Way of the Artist Podcast

Brandon Colby Cook & Evan C. Schulte

Uncover Your Blocks, Demystify Your Struggles, Claim Your Path... Make Your Life a Masterpiece! official website: — www.wayoftheartist.com — This is an ever expanding podcast hosted by Brandon Colby Cook & Evan C. Schulte discussing how you can become the artist of your life and make your own way in it as a creative being. read less
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WOTA #250 - When You're Called to Question
5d ago
WOTA #250 - When You're Called to Question
In this episode, we delve into the transformative power of questioning and how it can lead us to new insights and opportunities for growth. Join us as we explore the importance of embracing moments of uncertainty and curiosity, even when they may feel uncomfortable at first. Key Insights: Embracing Discomfort: Discover how moments of questioning, while initially uncomfortable, can ultimately lead to clarity and personal growth by challenging our beliefs and self-perceptions. Clearing the Path: Explore how asking profound questions can illuminate previously unseen paths and possibilities, allowing us to break free from limitations and embrace change. Navigating the Unknown: Delve into the notion that creativity thrives in the realm of the unknown, and how embracing uncertainty can spark new ideas and innovations. Letting Go of Preconceptions: Learn why letting go of preconceived notions and embracing the unknown is essential for unlocking our creative potential and expanding our horizons. Opening Up to Exploration: Join us for a conversation that encourages us to embrace the questions that nag at us, rather than avoiding them, as they hold the key to deeper understanding and creative inspiration. Join us on a journey of exploration and self-discovery as we embrace the transformative power of questioning and unlock new pathways to creativity and personal growth. -- (Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash)   ...And if you're loving the show, don't forget to hit that SUBSCRIBE button, SHARE IT with your friends, and VISIT OUR WEBSITE for even more content!  www.WayoftheArtist.com
WOTA #249 - Artist Wisdom Series: Paulo Coelho
Apr 17 2024
WOTA #249 - Artist Wisdom Series: Paulo Coelho
Join us for another installment of our Artist Wisdom Series, where we delve into the profound insights of influential creatives. In this episode, we explore the profound wisdom of Paulo Coelho, acclaimed author of "The Alchemist", through a thought-provoking quote that challenges us to reassess our journey of self-discovery and authenticity.   The quote we are exploring: "Maybe the journey isn't so much about becoming something. Maybe it's about un-becoming everything that isn't really you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place" - Paulo Coelho   Key Insights: Exploring Coelho's Quote: Dive into the meaning behind Paulo Coelho's powerful quote, which suggests that the true journey of life is not about becoming someone new, but rather unbecoming everything that isn't aligned with our authentic selves. The Illusion of Identity: Discuss the societal pressures and self-imposed expectations that lead us to construct false identities, or "egos", to navigate the world and achieve our desires. Unraveling the Ego: Examine the notion of dismantling the ego and shedding the layers of false identity that obscure our true essence, leading to a profound sense of liberation and self-acceptance. Embracing Vulnerability: Explore the discomfort and vulnerability that accompany the process of stripping away the ego, and how facing these challenges is essential for reconnecting with our authentic selves. Finding Authenticity: Discover how embracing our true selves allows us to access our authentic voice, experience genuine fulfillment, and cultivate a deeper sense of joy and completeness in life. Join us on a transformative journey as we unravel the layers of ego and rediscover the essence of our true selves, inspired by the profound wisdom of Paulo Coelho's timeless words. -- (Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash)   ...And if you're loving the show, don't forget to hit that SUBSCRIBE button, SHARE IT with your friends, and VISIT OUR WEBSITE for even more content!  www.WayoftheArtist.com
WOTA #248 - Don't Show Your Work
Apr 10 2024
WOTA #248 - Don't Show Your Work
In this thought-provoking episode, we delve into the enigmatic realm of art and creativity, exploring the notion that sometimes, less is more. Join us as we uncover the magic of leaving certain aspects of our creative process shrouded in mystery, allowing the audience to engage their imagination and experience the full depth of our artistic expression. Key Insights: Embracing Mystery and Magic: Discover the power of withholding certain elements of your creative process, allowing the audience to be captivated by the mystery and magic inherent in art. The Art of Concealment: Explore the concept of not revealing every aspect of your work, and instead, strategically choosing what to show and what to conceal to maintain the intrigue and allure of your artistic vision. Fostering Audience Engagement: Learn how withholding certain details invites the audience to actively participate in the creative experience, encouraging them to use their imagination and interpretation to uncover deeper layers of meaning. Trusting Your Internal World: Cultivate confidence in your creative instincts and trust that your internal world will shine through organically, without the need to explicitly reveal every step of your process. Honoring the Creative Journey: Recognize that the true value of your work lies not in proving yourself through the demonstration of your process, but in the authentic and meaningful expression of your creative vision. Join us for a captivating conversation that challenges conventional notions of artistic disclosure and invites you to embrace the power of mystery and imagination in "Don't Show Your Work". Discover how leaving certain aspects of your creative process veiled can elevate the impact and resonance of your artistry. -- (Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash)   ...And if you're loving the show, don't forget to hit that SUBSCRIBE button, SHARE IT with your friends, and VISIT OUR WEBSITE for even more content!  www.WayoftheArtist.com
WOTA #247 - On Practical Concerns
Apr 6 2024
WOTA #247 - On Practical Concerns
In this enlightening episode, we delve into the intricate balance between creativity and practicality, exploring how these seemingly disparate elements intertwine to fuel our artistic endeavours. Join us as we navigate the challenges of managing practical concerns while nurturing our creative passions, offering valuable insights and strategies to help you thrive in both realms. Key Insights: The Symbiotic Relationship: Discover how creativity and practicality are intertwined, each essential to the success of the other, and explore strategies for harmonizing these seemingly divergent forces. Clarifying Your Creative Vision: Gain valuable tips for clarifying your creative vision and identifying the boundaries, limitations, and restrictions that can serve as catalysts for innovation and growth. Negotiating Life and Art: Explore practical approaches for navigating the demands of daily life while remaining true to your artistic passions, striking a balance between necessity and creativity. Personalized Solutions: Recognize that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to managing practical concerns while pursuing creativity, and learn how to tailor your approach to suit your unique needs and circumstances. Finding Clarity and Action: Walk away from the conversation with newfound clarity and actionable steps to effectively manage practical matters, freeing up space and energy to unleash your creative potential. Embark on a journey of self-discovery and practical exploration as we navigate the intricate intersection of creativity and practicality in "On Practical Concerns". Gain valuable insights and actionable strategies to thrive in both your artistic pursuits and everyday life. -- (Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash)   ...And if you're loving the show, don't forget to hit that SUBSCRIBE button, SHARE IT with your friends, and VISIT OUR WEBSITE for even more content!  www.WayoftheArtist.com
WOTA #246 - Nothing Stands Apart
Mar 27 2024
WOTA #246 - Nothing Stands Apart
Join us in this enlightening episode as we unravel the intricate web of interconnectedness that binds us all together.Through exploring the profound links between individuals and ideas, we uncover the depth of our shared humanity and gain insight into the essence of authentic expression. Key Insights: The Interconnectedness of Existence: Delve into the realization that everything in the universe is interconnected, highlighting the profound bonds that unite us with each other and the world around us. Discovering Common Ground: Explore the importance of finding common points of connection with others, even amidst challenging concepts and divergent perspectives, to cultivate a holistic understanding of ourselves and those around us. Embracing Full Humanity: Learn how acknowledging both the light and shadow aspects of ourselves and others allows for a more authentic and integrated expression of our true selves. Exploring the Hero and the Villain: Challenge conventional notions of heroism and villainy by recognizing their inherent similarities, prompting a deeper examination of the complexities within each individual. Freedom in Perception: Understand the necessity of maintaining an open mind to perceive the nuances of our existence, ensuring that we remain free from the constraints that limit our growth and understanding. The Wisdom of Art: Harness the transformative power of artistic expression as a vehicle for exploring and communicating profound truths about the human experience. Embark on a journey of self-discovery and interconnected exploration as we navigate the intricate tapestry of existence in "Nothing Stands Apart". Gain valuable insights into the nature of humanity and the transformative potential of embracing our interconnectedness. -- (Photo by Everton Vila on Unsplash)   ...And if you're loving the show, don't forget to hit that SUBSCRIBE button, SHARE IT with your friends, and VISIT OUR WEBSITE for even more content!  www.WayoftheArtist.com
