Dumpster Diving with Janice & Jane Podcast

Janice Case & Jane Doxey

Newly discovered half sisters (via 23 & Me), Janice & Jane, have a story to tell! Their relationship started with a couple of confusing messages on FB messenger, a zoom call, and an unexpected family reunion that had them cracking up, and bonding overnight! Janice & Jane may not look alike, but with their personalities, and mindset they are two peas in a podcast! They have a landfill of stories filled with family history, mystery, humor, drama, trauma, misunderstandings, loss, and new beginnings. Janice & Jane know that one family's trash is another's gain, and they are here to COACH you through it. Taking on one dumpster fire at a time, we promise you that we will laugh, cry, heal, and improve both personally and professionally. Join Janice & Jane on their 100% authentic journey building their relationship with each other and their new family - YOU and the rest of their listeners. Start your journey today by clicking play, and join us bi-weekly for a new topic, mindset reflections and shifts, and tools to help you gain awareness, accept what cannot be changed, challenge yourself, and find some treasures in your trash. read less
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Bridging the Gap: Unraveling Mental Health, Tackling Bullying, and Embracing Everyday Chaos
5d ago
Bridging the Gap: Unraveling Mental Health, Tackling Bullying, and Embracing Everyday Chaos
In today's episode we cast our spotlight on mental health. We're breaking down the walls surrounding mental health awareness, particularly for TEENS and WOMEN, and challenging the notion that adults are the sole gatekeepers of support. With personal tales and a fierce desire to change the conversation, we address the need for early warning signs, the power of peer support, and the diverse spectrum of women's mental health. Alongside these revelations, we'll share our future plans for workshops that promise to blend our expertise with real-world application.Rounding off our heartfelt exchange, we dive—no, not dive, we leap—into the complex world of bullying and its long-lasting impacts. Our experiences shed light on the importance of resilience and setting boundaries. We wrap up with a peek at the future of the podcast, as we eagerly anticipate bringing our unique blend of advice, anecdotes, and laughter to bespoke workshops designed for you, our dedicated dumpster-diving listeners. Tune in and join the movement for a more understanding and supportive world.Be sure to LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE, AND SHARE! And reach out with your story - we want to hear it! Message us at dumpsterdivejj@gmail.comSupport the Show.PLEASE READ CAREFULLY These Terms and Conditions apply to your use of Dumpster Diving with Janice and Jane Podcast. Your use of the Podcast is governed by these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions, please do not access the Podcast. See FULL Terms and Conditions Here.
FIRESIDE CHAT ALERT! Pet Peeves Unleashed: Tales of Tiny Triggers, Cleanup Chronicles, and Embracing Life's Quirks
Mar 18 2024
FIRESIDE CHAT ALERT! Pet Peeves Unleashed: Tales of Tiny Triggers, Cleanup Chronicles, and Embracing Life's Quirks
Ever been so annoyed by something small that you surprised yourself with the intensity of your reaction? That's where our latest episode takes off, hand in hand with our friend Kyle— a carpet cleaning maestro with a unique aversion to pet-pee-tainted footwear. This LOL discussion peels back the layers of those tiny triggers that set us off, revealing the personal histories that often shape our biggest pet peeves. From borrowed items that never return to personal space invaders, we share stories that'll have you nodding along and chuckling at the absurdity of it all.And we're not just griping; we're getting real about the emotional ties we have to our stuff and the societal norms that sometimes let litterbugs and loose shopping carts test our patience.And, as its prone to happen on our Fireside chat, the convo through our annoyances winds down with a sobering visit to the world of traumatic cleanup crews. We reflect on the heavy burdens some carry and the inspiring interactions that remind us to cherish the mundane. Don't keep us all to yourself—spread the joy and hilarity of our dumpster dive into the human psyche by sharing this episode. Trust us, your friends will thank you for the laughs and maybe even find a piece of themselves in our stories.Be sure to LIKE, SHARE, and FOLLOW on Spotify, Apple Podcast, and YouTube! Also - we want to hear your 23 and ME Story! Share it at dumpsterdivejj@gmail.com AND just maybe you'll get selected for the show!Support the Show.PLEASE READ CAREFULLY These Terms and Conditions apply to your use of Dumpster Diving with Janice and Jane Podcast. Your use of the Podcast is governed by these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions, please do not access the Podcast. See FULL Terms and Conditions Here.
