential is limitless. Embrace the masterpiece within.💫 👉🏼 Energetics of Success Masterclass: This free 90-minute class will give you a powerful methodology for attracting success - unlike anything you've learned before! Register here: ⭐️ 👉🏼 Conscious Creation 3-Day Workshop: Master your ability to create a life you truly love living. This workshop shifts your energetic trajectory and point of attraction in every area that matters to you. Register here:
#41: Change Your Life into Anything
Jun 30 2023
#41: Change Your Life into Anything
Today, I want to dive into a conversation that will empower you to bridge the gap between where you currently are and where you aspire to be. It's a journey that often seems intimidating, but I want you to understand that you are never at the start or stuck in your progress. Every life experience, every trial, every thought of what could be has shaped you into the remarkable individual you are today.You see, many people yearn for more despite having achieved financial success or stability. They feel a lack of peace, true ownership of their time, and holistic wellness. It's a reminder that wherever you are right now is perfect and significant. You are not behind, untalented, or underdeveloped. The path you have traveled has prepared you for this very moment.Motivation is often considered a prerequisite for change, but the truth is, you don't need perfect motivation to embark on your transformational journey. It's the moments of alignment and flow that truly matter. My framework and programs are designed to help you tap into your genius, empowering you to live in your truth and create from a place of personal power.You are perfect as you are right now, and yet, growth requires continuous learning and expansion. Embrace the paradox and give yourself the grace to know that you possess the skills and confidence necessary for the next step. Remember, the person who creates your extraordinary dream will be different from who you are now, and that's part of the beauty of the journey.So, how can you move forward and create the life you desire? It all comes down to two fundamental factors: the decisions you make and who you choose to be. By consciously deciding what you want and embodying the qualities required to achieve it, you have the power to manifest anything you desire. I am excited to introduce my three-month High Immersion Program. This immersive experience allows us to work closely together, addressing the obstacles that have been holding you back and guiding you towards embracing your true genius. Together, we will unlock your potential and create the extraordinary dream that matters to you.If you're ready to embark on this life-changing adventure, I invite you to schedule a call with me to discuss the program in more detail and determine how it aligns with your goals. Click HERE to learn more.💫 👉🏼 Energetics of Success Masterclass: This free 90-minute class will give you a powerful methodology for attracting success - unlike anything you've learned before! Register here: ⭐️ 👉🏼 Conscious Creation 3-Day Workshop: Master your ability to create a life you truly love living. This workshop shifts your energetic trajectory and point of attraction in every area that matters to you. Register here:
#40: Five Steps to Make Braver Decisions
Jun 23 2023
#40: Five Steps to Make Braver Decisions
Are you ready to unlock your true potential and make braver decisions in your life? This podcast episode will inspire and empower you to take courageous steps toward your dreams!Let's dive into the topic of making braver decisions and how they can shape the direction of your life. I believe that decisions are the key to determining your path and achieving your dreams.You might be wondering, "Why are decisions so important?" Well, think of it this way: You are constantly moving through time and space, always heading somewhere. Whether you feel stuck or not, you are always moving forward. And guess what? The decisions you make can either propel you toward your dreams or steer you in a different direction.But here's the thing: Fear-based decisions rarely lead to positive outcomes. We miss out on incredible opportunities when we play it safe, hide from others, or sabotage ourselves. That's why making brave decisions is crucial. Bravery means taking that scary step toward what you believe is right for you, even if it feels uncomfortable.I want to help you make braver decisions and experience the magic that unfolds when you do. That's why we've created a special episode where we break down the five essential steps to making braver decisions. Decide on a different outcome: Don't settle for the same results. Dare to expect and strive for something better.Choose the right time for action: You're in control of your choices. Decide whether it's now or later, based on what feels right for you.Embrace doing things differently: Realize that you hold the power to change how you approach challenges and opportunities.Transform into a stronger version of yourself: Make the conscious decision to grow, evolve, and become the best possible you.Be aware and intentional in your journey: Stay conscious of your dreams and make decisions that align with your vision.These five steps are designed to empower you to make braver decisions and set yourself on a path towards manifesting your dreams. Take a moment to reflect on each step and consider how they can reshape your decision-making process. Remember, the power to make brave decisions lies within you. Start taking those steps towards your dreams today! 💫 👉🏼 Energetics of Success Masterclass: This free 90-minute class will give you a powerful methodology for attracting success - unlike anything you've learned before! Register here: ⭐️ 👉🏼 Conscious Creation 3-Day Workshop: Master your ability to create a life you truly love living. This workshop shifts your energetic trajectory and point of attraction in every area that matters to you. Register here:
#39: How to Find Resources & Guidance to Make Progress
Jun 16 2023
#39: How to Find Resources & Guidance to Make Progress
Today, let's talk about finding the best help and resources to make your dreams come true! I'm super excited to chat with you because I know how important it is to get support and learn new things.Here's the thing: You're already amazing just the way you are! But guess what? You also have the power to become even more awesome. Isn't that cool? Sometimes we think we're not good enough, but that's not true. You have everything you need to become incredible.Now, let's break it down into three parts. First, there are skills you can learn to do new things. Imagine if you could fast-forward to the future and see your future self. You'd know how to do amazing stuff that you don't know now. Skills training helps with that. Next, there are tools. Tools are like superpowers! They help you do things faster and smarter. Just like how a wheel and a lever made life easier for our caveman friends, today we have cool software and technology that help us think, write, and communicate better.But here's my favorite part: Inner work. This means working on yourself from the inside. It's like a special kind of magic! When you change the way you think and feel, you attract the things you want. It's all about becoming a match for your dreams.You're already doing great, and I know you have big dreams. That's awesome! The resources you need are out there—lots of people, money, ideas, and more. You just have to figure out what lights you up, what makes you excited.If what I'm saying resonates with you and makes you feel happy, I have a special program coming up that can help you transform your dreams into reality. It's like an amazing adventure!So, remember, You're already amazing, and you have the power to become even more amazing. You can learn new skills, use cool tools, and do inner work to make your dreams come true. Decide what makes you excited and go for it!I am happy to announce the most transformative program I've ever created!Imagine 3 months of brutal honesty and clarity that shifts the direction of your life and what you're attracting at a massive scale. Learn more here. 💫 👉🏼 Energetics of Success Masterclass: This free 90-minute class will give you a powerful methodology for attracting success - unlike anything you've learned before! Register here: ⭐️ 👉🏼 Conscious Creation 3-Day Workshop: Master your ability to create a life you truly love living. This workshop shifts your energetic trajectory and point of attraction in every area that matters to you. Register here:
#38: Your Unconventional Path to Success & Joy
Jun 10 2023
#38: Your Unconventional Path to Success & Joy
In today's episode, we'll explore the liberating concept of leading unconventional lives and how it allows us to combine our varied interests and desires in harmony and synergy.You know, sometimes people think you have to follow all these "rules" to achieve your dreams. That's not true at all! You have the power to do things your own way and make your dreams come true in a way that makes you really happy.Your life can be like a big mix of all the things you love. You don't have to choose just one thing and leave the rest behind. Nope! You can have it all, and it can be even more beautiful and amazing than you ever imagined.I want to help you see all the possibilities that are out there waiting for you. I want you to know that you can dream big and let your imagination run wild. Don't let anyone or anything hold you back.Here's a preview of the episode:[1:43] You don't have to follow the "rules" to achieve your most extraordinary dream. You can do it your way. You can do it in a way that lights you up. And it can happen more beautifully, abundantly, and joyfully than you imagine.[4:54] I want you to see possibilities for yourself and in your life in maybe ways that you haven't before. [10:27] Your limitations aren't real. You are just making them your limitations.