Don't Get Lost in the Laundry


This is a show for busy mompreneurs who want to have it all together. As a mom of 5 and a farmer's wife I know what it means to get lost in the laundry figuratively and literally. I want to share with you how other moms are crushing it and conquering everything life throws at you with poise and polish!

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Episode #122 How to Become a Professional Organizer
Sep 16 2022
Episode #122 How to Become a Professional Organizer
You guys are probably here, right? Because you wanna learn and I'm gonna share with you my exact strategies to have that freedom, to create the life you want without needing to get a job or work for somebody else. Okay. Now some of you're probably wonder. Who am I, why am I qualified to teach this? So for those of you who don't know me, my name's Barbie, Joe.I am a mom of five and a farmer's wife and a professional luxury home organizer. Now it wasn't always the case about three and a half years ago. I found myself standing in line. At a government office waiting to apply for assistance. You see, as a farmer's wife, we typically prepare for a bad crop.Working for mother nature is not the easiest thing. I'm sure some of you have had bosses that seem like so impossible, right? So impossible to work for. Try working for mother nature. Talk about unpredictable. So as such, we're usually prepared for a bad year. That's just, you know, we just expect that to happen.So we are typically prepared for a bad year, so we will have savings to fall back on in case of a bad year. Right? Well, we had two bad years back to back and it wiped us out. And that's when I found myself standing in line at a government office, you know, and it, for me, it was kind of like, The walk of shame that we kind of were at that level in life that we needed to ask for help.Right. It was so humbly. Have you ever felt that way where you just finally have to like give in and ask for help? No one likes to admit they need help. Sometimes we need help. Right. And if I wanted to feed my family, I needed to ask for help. And that's when I decided right there. Right then and there standing in that line, I decided it was time for me to do something.I needed to step up to the plate and help. I didn't know what, I didn't know how, but I knew I needed to do something. So have you ever felt so determined to. Jump in and help somebody, but you have no idea how to help them. No idea what to offer. No idea how you're gonna save the day, but you wanna save the day.Well, that's how I felt I had that determination and that drive. And so I was gonna figure it out. So this is how this came to be. I, uh, actually saw an ad online for a free session with a business coach. I was like, I'll do it. So I signed up for this free session and I remember in the first conversation, the first sentence she asked me was, so you wanna start a business.What's something you could see yourself doing for the next 10 years. And I had, and that I was like, well, I don't know. And I looked around my surroundings and I was sitting in the middle of a living room covered in boxes. We were moving. We were in the middle of a move. We had just moved from the farm to the city.We didn't know anybody. We had, yes, we had family, but we were so new to this place. We were in the middle of a transition. Everything was in, you know, disarray and yet I was calm. I was calm and. And I remember looking around, seeing my kids running everywhere, seeing stuff, every boxes everywhere. And I was like, huh, you know what?I'm actually thriving in this situation. Most people would be going crazy, right? Like, I don't even know where to start. I am drowning in stuff and chaos, and this is just overwhelming, but I was actually very calm and collected because I had a system in. Yeah, it didn't look beautiful at the moment, but I knew where everything was.I knew what we needed to access and how to get to it and where to get to it. So we could function our life our day to day life. And that's when it clicked. And I was like, you know what? I'm really good at organizing. And that business coach said, there you go, there's your business. That's what you should build your business on.Ready to learn more about working with me? Visit our website at
Episode #118 Systems to Scale
Aug 12 2022
Episode #118 Systems to Scale
Have you ever wanted to start a business, but feel stuck and don't know how to start. I wanna get you from idea to income in less than 90 days, so you can change lives and make an impact while earning money. My name is Barbie Joe, and welcome to passion to profit.Hi everyone. Barbie Joe here. And welcome to another episode of the podcast today. I would love to introduce you to Melinda Wayland. She is the owner of order to everything. And she is providing productivity system and organizing strategies to streamline your online business and busy life and increase your income while you're at it.Oh my gosh. You're talking all things. I love welcome to this show, Melinda. . Thank you. Thank you so much. I'm glad to be here. We have so much to learn from you. I would love to hear what got you started. Well, I, I have a little bit of a journey into what I'm doing right now. I, I started out as an interior designer and, uh, moved into, uh, motherhood with a traveling spouse.And that led me into organizing, organizing just automatically fit into what I did before. And, uh, Best friend of mine pointed out that it could be