Parenting at the Helm: Fostering Independence, Confidence, and Emotional Intelligence in Our Children’s Lives
Mar 17 2024
Parenting at the Helm: Fostering Independence, Confidence, and Emotional Intelligence in Our Children’s Lives
This episode we dig deeper into the realm of parenting styles. Building from our lawnmower to lighthouse parenting episode, we unravel the delicate art of balancing protection with independence, and how these choices shape our children's confidence and emotional intelligence.We explore how our parenting approach is sending silent signals to your kids about their own abilities. The truth is that the echoes of our actions resonate far beyond the immediate moment. We talk about shifting from hovering over every decision to guiding with a light touch, all while supporting our children's personal growth. Join us as we share tales of emotional intelligence that highlight the profound impact parenting has on a child's ability to navigate life's complexities - from the playground to the boardroom.And for parents out there feeling the weight of responsibility, or simply seeking validation that they're on the right track, this conversation is for you. We share heartfelt advice, personal reflections, and the courage to admit our own parenting missteps. Whether your child is taking their first steps or stepping out into the adult world, our stories, like that of our listener Rose, offer comfort that it's never too late to strengthen the bonds with your children and celebrate their unique journey.Be sure to SHARE, FOLLOW, and SUBSCRIBE and go watch us on YOUTUBE!Have a story to share? Email us a dumpsterdivejj@gmail.com We want to interview you!Support the Show.PLEASE READ CAREFULLY These Terms and Conditions apply to your use of Dumpster Diving with Janice and Jane Podcast. Your use of the Podcast is governed by these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions, please do not access the Podcast. See FULL Terms and Conditions Here.
Journeys in parenting: Rose Chang's Perspective on Letting Go and Holding On
Mar 3 2024
Journeys in parenting: Rose Chang's Perspective on Letting Go and Holding On
Have you ever felt the tug-of-war between nurturing your child's independence and the instinct to take the reins? Our friend, Rose Chang, scientist, entrepreneur, and mother, joins us to share her riveting journey through the intricate maze of modern parenting. Together, we peel back the layers of laughter, tears, and the invaluable lessons learned along the way.Having just navigated the college application process with her high school senior, we discuss the tightrope walk of supporting our children's educational endeavors without succumbing to the obsession of online grade tracking or imposing our own collegiate aspirations. Our candid conversation reveals the emotional rollercoaster of ensuring our kids are prepared for adulthood, while still allowing them room to stumble, learn, and grow.Wrapping up, we consider the subtle influences of our own upbringings on our parenting styles and confront the societal pressures to define success for our children. Rose's stories of balancing the demands of raising a teenager with the responsibilities of a clinical research consultancy during a pandemic will resonate with anyone juggling multiple roles. Whether your kiddos are 2, 12, or 17, this episode will build your thinking!Be sure to listen on Apple Podcasts/Spotify OR watch on YouTube! While you're there, LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE and SHARE with your networks!Support the Show.PLEASE READ CAREFULLY These Terms and Conditions apply to your use of Dumpster Diving with Janice and Jane Podcast. Your use of the Podcast is governed by these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions, please do not access the Podcast. See FULL Terms and Conditions Here.
23 and Me Connections: Uncle Bruce's Tales, Unexpected Kinship, and Embracing Our Dynamic Family Tapestry
Feb 4 2024
23 and Me Connections: Uncle Bruce's Tales, Unexpected Kinship, and Embracing Our Dynamic Family Tapestry
Uncle Bruce joins us and opens up the family album, taking us down a road well-traveled by memories, laughter, and the occasional tear.  Bruce's narrative doesn't skip a beat; he paints a vivid picture of our roots, the deep connections he has with his brothers, and the challenging dynamics between he and our bio dad, Kurt.A summer gig at a tomato packing plant might seem ordinary until you hear about the unexpected camaraderie that emerged amidst racial segregation, which Bruce recounts with the kind of detail that makes you feel the humidity in the air. Our conversation then takes a turn to honor the remarkable women in our lives - from the theater-loving matriarch who faced adversity with a song in her heart, to the grandmother whose dance steps told stories of love, sacrifice, and strength. Their tales aren't just our heritage; they're an anthem for anyone who's faced the odds with grace and tenacity.As the curtain falls on this episode, we get Bruce's perspective on being united with his daughter, Dena, who met in earlier episodes.Our 23 and Me origin just keeps giving and giving. Be sure to listen to be a part of the saga!LIKE, SHARE, SUBSCRIBE and watch on YouTube!dumpsterdivejj@gmail.comSupport the Show.PLEASE READ CAREFULLY These Terms and Conditions apply to your use of Dumpster Diving with Janice and Jane Podcast. Your use of the Podcast is governed by these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions, please do not access the Podcast. See FULL Terms and Conditions Here.
Healing, Hope, and the Heroes Among Us: Anne's Story
Jan 27 2024
Healing, Hope, and the Heroes Among Us: Anne's Story
When darkness overshadows your path, the journey to light can be an odyssey that demands both perseverance and the courage to speak your truth. This is the very essence of our latest conversation with Janice's sister-by-choice, Anne, whose life epitomizes the struggle and eventual triumph over the ghosts of trauma. Together, we peel back the curtain on our intertwined stories, revealing the gritty reality of childhood abuse, the battle with alcoholism, and the saving grace of education and career stability that steered us towards a horizon of hope.Anne's narrative is not just a chronicle of survival; it's a blueprint for reclaiming joy and success from the jaws of adversity. Our discussion uncovers the nuanced layers of memory, emphasizing its pivotal role in healing, while confronting the sheer resilience required to keep seeking help despite being turned away. We celebrate the unsung heroes in our lives—those teachers and friends whose small acts of kindness became the pillars upon which we rebuilt our world. Their influence stands as a testament to the life-altering power of compassion and understanding.Finally, we walkthrough the value of intelligence, intuition, and situational awareness in surmounting the hurdles of a troubled past. By embracing a growth mindset and the tenacity to set goals, we underscore the importance of moving forward, not as victims of our past but as architects of our future.Be sure to LIKE, SHARE, & SUBSCRIBE.  Oh, and go find us on Youtube as well!Got a story to share? Send us a note at dumpsterdivejj@gmail.com or grab some time to chat here: https://calendly.com/janicecase/dumpster-dive-engagementsSupport the Show.PLEASE READ CAREFULLY These Terms and Conditions apply to your use of Dumpster Diving with Janice and Jane Podcast. Your use of the Podcast is governed by these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions, please do not access the Podcast. See FULL Terms and Conditions Here.
Reflecting on a Year of Growth: Family Discoveries, Driving Lessons, and Embracing the Journey Ahead
Jan 9 2024
Reflecting on a Year of Growth: Family Discoveries, Driving Lessons, and Embracing the Journey Ahead
As the calendar turns a fresh page, we're not just stepping into a new year, but also pausing to savor the stories that shaped the last one. Join us on a heartfelt journey through the highs and lows of the inaugural year of Dumpster Diving with Janice & Jane - a year where we not only juggled the chaos of daily life but also celebrated the triumphs, like hitting our goal of 28 podcast episodes. We also celebrate our listeners, who've stuck with us every step of the way.Laughter has been our saving grace, providing balance against the backdrop of more serious discussions, like teaching our teenage daughters to navigate the roads (and life) behind the wheel. We share those palm-sweating, heart-racing tales of driving lessons gone awry, and the unexpected camaraderie found in the aftermath of a Starbucks drive-thru scare. Reflect with us on the past, join in our anticipation for an incredible year ahead, and remember, no matter the detours, we're in this ride together.Be sure to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, and SHARE. Don't forget - we are on YOUTUBE now!Contact us at dumpsterdivejj@gmail.com with your ideas and stories!Support the Show.PLEASE READ CAREFULLY These Terms and Conditions apply to your use of Dumpster Diving with Janice and Jane Podcast. Your use of the Podcast is governed by these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions, please do not access the Podcast. See FULL Terms and Conditions Here.
Holiday Havoc and Heartfelt Moments: Tales of Party Follies, Family Legacies, and Finding Joy in the Chaos
Jan 3 2024
Holiday Havoc and Heartfelt Moments: Tales of Party Follies, Family Legacies, and Finding Joy in the Chaos
The holidays may be over but we can still reminisce! Our latest episode is an adventure through the festive season, where we share not only our personal mishaps but also invite you to join in the laughter. We kick things off with a dose of humor, discussing the subtle art of wine glass measurement lines and the familiar frenzy of preparing Santa's bounty. But it's not all chuckles and wine; we're cracking open the door to the more secretive, cringe-worthy office party moments that everyone has but few dare to recount.Strap in as we take an emotional detour, navigating the complexities of family legacies and the choices that define us. We get real about the competitive spirit we've inherited and the resilience it's fostered, wrestling with the shadows of mental illness while celebrating the power of a positive outlook. Concluding our festive journey, we contrast the spectrum of holiday parties – from the subdued to the downright cinematic – and share tales that are just waiting to become legendary.  Join us as we celebrate the milestones of our podcast and look ahead to the stories that will shape our next episodes.Contact us at dumpsterdivejj@gmail.comSupport the Show.PLEASE READ CAREFULLY These Terms and Conditions apply to your use of Dumpster Diving with Janice and Jane Podcast. Your use of the Podcast is governed by these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions, please do not access the Podcast. See FULL Terms and Conditions Here.
Episode 28: Navigating the Festivities: Managing Holiday Stress, Embracing Personal Traditions, and Knowing Your Boundaries with Guest JP Reynolds
Dec 3 2023
Episode 28: Navigating the Festivities: Managing Holiday Stress, Embracing Personal Traditions, and Knowing Your Boundaries with Guest JP Reynolds
Ever felt like the holiday season is more stressful than it needs to be? We've been there too. We invited our special guest, JP Reynolds, back on our show, Dumpster Diving with Janice and Jane, to chat about navigating family dynamics, handling holiday expectations, and setting boundaries during this often chaotic season. We get candid about our own experiences and talk about how to create meaningful holiday rituals and traditions to maintain sanity amidst the holiday frenzy.JP shares his unique family experiences, providing a fresh perspective on dealing with holiday stress. Together, we discuss our personal rituals that give us a sense of grounding and encourage listeners to think about what makes their holiday season special.  Truth is, it's okay to break away from societal norms and focus on what truly matters to you. From discussing the pressure of achieving the 'perfect' holiday to emphasizing the need for setting personal boundaries, we cover it all.Join us as we laugh, share stories, and offer strategies to help you sail through the holiday season with grace and humor. We promise it'll be worth your while. So, get comfortable and prepare to see the holidays in a whole new light.Learn more about JP: https://www.jpboc.com/Reach out to Janice & Jane: dumpsterdivejj@gmail.comSupport the Show.PLEASE READ CAREFULLY These Terms and Conditions apply to your use of Dumpster Diving with Janice and Jane Podcast. Your use of the Podcast is governed by these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions, please do not access the Podcast. See FULL Terms and Conditions Here.
Episode 27: From Thanksgiving Tensions to Christmas Clashes: A Guide to Holiday Family Dynamics
Nov 19 2023
Episode 27: From Thanksgiving Tensions to Christmas Clashes: A Guide to Holiday Family Dynamics
You can't choose your family....or can you?? As we gear up for the holiday season, we are flipping the script on the mindset that we have to tolerate ugliness and/or drama in the name of family. We've all been there - the holiday gatherings that seem more like battlegrounds than joyous reunions. From Thanksgiving dramas to Christmas conflicts, we've packed this episode with real-life stories, practical advice, and strategies to help you navigate and survive the holiday family dynamics. Ever encountered that 'dog and pony show' of family interrogation and snide remarks at a family holiday gathering? Or maybe you're a parent, anxious about how to ensure your child's comfort and safety amidst the revelry and potential dysfunction. Take a deep breath - we've got you covered! This episode is full of insights and suggestions to help you manage these tricky situations. We discuss everything from conflict management, the power of choice, to equipping your kids with a concrete plan to handle uncomfortable situations.Lastly, we don't just want you to survive the holidays; we want you to ENJOY them! We wrap this episode with a focus on mindfulness, personal care, and conflict resolution strategies. We shed light on the importance of taking care of oneself, taking a break, and even employing humor to maintain relationships. We're planning a holiday season filled with more joy and less drama. So join us, and let's make this holiday season the best one yet!Have a story to share - email us at dumpsterdivejj@gmail.com Be sure to like, share and subscribe...oh, and go find us on YOUTUBE if you want to watch instead of listen!Support the Show.PLEASE READ CAREFULLY These Terms and Conditions apply to your use of Dumpster Diving with Janice and Jane Podcast. Your use of the Podcast is governed by these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions, please do not access the Podcast. See FULL Terms and Conditions Here.
Episode 26: Navigating the Intricacies: Blended Families, Relationships, and Children's Emotional Needs
Nov 5 2023
Episode 26: Navigating the Intricacies: Blended Families, Relationships, and Children's Emotional Needs
How you can find the harmony between your busy life and nurturing a relationship, while ensuring your children's emotional needs are met? Do you struggle with the thought of blending families, and how that affects your children's lives? Join us as we tackle these dilemmas head-on, as we navigate through personal experiences, share insights, and offer practical advice.The episode takes off with an intimate reflection on Jane's daughter's 18th birthday, a moment that made her realize the importance of not rushing into a new chapter without ensuring that everyone is on board. We also discuss the challenges and dynamics of blended families. This is not just about our personal experiences, but a shared journey as we find ways to set clear expectations, ensure inclusivity, and ultimately create a home that caters to everyone.We take a deep dive into the realms of co-parenting and the significance it has when entering a relationship. The conversation is sparked with insights drawn from Janice's background as an educator and personal experiences, as she shares how introducing a new person into her family unit was carefully navigated with her daughters’ love and protection in mind. We are here to share, learn, and offer advice on how you can manage future relationships, prioritize your children's emotional responses, and set boundaries that can help create a successful blended family. Tune in, as we embark on this emotional roller-coaster ride together.Be sure to LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE/FOLLOW. AND - join us on YOUTUBE to see our very real faces:))Got a story to share? Email us at dumpsterdivejj@gmail.comSupport the Show.PLEASE READ CAREFULLY These Terms and Conditions apply to your use of Dumpster Diving with Janice and Jane Podcast. Your use of the Podcast is governed by these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions, please do not access the Podcast. See FULL Terms and Conditions Here.
Episode 25: Unraveling Self-Care: From Spa Days to Tattoos & Everything in Between
Oct 24 2023
Episode 25: Unraveling Self-Care: From Spa Days to Tattoos & Everything in Between
Ready to redefine your understanding of self-care? This enlightening conversation challenges the misconception that self-care equates to indulgence, as we explore the evolution of this once-taboo topic. We take a deep-dive into the multifaceted dimensions of self-care, emphasizing how it can be as simple as spending quality time with loved ones or reserving five precious minutes for yourself. Dive deeper into the episode as we expose the intersection of self-care and positive self-expression. Whether it's through creative projects, tattoos or piercings, we illuminate how self-care serves as a platform for expressing our unique identities. Rediscover the power of tattoos as a medium for self-care and positive self-expression, and how it can offer a sense of home, identity, and therapeutic benefits. Join us in this captivating discussion as we delve into numerous ways self-care can be seamlessly incorporated into our daily lives. Be it yoga, prayer, maintaining gratitude journals or adopting healthy eating habits, we highlight how such acts can significantly enhance our well-being. Listen as we stress the importance of caring for our bodies to ensure a vibrant and active lifestyle in the future. So, tune in and embark on a transformative journey as we unravel the world of self-care.  Need help taking the leap - email us at dumpsterdivejj@gmail.com for help!Be sure to LIKE, SHARE, AND FOLLOW/SUBSCRIBE!AND go find us on YOUTUBE too!Support the Show.PLEASE READ CAREFULLY These Terms and Conditions apply to your use of Dumpster Diving with Janice and Jane Podcast. Your use of the Podcast is governed by these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions, please do not access the Podcast. See FULL Terms and Conditions Here.
Episode 24: Eerie Encounters and Empathic Explorations: A Journey Beyond the Physical
Oct 13 2023
Episode 24: Eerie Encounters and Empathic Explorations: A Journey Beyond the Physical
Are you a soul who deeply resonates with the emotions of others? Join us we kick off the spooky season with a fascinating journey as we delve into the realm of empaths and the unique connection they share with the paranormal. As one who personally identifies as an empath, Jane helps us unravel the curtain of what it truly means to be one. From the powerful ability to build emotional connections to the traits that distinguish empaths, we explore it all. We even share a chuckle over the hilarious TV show, 'What We Do In The Shadows.' As the autumn winds blow and the spooky season of October sets in, we cozy up with eerie tales that are sure to send chills down your spine. From uncanny premonitions to eerie happenings in old houses, we recount our favorite ghost stories. And who knows? As we discuss a certain mischievous ghost from a two-bedroom home in Phoenix, Arizona, we might even have a spectral visitor on the show. We reference popular reality shows exploring paranormal activities, and contemplate the concept of energy transformation, adding a touch of intrigue to our tales.Lastly, we delve into the mysterious enigma of reincarnation and life after death. Are we living multiple lives? Could our time on earth be our "hell"? Such thought-provoking questions lead us into an introspective discourse on the concept of reincarnation. We share personal anecdotes, including a touching story about Jane's daughter Genevieve, and the uncanny traits she shares with her late grandmother Doxy. Our episode culminates with the chilling story of a young man, Vaughn, providing a compelling exploration of the empath's journey. So, pull up a chair, get comfortable at the fireside, and join us for a captivating blend of empathy, eerie tales, and enlightening discussions.Send us YOUR ghost story to: dumpsterdivejj@gmail.com - we'll share it on an upcoming Halloween episode!Be sure to LIKE, SHARE, AND FOLLOW/SUBSCRIBE!AND go find us on YOUTUBE too!Support the Show.PLEASE READ CAREFULLY These Terms and Conditions apply to your use of Dumpster Diving with Janice and Jane Podcast. Your use of the Podcast is governed by these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions, please do not access the Podcast. See FULL Terms and Conditions Here.
Episode 23: From History to Advocacy: A LGBTQIA Chat with Trans Jedi
Oct 8 2023
Episode 23: From History to Advocacy: A LGBTQIA Chat with Trans Jedi
Join us as we delve into a series of deeply impactful conversations with Chris, better known as Trans Jedi on TikTok. With his insights illuminated by his experiences as a historian, atheist, and most importantly, as a staunch advocate for trans rights, we traverse the landscape of the LGBTQIA community. We also explore Chris's personal life, revealing his first meeting with Janice, and giving you a unique peek into his world beyond advocacy. In the face of sobering statistics and heart-wrenching realities, we tackle the urgent issue of high suicide rates among LGBTQIA youth. With the help of an expert in the field, we shed light on the detrimental effects of anti-trans laws on trans youth and the life-saving influence of support groups like the Trevor Project. Our goal is to spark a conversation about the pressing need for empathy and understanding. The episode concludes with an examination of the complexities of gender and sexuality, as we strive to debunk common misconceptions and mislabelling. We challenge the fear-driven rhetoric that fuels harmful laws against trans youth and the role religion often plays in this narrative. Education, we believe, is key in bridging generational gaps and fostering acceptance. So, buckle up for an enlightening journey through the intricacies of the LGBTQIA community, peppered with laughter, unexpected cult references, and Chris’s invaluable insights. This is one conversation you won't want to miss!Reach out to dumpsterdivejj@gmail.com with your stories or for help!Be sure to LIKE, SHARE, AND FOLLOW/SUBSCRIBE!AND go find us on YOUTUBE too!Support the Show.PLEASE READ CAREFULLY These Terms and Conditions apply to your use of Dumpster Diving with Janice and Jane Podcast. Your use of the Podcast is governed by these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions, please do not access the Podcast. See FULL Terms and Conditions Here.
Episode 22: Hope Amidst Despair: A Candid Discussion on Teen Mental Health
Oct 6 2023
Episode 22: Hope Amidst Despair: A Candid Discussion on Teen Mental Health
Suicide Prevention Month is over....but the issue is a constant every single day.In the dark corners of our lives, where our secrets and fears lurk, we find suicide, a topic that is often shrouded in mystery, taboo, and silence. In our latest episode, we pull back the veil and bravely face this topic, not from the fringes of society, but from the core of our daily lives, our families. From Janice's personal experience with her older sister's suicide attempt to taking a closer look at the alarming statistics - almost 50,000 people lost to suicide each year, we begin an important conversation on this heavy subject, aiming to shed light and hope.We delve deeper by sharing intimate stories from our pasts, reminding us all of the profound ripples such incidents create within our community. We discuss how a single, seemingly insignificant conversation might be the lifeline someone desperately needs. The episode explores the pivotal role of teens in suicide prevention, how they can support their peers, navigate difficult discussions, and cope when they are caught in strained relationships with adults. Our conversation then shifts to parents, urging them to recognize the often subtle warning signs and how they can most effectively support their children. We look at the harsh realities of abusive households and how they can trigger suicidal tendencies. Lastly, we emphasize the importance of understanding and supporting teen mental health through open, honest dialogues. We explore the importance of a robust support system, taking the time to know their friends and parents, and encouraging open conversations about mental health. This episode reminds us all that in the face of despair, connection and understanding can be a powerful force for healing.Reach out to us at dumpsterdivejj@gmail.comBe sure to LIKE, SHARE, AND FOLLOW/SUBSCRIBE!AND go find us on YOUTUBE too!Support the Show.PLEASE READ CAREFULLY These Terms and Conditions apply to your use of Dumpster Diving with Janice and Jane Podcast. Your use of the Podcast is governed by these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions, please do not access the Podcast. See FULL Terms and Conditions Here.
Episode 21: Our FIRST Fireside Chat - Votes, Guns, and a Cult Birthday!
Sep 21 2023
Episode 21: Our FIRST Fireside Chat - Votes, Guns, and a Cult Birthday!
We promised and now we're delivering! Our Fireside Chats are all about tackling the news stories that are hitting us hard and sharing our views. We anticipate moments of "Yep, exactly" along with moments of "That's total bullsh*t!" In our FIRST EVER Fireside Chat we jump head first into the hard stuff. Both racism and gun control reared their ugly heads and we tackle the heavy questions, reflecting on recent tragedies and exploring ways to prevent them. Through examining our current legal structure, we discuss how intervention options could play out and what this signifies for our society. We also delve into Jane's cult adventures in Wisconsin, adding some humor and lightness to this hefty conversation.Switching gears, we discuss the struggles and injustices faced by those living below the poverty line. We shed light on the current voting system in Florida, exposing the difficulties it has created, particularly for people of color. We also bring attention to the fear of violence that is heightened for people of color and the impact of escalating living costs. We conclude this segment by iterating the importance of promoting anti-racism and educating ourselves on the systemic racism ingrained in American society.Lastly, we highlight Colin Kaepernick's 'Know Your Rights' campaign and the importance of community support. We stress the need for parents to be conscious of the messages they convey to their children, especially in the current climate of rising gun violence. We punctuate the episode by emphasizing the significance of being informed and proactive in the upcoming elections. True to form, though, we wrap up on a lighter note, joking about the joys of teaching our kids annoying songs and expressing gratitude to our listeners. Join us for a journey of laughter, learning, and exploration.Reach out to us at dumpsterdivejj@gmail.comBe sure to LIKE, SHARE, AND FOLLOW/SUBSCRIBE!AND go find us on YOUTUBE too!Support the Show.PLEASE READ CAREFULLY These Terms and Conditions apply to your use of Dumpster Diving with Janice and Jane Podcast. Your use of the Podcast is governed by these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions, please do not access the Podcast. See FULL Terms and Conditions Here.