Tessa Talks: Purposeful Lifestyle Development

Tessa Spisak

Welcome to Purposeful Lifestyle Development, where neuroscience and thoughtwork meet to help YOU create your highest-value lifestyle and turn your dreams into a reality. Your host, Tessa Spisak, is a Board Certified Practitioner, Master Certified Life and Health Coach, and established executive speaker.

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Quarterly Self-Inventory: 4 Questions To Realign
Mar 18 2024
Quarterly Self-Inventory: 4 Questions To Realign
In this episode,  we are diving into the power of quarterly self-questioning to help you stay aligned with your goals and to feel more intentional and present with your time.As we enter the second quarter of 2024, I encourage you to pause and reflect on the past few months through the concept of "self-inventory," a practice of checking in with yourself to evaluate what's been happening in your life, how you feel about it, and where you want to go next.Through honest self-reflection, I'll guide you through my simple series of questions designed to uncover insights about your true experiences and real progress. By honestly assessing successes, challenges, and areas for improvement, you are more empowered to take proactive steps toward aligning your actions with your aspirations. Whether it's celebrating achievements, adjusting priorities, or setting new goals, it is key to emphasize the importance of being true to yourself throughout this journey of personal growth and development.Listeners are encouraged to join in this practice, whether through journaling or mindful contemplation, to gain clarity, honesty, and renewed purpose in creating the life they desire.------------------------------Click here for quick links!Website for coaching info: www.PurposefulLifestyleDevelopment.comReach me: info@purposefullifestyledevelopment.comFree Coaching in our Tiktok Community: https://www.tiktok.com/@coachtessaLive: http://www.wellnesscoach.live/coaches/tessa-spisakUp to $40 off your 1st Daily Harvest Purchase here! Use "CoachTessa" at CheckoutShop DYI Clothing here! 20% Off Every Order With "CoachTessa" at Checkout
The Power of Self-Love, Discipline, and Personal Boundaries (Boundaries Part II)
Dec 18 2023
The Power of Self-Love, Discipline, and Personal Boundaries (Boundaries Part II)
It is an absolutely transformative path we take when we unlock the potent blend of self-love and discipline needed to craft a purposeful lifestyle. This episode is a deep dive into the world of SELF boundaries, where I share how my own personal boundaries and guidelines have revolutionized my life, giving you the tools to do the same. Learn the difference a simple shift in language can make, as we move from the passive 'I will' to a commitment that resonates to our core. Plus, discover the magic that can ignite instant action towards your dreams, thwarting the brain's typical shutdown response.Feel the energy of a fresh start where we come together to explore strategies for mental fitness that cultivate joy and health. This week, we delve into the art of consulting your future self for life's daily decisions, ensuring every choice aligns with your long-term happiness. Segment intending, a gem from Abraham Hicks, becomes your secret weapon for maintaining a positive outlook, and a guide through setting intentions for each day's various moments. I'd be honored to connect with you on your journey journey; to share stories, experiences, and the excitement of living with purpose and happiness.------------------------------Click here for quick links!Website for coaching info: www.PurposefulLifestyleDevelopment.comReach me: info@purposefullifestyledevelopment.comFree Coaching in our Tiktok Community: https://www.tiktok.com/@coachtessaLive: http://www.wellnesscoach.live/coaches/tessa-spisakInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/CoachtessaPLDUp to $40 off your 1st Daily Harvest Purchase here! Use "CoachTessa" at CheckoutShop DYI Clothing here! 20% Off Every Order With "CoachTessa" at Checkout
Mastering Relationship Dynamics with Effective Boundaries
Dec 11 2023
Mastering Relationship Dynamics with Effective Boundaries
