Black Girl Love

Kat Williams

"Black Girl Love" is the newest podcast featuring Black women who love. We will have conversations with other Black queer women about love, relationships, intimacy and everything in between and on the side. Expect discussions about issues such as race, gender, identity, and culture, as well as conversations about relationships, self-care, and personal growth. We will feature interviews with Black women from various walks of life, including activists, artists, entrepreneurs, and everyday people, while providing a platform for Black women to share their stories, perspectives, and insights. read less
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Black Girl Love - Episode 4
Mar 22 2023
Black Girl Love - Episode 4
On this weeks episode of Black Girl Love the Podcast, we talk about travel and racism, relationships and pruning those who don't serve you and just crappy people in general. As we all know, racism exists in all parts of the world, and it can be especially challenging for Black travelers who may encounter discrimination or prejudice while traveling. It's essential to research the places you plan to visit to ensure you are aware of any potential risks or challenges you may face. Additionally, it's important to stay vigilant and trust your instincts if you feel uncomfortable or unsafe. It's also a good idea to connect with local Black communities or organizations, as they can provide valuable insights and support. Relationships and Pruning Those Who Don't Serve You: One of the most important aspects of self-care is surrounding yourself with people who uplift and support you. It's essential to take stock of your relationships and evaluate whether they are positively contributing to your life or draining your energy. If you find that some relationships are not serving you, it's okay to let them go. It's important to communicate honestly and respectfully with the people involved, and to focus on creating healthy, supportive relationships moving forward. Unfortunately, we all encounter difficult or unpleasant people in our lives. One of the most effective ways to deal with them is to practice empathy and compassion, even if it's difficult. It's important to remember that everyone is fighting their own battles, and often, difficult behavior is a reflection of underlying struggles or pain. However, it's also important to set boundaries and prioritize your own well-being. If someone's behavior is consistently harmful or toxic, it's okay to distance yourself or seek outside support. --- Send in a voice message: