Ordinary to Ultra

Brendon Boren

Ultramarathons are pretty gnarly. From the walls of exhaustion to the taxing self-doubt, you WILL encounter difficulty running an ultra. So why do we sign up? And what gets us through those hard times? Tune in weekly to hear about why these ordinary people started running in the first place, the story of their first ultramarathon, and other valuable stories and tips that helped them go from ordinary to ultra. Whether you’re new to ultra running or are an ultra veteran, you’re sure to walk away feeling inspired and ready to run an ultramarathon. read less


From emotionally broken to ultramarathon runner with Josh Law
5d ago
From emotionally broken to ultramarathon runner with Josh Law
Get new episode announcements by email Join our Facebook & Strava group of new and experienced ultra runners Check out our official website Some people run ultramarathons to run towards something. Others… start ultra running to run away from something. Josh started picking up more miles while visiting his terminally ill brother. And if that wasn’t enough, he was also preparing for the heartbreaking end of his first marriage. Luckily, running was there to help Josh through this painful period of life. Tune in today to hear how Josh built up his mileage during these tough times and eventually ran his first 50k ultramarathon. And if you stick around to the end, you can also hear about how Josh’s 70-year-old parents got into ultrarunning and the story of Josh’s first 100-mile ultramarathon! Other topics include road running vs trail running, difference in vibes between road and trail running, “Born to Run” book, running in the heat, overcoming negative thoughts during ultramarathons, the importance of family/friends at race events, how it feels to cross the finish line, enjoying the journey, and more.  Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Background 05:38 Getting into Running and Training Routine 10:09 Transitioning from Road Marathons to Trail Running 14:56 Discovering Ultra Running and Signing Up for Races 17:51 Gear and Preparation for Trail Running 21:45 Exploring Ultra Running and Signing Up for the First 50K 26:12 Dealing with Extreme Heat and Self-Doubt During Training and Races 33:58 The Fear of Disappointing Others as Motivation to Keep Going 39:05 The Life-Changing Experience of Crossing the Finish Line 44:33 The Power of Family Support 46:57 Finding Joy in the Ultra Running Journey 51:20 The Importance of Community 58:33 Appreciating and Celebrating Accomplishments 01:10:54 Outro
From gym and Jiu-Jitsu to 50k ultramarathoner with Anthony Piccirillo
May 20 2024
From gym and Jiu-Jitsu to 50k ultramarathoner with Anthony Piccirillo
Get new episode announcements by email Join our Facebook & Strava group of new and experienced ultra runners Check out our official website Anthony has always been into fitness. He played sports growing up, he loves the gym, loves hiking, and he really likes Jiu-Jitsu! He did some running here and there, but nothing that ever stuck… until recently. All it took to push Anthony over the edge was his friend Jake who asked “Hey, wanna run a marathon with me?” After running that marathon and doing some intense hikes in the Andes, Anthony decided to do some trail running. He realized he could go pretty far and decided he could probably run an ultramarathon. The rest is history. Listen to today’s episode to hear about Anthony’s first marathon, his adventures in the Andes, his ultramarathon training, and the story of Anthony’s first 50k ultramarathon. Other topics include Anthony working as administrator of his PT office, running the Disney Marathon in Florida, adjusting training due to injury and illness, mental resiliance during marathons and ultramarathons, backpacking through the Cordillera Blanca and almost dying, what it feels like to cross the finish line, gear for a rainy ultramarathon, fueling during a 50k ultramarathon, the difference between marathon and ultramarathon community/vibes, Anthony’s upcoming ultra running goals (100-miler).   Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Getting to Know Anthony 02:53 Training for the Marathon and the Disney Marathon Experience 08:03 Injuries, Setbacks, and the Emotional Toll 12:57 Crossing the Finish Line and the Aftermath 22:59 Preparing for the Ultra Marathon 45:07 Race Preparation and Training 48:34 Race Day: Gloomy Weather and Determination 49:41 Gear and Fueling 50:05 Pushing Through and Finishing the Race 52:23 Pushing Through and Finding Motivation 55:06 Fueling and Hydration Strategies 01:03:07 Race Results and Future Goals