something that I actually have a business with and I didn't even know it . And so I started my business in 2017 and then I've slowly morphed ever since I started, I knew that I wanted something online, but I didn't know what it was.And so I've been working in home, but then also transitioning online for the past couple of years. And so I. Built a, a group program that I ran for a year for organizing. And now I'm working with entrepreneurs doing more online stuff. And so it's been quite a journey and that's, that's a little bit of a summary of how I got where I am.I love it. You're a girl after my own heart. We are both in the same space, um, serving the same audience. So this is very. And I love that you've taken your background and your past experience of interior design, and you're bringing that into the industry. That is really cool. Well, let's talk. I know you have a masterclass called systems to scale.Tell us a little bit about that. Yes. So systems to scale is a, like you said, it's a masterclass that teaches the foundational business hub that I use as one of my systems. So I have, I have so many systems that I've, you know, created over the past couple of years building my own business. And so being able to provide them to others, Just gonna make it so much easier for everybody else.And so, uh, but the, the system to scale is the foundational business hub system. It walks you through the one Asana system that works with everything else that I use in my business, and it teaches you how to use it. And it is basically a everything all in one place at your fingertips system, inside of a sauna to hold everything that you need for your business.To learn more visit: DISCOVER THE BEST JOB
Episode #117 What Can You Offer the World
Aug 5 2022
Episode #117 What Can You Offer the World
If you haven't been to an NA meeting, it's like a family gathering, kind of like a family reunion everyone's sitting around and sharing. Basically you have to, to kind of, uh, participate in the meeting. You have to react and respond to whatever. People are sharing and just show them support and love. And it's just so amazing this community of these recovering addicts that have come together and that really truly support and uplift each other.And I am so grateful for this community because it saved my dad. Otherwise I am sure he would not be with us today. So anyway, Back to it. I, what I took away from this NA meeting was that we were in a room, surrounded with people, and there were a lot of people there and they were taking turns sharing on how Aussie this one man had touched their lives and changed them for the better.That he had made a positive impact in their life, by something he had said or something he had done. And it was a small and simple act most of the time, most of the case, but it touched these people so deeply to the point where they decided they wanted something better for themselves and they wanted to change.And from a lot of them, that was the last day they ever touched a harmful substance. Was the day they met Aussie. And I thought that was so powerful that here he was called to this earth, struggled with addiction himself was able to find help and support, get himself clean and then give back. And isn't that.So similar to what we do, like we have this, these gifts and these abilities that we've been given that we've maybe earned. A skill that we've acquired. And now that we've overcome the hurdles and we've conquered this skill and we possess this gift, are we just sitting on it or are we ready to share it with the world?And that to me is so powerful because we've all been given gifts and talents. All of us, they're all different. But we all possess them. It's can you recognize them? What are your gifts and how can you use them to put good into this world to help other people better their lives? How can you use your gifts to make somebody's life better?And that's exactly what was demonstrated to me last night, attending this NA. And it was so, so powerful. And I think there were easily 50 people in this room and every single one of them had a story about how one man touched their life, made an impact enough that it kept them off the street. It kept them out of the hospital.Make a list of the things that come easily to you, maybe the things that come naturally to you or the things that you have had to learn, how to do and that you now do well. And I want you to see if you could share any of those with the world. Now on this podcast, we teach you how to do that and turn it into a business to where you can support yourself financially, while creating a positive impact in this world while you know, giving back and putting good into the world.But you don't have to turn it into a business. You don't have to have oh, website and a business listing and an LLC to put good into the. To strive to help other people do better and be better. So I wanna encourage you this week to take a good look at your life. Take a, take a look at the circumstances you have been through the trials, the triumphs, the tragedies, the hurdles, the good stuff, and the bad.And where has it brought you today? How are you today? Where are you today because of your past, what have you learned because of your past and what could you then turn around and show somebody else to avoid the same pitfalls, the same mistakes, the same hurdles, the same detours that you took? How could you help somebody else overcome all those obstacles?Discover The Best Job Ever!
