Business Psychos Podcast

Business Psychos

Mary is a corporate change management executive; Katie's built revenue teams worldwide in high-growth tech. Their professional backgrounds couldn't be more different.  Join Katie and Mary in navigating the complexity of corporate culture and modern life without becoming a psycho. They discuss the things that are making you grind your teeth and lay awake at 2 am, sharing mental wellness tips while making fun of the absurdity of it all, changing the game, and laughing our way through surviving it. New episodes every Monday

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Episode Eight - Authenticity at Work
Episode Eight - Authenticity at Work
In this episode, Mary and Katie discuss the concept of authenticity in the workplace. They explore the idea that authenticity is not about expressing every thought and emotion, but rather about aligning with one's larger values and brokering self-expression in a way that serves those values. They also discuss the potential risks and trade-offs of being authentic at work, including the need to make concessions and regulate emotions. The episode highlights the importance of emotional regulation, self-awareness, and professional maturity in navigating authenticity in the workplace. The conversation explores the concept of authenticity in the workplace and its implications for individuals and organizations. It highlights the trade-offs and challenges of being authentic, as well as the need for self-awareness and accountability. The discussion also touches on the cultural shifts and expectations surrounding authenticity, and the importance of maintaining healthy boundaries between personal and professional lives. The conversation concludes with recommendations for individuals and companies to consider when navigating authenticity in the workplace.TakeawaysAuthenticity in the workplace is about aligning with one's larger values and brokering self-expression in a way that serves those values.Being authentic at work may require making concessions and regulating emotions to effectively function and connect within relationships and groups.Authenticity does not mean expressing every thought and emotion, but rather understanding and contextualizing them within a larger picture.There are trade-offs and potential risks associated with being authentic at work, including the need to balance self-expression with professional expectations and goals.Emotional regulation, self-awareness, and professional maturity are important in navigating authenticity in the workplace. Authenticity in the workplace requires self-awareness and accountability.Being authentic may lead to polarized reactions from others, and it's impossible to please everyone.It's important to recognize the separate social norms around work and professionalism.Individuals should find a job that aligns with their true selves and not try to fit their authentic self into an old environment.Companies should consider authenticity as part of their overall strategy and evaluate it through data and metrics.Clear expectations and consistent messaging are crucial when implementing authenticity initiatives in organizations.Keywordsauthenticity, workplace, values, self-expression, emotional regulation, concessions, professional maturity, authenticity, workplace, trade-offs, self-awareness, accountability, cultural shifts, healthy boundaries
Episode Seven - Ageism
1w ago
Episode Seven - Ageism
In this episode, Mary and Katie discuss ageism in the workplace. They share their own backgrounds and experiences before diving into the definition of ageism and its prevalence in the workforce. They explore the challenges faced by older workers, including discrimination, limited job opportunities, and cultural bias. They also discuss the impact of ageism on financial security and mental health. The hosts provide practical advice for employees, such as evaluating professional options, saving and spending wisely, and continuously updating skills. They also suggest strategies for organizations to combat ageism, including integrating age into workforce planning, training recruiters and hiring managers on generational considerations, and tracking age-related metrics in diversity and inclusion programs.TakeawaysAgeism is a prevalent issue in the workplace, particularly for older workers who face discrimination and limited job opportunities.Cultural bias and the perception of a lack of adaptability are common reasons for ageism in hiring decisions.Employees should continuously evaluate their professional options, save and spend wisely, and update their skills to stay competitive in the job market.Organizations can combat ageism by integrating age into workforce planning, training recruiters and hiring managers on generational considerations, and tracking age-related metrics in diversity and inclusion programs.Keywordsageism, workplace, discrimination, older workers, job opportunities, cultural bias, financial security, mental health, skills, workforce planning, diversity and inclusion
Episode Four - Growth Mindset
May 6 2024
Episode Four - Growth Mindset
In this episode, Mary and Katie discuss the concept of growth mindset and its implications for individuals in the corporate world. They explore how the definition of growth mindset can vary depending on one's role and context, and how it relates to the changing landscape of employment. They also discuss the challenges faced by employees in adapting to new roles and acquiring new skills, as well as the importance of self-reflection and personal growth in navigating career transitions. The conversation highlights the need for individuals to continuously assess their value in the workforce and take ownership of their learning and development. In this conversation, Katie and Mary reflect on the episode they just recorded and discuss their process and growth. They talk about the importance of being mindful and empathetic when hiring and firing employees, the challenges of workforce management, and the differences in labor laws between the US and Europe. They also touch on the complexities of taxes and the need for self-care and self-awareness in their work. Overall, they express excitement and pride in their podcast and the progress they have made.TakeawaysGrowth mindset is the belief that a person's abilities can be improved through effort, learning, and persistence.The concept of growth mindset can vary depending on one's role and context in the corporate world.Employees are accountable for continually assessing their value in the workforce and acquiring the skills necessary to adapt to changing market needs.Career transitions require self-reflection, curiosity, and a willingness to challenge prior ways of thinking.Personal growth and professional growth are intertwined, and individuals should focus on what brings out the best version of themselves. Being mindful and empathetic when hiring and firing employees is crucialWorkforce management is often overlooked and can lead to challengesLabor laws differ between the US and Europe, impacting hiring and firing practicesTaxes can be complex and require careful planning and managementSelf-care and self-awareness are important in the workplaceThe hosts are proud of their podcast and the progress they have made
Episode Three - Performance Cultures
Apr 29 2024
Episode Three - Performance Cultures
In this conversation, Katie and Mary discuss the concept of performance and culture in the workplace. They explore the different types of cultures, including high-performing toxic cultures, low-performing healthy cultures, and high-performing healthy cultures. They also touch on the importance of self-knowledge and finding a work environment that aligns with one's values and goals. In this part of the conversation, Katie and Mary discuss the importance of establishing values and cultural fit in the hiring process. They also touch on the challenges of nepotism and politics in organizations. They emphasize the need for accountability and responsibility in a high-performing culture. They conclude the conversation by discussing the importance of evaluating one's own values and priorities when considering a work environment.TakeawaysHigh-performing cultures can be vague and often lack clear definitions.Toxic cultures may prioritize revenue and attract politically savvy individuals, but they can be detrimental to mental and physical health.Low-performing healthy cultures, like Dunder Mifflin from The Office, can provide a comfortable and enjoyable work environment.High-performing healthy cultures are innovative and competitive, but they may not be suitable for everyone.Finding a work environment that aligns with one's values and goals is crucial for long-term satisfaction and success. Establishing values and cultural fit is crucial in the hiring processNepotism and politics can be challenges in organizationsAccountability and responsibility are key in a high-performing cultureEvaluate your own values and priorities when considering a work environmentKeywordsperformance, culture, workplace, high-performing, toxic, healthy, self-knowledge, values, values, cultural fit, hiring process, soft skills, nepotism, politics, high-performing culture, accountability, responsibility
Episode One - Meet The Psychos
Apr 13 2024
Episode One - Meet The Psychos
In the first episode of Business Psychos, hosts Katie Bickford and Mary Schaub discuss the intersection of personal and professional life. They reflect on their own journey of personal and professional growth over the past 15 years and the challenges they faced in reconciling their desires for fulfillment and success. They emphasize the privileges and opportunities that come with professional life, while also acknowledging the need for authenticity and the struggle to navigate the complexities of personal and professional identity. The hosts introduce the purpose of the podcast, which is to explore these topics and provide a space for open and honest conversations. They invite the audience to participate and share their own experiences and questions. Throughout the episode, they touch on themes such as shame, mental health in the workplace, and the importance of vulnerability and intimacy in relationships. In this conversation, Mary and Katie discuss various aspects of navigating the corporate world. They explore the differences between introverts and extroverts in social settings and the challenges of team-building activities. They also share their experiences with expense reporting and the importance of integrity. The conversation delves into power dynamics, judgment, and the impact of quiet quitting and mediocrity in organizations. They discuss the game of corporate politics and the need for emotional intelligence. The conversation concludes with a reminder to understand the political and social games within organizations and to find a balance between personal and organizational goals.The intersection of personal and professional life is a complex and challenging space to navigate.Professional life offers privileges and opportunities for growth and fulfillment.Authenticity and vulnerability are crucial for personal and professional growth.The podcast aims to create a safe space for open and honest conversations about the challenges and opportunities of professional life. Understand and respect the different preferences and comfort levels of introverts and extroverts in social settings.Create meaningful team-building experiences that cater to the diverse needs and interests of team members.Maintain integrity in expense reporting and avoid unethical practices.Navigate power dynamics and judgment in the workplace by fostering open communication and building trust.Recognize the impact of quiet quitting and mediocrity on team performance and address underlying issues.Develop emotional intelligence to navigate corporate politics and build positive relationships.Be aware of the political and social games within organizations and find ways to optimize your situation.Balance personal and organizational goals to create a fulfilling and successful career in the corporate world.