The Full Armor of God

Don Purdum

What is faith? How does the Christian live in a society hostile to our faith? This podcast takes us on a journey of understanding the world and heavenly places around us and how the Orthodox Christian tradition calls us to put on the Full Armor of God daily. read less
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Episode 23 - Megan Kelly Confesses Church Is Causing Her To Grow Further From God
5d ago
Episode 23 - Megan Kelly Confesses Church Is Causing Her To Grow Further From God
This installment delves into the deep, complex scenario surrounding Megyn Kelly's personal struggles with annulment, and sheds light on who holds the right to judge her marriage. Just before Easter, Megan Kelly got real with her struggles and crisis of faith in the Catholic Church. Sixteen years ago, Kelly and her then-husband divorced and she remarried. As a result, she's been unable to participate in the sacraments since. She said the annulment process has caused her to grow further from God and the Church and questions if any man can get between her relationship with God. While this discussion is emotionally complex, there are answers to Megan's question; Can a church place a moral judgement on her divorce and re-marriage? What gives them the right to decide if she can partake of the sacraments vital to the Christian faith (regardless of denomination)?  Does the Church have a Biblical responsiblity to intervene, and if so, why and how? What is an annulement and are they even in Scripture? A Christian marriage is a covenant between a husband, wife, and God. A covenant is the most serious of all relationships. How serious does God covenant breaking and does He allow room for forgiveness? What is the role of the Church in the process? Let's dive into it and answer the question... Does any Christian leader, pastor, or priest have the right to question or judge a divorce and re-marriage and cause someone to question their faith? You might be surprised at the answer! This episode is a must-listen for those navigating personal struggles, seeking guidance, or aspiring to deepen their faith. Expect thought-provoking biblical references, a compassionate attitude towards individual struggles, and a respectful examination of the Church's role in believers' journeys of faith.
Episode 22 - Yes, Love Can Be Sinful | The LGBTQ Movement and The Christian
Apr 18 2024
Episode 22 - Yes, Love Can Be Sinful | The LGBTQ Movement and The Christian
Have you ever thought about what love is, or is not for that matter? Satan has done a masterful job stealing the identity of untold millions of Americans and trapping them in a philosophy that says "love is love" and that everyone is "free to love whoever they like." In this insightful episode, we delve deep into controversial realms by discussing the implications of the LGBTQ movement on the values and spiritual essence that form the crux of our society and Christianity. With an influential agenda dictated by Satan to wipe out God's existence from our society and our individual consciousness, we analyze how these actions are intrinsically linked to the LGBTQ movement, bearing substantial impacts on the church and the Christian community as a whole. We kick-start this heart-to-heart conversation by looking at love in a new light - a universal sentiment that is appreciated yet often misconstrued. We dwell into the lesser-known sides of love that defy religious sanctity, zooming into cases where it could potentially lead to sinning and violating divine instructions.  As the discussion progresses, we expand on the concept of sanctity and the place of the LGBTQ+ community within the church. The critical call-to-action emphasised here is to reevaluate our interpretation of love as taught by the holy Bible, to prevent it from succumbing to Satan's cunning deceptions. By citing examples from the Old Testament, we unveil common transgressions associated with love and relationships. We discuss how the natural inclination towards sexual gratification is manipulated by false deities and corrupt religious approaches, thereby undermining love and inciting rebellion against God. This unsettling phenomenon prevails today through the distorted vision of love promoted by the LGBTQ+ community, which immensely contributes in defacing God's image. In closing, this podcast, Don urges listeners to reconsider their perception of love, its profound link to our faith, identity, and spiritual growth. We inspire you to combat the deceiving perversions of love and remain dedicated to the holy, sacred love God intended for us. Unraveling love's profound misinterpretations increasingly growing in our world today, we take an aim at the ambiguous lines between natural love, as determined by God, and the rebellion propelling towards unnatural love. Through echoing truths from the sacred scriptures, our aim is to shed light on the ongoing conflict to preserve God's divine image in every human, amidst Satan's world system that aims to destroy it. Through challenging the evolving narrative surrounding love, particularly regarding the LGBTQ+ community, we remind everyone that love was never intended by God to be a vaguely, permissive notion accepting everything. Reiterating that love in its purest form chooses to stand for truth, reject evil, and inspires us to resonate with the holiness and righteousness reflecting the nature of our God. Finally, we offer assurance for those caught in the destructive cycle of worldly love, reminding them that they are not alone and there is hope. True love is transformative; it brings about inner changes that ignite peace, hope, and comfort. Inspiring our listeners to join others on this journey of seeking God's kingdom and to renounce their own desires, we end on a hopeful note, encouraging everyone to take up Jesus's cross and follow Him with love, devotion, and affirmation.