[18:48] If you allowed yourself to just paint the most unconventional life for yourself. If you allowed your version of joy to be, whatever the version of it. What would that be? [19:04] You get to break the rules, you can do it your own way. You can do it the way it lights you up. You can create a life that is totally unique to you, with all the things that bring you joy and excitement.You might have heard some grown-ups saying things like, "You can't do that," or "That's not how it's done. You can ignore those limitations and create something extraordinary. It's your life, and you get to decide how it goes.So, here's what I want you to do: take a moment to think about your biggest, craziest dream. Imagine all the things that make you happy and curious. Now, imagine putting them all together in your own special way. How amazing would that be?I believe in you, and I know that when you start thinking outside the box and believing in yourself, incredible things can happen. So, get ready to break the rules, follow your heart, and create your own extraordinary masterpiece.Unleash your creativity and transform your existence. The time for your extraordinary dream is now. Start by asking yourself, what would your unconventional masterpiece look like? What would it include?Let's embark on this extraordinary adventure together. Your masterpiece life awaits.PS - Ready to see your magic happens? Visit to learn more.This experience makes you the conscious creator of everything you're meant for.💫 👉🏼 Energetics of Success Masterclass: This free 90-minute class will give you a powerful methodology for attracting success - unlike anything you've learned before! Register here: ⭐️ 👉🏼 Conscious Creation 3-Day Workshop: Master your ability to create a life you truly love living. This workshop shifts your energetic trajectory and point of attraction in every area that matters to you. Register here:
#37: Create Your Most Extraordinary Dream
Jun 2 2023
#37: Create Your Most Extraordinary Dream
Do you ever think about what you want in life? Well, the universe has all the details of what you desire. But it's not just about wanting things. It's about consciously creating the life you're meant to have.Why settle for playing small when the universe offers limitless possibilities? You have the capacity within you, and the universe has the capacity to turn your dreams into reality. It's time to step into your power and choose what you truly want.You have the power to make decisions every day. These decisions determine the direction your life takes. You get to decide what's important to you and what you attract into your life.Remember, your dreams matter because they come from your heart and soul. You are meant to have them. And you can learn to make decisions that move you closer to your dreams every day.Here's a preview of the episode:[9:52]  Achievement is what the mind really wants but the dream is what the soul wants and the answer must be yes.[10:22]  Dream is something that is instilled in your soul and in your heart.[18:10]  Your decisions determine the direction your move through your life [19:47]  Your decisions determine your direction and you are the only one deciding for you[19:50]  You are the only one making that decision and you can learn to make different conscious decisions that will be in favor of everything that matters to you.[20:11]  Whatever you are being in this moment that's what you're attracting.[22:05]  Whatever you're extraordinary dreams are, they are possible specifically for you. The fact they are instilled in your heart and in your soul means that they matter to you.Discover what drives you, uncover the joy of creating your achievements, and awaken the magic that happens when dream energy and achievement energy align. Your dreams are possible for you, and it's time to embrace your own truth and become an energetic match for the resources that await you.Remember, every decision you make determines the direction of your life, and you have the power to consciously choose what matters most to you. Start consciously moving towards your extraordinary dream and watch as the universe meets you halfway.Your dreams are possible, and it's time to take action. PS - Ready to see your magic happens? Visit to learn more.This experience makes you the conscious creator of everything you're meant for.💫 👉🏼 Energetics of Success Masterclass: This free 90-minute class will give you a powerful methodology for attracting success - unlike anything you've learned before! Register here: ⭐️ 👉🏼 Conscious Creation 3-Day Workshop: Master your ability to create a life you truly love living. This workshop shifts your energetic trajectory and point of attraction in every area that matters to you. Register here:
#36: Change ANYTHING in your Life
Mar 24 2023
#36: Change ANYTHING in your Life
In this special episode, we'll talk about putting you back in your power. This concept is what we call DECISIONS.A specific kind of conscious decision. If you are somebody who gets frustrated that maybe sometimes you feel powerless then this episode is for you. You've probably explored the word choice before. If you've gone to any kind of motivational seminar, you've heard speakers and authors about how you can make a choice.I choose the word decision because it has a slight difference from choice.Conscious decisions is your ability to change the energetic trajectory that you are on.Here's a preview of the episode:[4:22] Conscious decisions are your ability to change the energetic trajectory that you are on.[4:38] You as a being, you are constantly traveling to time and space.[4:45] The unfolding that you are experiencing is always a forward motion and so you are always moving through time and space[5:41] Your decision-making ability is what changes the trajectory of your movement. [7:31] You are always moving in a motion, in a  direction and that direction is determined by the decisions you make.[7:40] Whatever you are being, on that trajectory, on that journey, that's your point of attraction and the universe is always matching you up with things that match your energy.Everything starts with a decision. The decision is the thing that sends you on your energetic trajectory and that thing that creation is always responding to.You can always make a decision that will shift your trajectory. So if you don't like how you've been feeling the energetic trajectory is not in alignment. Make decisions that go with the flow of well-being that is the nature of the universeWhen you make a decision that is within your power it feels like a YES.💫 👉🏼 Energetics of Success Masterclass: This free 90-minute class will give you a powerful methodology for attracting success - unlike anything you've learned before! Register here: ⭐️ 👉🏼 Conscious Creation 3-Day Workshop: Master your ability to create a life you truly love living. This workshop shifts your energetic trajectory and point of attraction in every area that matters to you. Register here:
#34: What Narcissists Teach Us About Manifesting
Feb 24 2023
#34: What Narcissists Teach Us About Manifesting
There are fascinating lessons from people who are actual Narcissists.The main thing to learn from narcissists is the Power of Focus. They decide yes - with powerful clarity and focus. And so they frequently get it. But they are unfulfilled because they aren’t deciding yes to what they truly want. This is fascinating in the conversation of conscious creation because we talk about alignment most of the time.Well, when you're in alignment, your thoughts, beliefs, emotions and actions, all line up so you'll be able to draw to you through the law of attraction things that match your desires.Here's a preview of the episode:[2:17]The main thing to learn from narcissists is the power of focus. [7:25] Narcissists decide yes - with powerful clarity and focus. And so they frequently get it. But they are unfulfilled because they aren’t deciding yes to what they truly want. [8:35] At the core of what you really are, you are being loved.[9:06] When you're in alignment all those levels of your being, they all lined up.[8:35] At the core of what you really are, you are being loved.[9:06] When you're in alignment all those levels of your being, they all lined up.Narcissists demonstrate radical alignment in certain areas and simultaneous radical misalignment in other areas.They have radical alignment and their belief, in their actions, thoughts that they can produce profound change but they got radical misalignment with themselves.Being around them is like being the losing team in a football game: The team most in alignment with winning must win.This illustrates the power of focus.The point of this is to realize the power of focus and to decide that you are going to prioritize what you want to focus on, what you want to create with your values, and with your truth.You are always a person who gets to choose what you want to focus on.💫 👉🏼 Energetics of Success Masterclass: This free 90-minute class will give you a powerful methodology for attracting success - unlike anything you've learned before! Register here: ⭐️ 👉🏼 Conscious Creation 3-Day Workshop: Master your ability to create a life you truly love living. This workshop shifts your energetic trajectory and point of attraction in every area that matters to you. Register here:
#33: How We Hold Ourselves Hostage
Feb 17 2023
#33: How We Hold Ourselves Hostage
My episode for you today is in relation to this special intensive experience that I've created.Before any creation happens, you have to own that you're in charge, you have to own your decision-making power to decide yes to what you are here to create.How people can come into that power? Their ability to make powerful decisions that create quantum leaps into their masterpiece life.Let me dive into an important thing that gets in the way of all of this.Being hostage from our true power. Hostage from the hope that the universe is trying to give us as it delivers the things that we want.We hold ourselves hostage from our power, from our universe's assistants, and from the results we want in a few simple ways.- By waiting for other people- Waiting for resultsHere's a preview of the episode:[2:22] Before any creation happens, you have to own that you're in charge, you have to own your decision-making power to decide yes to what you are here to create.[10:05] The only thing that you have to do ever is to learn to consciously create your being.[10:13] You get to be what you want to be just because you decide to be it[12:21] You get to be happy when you figure out that to be something, is an intrinsic process [12:43] Anything you want to be is an internal situation [12:49] when you decide to be something. that's something that happens all within you The only thing holding yourself hostage is YOU. The only thing that you have to do ever is to learn to consciously create your being. You get to be what you want to be just because you decide to be it.And when you just finally realize that you are in charge and you can decide to learn to be happy. This is what Quantum Being is about. You learn to take charge, you're in charge of how you're being.When you realize that you're in charge then that's the beginning of a journey to a thousand steps. So, go ahead. Start reclaiming your power now.Be the powerful being that you actually are.💫 👉🏼 Energetics of Success Masterclass: This free 90-minute class will give you a powerful methodology for attracting success - unlike anything you've learned before! Register here: ⭐️ 👉🏼 Conscious Creation 3-Day Workshop: Master your ability to create a life you truly love living. This workshop shifts your energetic trajectory and point of attraction in every area that matters to you. Register here:
#32: Actions Don't Produce Results
Feb 11 2023
#32: Actions Don't Produce Results
I am so excited about this episode because I love talking about action.The idea that your actions create your life is wildly incomplete. Action don't produce results exclusively, there's way more to the equation and that's what we're going to talk about.Here's the truth about action: Action helps you learn what works and what doesn't work. Action helps you develop skills. Out-of-alignment action is counterproductive. Aligned action facilitates (not produces) results.Another truth is, Out-of-alignment action is counterproductive. Aligned action facilitates (not produces) results.Here's a preview of the episode:[2:44] Action helps you learn what works and what doesn't work. Action helps you develop skills. Out-of-alignment action is counterproductive. Aligned action facilitates (not produces) results.[4:15] Out-of-alignment action is counterproductive. Aligned action facilitates (not produces) results.[6:17] Actions are a minor part of universal creation.[6:28] Results happen because the Universe (via law of attraction) brings together things that are an energetic match. Your actions are part of that energy, but not all of it.[10:03] People who take action and DO get results had one thing different: An aligned state of being.[10:28] Action is at the surface-most level of your state of being.[15:48] Your overall state of being is a vibe that matches the vibe of your desired results.[16:25] Actions help you clean up your vibe. Action can help you find your alignment. The law of attraction does the work that produces results as a response to your vibe. [17:34] Out-of-alignment action can create conflicting beliefs, worse emotions, and a more misaligned state of being.When you are in alignment, your inner state of being is congruent. Actions are a minor part of universal creation.This is why aligned action facilitates results: Results happen because the Universe (via law of attraction) brings together things that are an energetic match. Your actions are part of that energy, but not all of it.People who take action and DO get results had one thing different: An aligned state of being.Here's what lies beneath action: Emotions, Thoughts, Beliefs, IntentionAll of that makes up your entire state of being. To rendezvous with the external results that you want, you need alignment in your state of being.Your overall state of being is a vibe that matches the vibe of your desired results. Actions help you clean up your vibe. Action can help you find your alignment. The law of attraction does the work that produces results as a response to your vibe. Action is fun. When you're in alignment, the inspired action naturally follows. Find your inner alignment, and then take action on the inspired impulses you receive.When your take action on impulses that you know are inspired. Your life is gonna be so fun. You'll be the person enjoying the results you want.PS - did you get registered for the upcoming Masterpiece Life Masterclass? Save your spot HERE💫 👉🏼 Energetics of Success Masterclass: This free 90-minute class will give you a powerful methodology for attracting success - unlike anything you've learned before! Register here: ⭐️ 👉🏼 Conscious Creation 3-Day Workshop: Master your ability to create a life you truly love living. This workshop shifts your energetic trajectory and point of attraction in every area that matters to you. Register here:
#31: You Are In Charge of Everything
Feb 3 2023
#31: You Are In Charge of Everything
In this episode, we'll talk about a missing key that so many spiritual seekers are missing from their equation.That Gap is Masterpiece life goals. The things that are important to you to live your life experience.The steps to creating your masterpiece life:1.  Dream big according to your masterpiece life desires- The big desire is to actually to live through those manifested results 2. Decide YES to what you're dreaming up You don't want them to be goals but you want the to be results that you get to enjoy and experience. 3. Let the universe piece it all together -Being the person who has the manifested resultsBefore you can create masterpiece manifestations (or your masterpiece life), you must accept that you are in charge of everything. Some mental health professionals disagree with this level of accountability. You always choose your focus. Your focus determines your energy and emotions.Here's a preview of the episode:[5:12] Before you can create masterpiece manifestations (or your masterpiece life), you must accept that you are in charge of everything.[6:48] You always choose your focus. Your focus determines your energy and emotions.[8:20] The only limitations that are real for you are the ones you decide are your limitation.[8:46] You live in an unlimited universe, filled with pure potentiality. The Universe has the capacity to deliver it to you in perfect harmony.