Episode #116 The Polished Professional Organizer Academy
Jul 29 2022
Episode #116 The Polished Professional Organizer Academy
Have you ever wanted to start a business, but feel stuck and don't know how to start. I wanna get you from idea to income in less than 90 days. So you can change lives and make an impact while earning money. My name is Barbie Joe, and welcome to passion to profit.Good morning, everyone. Barbie Joe here. And welcome to another episode of the podcast. Today. I wanted to just share with you the process of having an academy and what that means to me. And as I am evolving the program and wanting to deliver the best experience to my students, Some of, you may not know. I am the founder of the Polish professional organizer academy, and we basically certify and train you as a professional home organizer in the luxury space.So you are serving a different type of client. Then your usual home organizer, you are serving the affluent. You are in the multimillion dollar homes. And that kind of takes a different skillset because you are dealing with a different class of people that kind of operate at a different level. And they ex.Expect things at a different level and their communication is at a different level. So we teach you within the, my training, the system and the five step method we use to deal with, um, luxury and serve at that capacity. Now. The Academy's great. We teach you also to be a triple threat. We want you trained in etiquette.We want you trained as a life coach, and we want you trained of course, in organizing, using our methods. So you walk away feeling equipped to handle anything, because whether you have to implement the life coaching skills with your client, or just use them on yourself, personally, it comes in. More often than not.So anyway, back to what I was sharing with you now, as the president, as the CEO of the founder of this academy, whatever you wanna call me, I continue to want to deliver the best of the best for my students. So I've continued learning. I continue to enroll in programs myself, so I can further my. Education of what's the latest and greatest out there.And then I turn around and I share what I learn with my students. For example, right now I am in an intensive three day marketing class. It is called the bam process and it has been the most detailed down and dirty work I have ever done to really understand marketing on a level that is. Like unknown to anything out there in the market.It has been fascinating. And we start the day at nine o'clock in the morning and we don't get out of class till three o'clock in the afternoon. We are going hard asking all the questions and learning all the things. And so, as I'm doing things like. I will then take that information and that knowledge and figure out how I can apply that to my academy.So my students can benefit from it because within the academy, you are not only getting trained as a polished professional organizer. You are also getting basically a business in a box. We teach you how to set up your business. So you have the back end of your business, working the front end of your business, and you are delivering.At the highest level possible. So with that, I like to also work out deals with those that I take courses from. In fact, most of the, uh, subscriptions you get, I try to work out like a six month deals. For all of my students to try out all the wonderful things that I come across in my journey. So you guys get to try it out, apply it to your business, and then decide if you want to continue on with that subscription or not.To Learn more visit :
Episode #113 Overcoming Common Road Blocks
Jul 8 2022
Episode #113 Overcoming Common Road Blocks
Hello everyone. Barbie Joe here and welcome to the attract high paying clients master class. We're gonna dive deeper now. We are going to smash. So two is smash some of these fears and these, um, limiting beliefs. If you. We are going to address those right now. So a lot of you might be thinking, who am I to consider myself an expert?I remember when I first decided like, yes, this is what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna start organizing homes. I had that belief. I was like, well, who am I? Who am I to say, hello world? I'm a professional organizer. Come hire me. That was the tough hurdle to. But I had to sit back and realize, hold on, I have blessed.I've been blessed with gifts. I have unique talents that set me apart from everyone else. And I have my life skillset that not everybody else has that sets me apart. I can offer. Something that some people have no idea how to do. And then I was still, I was still like, eh, okay. Yeah, sure. And then I met with a life coach.I hired a life coach. I knew I needed, I needed some of that training in my life. And she said, you know, Colby Bryant. I was like, yeah. She's like Kobe Bryant has a personal trainer. Right. And I was like, yeah, he does. And he said, she. Do you think Colby Bryant's personal trainer is a better basketball player than he is.And I was like, well, course not Colby. Bryant's the best basketball player in the world. She was like, bam, you do not have to be the best in the world to consider yourself an expert. Colby Bryant's personal trainer is an expert in training athletes. Is he the best athlete in the world? Nope. Not by a long shot, but he can help professional athletes level up and get better.And guess what? That's what we do. That's exactly what we do. I felt like a total fraud because here I am organizing other people's homes and my own home is not picture perfect. 24 7. My garage is a hot mess. That's my husband's zone. And I can't stay on top of that. And so I felt like a fraud, but the bottom line was that I can share with other people how to become organized.I know how to do it just because my garage isn't there doesn't mean I don't know how to do it. I absolutely know how to do it. And that's why you are an expert. Okay. Now let's talk about. Let's talk about a diploma versus experience, right? You go to school for years and years and you get a degree, you get a degree, you finally have this piece of paper that says you've accomplished the thing.Okay. But can you actually do the thing? Have you been doing the thing because you look at somebody who's been doing it for years and years and years. They might not have the diploma, but they have years of experience actually doing it. What's gonna be more valuable right. Experience by a long shot. So my life coach said, if you feel like you need a piece of paper to tell you that you are good at what you do, she's like by all means, go out and get.Go get a little piece of paper that, uh, tells you, you are now a certified professional organizer. And she said, this little piece of paper will bring you a lot of confidence and a lot of peace, but know that, that it's just that it's a piece of paper. It didn't change what you already know and what you already do.It just makes you feel more confident and secure in being able to call yourself an expert at the. And I was like, whoa, like mind blown. I was like, okay, let's do this. So the enemy inside of our head loves to tell us that we aren't enough and that you're not good enough. And there's somebody better than you and you're not capable.And that enemy inside of our head is holding us back. Right in the shows up in ways like fear insecurity, doubt, discouragement. That is the enemy holding you back. And we need to get out of our own way and know that we've been here. We've been put here in this world for a reason.