WOTA #245 - Living In Creativity
Mar 24 2024
WOTA #245 - Living In Creativity
In this thought-provoking episode, we delve into the concept of embracing creativity as a dynamic force that shapes and guides us. Join us as we explore the transformative journey of allowing art to live within us and propel us into uncharted territories of imagination and expression. Key Insights: Art as a Living Force: Explore the notion of allowing creativity to permeate your being, guiding you beyond mere execution and into a realm where art becomes a living, breathing entity within you. Going Beyond Expectations: Shift your focus from predetermined outcomes to the profound impact that the act of creation has on the creator. Discover how surrendering to the creative process can lead to unexpected discoveries and personal growth. Immersive Creativity: Dive into the immersive experience of embodying your creations, stepping into the shoes of your characters, and becoming an integral part of the narratives you craft. Embracing Creative Flow: Surrender to the flow of creativity as it sweeps you along like a powerful wave, relinquishing control and allowing inspiration to lead the way. Unlocking New Perspectives: Harness the power of creativity to challenge conventional thinking, ignite fresh insights, and lead both yourself and your audience on exhilarating journeys of exploration and discovery. Join us for an engaging conversation that invites you to fully immerse yourself in the creative process, embracing the transformative power of living in creativity. Explore new horizons of imagination and expression as you embark on an adventure of artistic discovery. -- (Photo by Larisa Birta on Unsplash)   ...And if you're loving the show, don't forget to hit that SUBSCRIBE button, SHARE IT with your friends, and VISIT OUR WEBSITE for even more content!  www.WayoftheArtist.com
WOTA #244 - Stopping to Really Be With Something
Mar 13 2024
WOTA #244 - Stopping to Really Be With Something
Episode Overview: In this insightful episode, we delve into the importance of pausing amidst the hustle and bustle of life to truly connect with ourselves and our surroundings. Join us as we explore the transformative power of stillness and the profound wisdom it holds for personal growth and creativity. Key Insights: The Illusion of Constant Movement: Challenge the belief that perpetual busyness equates to progress, and discover how constant motion can hinder our ability to truly perceive and understand our experiences. Embracing Stillness: Explore the concept of embracing moments of stillness as opportunities for introspection, allowing our internal selves to communicate and reveal valuable insights. The Art of Being Present: Learn to cultivate a mindful presence in your daily life, enabling you to fully engage with the present moment and uncover hidden truths within yourself. Listening to Your Inner Voice: Understand the importance of quieting external distractions to listen to your internal intuition, emotions, and inspirations, which often hold the answers we seek. The Power of Breaks: Discover the significance of taking breaks and allowing yourself the space to pause, reflect, and recharge, ultimately fostering clarity and creativity. Join us for an enlightening conversation that encourages you to pause, embrace stillness, and reconnect with your inner voice. Explore the profound insights and transformative potential that emerge when we stop to really be with something.   ...And if you're loving the show, don't forget to hit that SUBSCRIBE button, SHARE IT with your friends, and VISIT OUR WEBSITE for even more content!  www.WayoftheArtist.com
WOTA #243 - The World Is... "Blank"
Mar 6 2024
WOTA #243 - The World Is... "Blank"