From track and basketball to ultramarathons with Diarra Cropper
May 13 2024
From track and basketball to ultramarathons with Diarra Cropper
Get new episode announcements by email Join our Facebook & Strava group of new and experienced ultra runners Check out our official website Diarra is and has always been a sporty dude. Diarra grew up running short-distance track, basketball, volleyball… pretty much everything but soccer and wrestling! And as he progressed into his early adulthood he kept playing basketball with his buddies, until the fateful day he came down from a rebound and ruptured his achilles tendon. Devastated, Diarra wondered if he’d ever be able to compete athletically again. After Diarra had recovered from this injury, his boss invited him to participate in a triathlon rather than go back to basketball. Diarra agreed and did his first triathlon, which lead him to discover the addictive and joyous world of trail running. Tune in today to hear about Diarra’s first 50k and 50-mile ultramarathons in southern Utah and the lessons he’s learned on the way.  Other topics include transitioning from team sports to individual endurance sports, progressing from half-marathons to ultramarathons, running in southern Utah, the Triple Crown of Moab, how to run in sand and slick-rock, dealing with cramping during a race, pushing through mental and physical exhaustion, training for ultramarathons, proper electrolyte and food balance during ultramarathons, taking things slowly to avoid burnout and injuries, and more.  Follow Diarra on Strava and Instagram Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Background 02:57 Moving to Colorado and Embracing the Trails 06:00 Triathlons and Trail Races 11:00 Overcoming Injuries and Challenges 22:10 Training for a 50K Race 28:05 Experiencing Cramping and Challenges 38:01 A Sense of Accomplishment and New Goals 41:07 Challenges of Different Terrains 43:30 Recovery and Training Between Races 44:45 Mental and Physical Struggles During Ultra Marathons 47:18 Achieving the Triple Crown of Moab 53:04 Post-Triple Crown Races and Lessons Learned 59:31 Avoiding Burnout and Finding Balance 01:03:14 Advice for Beginners 01:05:23 Promoting Diversity in Trail Running
Couch and Netflix to ultramarathon runner with Grant Powers
Apr 29 2024
Couch and Netflix to ultramarathon runner with Grant Powers
Get new episode announcements by email Join our Facebook & Strava group of new and experienced ultra runners Check out our official website You graduate school, get a job, get married, start a family, and then... then what? For the last 10 years Grant lived a largely cookie-cutter life: wake up, go to work, come home, grab a beer and watch TV. But this last year he and his wife decided they wanted something more, and being active was a part of that. Grant and his wife had been hitting the gym for a bit when a buddy of his reached out. He knew that Grant lived to earn belt buckles during his rodeo days. Well, this buddy was a new ultra runner and told Grant he could continue to ear belt buckles by running ultramarathons! Grant was hooked before he even ran a mile. Listen to today's episode to hear how Grant went from running 0 miles to running his first 50k, 50-miler, and attempted his first 100-mile ultramarathon; all within 1 year.  Other topics include cross-training at the gym, creating your own community 50k ultramarathon, running your first 50k ultramarathon, running your first 50-mile ultramarathon, trail running in the Appalachian Mountains, ultramarathon nutrition and hydration, the mental and physical challenges of running a 100-mile ultramarathon, dealing with a DNF, finding joy in the journey of running, settings goals to provide purpose and motivation, and dealing with tendonitis. Check out Grant's timed race in Enoree, SC called "Long Night in Lanford." Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Background 07:50 Starting the Running Journey 13:02 Progression and Training 16:50 Organizing a 50K Race 19:49 The Lookout Mountain 50 Experience 29:56 Race Day: Breakfast, Aid Stations, and Unexpected Challenges 40:03 The Sweet Taste of Accomplishment at the Finish Line 42:48 The Importance of Proper Race Preparation and Nutrition 53:26 Adapting to Discrepancies in Race Distance 54:12 Prioritizing Long-Term Health: Withdrawing from a Race due to Injury 54:26 Introduction to Grant Powers and his experience with ultra running 55:40 The mental and physical challenges of ultra running 58:28 The difference between road running and trail running 01:01:04 The importance of nutrition and pacing in ultra races 01:12:21 Upcoming races and future goals in ultra running 01:24:50 Outro
From broken legs to ultramarathon runner with Gillian Parker
Apr 22 2024
From broken legs to ultramarathon runner with Gillian Parker
Get new episode announcements by email Join our Facebook & Strava group of new and experienced ultra runners Check out our official website Gillian is a fantastic human being, and... an adrenaline junky. For years she enjoyed the thrill of skydiving and base jumping all over the United States and beyond. And then, she broke her legs. An unlucky and improbable space of "dead air" left Gillian plummeting towards the ground. She broke her legs and was told she wouldn't run again. Tune in today to hear the story in her words and how she ultimately overcame her injuries, got into running, and recently ran her first 50k ultramarathon.  Other topics include running as crosstraining for extreme sports, setting exciting and ambitious goals, running shoes and taking care of your feet for ultramarathon running, listening to audiobooks for entertainment while running, running as meditation, balancing running with work and being a mom, challenges of dating as an ultra runner, nutrition and training for an ultramarathon, and taking strategic breaks during an ultramarathon. Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Background 03:22 Getting into Running 08:48 Overcoming Injury and Running Milestones 21:36 Preparing for a 50-Miler 29:36 Gear and Foot Care 34:08 Shoe Selection and Ankle Stability 35:28 The Benefits of Listening to Books on Tape While Running 37:10 Running as an Escape and a Form of Meditation 38:19 Finding Joy in Running and Overcoming Initial Dislike 40:13 Running as a Moving Meditation 43:28 Finding Time for Running as a Busy Parent 45:09 Balancing Running and Work Responsibilities 46:27 The Challenges of Dating as a Runner 48:01 The Importance of Individual Running Styles and Preferences 52:18 Training for Ultra Races and Pushing Physical Limits 56:07 Planning Nutrition and Hydration for Long-Distance Races 01:00:33 The Importance of Changing Socks and Dealing with Bathroom Breaks 01:03:47 Dreaming of Running the Bear 100 and Personal Running Adventures
50k ultramarathon DNF to 50k finisher with Justin Bartram
Apr 15 2024
50k ultramarathon DNF to 50k finisher with Justin Bartram
Ultra running is NOT easy, and that's part of why it's so rewarding. Justin was chasing his first 50k ultramarathon to see how far he could go, but he wasn't quite prepared for the brutal conditions he encountered. Between lengthy climbs, 6+ inches of snow, and underprepared nutrition, he ended up pulling from his first 50k ultramarathon. But that's not the end of Justin's story. Listen to today's episode to hear about how Justin got into running, the story of his 50k DNF, but then ultimately his redemption when he runs his own self-supported 50k ultramarathon.  Other topics include running with a stroller, working in running with a traveling job, proper and improper nutrition for a 50k ultramarathon, training for a 50k, running a self-supported 50k, and the mental toughness needed to finish. Follow Justin Bartram on TikToc or Strava. Join our Facebook & Strava group of new and experienced ultra runners Get new episode announcements via email Check out our official website Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Background 01:20 Running while Traveling 04:22 Getting into Running 06:16 Running with Family 07:24 Running Schedule and Work 09:07 Inspiration from Other Runners 10:39 50k Ultramarathon DNF 20:00 Reflecting on the Experience 21:01 Journey to the 50K 22:16 Self-Supported 50K 23:36 Mental Toughness in Ultras 25:17 Training for the 50K 29:09 Feeling Accomplished 31:19 Real Conversations in the Trail Running Community 34:17 Considering a 50-Miler 39:25 Triathlon Considerations 43:01 Lessons from a DNF 44:08 Wrapping Up
Jamie's journey to his first 50k ultramarathon
Apr 8 2024
Jamie's journey to his first 50k ultramarathon
More often than not, the journey to a person's first ultramarathon isn't linear. Jamie started running cross-country back in high school but didn't run his first ultramarathon until his mid-40s. It took a thought about reaching out to his old running friends, some inspiration from David Goggins, and an unanticipated race invitation to push Jamie into long-distance trail and ultramarathon running. Check out today's episode to hear the exciting story of Jamie's first 25k race, and ultimately the grueling but triumphant story of Jamie's first 50k ultramarathon.  Other topics include running with family, training and nutrition strategy, transitioning from road to trail running, race day prep and nutrition, bathroom strategy, the benefits of pre-race warmup, dealing with mental anguish on race day, finding a race day buddy, feelings at the finish line, and advice for new ultra runners.  Jamie is a 46-year-old male from Grafton, Ohio where he lives with his blended family of 7 kids. He also works as the chief of Clevnet, a consortium of 47 libraries.  Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Background 03:00 Running Solo and Family Involvement 06:10 Getting Into Running 09:33 Training and Nutrition 13:43 Transition to Trail Running 22:49 Race Preparation and Nutrition 28:12 Discovering Ultra Running 32:34 Race Day Preparation 33:32 Bathroom Breaks and Pre-Race Anxiety 34:20 Race Preparation and Nutrition 36:05 Race Strategy and Course 37:06 Gear and Pre-Race Routine 39:03 Race Day Experience 44:13 Mental Challenges and Camaraderie 48:09 Finish Line and Recovery 55:15 Post-Race Reflection and Future Goals 59:54 Planning for Future Races 01:11:03 Advice for New Ultra Runners
Running your first marathon and 50-mile ultramarathon with the Batemans
Mar 25 2024
Running your first marathon and 50-mile ultramarathon with the Batemans
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to run an ultramarathon with your partner?! Melody and Jacob Bateman’s relationship started off with a trail running date that eventually lead to a marathon date, and then a joint 50-mile ultramarathon. Tune in to this episode to hear how the Batemans learned about ultra running, training and nutrition tips for your first ultra, and how the Batemans ran their first 50-mile ultramarathon together (without killing each other). Other topics include how running as a couple can be both tough and rewarding, preparing for and running a marathon, strength training and ultra running, mental toughness for ultras, nutrition and hydration for ultras, why we sometimes do or don’t feel elated at the finish line, and more.  Melody and Jacob Bateman are 28 and 30 years old respectively, are now married, have a 5-month-old baby boy, and they run a podcast and business called Trail to 100! They help people run their first 100-mile ultramarathon with their podcast, ultramarathon coaching, and more. Check them out at the links below. Trail to 100 podcast and website Get new episode announcements Join our Facebook & Strava group of new and experienced ultra runners Check out our official website   Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Running as a Couple 03:16 Individual Running Stories 08:55 Meeting and Running a Marathon 30:46 Pacing and Mindset in Ultra Running 36:53 Lessons Learned from a 50-Miler 37:49 Deciding to Run the Race Together 38:16 Starting the Race and Setting the Pace 39:14 Miscommunication and Anger 42:17 Aid Station at Mile 18 44:26 Running Ahead and Waiting 45:18 Running Together and Making a Plan 46:45 Bonking and Regaining Energy 49:03 Struggling and Finding Support 53:38 The Final Uphill Stretch 56:37 The Emotional Finish Line 58:21 Reflecting on the Experience 01:08:43 Encouragement for Beginners
Laura's first 50K, a 41-hour ultramarathon, and ultras as medicine for chronic pain.
Mar 18 2024
Laura's first 50K, a 41-hour ultramarathon, and ultras as medicine for chronic pain.
Everyone starts running for a different reason, but Laura's is pretty unique. Laura has experienced debilitating chronic pain since her youth, but she's found that running helps her reduce inflammation in her body. So ultramarathons are quite literally "medicine" for her condition. Tune in to hear how Laura used running to overcome her chronic pain, how she ran her first 50k ultramarathon, and about the incredibly personal connections she's made during ultramarathons (especially her 41-hour one, that's a fun story).  Also hear about the difference between running marathons and ultramarathons, using a run-walk strategy, the differences between timed and distance-based ultras, and advice for maintaining a positive attitude while racing. Laura is 41 years old and lives near Cleavland, Ohio with her husband and SEVEN (7) dogs. She is an Associate Professor at the University of Indianapolis, and when she's not training she loves to spend time with her family.    Join our Facebook & Strava group of new and experienced ultra runners Get new episode announcements Check out our official website   Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Go-to Running Route 03:11 How Laura Got Into Running 09:06 Running as Medication for Chronic Pain 16:07 Laura's First 50k 27:46 The Intensity of Ultras vs. Marathons 29:00 Strategies and Challenges in Ultras 31:18 A Special Ultra: Race for the Ages 37:58 The Impact of the Ultra Community 39:07 The Power of Human Connection 43:40 The Supportive Role of Volunteers and Pacers 45:23 The Variety of Ultra Races 52:48 Final Ultra Running Advice
Creating your own personal ultramarathon with Craig Lloyd
Feb 26 2024
Creating your own personal ultramarathon with Craig Lloyd
Have you ever considered creating your own ultramarathon? I’m not talking about creating a 100+ person event, but rather planning a personal ultramarathon for yourself and maybe some friends. Craig Lloyd is a lifelong lover of the mountains and is well acquainted with participating in ultramarathon events, but also planning his own ultramarathon distance adventures. The fun part? He can do it just about anywhere he wants! Join today to hear how Craig got into adventure/ultra running by tracking down and befriending the man who beat his FKT (fastest-known time) on the Triple Crown of Utah.  Other topics include LOT’S of running advice like how long it takes to start enjoying running, running posture, if footstrike position matters, and what goals to set for your ultramarathons. You’ll also hear many adventure running stories (like conquering Mt. Rainier, Adams, and Hood in 4 days) and other FKT related stuff. Craig Lloyd is 51 years young. He’s from So Cal, but he has lived in Draper, UT since 2001. He is married and has 4 boys, 2 dogs, and 2 cats. He works as a Talent Management Consultant and Executive Coach, and when he’s not working, you’ll find him in the mountains.   Follow Craig: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ultracraig32 Facebook (he created this group): https://www.facebook.com/groups/TrailAndUltraRunning YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TrailAndUltraRunning   Join our Facebook & Strava group of new and experienced ultra runners: ⁠https://bit.ly/otu-facebook-community⁠  https://www.strava.com/clubs/ordinarytoultra Get new episode announcements: https://landing.ordinarytoultra.com/newsletter Check out our official website: https://www.ordinarytoultra.com/
From 1-mile to 50k to 100-mile ultramarathons with Kali Nicole
Feb 19 2024
From 1-mile to 50k to 100-mile ultramarathons with Kali Nicole
Do you know what disease is more infectious than Covid? Ultramarathon-itis! About 3 years ago Kali caught the running bug and has since gone from running a 1-mile race at the zoo to running two 100-mile ultramarathons. You’ll hear about how Kali prepared for her first 50k, up to the polarizing stories of her 100-milers: one was a roughly 2-mile park loop, and the other was a one-way route up and down the mountains of Utah.  Other topics include the difference between distance-based and time-based ultramarathons (24 hours vs 100-miler), finding friends to run with, the perks of having a running coach, running to relieve grief and stress, racing while sick, racing into a porcupine, delirium and hallucinations during ultras, and Peanut M&Ms as the best post-race recovery meal. Kali is 39 years old. She’s originally from Woodbridge, CT and now lives in Siracuse, NY with her family. She’s happily married to her husband and has 3 girls. Kali balances her life between family, working as a registered nurse, and training for ultras. Luckily her husband is great about watching the kids when he can. When she isn’t running, she is probably napping, cooking (she loves to cook), or being a fun mom. Join our Facebook & Strava group of new and experienced ultra runners: ⁠https://bit.ly/otu-facebook-community⁠  https://www.strava.com/clubs/ordinarytoultra Get new episode announcements: https://landing.ordinarytoultra.com/newsletter Check out our official website: https://www.ordinarytoultra.com/