Delivery Diaries: The Podcast

Delivery Diaries, LLC

Hi! My name is Brandy Breth. I'm the founder of Delivery Diaries, a multi-platform content company dedicated to sharing our prenatal, birth, and postpartum experiences whether through IVF, surrogacy adoption, home birth or cesarean. So, if you're thinking of having a baby, already have children or just want to be the most supportive auntie ever - join the conversation! Together with my dear friend and co-host, Flo Speakman, we're here at Delivery Diaries: The Podcast to be curious, connect, and inform while also providing a sense of community through storytelling, so that no one feels alone on this family-making journey. Here are our Delivery Diaries.
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Two Cesarean Births, Screw The Breastfeeding Hierarchy & Meet Xavier The Xigua Melon
Apr 17 2024
Two Cesarean Births, Screw The Breastfeeding Hierarchy & Meet Xavier The Xigua Melon
This month of April is a special one. April is Cesarean Awareness Month and Black Maternal Health Week, spanning from April 11th through April 17th. Given the alarming rise in black maternal mortality rates in our nation, there's an urgent need to emphasize celebration, awareness-raising, activism, and the voices of Black Mamas and birthing people. It seemed fitting to continue Season 2 episodes featuring Shardae Webb. Shardae, who has experienced two successful cesarean deliveries with her daughters, took deliberate steps to have her black sister-in-law, who is also a nurse, serve as her advocate and be an integral part of her support network. Shardae also opens up about her challenges with breastfeeding her first daughter and recounts how her husband improvised a makeshift feeding tube like MacGyver. She delves into the concept of a breastfeeding hierarchy and reflects on how she turned this negative stigma into a baby food business, Muva Munch. And she went on to create Webbd Publishing Company and self-published her first children's book, I See Me in the ABCs. Both endeavors were inspired by her daughters to teach them the value of nutrition and to see themselves in the literary  platform. In the end of the day she emphasizes the importance of mothers doing what's best for their children and family regardless of societal pressures.You can purchase the book directly from her publishing company's website belowWebsite:
Closing Out Filipino American History Month: Ask Dr. Abby, Fil-Am Mom, 3 Kids, Breaking Generational Patterns, Spicy BBQ, a Cuban Sandwich & Olive Garden Bread Sticks
Oct 28 2022
Closing Out Filipino American History Month: Ask Dr. Abby, Fil-Am Mom, 3 Kids, Breaking Generational Patterns, Spicy BBQ, a Cuban Sandwich & Olive Garden Bread Sticks
Mabuhuy! Greetings!We are closing out Filipino American History Month with a special guest, a Filipino American mother who I grew up with in Tampa Bay, FL., Ate Abby or should we say Dr. Abby Loreto Hamilton.  Dr. Abby is an Industrial/Organizational Psychologist and a Speaker on Unconscious Bias, Assertiveness & Emotional Intelligence. She’s a mom of three kids, all grown up now, yet she makes sure they are not seeking ‘mommy points’ from her and are living happy and empowered lives.In this episode we talk about non-medicated births, how each kid represented a special food and we break down the generational patterns that work and the ones that no longer serve us on this experience of modern motherhood. Dr. Abby lays it all out on the table. Get ready to pee your pants from laughter and listen to what Dr. Abby means when she talks about ‘poop on a podcast’. Follow Her:Instagram: @abbyhamilton333YouTube Channel: Abby’s TEDx Talk Episodes: her books!- Speak Up, Anak: Assertiveness Strategies for Filipino Americans- Faith, Trust, and Pizza Crust: Finding God in Everyday ThingsNew episodes available every Thursday! FOLLOW US! You can also watch full podcast episodes here on our YouTube page. LIKE & SUBSCRIBE: contact us, message & follow us on:Instagram - @deliverydiaries
Honoring Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Overcoming Grief, Surviving a Postpartum Cancer Diagnosis & Miracle Milo
Oct 20 2022
Honoring Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Overcoming Grief, Surviving a Postpartum Cancer Diagnosis & Miracle Milo
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and we are recognizing all the mamas out there who are currently beating cancer, have survived it and to those who have lost the battle. In this episode we honor Elizabeth Anderson. She’s a painter and is currently an arbitration coordinator and family services administrative assistant at the Clark County Superior Court in Washington State.  Most importantly she’s a 20-year-breast-cancer-survivor. Flo introduces us to her friend, this amazing human being who has triumphed through most of life’s circumstances in two years than what people would have to go through in a lifetime: marriage, miscarriage, pregnancy, car accident, preeclampsia, c-section, her dad dying, brother-in-law dying, moving homes, cancer, lumpectomy, chemo and radiation treatment. Yet her motto was ‘Just keep swimming, just keep swimming’ If you or a loved one are going through something that seems unbearable to overcome than we invite you to listen to Elizabeth’s words of wisdom, yes, she has a checklist just for you. Through it all, she says, for her, cancer was a gift. She made peace with dying and celebrates each trip around the sun. Perhaps that why she was dubbed ‘a ray of sunshine’ in the episode. You’ll hear why. New episodes available every Thursday! FOLLOW US! You can also watch full podcast episodes here on our YouTube page. LIKE & SUBSCRIBE: contact us, message & follow us on:Instagram - @deliverydiaries
A Not-So Geriatric Pregnancy: From Miscarriage, Movies to Miracles and a Cameo From A Stay-At-Home-Dad
Oct 13 2022
A Not-So Geriatric Pregnancy: From Miscarriage, Movies to Miracles and a Cameo From A Stay-At-Home-Dad
We have a special episode for you all. Our one and only co-host, Flo Speakman, is sharing her Delivery Diary with us. She has gained a wealth of knowledge during her own family making journey and would like others to see what’s possible for themselves.   My friend, is a bad-ass, she's the COO, Chief Operations Officer, for an IT company and CRM consultancy, in another life she would have be a doula or mid-wife, but we decided that it's never too late to be her calling. So for now in this episode we get to hear her wisdom regarding being pregnant at 40 or what they say in the medical books: Geriatric Pregnancy, whatever. Braxton Hicks or false labor pains, pregnancy rhinitis, who knew what that was and the good ol' colostrum, or liquid gold that comes from breastfeeding.We hear about her and her husband, Sid's, resilience from their miscarriage to finding solace in the movies to expanding their family with their baby girl, Audrey. Not so baby anymore, she's a 12-years-old bad-ass too. We also get a peak into how Sid was the best birthing partner and cooked an unforgettable postpartum beef stir-fry that scared the shit out her. Flo believes nothing is perfect, no birth is perfect but being a little bit more prepared for any possibilities can get you closer to the birth experience you dreamed of or at least what was on that birth plan that you may as well throw out the window or at least label 'flexible'. Speaking of, check out her Birth Plan on our Instagram page. It's very detailed, ambitious with cute clip art and at least the nurses got a kick out it. New episodes available every Thursday! FOLLOW US! You can also watch full podcast episodes here on our YouTube page. LIKE & SUBSCRIBE: contact us, message & follow us on:Instagram - @deliverydiaries
Born Out of Love: Same-Sex Marriage, Two Filipinos Dads, an Egg Donor, a Surrogate, a NICU Baby & $200,000
Oct 6 2022
Born Out of Love: Same-Sex Marriage, Two Filipinos Dads, an Egg Donor, a Surrogate, a NICU Baby & $200,000
Creating a family doesn’t look a certain way. Which is why in today’s episode we have Mark and Jeff Angeles share their unique journey of creating their family especially being in a same sex marriage. Mark is an HIR Director and Jeff is a doctor, board certified in Internal Medicine, Geriatric Medicine, and Hospice & Palliative Medicine. They spent over $160,000 in making their family, in other words, creating their daughter, Margo.Their story is with filled endless possibilities, pride of their humble Filipino upbringing, resources around surrogacy and even how to navigate the legalities that same-sex couples have to face when making a baby. They provide so much detail and share why they want to inspire others or at least people who are in this journey of family making and know you can ‘experience the ups and downs of being a parent and all the good things it brings into you life’.PS: We had some first-time-podcast growing pains, in other words technical glitches. However, by the power of storytelling, we improvised at the end of the episode so you get to be apart of the authenticity with some laughs, teary eyes and dropped calls.  Check out their Good Morning America segment and article on how they created their family by getting into debt safely and some tips they share: are also featured in Business Insider where they share how money was never really talked about in their Filipino upbringing but as a couple they were able to create a new and empowering conversion around money to create their dream family: couple and surrogacy resources that Mark & Jeff provided in the episode. episodes available every Thursday! FOLLOW US! You can also watch full podcast episodes here on our YouTube page. LIKE & SUBSCRIBE: contact us, message & follow us on:Instagram - @deliverydiaries