Episode Overview: In this thought-provoking episode, we explore the deeply ingrained perceptions and beliefs that shape our understanding of the world, ourselves, and others. Join us as we challenge the notion of a fixed reality and uncover strategies to cultivate a more empowering perspective. Key Insights: Subjective Reality: Delve into the concept of how each individual constructs their own version of reality, influenced by personal experiences, societal norms, and past conditioning. Challenging Beliefs: Explore the importance of questioning and challenging our existing perceptions and beliefs to identify their limitations and potential for growth. Maladaptive Strategies: Recognize the impact of outdated or maladaptive beliefs on our lives, including how they may limit personal growth, restrict opportunities, or cause unnecessary pain. Creating Empowering Perspectives: Learn strategies to uproot limiting beliefs and cultivate new perspectives that align with our desired way of living, enabling personal freedom and fulfillment. The Path to Change: Understand that while challenging existing beliefs may be uncomfortable, it is a necessary step towards creating a more empowering and liberating worldview. Join us for a dynamic conversation as we navigate the complex landscape of perception, belief, and personal growth in "The World is... "Blank". Explore the transformative power of reevaluating and reshaping your worldview to unlock new possibilities and live authentically.   ...And if you're loving the show, don't forget to hit that SUBSCRIBE button, SHARE IT with your friends, and VISIT OUR WEBSITE for even more content!  www.WayoftheArtist.com
WOTA #242 - There's Beauty Right Now
Feb 29 2024
WOTA #242 - There's Beauty Right Now
Episode Overview: In this episode, we explore the profound significance of living in the present moment and the transformative power it holds. Join us as we delve into the beauty and liberation found in embracing the here and now, letting go of past attachments and future anxieties, and cultivating gratitude to combat fear. Key Insights: Embracing the Present: Discover the importance of anchoring yourself in the present moment, avoiding the distractions of future aspirations or past regrets, and fully experiencing the beauty and potential of the now. Starting Where You Are: Explore the concept of beginning your journey from your current position, acknowledging your present circumstances without dwelling on past experiences or preconceived notions about the future. Gratitude as a Tool: Learn how practicing gratitude can serve as a powerful antidote to fear, helping you navigate the unknown with a sense of positivity and openness. The Power of Attention: Understand the significance of directing your attention mindfully, focusing on the present moment and consciously choosing where to invest your mental energy. Attracting Beauty: Join us in a conversation that encourages you to recognize and appreciate the beauty that surrounds you in the present moment, allowing it to manifest in new and unexpected ways as you navigate through life. Embark on a journey of self-discovery and mindfulness as we explore the theme of finding beauty in the present moment in "There's Beauty Right Now." Gain valuable insights and practical tips to help you cultivate a deeper appreciation for the here and now, and attract positivity into your life.   ...And if you're loving the show, don't forget to hit that SUBSCRIBE button, SHARE IT with your friends, and VISIT OUR WEBSITE for even more content!  www.WayoftheArtist.com
WOTA #241 - Mesmerizing Ourselves
Feb 21 2024
WOTA #241 - Mesmerizing Ourselves
In this episode, we delve into the captivating hold of the past and future on our minds, drawing us away from the present moment and limiting our ability to respond truthfully to reality. Join us as we explore the importance of presence and mindfulness in navigating our lives as creative individuals. Key Insights: Past and Future Distractions: Discover how memories, regrets, and painful experiences from the past, as well as concerns about the future, often consume our attention, leading to emotions like sadness, anger, fear, and stress. Impact on Effectiveness: Understand how being mesmerized by past and future scenarios detracts from our effectiveness in the present moment, causing unnecessary emotional turmoil and hindering our ability to fully engage with life. Avoiding Distractions: Learn about common responses to these emotions, such as engaging in distracting activities to avoid feeling them, and the importance of breaking free from these habits to reclaim control of our minds. The Discipline of Presence: Explore the concept of mindfulness and the discipline required to cultivate presence in everyday life, enabling us to be more authentic and grounded versions of ourselves. Embracing the Now: Join us in a conversation aimed at encouraging listeners to free themselves from the grip of past and future preoccupations, allowing them to fully embrace the present moment and live authentically. Embark on a journey of self-awareness and mindfulness as we explore the theme of being mesmerized by the past and future in "Mesmerizing Ourselves." Discover practical insights to help you break free from mental distractions and cultivate a deeper sense of presence in your life.   ...And if you're loving the show, don't forget to hit that SUBSCRIBE button, SHARE IT with your friends, and VISIT OUR WEBSITE for even more content!  www.WayoftheArtist.com