Ever feel like you're at the mercy of others' expectations, especially during this bustling holiday season? This episode is a guide through the empowering process of setting boundaries that will forever change the landscape of your relationships for the better. This week's episode peels back the layers of why personal inventory is pivotal and how we can take charge of the way we're treated and respond to others. It's not just about being treated right; it's about responding right. We'll discuss interpersonal dynamics with a particular focus on handling the energy-draining and unsolicited conversations that can spike, especially during holiday gatherings.Armed with a step-by-step process, we'll learn to articulate our values, give ourselves the permission to uphold them, and communicate these boundaries with clarity and respect. I'm looking forward to sharing stories and strategies that will bolster your self-care and self-love practices. And as we look ahead, get ready to mark your calendars for next Monday – we'll continue this vital conversation by delving deeper into the practice of setting personal boundaries that nurture the life you dream of. Join our community in fostering a lifestyle of empowerment and respect, and together let's embrace the power of establishing clear and respectful boundaries that support our well-being.------------------------------Click here for quick links!Website for coaching info: www.PurposefulLifestyleDevelopment.comReach me: info@purposefullifestyledevelopment.comFree Coaching in our Tiktok Community: https://www.tiktok.com/@coachtessaLive: http://www.wellnesscoach.live/coaches/tessa-spisakInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/CoachtessaPLDUp to $40 off your 1st Daily Harvest Purchase here! Use "CoachTessa" at CheckoutShop DYI Clothing here! 20% Off Every Order With "CoachTessa" at Checkout
Creating An Upward Spiral In Your Life w/ Behavioral Activation (My Favorite Brain Hack)
Nov 20 2023
Creating An Upward Spiral In Your Life w/ Behavioral Activation (My Favorite Brain Hack)
You know the drill - what you think creates what you feel, what you feel drives what you do,  what you do becomes your lifestyle, and your lifestyle IS your reality.But what about when we are feeling... blah... unmotivated... stuck... discouraged... unable to stick to our plans... or life is just really taking it out of you?The part of this cycle that we are focusing on in today's episode is this, the driving factors that cause how we ACT. To do so, we're tapping into a highly successful therapy modality called "Behavioral Activation". We'll discuss how you can intentionally choose the direction of your life in an instant by getting into the habit of CHOOSING actions that stimulate an upward spiral of positivity, even when motivation seems to be playing hide and seek. (Of course, we will be breaking down exactly what this means and how to do it)This episode is full of strategies for creating more control over your actions in a way that drives your life in the direction that YOU choose.  Most importantly, a guide through the most crucial step of breaking the cycle of inactivity and low mood by taking the right intentional actions for ourselves. The power of small acts of self-care and personal commitment have the power to transform your entire trajectory and help you up show up for yourself in the way you KNOW you can. So join me this week as we discuss the power of transforming thoughts into purposeful action through Behavioral Activation!------------------------------Click here for quick links!Website for coaching info: www.PurposefulLifestyleDevelopment.comReach me: info@purposefullifestyledevelopment.comFree Coaching in our Tiktok Community: https://www.tiktok.com/@coachtessaLive: http://www.wellnesscoach.live/coaches/tessa-spisakInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/CoachtessaPLDUp to $40 off your 1st Daily Harvest Purchase here! Use "CoachTessa" at CheckoutShop DYI Clothing here! 20% Off Every Order With "CoachTessa" at Checkout
Achieve The Future Faster! The Cheat Code To Keeping Your Resolutions
Nov 6 2023
Achieve The Future Faster! The Cheat Code To Keeping Your Resolutions
This is THE episode!! If you want to have a massively transformational 2024 then YOU NEED TO HEAR THIS! If you are tired of your current routine, need a change, if you are tired of setting the same goals and same New Year's Resolution over and over -- this episode will give you the cheat code.Did you know?- 23% of people quit their resolution for the new year by the end of the first week- 43% of people quit by the end of January- Only 9% of people claim to stick to their resolutions all year!The most common things people promise themselves in the New Year?- Exercise more - Eat healthier- Lose weight- Save more money- Spend more time with loved ones- Spend less time on social media- Reduce stress at work- Reduce living expenses Sound familiar? Have another goal in mind?Let's turn those resolutions and promises to yourself into reality. This episode is all about how to start doing what it takes to embrace a new and more aligned version of YOU, and quit falling for "the fallacy of tomorrow".Spoiler here... this is all about giving yourself power and autonomy in the RIGHT NOW!!------------------------------Click here for quick links!Website for coaching info: www.PurposefulLifestyleDevelopment.comReach me: info@purposefullifestyledevelopment.comFree Coaching in our Tiktok Community: https://www.tiktok.com/@coachtessaLive: http://www.wellnesscoach.live/coaches/tessa-spisakInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/CoachtessaPLDUp to $40 off your 1st Daily Harvest Purchase here! Use "CoachTessa" at CheckoutShop DYI Clothing here! 20% Off Every Order With "CoachTessa" at Checkout
4 Self-Inventory Questions To Align You With Your Big Dreams & Goals
Oct 23 2023
4 Self-Inventory Questions To Align You With Your Big Dreams & Goals
This week's conversation outlines exactly how to keep tabs on where your energy and focus is going, and how to harness the power of inspired action. In this episode, I am giving you a set of 4 simple but incredibly powerful questions that you can ask yourself to take some monthly  (or honestly, whenever you need it!) inventory.This is an insightful practice designed to align your actions with your big dreams and goals. (Remember - Idenentiy Alignment*) This is a quick but impactful conversation that could shape your perspective on your own self-reflection.- Discover where your focus lies, whether it's a career milestone, a personal project, or a family transition. - Reflect on your achievements and positive habits. Acknowledging your successes not only boosts your morale but also enhances your awareness of the aspects of life you can control.- Take a moment to identify areas for improvement and change. This question prompts you to confront obstacles and helps you outline actionable steps toward your big dreams.- Let's figure out where we are actually going. Set a specific, achievable goal for the upcoming month and visualize your progress. Be specific about their expectations and imagine the growth that could come from staying committed to their habits.Taking your monthly inventory is a simple yet impactful tool for staying connected with yourself and the things you truly want. Whether you're aiming for personal development, health goals, or professional success, these questions are designed to help you gain clarity and empower you to create the life you desire.Keep this tool handy as a way for you to ensure the actions that you are taking are in line with your big dreams and aspirations. This is how we keep the course on our journey towards a healthier, happier lifestyle. ------------------------------Click here for quick links!Website for coaching info: www.PurposefulLifestyleDevelopment.comReach me: info@purposefullifestyledevelopment.comFree Coaching in our Tiktok Community: https://www.tiktok.com/@coachtessaLive: http://www.wellnesscoach.live/coaches/tessa-spisakInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/CoachtessaPLDUp to $40 off your 1st Daily Harvest Purchase here! Use "CoachTessa" at CheckoutShop DYI Clothing here! 20% Off Every Order With "CoachTessa" at Checkout
Identity Alignment & Decluttering Your Mental Load
Oct 16 2023
Identity Alignment & Decluttering Your Mental Load
This episode dives into the power of Identity Alignment, a practice for those who are ready to make a transformative shift toward their big dreams and potential. If that sounds like you, this episode is for you!This conversation explores the concept of Identity Alignment as a continuous commitment to living authentically in harmony with your desired identity. The key? 1.) Taking a closer look at your life, priorities, and habits through taking Self-Inventory.2.) Identify and replace habits that weigh heavy on your mental load. 3.) Understanding how the actions you take rewires your brain.By actively working towards your goals and toward Identity Alignment, you're not only building new habits, but also rewiring your brain to support you!Let's discuss the neuroscience behind the process, where small, consistent changes lead to HUGE transformation. As you align your actions with your desires, your brain rewards you (we talk about how!), subconsciously reinforcing your commitment.This conversation is more than just an episode; it's a practical guide to kickstart your personal development journey. From clearing mental clutter to setting the stage for positive changes, Tessa leaves you with actionable steps and a roadmap for lasting transformation. Tune in, take notes, and join the journey to a purposeful, aligned life!Don't miss out—hit that subscribe button and let's embark on this journey together! --------Click here for quick links!Website for coaching info: www.PurposefulLifestyleDevelopment.comReach me: info@purposefullifestyledevelopment.comFree Coaching in our Tiktok Community: https://www.tiktok.com/@coachtessaLive: http://www.wellnesscoach.live/coaches/tessa-spisakInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/CoachtessaPLDUp to $40 off your 1st Daily Harvest Purchase here! Use "CoachTessa" at CheckoutShop DYI Clothing here! 20% Off Every Order With "CoachTessa" at Checkout
Moving Into Your Growth Era (Or Any New Season)
Oct 9 2023
Moving Into Your Growth Era (Or Any New Season)
Are you ready to move into your new era or new season of life? To level up? Or just have a bit more intuitive comfort through the ebbs and flows? This episode is for you. This episode covers the beauty and science of intuition and how it can be harnessed as an instinctive power. Its roots are in our natural human power, seen even as far back as our ancestor's survival instincts.This episode also covers how our brains respond to uncertainty, and more importantly - how to change it. Most importantly, this episode guides you through the process of recognizing when it's time for a change and how to create new patterns to manifest your dream life. This can be the start of your enlightening journey of self-discovery, manifestation, and the power of embracing change.This is your chance to discover how tuning into your intuition can align you with your life purpose and help you be a beacon of light.From Coach T -"I AM BACK!! Thank you all so much for your patience as I took a few weeks off of the podcast to spend a few weeks traveling and loving on friends and family. All my love to you, and we are back to new episodes each week!! Thank you for being here ❤️"--------Click here for quick links!Website for coaching info: www.PurposefulLifestyleDevelopment.comReach me: info@purposefullifestyledevelopment.comFree Coaching in our Tiktok Community: https://www.tiktok.com/@coachtessaLive: http://www.wellnesscoach.live/coaches/tessa-spisakInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/CoachtessaPLDUp to $40 off your 1st Daily Harvest Purchase here! Use "CoachTessa" at CheckoutShop DYI Clothing here! 20% Off Every Order With "CoachTessa" at Checkout
Direct Your Energy To Create Luck INTENTIONALLY
Jun 12 2023
Direct Your Energy To Create Luck INTENTIONALLY
What energy are you bringing into your daily life, and how does it affect your luck, success, and happiness? In today's episode, Coach Tessa shares powerful insights on intentional energy alignment and how it can transform the way life shows up for YOU. This conversation includes:- The impact of choosing positive energy, as Tessa discusses her own experiences with excitement, relaxation, creativity, and playfulness. - Learning how to create your own luck by getting curious and asking the question... "so just how good could this POSSIBLY get?".- Taking Inventory: Are you simply going through the motions or showing up to life with intention and curiosity? Tessa also discusses the pitfalls of relying on sheer determination and motivation, and explores brain training techniques for living your best life, while challenging you to consider just how you're REALLY showing up in your own life. Don't miss this thought-provoking conversation that will help you tap into your full potential and live a more fulfilling, intentional life!---Click here for quick links!Website for coaching info: www.PurposefulLifestyleDevelopment.comReach me: info@purposefullifestyledevelopment.comFree Coaching in our Tiktok Community: https://www.tiktok.com/@coachtessaLive: http://www.wellnesscoach.live/coaches/tessa-spisakInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/CoachtessaPLDUp to $40 off your 1st Daily Harvest Purchase here! Use "CoachTessa" at CheckoutShop DYI Clothing here! 20% Off Every Order With "CoachTessa" at Checkout
Signs It's Time To Level-Up AGAIN & Accessing Your Growth Zone
Jun 5 2023
Signs It's Time To Level-Up AGAIN & Accessing Your Growth Zone
In this week's episode, we are diving deep into your comfort zone, signs from your body that it's time to level up, and how to handle it when you actually ACHIEVE your greatest desires.Host Tessa Spisak uses a visual directly from nature that symbolizes the need we feel for expansion in our own lives. From personal experiences to thought-provoking insights, she explores how our desires for more, our dreams, and our goals can create some serious uneasiness when we outgrow what we once thought was our greatest potential. (Pursuing new goals and dreams can be daunting, especially when you've already achieved your BIG goals!)Achieving our goals and dreams doesn't always come with the satisfaction we might have expected -- but can instead open up new doorways for more delicious growth. This episode also includes: -the stages of our Comfort Zones (from Comfort to GROWTH!)