[9:14] You can have many desires, many things that matter to you, and if you think that those desires contradict each other, that's only true to you because you've made it true for you.[9:30] the universe is the perfect weaver of everything[16:28] Be the state of being internally, energetically an inspired action follows and the universe orchestrates those things[19:00] The only person in charge of your entire life is you.The only limitations that are real for you are the ones you decide are your limitation.You live in an unlimited universe, filled with pure potentiality. The Universe has the capacity to deliver it to you in perfect harmony. You can have many desires, many things that matter to you, and if you think that those desires contradict each other, that's only true to you because you've made it true for yourself.Are you deciding yes to your dreams or yes to your limitations?You are in charge of everything in your life. Any limitation that you bought into is only true because you continue to decide it's true.This power to decide that you are in charge, the power to say yes to what matters to you is a power that many people have but not all people recognize them.Be the person who is in charge of you. You always choose your focus, energy, belief,  thoughts, and inner state of being.Don't be in charge of outcomes or HOW things happen. Be in charge of your focus. Focus on what you want and focus on feeling good. Then let the Universe arrange things around you accordingly.**********************************************************************************Join me in this wonderful experience of learning to take charge and, making powerful decisions that create quantum leaps into your masterpiece life. Visit 💫 👉🏼 Energetics of Success Masterclass: This free 90-minute class will give you a powerful methodology for attracting success - unlike anything you've learned before! Register here: ⭐️ 👉🏼 Conscious Creation 3-Day Workshop: Master your ability to create a life you truly love living. This workshop shifts your energetic trajectory and point of attraction in every area that matters to you. Register here:
#30: Don't Justify Your Way Out of What is No Longer for You
Jan 27 2023
#30: Don't Justify Your Way Out of What is No Longer for You
This episode is all about learning how to not justify your way out of what is no longer for you but instead embrace what is for you.Justifying your way out of things is how the average human being makes changes in their lives but it makes change unnecessarily difficult.When something is no longer for you, justifying your way out just adds unnecessary hardship. Don’t justify your way out of something that’s no longer for you. Just move into what is for you. Here is a preview of the episode:[3:41] Justifying your way out of things is how the average human being makes changes in their lives but it makes change unnecessarily difficult.[5:39] When something is no longer for you, justifying your way out just adds unnecessary hardship, instead why don't you just move into what's right for you.[8:13] When you look at your life and there is a situation that is no longer serving you and you need to make a change, it's the same thing here, as long as you are pushing against what you don't want, you're only locking yourself into what you don't want.[8:29] There's a night-and-day difference between justifying your way out of something unwanted VS embracing something that you do want[9:39] Justification feels like the need to control, the need to be right, the defensiveness.[12:49] Learn the feeling of leaning into what matters to you. It feels like interest, intrigue, and curiosity.When you look at your life and there is a situation that is no longer serving you and you need to make a change. As long as you are pushing against what you don't want, you're only locking yourself into what you don't want.Justifying is energetically pushing against something. Law of Attraction brings you more of what you don't want if you're pushing against it. There's a night-and-day difference between justifying your way out of something unwanted VS embracing something that you do want. Justification feels like...        - Control (being right)        - Dominion over others        - Dominion over situations        - Resistance (frustration, impatience, anger, The goal here is to be able to make decisions about what's best for you without justifying it. simply because you can say yes to what you like and yes to what matters to you.Learn the feeling of leaning into what matters to you. It feels like...        - Interest        - Intrigue        - Curiosity        - Relief        - Eager anticipation        - Happiness, etc.As you go forward, be aware of the difference, Anytime you catch yourself justifying your way out of something, pause step back, and from neutrality, where would you want to lean into? Let that be how you make choices to change your life for the better.💫 👉🏼 Energetics of Success Masterclass: This free 90-minute class will give you a powerful methodology for attracting success - unlike anything you've learned before! Register here: ⭐️ 👉🏼 Conscious Creation 3-Day Workshop: Master your ability to create a life you truly love living. This workshop shifts your energetic trajectory and point of attraction in every area that matters to you. Register here: