When Gathering Light

Matt and Victoria

Join Matt and Victoria Gutbrod as they explore mental health, addiction, healing, change and other relevant topics through the lens of their true source of light, Jesus.

Music : "Up Ahead"
Artist : Greg Colbeck

Production Services Provided by : Akron Recording Company
Owner : Ben Patrick

“When Gathering Light” was the title of a book Matt wanted to write.  His plans to turn the title into a book was all along God’s plan for a Podcast. Turns out, this podcast is opening more space than what a book can contain, for us to collect stories honoring the healing essence of God’s light. The reality was and is that God has been shaping our life and marriage so that we could be in a creative space together. We believe that God cleared the debris from our lives so that we can serve Him in the way He desires.

This series of podcasts is our effort at being obedient and honoring God. We didn’t want a series that dumps information on the listener, rather we aimed for conversations with each other, as well as with guests. These are topics that we have discussed on car rides, Sunday mornings, during dark days and sometimes funny, crazy life circumstances. We pray that these dialogs reach the ears and minds that God Intended. We find the life of Christ to be centered on healing. His life was a universal message of compassion and mercy for the sick and the suffering, which is all of us. We hope that you find something in this series that speaks to your heart, and you are encouraged to begin or continue your journey of gathering light.


Victoria and Matt

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Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


WGL - Season 2: Episode 3 "Boy on the Run" Matt's Personal Account of Dissociation
Mar 18 2024
WGL - Season 2: Episode 3 "Boy on the Run" Matt's Personal Account of Dissociation
*Trigger Warning Episode about dissociation and complex PTSD Join Matt and Victoria as they dive into Matt's story of how dissociation protected him as a child and throughout his life.  Matt models the importance of story work as he unfolds for the listener his personal relationship with detaching from self so he could survive early trauma.  This protective barrier became second nature to him in adulthood, thus, negatively impacting our marriage and other aspects of his daily life.  Matt shares his journey of recovery and offers hope for anyone that has a personal relationship with dissociation.  Victoria walks alongside Matt in this episode as a spouse of a survivor and leans into the hard spaces they navigated in marriage.  Together, they desire to destigmatize the dissociative spectrum and how it's counter-parts amnesia, depersonalization, detachment, and derealization are parts that can be more known for healing of the soul-self.  Victoria and Matt incorporate their faith and personal relationship with Christ into the healing of their marriage.  Below are a few websites and resources for those wanting more information. There are many opinions and approaches when treating and understanding C-PTSD.  We encourage you to seek resources, counseling and support if you are personally impacted from trauma or are supporting a loved one with complex PTSD that is right for you.  Dr. Bessel van der Kolk "The Body Keeps the Score"Dr. Gabor Mate "When the Body Says No"Dr. Mike Lloyd  CTAD VIDEOS - Cheshire Psychology & The CTAD ClinicDr Jamie Marich "Dissociation Made Simple"