- practical tips on reframing stress- understanding the power of neuroplasticity- how to prioritize our growth-  how to move forward with new growth while honoring your past achievements- addressing the fear that comes with change- *the breakdown*: stepping out of our comfort zones can lead to SO MUCH MOREIf you're ready to challenge yourself, break free from self-imposed limits, and explore the untapped potential within you, this episode is a must-listen!!---Click here for quick links!Website for coaching info: www.PurposefulLifestyleDevelopment.comReach me: info@purposefullifestyledevelopment.comFree Coaching in our Tiktok Community: https://www.tiktok.com/@coachtessaLive: http://www.wellnesscoach.live/coaches/tessa-spisakInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/CoachtessaPLDUp to $40 off your 1st Daily Harvest Purchase here! Use "CoachTessa" at CheckoutShop DYI Clothing here! 20% Off Every Order With "CoachTessa" at Checkout
My Surprise Vacation!! What I Learned + A Lesson On "Vacation Brain"
May 22 2023
My Surprise Vacation!! What I Learned + A Lesson On "Vacation Brain"
I just got back from my unforgettable SURPRISE birthday/anniversary getaway!! (It was so crazy not knowing where we were going)We swam with pigs and were blown away by the breathtaking beauty of the islands. This adventure not only allowed me to create cherished memories but also helped me gain valuable insights into how to move forward (plus what I want to keep front of mind) in the coming year. Join me in this episode as I take you through my amazing experiences and the lessons learned, which I hope will remind and inspire you to embrace the joy you have already created in your own life.I love talking to you all about my concept of 'vacation brain' - a mindset where you're fully present and excited about each new experience. While seeing these untouched islands, the beautiful animals, and the wonderfully happy locals, I was reminded of the significance of applying this mindset to our daily EVERY DAY in some way, shape, or form.By learning how to tap into 'vacation brain,' we can reframe challenging situations and bring more joy and inspiration into our lives.Plus, I'm sharing an interaction I heard that really... I am very grateful I overheard.It was a great reminder about the importance of finding happiness in the present moment, no matter the circumstances;  that worrying about things beyond our control is pointless, and it's our choice to make each moment good. We're talking all about intentionally training our brains today, in the most fun, enjoyable way I know how!---Click here for quick links!Website for coaching info: www.PurposefulLifestyleDevelopment.comReach me: info@purposefullifestyledevelopment.comFree Coaching in our Tiktok Community: https://www.tiktok.com/@coachtessaLive: http://www.wellnesscoach.live/coaches/tessa-spisakInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/CoachtessaPLDUp to $40 off your 1st Daily Harvest Purchase here! Use "CoachTessa" at CheckoutShop DYI Clothing here! 20% Off Every Order With "CoachTessa" at Checkout
Unlocking Untapped Energy & Creativity: Conquer Resistance to Maximize Your Potential
May 1 2023
Unlocking Untapped Energy & Creativity: Conquer Resistance to Maximize Your Potential
If you are ready to unlock your untapped energy and creativity... this conversation is short, sweet, and just for you!In this episode, we're talking about maximizing your potential by managing your energy, in order to help you create your highest-value lifestyle. We're covering the importance of keeping promises to yourself, protecting your energy from leaks, and taking action toward your goals to actually rewire your brain against resistance. (Resistance is that sneaky force that can drain our energy and stifle our creativity, stemming from our fears, doubts, insecurities, or limiting beliefs.)As you pour into yourself, you'll have more to give to your tasks and goals, and those who count on you! Join me as we confront this inner enemy and take bold steps toward our dreams, paving the way for a more fulfilling and purposeful life. Embrace your personal pursuit of excellence and celebrate every victory, no matter how small, because you are stronger than anything holding you back. Ready to reignite your passion for your goals? Let's talk!---Click here for quick links!Website for coaching info: www.PurposefulLifestyleDevelopment.comReach me: info@purposefullifestyledevelopment.comFree Coaching in our Tiktok Community: https://www.tiktok.com/@coachtessaLive: http://www.wellnesscoach.live/coaches/tessa-spisakInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/CoachtessaPLDUp to $40 off your 1st Daily Harvest Purchase here! Use "CoachTessa" at CheckoutShop DYI Clothing here! 20% Off Every Order With "CoachTessa" at Checkout