Episode 21 - Military Wisdom in Spiritual Warfare and Church Life
Apr 11 2024
Episode 21 - Military Wisdom in Spiritual Warfare and Church Life
As Christians, we are part of a battle against good and evil as the Apostle Paul talks about in Ephesians 6. That means we live by a different set of ethics and rules than the rest of the world as we battle through spiritual warfare and gain spiritual discipline in our struggle against the rulers, powers, and world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12). When I was in the Navy and Army, I often heard senior enlisted and officers use this word often... "Go on." It was often in the context of someone sharing something difficult or emotional. It conveyed  a sense that we are in this together and we have one another's back... So, don't hold back. That's just the opposite in the civilian world when someone says, "It's okay." Meaning stop talking or sharing your feelings politely because it's making me uncomfortable. I don't really care, or how does this effect me? Believe it or not, there are a number of parallels between military service and the Church. There are core values inherent in both such as the family, community, respect, sacrifice, and unity. There are also strong contrasts with the culture around us that run contrary to Biblical ethics such as rugged individualism that tempt Christians into sacrificing others instead of for others.  I highlight various attributes the Church can learn from the military: importance of community, camaraderie, and mutual encouragement. I also emphasize the role of teamwork, and how making communal bonds stronger than individualism can eventually lead to more fruitful outcomes for the believer and the Church. Drawing from the Apostle Paul's portrayal of the Church, I ask listeners to view their communities as a unified team. This episode also taps into the crucial role communal support and perseverance play during times of adversity; qualities that should be inherent within Church congregations. The podcast ends by suggesting Christians, in their journey to righteousness, are like soldiers in God’s spiritual army, relentlessly resisting societal and personal tribulations. Continuing the military metaphor, let's explore how sacrifice, respect, and unity found in military life can be utilized to fortify the Christian community. We underline the significance of learning our spiritual lessons, understanding they are symbols of our growth and devotion to Christ. We further reiterate the Christianity being not just a Sunday affair but a lifestyle to be observed every day of the week. Join me as I challenge us to embrace our role within God's heavenly army. As soldiers of Christ, let's rise together in His love and power, equipped with the full armor of God. Stay tuned for our future episodes in this series embracing the spiritual battlefield.
Episode 20 - The Hard Part Of Leadership
Apr 9 2024
Episode 20 - The Hard Part Of Leadership
Welcome to an insightful episode of the Full Armor of God podcast where we delve into the often ignored aspect of leadership. Hosted by Father Deacon Don Purdum, we explore intricate portrayals of leadership. Discover surprisingly poignant insights into the solitude leaders frequently experience, the disillusionment they endure from treachery, and the indelible weight of their decisions. This episode plunges deep into the pivotal roles leaders play within the church, emphasizing the enormous responsibility of accurately teaching the Word, guiding His people, and maintaining personal faith growth. We delve into poignant experiences of biblical leaders—Paul, Joseph, David—and provide invaluable teachings applicable to today's leaders. Despite the challenges, we underscore the importance of determination and resilience, reminding listeners that our efforts are never in vain when made for the Lord. Through a deep dive into the experiences of Demas and Alexander the coppersmith, we discuss crucial lessons about vigilance against disappointment and personal attacks in leadership, and the significance of admitting and learning from your mistakes. The episode also highlights that leadership inevitably attracts criticism and betrayal, even from those you trust. In the face of these adversities, maintaining a balanced mind and a strong demeanor is key. More than surviving attacks, we emphasize acceptance of your vulnerabilities and learning from failures. It's part of growth not only as a leader but as an individual. In all this, the episode motivates you to remain strong in the face of hardship, assuring you that your hard work is fruitful when in service of the Lord. So, gear up to explore the labyrinth of faith-based leadership, not just through its pleasant aspects but also its darker, challenging sides. Embrace and accept these challenges and use your experiences to become a more effective servant. Welcome to the genuine world of leadership!
Have Politics and Mega Churches Changed The Christian Identity and Harmed The Church's True Purpose?
Apr 5 2024
Have Politics and Mega Churches Changed The Christian Identity and Harmed The Church's True Purpose?
Church leader Don Purdum offers a heart-opening talk about the current state of loneliness and desolation rife in society today. He addresses the growing reliance on government, the struggle caused by relational and economic turmoil, and most pointedly, questions the role of the church amidst this chaos. In this confrontational episode, Don argues our Christian identities are undergoing an alarming shift. From being deeply rooted in our community, church, and social life, our identities are increasingly being defined by politics and Mega Church culture. He challenges this derailment, imploring us to remember our primary identity is in Christ, not in political affiliations or beliefs of anonymity. On a broader scale, Don highlights what he terms as the 'Walmartization of church', where a few big-box churches house a greater number of Christians and in the process, ousting smaller community-based congregations. While this may seem advantageous on the surface, Don fears it might actually hinder believers from having their needs - spiritual, physical, and emotional - fully met. Throughout the episode, Don stresses the important connection between our identities as Christians and the church. He asserts that in the quest to busy ourselves with everything we regard as essential, we pay less attention to the very thing that is indeed crucial - the church. He also examines the impact of the pandemic in demonstrating how easy it is to neglect our commitment to Jesus of Nazareth, His Church, and one another in the Body of Christ. By discarding our concealed identities, and re-engaging in spiritual communion based on mutual burdens, sorrow, and joy, Don calls us to reclaim the essence of church. With a plea to stop the misuse of church for political purposes, Don pushes for regaining our real identities in Christ and reversing the devastating impacts. If you're game for a radical change in your church experience, this episode provides valuable insights on departing from the corporateness of church structures and invest in intimate, community-focused engagements. Explore how to revolutionize your faith journey and join Don in his commitment to reestablish Jesus's vision for His church.
Episode 18 - Opportunity Or Threat? Should We Be Concerned About Artificial Intelligence?
Apr 2 2024
Episode 18 - Opportunity Or Threat? Should We Be Concerned About Artificial Intelligence?
Let's talk about artificial intelligence (AI) and its implications from a Christian perspective. Hollywood has shaped our impressions and embedded imageries about artificial intelligence in our psyche. In virtually every movie on the subject, AI evolves into human-like qualities that include the natural inclination to protect itself, resulting in a war between machines and humans. Is this entirely accurate? Is there anything for Christians to fear regarding AI Discussing the significant changes AI introduces to our society, the episode encourages a critical appraisal of the potential impacts of this technology. As with all things, things may not be as they appear. Every tool can be used for good or bad. A knife can be used to cut meat to eat or harm a person. There is a good and bad side to everything. Yet, one thing remains the same and NEVER changes. Our exploration in this podcast includes pervasive issues such as biases programmed into machines, and the uncertainties revolving around whether AI will be a force for good, or a destructive influence. This thought-provoking conversation extends to the challenges and opportunities AI presents to Christianity, and how it can potentially revolutionize faith and spirituality. Fr. Deacon Don highlights a shift towards personal interactions and lesser dependence on technology, positing that this could offer Christians a unique chance to extend God's love in a tech-driven era. The episode insists on the importance of experiencing God in our daily life, rather than confining prayer and worship within the confines of a church. Concluding with an intriguing discourse on transhumanism and fear of the unknown, listeners are called to replace fear with faith. Stressing that AI, despite its advanced capabilities, will never surpass God. We are ultimately reminded that our fears are a result of a lack of understanding of our true identity in Christ and our faith in Him dispels all fear. This episode also explores our roles as a royal priesthood, charged with uplifting one another and ministering to the world, in the context of evolving technology. With a teaser about an upcoming e-book, and an affirmation that unyielding faith in Jesus Christ remains crucial in both understanding and coping with the digital age.
Episode 17 - Who Was Pontius Pilate And Did He Kill Jesus?
Mar 27 2024
Episode 17 - Who Was Pontius Pilate And Did He Kill Jesus?
In the latest edition of the Full Armor of God Podcast, Father Deacon Don Purdum illuminates the fundamental yet frequently overlooked role of Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea who played a remarkable part in reshaping Judaism and paving the way for Christianity. Unearthing archaeological findings and examining historical accounts from renowned historians such as Philo and Josephus, this episode presents an engrossing study of Pontius Pilate beyond the Gospel narratives. Don introduces an innovative viewpoint, challenging ingrained beliefs while considering the Ethiopian Orthodox Church's bestowment of sainthood upon Pilate. Furthermore, he delves into the motives that might have driven Pilate's decisions and sheds light on the significant political clout held by Pontius Pilate and Judea, including the power to perform crucifixions. The audience is taken on a journey through the multifaceted narratives of Pontius Pilate, including his political dynamics with Rome, his relationship with other influential figures in the Gospels, and a look into his personal character. By the end of the episode, listeners will be encouraged to reevaluate their understanding of this critical figure in both scriptural and historical contexts. With reference to various Greek and Latin accounts, including those of Jewish philosopher Philo and  historian Josephus, this episode illustrates a detailed portrait of Pontius Pilate's life and deeds. It probes into contrasting declarations of Pilate as a procurator versus a prefect and underscores the implications and significance these designations carry. Encompassing a comprehensive analysis of historic events, archaeological proof, and literary sources, the conversation further explores Pilate’s dealings amid distinct clashes and circumstances. Key points of discussions include interactions with the Jewish high priest Caiaphas, reactions to potential uprisings, and Pilate's final downfall post his incident with a throng of Samaritans. The episode concludes by discussing the wider ramifications of Pilate’s actions and leadership style, particularly his relationship with Jesus, the impact on the Jewish populace, and the alignment of these elements within the broader biblical narrative.
Episode 16 - Is Jesus Fulfillment Of the Law The Same As Abolishing It?
Mar 25 2024
Episode 16 - Is Jesus Fulfillment Of the Law The Same As Abolishing It?
In this compelling episode, host Don Purdum takes us on an intriguing journey to explore the Torah's significance beyond a mere law book. He argues that the Torah, comprising the first five books of the Bible, is not just a set of rules but a narrative that underscores the essence of Christianity. This enlightening discussion illuminates the complexities of the Torah, delving into its narratives, laws, stories, and covenant. It highlights the Torah's historic context and its vital role in shaping Christianity. This exploration of the Torah debunks common misconceptions while offering enriched insights to its nuanced reality and its place in understanding our faith. Going beyond the law-book perspective, Don underlines the Torah as a historical account of the Jewish people's relationship with God. Important narratives, such as Abraham's story and the covenant with Israel, are scrutinized, shedding light on how the Torah's commandments, far from being merely restrictive, were aimed at fostering love amid adversities. Additionally, the Torah's commandments are explored from the perspective of the laws mentioned in Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, ultimately guiding us towards an understanding of God's moral standards, which transition from a set of external laws to principles of grace, love, and compassion. These laws serve as pointers to curb societal ills rather than representing God's ultimate moral standards. The episode concludes with a captivating analysis of Jesus’ teachings, showcasing how God's redemptive plan was fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Discover how Jesus embodied and completed the Torah, and why understanding the Torah can deepen our comprehension and love for God. Ready for a transformative Bible study session? Tune in and widen your understanding of God’s teachings in this thought-provoking exploration of the Torah’s significance in Christian faith.
Episode 15 - Relationship, Sacrifice, Or Obligation... What Was Salvation In The Old Testament?
Mar 7 2024
Episode 15 - Relationship, Sacrifice, Or Obligation... What Was Salvation In The Old Testament?
In this fascinating episode of the Armor of God podcast, host Father Deacon Don Purdum dissects the complex nature of sin and salvation as detailed in the books of Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. With a special focus on Hebrew vocabulary and the concept of atonement through offerings, listeners are provided with a comprehensive exploration of the early books of the Old Testament's views on sin and redemption. The episode offers a meticulous walkthrough of the context and history that underpins these books, covering topics from the role of the Levite priests to the experiences of the Israelites in the desert. It delves into their rebellion against God and Moses's human failures, offering a thorough understanding of the challenges encountered by the people of Israel in their early history. The podcast goes on to dissect the various forms of sacrifices detailed in Genesis and Leviticus, starting from that first act of sacrifice made by God for Adam and Eve. It examines the personal cost and significance of burnt, grain, peace, sin and guilt offerings in the management of sin and the fostering of a relationship with God. The concept of atonement and its implications within the Torah are also discussed in earnest. Transitioning seamlessly to an evaluation of righteousness, the episode contemplates the Abrahamic Covenant and the Apostle Paul's imperatives about mutual love and burden sharing. It ends with a stark reminder: defiance or rebellion against God's orders can lead to spiritual degradation and bind one to the devil. Don't miss this immersive study episode that enriches your understanding of sin, sacrifice, and salvation as outlined in early books of the Old Testament.
The Deathly Lie That Condemns Christians Who Unintentionally Believe It
Mar 5 2024
The Deathly Lie That Condemns Christians Who Unintentionally Believe It
Welcome back to another stimulating episode of the Full Armor of God podcast with your host, Fr. Deacon Don Purdum. In this episode, we delve into the challenges plaguing modern churches and trace their roots to an ancient heresy known as Gnosticism. We highlight the significant impact of Gnostic philosophy on the church's fragmentation. Take a deep dive into the key teachings of Gnosticism, which advocates the supremacy of knowledge above virtue and reserves understanding scripture to an exclusive group. These doctrines outrightly negate the New Testament teachings which uphold balance in knowledge and virtuous living. Through a comprehensive exploration of 1 John, we establish the reality of Jesus's incarnation—a concept rejected by the Gnostics. Join us as we dispel the darkness symbolizing sin and embrace the light which represents God's holiness and goodness. Dive into the potent significance of Jesus' blood in cleansing sin and grasp why the new covenant in Christ far outweighs the old. Understand the crucial role of repentance and confession for spiritual growth and closeness to God. This episode scrutinizes our faith and challenges the fundamental aspects of our Christian walk. Realize that confession of sins and humility are integral to accepting that we truly belong to Him. John's teachings in Chapter 2 emphasize the importance of maturity in faith—the means to discern truth from deceit. We also discuss propitiation—a Roman law term that denotes satisfying the requirements for forgiveness. Be reminded that the fulfilment of His commandments testifies to our allegiance. The overarching commandments of God: to love God and our neighbors as ourselves. Yet, what does that mean?  Join Don as he probes these crucial questions in our faith journey, and much more. This episode is designed to motivate, edify, and assure you of your position in the body of Christ.
Episode 13 - What Does It Mean "God Is Love" And Why Does It Matter?
Feb 27 2024
Episode 13 - What Does It Mean "God Is Love" And Why Does It Matter?
In this episode of Full Armor of God, host Father Don Purdum takes a deep dive into the profound, often misunderstood Christian doctrine that 'God is Love.' He shares why this concept is crucial to faith, how it affects our relationship with God, and its significant implications. The show gives a detailed review of the nouns attached to God and the need to comprehend other descriptions such as 'God is Spirit,' 'God is One,' and especially 'God is Love.' Disentangling this concept entails exploring the Greek understanding of love and its four types: Eros, Philia, Storge, and Agape. When referred to God, 'Agape' appropriately depicts God's love as self-sacrificing. Concepts of God's sovereignty and human free will are also discussed. God's love is seen as so profound that He offers human beings the freedom to choose to reciprocate His love voluntarily, emphasizing love's authenticity. God's love is also further explored from the perspective of a sin-laden world, disproving the untrue assertion that God is narcissistic. From the episodes of self-sacrifice recorded in the Bible to God's enduring love that dispels fear as iterated in 1 John 4, the discussion culminates in the importance of practicing the sacrificial love Christ demonstrated for us. It concludes with the reminder that practicing this form of love transforms us, cultivating us into individuals more in the likeness of Jesus Christ. Join this enlightening journey that seeks to deepen your knowledge of God's love and its significance in your spiritual walk.
Episode 10 - What Is Sin And It's Relationship To Salvation In the Old Testament? Is It More Nuanced Than Typically Portrayed?
Feb 14 2024
Episode 10 - What Is Sin And It's Relationship To Salvation In the Old Testament? Is It More Nuanced Than Typically Portrayed?
In this new Bible study series on the meaning of salvation, Father Don Purdum delves deep into the Word of God, challenging commonly held beliefs and transforming your understanding of sin and salvation. Get ready for an in-depth study of sin, tracing its impact from Genesis 3 through David. Don will introduce you to seven crucial Hebrew words essential for grasping the different perspectives of sin portrayed in the Old Testament. Prepare for a groundbreaking interpretation of salvation as God's restorative plan, no longer tied strictly to legalism but woven intricately with relationships, love, grace, anger and consequences.  In this episode, uncover the shocking story of King David's sin with Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11) as we break down its cultural and religious implications of the time. We'll dive into Psalm 51 for a unique perspective on David's pleas for mercy and an analysis of the Bible's varied definitions of "sin" for a nuanced understanding of salvation. This podcast delivers a comprehensive discussion about individual sin, mercy, grace, God's judgment, and societal norms in ancient Jerusalem, further enriching your biblical knowledge. Stay tuned for our next episode where we venture into the era of Solomon and the unfolding prophecies about the Messiah. Don's ultimate goal is not just to educate but inspire insightful dialogue amongst listeners, delving into the historical contexts, cultural nuances, and spiritual insights of ancient scriptures.
Episode 9 - Is Jesus Talking About Economic Exploitation In The Parable of The Talents?
Feb 8 2024
Episode 9 - Is Jesus Talking About Economic Exploitation In The Parable of The Talents?
Have we gotten the Parable of the Talents all wrong? After a study of the culture in Jesus' time I believe we do. The villains are really the two slaves who profited immorally off of others and were praised for it, not the one who saved and returned the single coin. Jesus is actually talking about the economic exploitation of the people by its leaders. To understand this better, we have to realize how the ancient first-century people understood money, morality, the Torah, and rabbinical law. When we do, it completely changes our understanding of economic morals.  This leads one to question. Is our economic system deeply corrupted and does it take advantage of people without them even knowing it's happening? Have you ever thought about the modern economic system in America?  Does it empower or enslave us? If it's the latter, how should we wisely and shrewdly interact within our economic system? In Matthew 25:14-30 and Luke 19:11-27, Jesus tells us the Parable of Talents. For as long as I can remember, churches have taught that this passage is about two slaves who used money wisely for their master and were rewarded and one who didn't and was rebuked. Yet, was this really what Jesus was teaching? A closer look at the first century reveals that this is not what this parable was about. Instead, Jesus is talking about the exploitation of people. The real hero of the story is the slave who made his master no money. Yet, Americans have castigated this man for decades or centuries. After much study, I examine the moral controversies of profiteering and paint a picture of how honor and morality were perceived in Jesus’ time compared to our understandings and contrast it more appropriately with our modern lives in America. I hope listeners are compelled to reconsider what they depend upon––money or God. Concluding with Jesus' teachings on shrewdness and wisdom from the gospels, as well as Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, this episode pushes us to reflect upon our role in the current economic system, promoting a critical understanding of biblical texts and their historical, and cultural context.
Episode 8 - The Church Can Change The Course Or Your Life
Feb 6 2024
Episode 8 - The Church Can Change The Course Or Your Life
In the latest episode of 'The Full Armor of God' podcast, host Father Don Purdum explores the church's crucial role in an American society plagued by crises. Father Purdum delves into the impacts of recent events, from pandemics to social upheavals, on the nation's job market, economy, and mental health. He discusses the alarming increase in mental health disorders and suggests a correlation with the decline in faith and church attendance. Through biblical references, he emphasizes the importance of communing in the house of God for maintaining mental wellness. Challenging the common narrative of prosperity leading to happiness, he asserts that true contentment stems from the pursuit of God. The episode also explores spiritual warfare and the church's role as a sanctuary amidst unseen conflicts. Remarking on existential questions of faith and spirituality, Father Purdum optimistically discusses the promising future for believers. With scripture assuring resurrection and everlasting life, he invites listeners to explore the tangible benefits of faith and church attendance amidst modern-day societal challenges. Sharing personal insights, Don provides a deep analysis of the importance of attending church. He candidly shares his spiritual journey, acknowledging initial disillusionment with the church before realizing that his faith waned as he drifted away. He discusses the transformative role of artifacts such as icons and sacraments in the Orthodox Church and refutes common misconceptions about these vital spiritual tools, highlighting their role in sharing the New Testament story. Addressing the declining church attendance, Don sees a silver lining; the sifting out of those attending out of obligation. Quoting a Pew study, he cites valid motivations to attend church, such as seeking proximity to God, moral foundation, personal growth, and comfort in challenging times. The podcast concludes with a call to action - using the Church as an enduring source of faith, strength, and resilience, promising profound spiritual rewards.
Episode 7 - Did I Do Something Wrong To Cause My Suffering?
Feb 1 2024
Episode 7 - Did I Do Something Wrong To Cause My Suffering?
Join us in the newest episode of the Armor of God podcast where host, Don Purdum, analyzes the age-old question - why do bad things happen to good people? Weaving wisdom from the Biblical story of Job's sufferings and personal experiences, Don explores how Job, despite his trials, maintained steadfast faith - a testament to the steadfastness of purpose and unwavering belief in God. Don draws parallels to his life, sharing his journey of recovery from physical injuries and debt, and finding God's redemption in unexpected places. This episode further expounds on the importance of integrity during challenging times, urging listeners not to solely rely on others for comfort. Job's friends and wife, while well-intending, did not fully comprehend the divine purpose behind his suffering. Similarly, life will always bring trials, and Don emphasizes the significance of maintaining a balanced perspective, praising God in both good and adverse times. The story of Job serves as an illustration - our trials are not meant to punish, but refine us, bringing us closer to God. Expect a journey into faith, hope, and love that’s deeply rooted in Job's experiences, and emerge with a renewed understanding of suffering and resilience. This episode takes suffering head-on, presenting it as an opportunity to grow closer to Jesus, to find comfort and solace in His love and companionship. Furthermore, it reminds listeners that, just like Job, life’s adversities will pass, leading us all back into the warm embrace of our Lord.
Episode 5 - How You Can Overcome Painful Challenges, Trials, and Spiritual Warfare
Jan 26 2024
Episode 5 - How You Can Overcome Painful Challenges, Trials, and Spiritual Warfare
In this episode, Don Purdum takes you through his journey since his ordination. He candidly shares his first-hand experiences of spiritual warfare and his unwavering faith through struggles and trials, drawing insightful parallels from 1 Peter 1. Father Don explains the essence of spiritual warfare in the Orthodox Church, emphasizing that the fight is not against flesh and blood but against the principalities and wickedness in the heavenly places. Ideal for those looking to deepen their understanding of biblical trials, faith-building, and spiritual warfare. Father Don sheds light on the changes he encountered after his ordination - from personal trials and spiritual attacks on his family to a profound shift affecting his relationships. This podcast will resonate with everyone dealing with with problems, providing a fresh perspective on what these experiences mean to a Christian. Father Don talks about the war that Christians are thrust into after their baptism, declaratively stating that trials are an integral part of spiritual growth and inseparable from the Christian journey. He delves into a detailed exegesis of 1 Peter 1, explaining how the Apostle Peter prescribes faith exercise and the living hope through Jesus Christ's resurrection as the way to endure trials. He describes the trials as a discovery process of refining our faith and understanding salvation. Similarly, he outlines spiritual warfare's ongoing nature, likening the struggle to refining gold through fire; a painful yet purifying process leading to salvation. Furthermore, Father Don brings comforting insights on dealing with trials, validating the feelings of anguish and the temptation to return to worldly convenience. He assures listeners that they are not alone in their battles and urges them to keep their faith anchored on Jesus, in spite of the persecutions, trials, and temptations. He encourages everyone to implore unto God's power in keeping the faith and facing trials head-on.   Finally, he calls on all Christians to prepare themselves in spiritual warfare by putting on the full armor of God as expressed in Ephesians 6.