Solution Seekers

Paige Buck

Welcome to the Solution Seekers podcast featuring Paige Buck. “Solution Seekers” marks a significant milestone for Kennedy Events as we embrace our core values and embark on a new era of growth and inspiration. Through thought-provoking discussions, expert interviews, and practical advice, this podcast will empower listeners to become solution seekers themselves, embracing challenges as opportunities for personal and professional development. We look forward to sharing our explorations as you tune in, engage, and become a part of this community. Together, we can navigate the ever-changing landscape of events and beyond—one solution at a time.

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Adobe Unveiled: Innovating Product Adoption and Retention Through Events
May 30 2024
Adobe Unveiled: Innovating Product Adoption and Retention Through Events
In the latest episode of “Solution Seekers,” host Paige Buck sits down with Shea Cibulsky, Senior Marketing Manager of Global Adoption and Retention Events at Adobe. The conversation dives into the intricacies of running successful customer learning event programs, focusing on “Experience Makers: The Skill Exchange.” This program emerged as a response to disjointed and ineffective events previously run by various Adobe business units. Through research and direct conversations with Adobe users, the Skill Exchange was designed to offer a seamless and engaging customer experience. One key takeaway is the importance of understanding what the audience truly wants: a blend of peer insights and company knowledge to ensure rich, actionable content.Shea elaborates on how continuous touchpoints with her team and advanced technology like Cvent have revolutionized their workflow. By employing an automated speaker resource portal, the onboarding process for their latest event—with 70+ speakers—was streamlined and received enthusiastic participant approval. Shea also articulates how crucial it is to measure the program’s impact using metrics that not only track attendance but product and solution usage as well. This evolving approach has been instrumental in optimizing both speaker and attendee experiences, exemplifying how robust feedback mechanisms and cutting-edge tech can elevate event programs in a digital-first world.
Unlocking Creative Visions: How Pierce Larick and New Revolution Media Elevate Global Brands
May 2 2024
Unlocking Creative Visions: How Pierce Larick and New Revolution Media Elevate Global Brands
In the latest episode of the “Solution Seekers Podcast" hosted by Paige Buck, Pierce Larick, the visionary founder and CEO of New Revolution Media, shares deep insights into his entrepreneurial journey, highlighting the balance between creative innovation and the nuances of business leadership. Pierce shares his transition from a solo photographer to leading a video production team, emphasizing the importance of embracing diverse team dynamics and maintaining a positive work culture. He introduces a unique "no a**hole policy" to safeguard team morale and productivity and discusses educating clients on the creative process to better align project outcomes with client expectations. This strategic approach to client interaction, combined with a commitment to fostering strong industry relationships, plays a crucial role in his company's success.Larick also delves into the less-discussed aspects of entrepreneurship, such as the mental health challenges that come with running a business. He highlights the importance of support networks, particularly through groups of fellow entrepreneurs who understand the unique pressures of the industry. A case study of a successful campaign for Lululemon illustrates how granting creative freedom can lead to content that not only satisfies but exceeds client expectations, setting new benchmarks in storytelling. This podcast episode offers a wealth of insights for entrepreneurs on balancing strategic decision-making with creative passion and interpersonal relationships to thrive in business. Larick's journey underscores the importance of combining strategic planning with a passion for creativity and sincere interpersonal relationships. This balanced approach not only helps navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship but also contributes to a rewarding and successful business venture.
Navigating the Complexities of Corporate Event Planning with Meg Fasy and Sarah Bseiso
Feb 22 2024
Navigating the Complexities of Corporate Event Planning with Meg Fasy and Sarah Bseiso
In this episode of the “Solution Seekers” podcast, Paige Buck dives into the intricacies of event planning with Meg Fasy, founder of fazeFWD, and Sarah Bseiso, Senior Manager of Global Events at Informatica. They tackle the balance between structure and innovation in managing large-scale events and delve into the significance of building strong relationships within the industry. Both Meg and Sarah share their insights on the pivotal role of autonomy in event teams and the art of saying no to unfeasible ideas while remaining open to new trends that are reshaping the event planning landscape. The theme of maintaining a vendor relationship as an extension of the event team, as well as how to navigate the challenges when a vendor isn't the right fit, sets the tone for a candid conversation about the finer nuances of corporate event planning. But in a field where the expectations are as dynamic as the technologies and audience, how do event professionals strike the right balance between innovation and discipline?Meg and Sarah, with their wealth of experience, provide valuable perspectives on the challenges of trying to be everything to everyone versus the need to set boundaries and selectively embrace new ideas and opportunities to avoid team burnout and turnover. Their expertise shines as they advocate for the importance of understanding client needs, proving vendor competence, and treating contractors with respect. How does one navigate the twin demands of innovation and structure to achieve growth and avoid pitfalls? Listen to the seasoned insights of our guests as they recount personal experiences and lessons learned from managing flagship events and steering companies toward strategic branding and successful collaborations.
Adapting Your Marketing Approach in an Ever-Changing Landscape
Oct 19 2023
Adapting Your Marketing Approach in an Ever-Changing Landscape
In the ever-evolving world of marketing, it is crucial to stay ahead of the curve and adapt your strategies to meet the needs of a rapidly changing market. But how can you effectively navigate these evolving landscapes?In this episode of The Solution Seekers Podcast, Paige Buck engages in an insightful conversation with Megan Hull, the Senior Director of Events at Technology Marketing Toolkit (TMT), a renowned marketing consulting firm in the IT services industry. Megan brings her expertise and years of experience as she discusses the challenges faced by the events industry and how TMT has adapted to the changing market. With over 30 events each year, ranging from small workshops to large-scale conferences, Megan and her team have developed effective strategies for ensuring the success of each event.As an experienced events professional, Megan brings a wealth of knowledge to the discussion highlighting the importance of constantly enhancing and improving events. In response to a downturn in in-person event attendance, Megan shares how her team pivoted to hosting virtual events and focused on maintaining high engagement levels. This experience allowed her to embrace the importance of community and our natural deep craving for connection, especially in times of isolation. She also focuses on how her team uses their skill sets and understands the role and capacity each person can play to create the best experience for the client and their attendees. Megan’s depth of knowledge and passion for the events world will delight and inspire you to new ways of thinking within your team.
Navigating the Intersection of Sales, Marketing, and Operations
Oct 5 2023
Navigating the Intersection of Sales, Marketing, and Operations
In this enlightening episode of The “Solutions Seekers” podcast, host Paige Buck, is joined by Michelle Allbon, Fractional CRO and Managing Director of Grounded Advisory. During her interview, Michelle dives deep into the dynamic world of sales, marketing, and operations. Drawing from her diverse career path and wealth of experience, Michelle sheds light on the complexities and challenges of navigating these intersecting domains.Michelle's valuable insights highlight the need for a harmonious relationship between sales and marketing. She emphasizes the importance of establishing clear swim lanes and a shared understanding of goals and responsibilities. By aligning these functions and leveraging modern practices like revenue operations (Rev ops), companies can optimize lead generation, conversion, and customer tracking. Michelle also challenges the traditional view of sales as a linear process, advocating for a holistic approach that embraces the power of data-driven strategies while fostering genuine customer relationships.Through her expertise as a fractional Chief Revenue Officer (CRO), Michelle provides a fresh perspective on how operational change and uncertainty can be approached strategically. She stresses the significance of distinguishing between tactical and strategic work, empowering leaders to focus on the broader context and make informed decisions based on concise, bottom-line data.This episode paves the way for professionals across sales, marketing, and operations to explore innovative ways of driving revenue, fostering collaboration, and navigating the ever-evolving landscape of business. Michelle Allbon's insights serve as a guiding light for those seeking to excel in the intertwined realms of sales, marketing, and operations.
Aligning Teams Toward Shared Metrics for Revenue Growth
Jul 6 2023
Aligning Teams Toward Shared Metrics for Revenue Growth
In the world of business, revenue growth is the ultimate goal. It's what drives companies forward, fuels innovation, and creates opportunities for expansion. But achieving sustainable revenue growth requires more than just hard work and dedication. It requires alignment within teams, a shared understanding of metrics, and a strategic focus on key goals. In a recent episode of The Kennedy Events Podcast, titled "Aligning Teams Toward Shared Metrics for Revenue Growth," host Paige Buck sits down with guest David Aronica, Head of Growth Marketing at Yellowbrick Data, to discuss the importance of team alignment in driving revenue growth.One of the key takeaways from the episode is the impact of misalignment within teams. Aronica highlights the common scenario where different teams, such as marketing and sales, focus on different metrics or drivers for making money. For instance, the marketing team might prioritize generating marketing qualified leads (MQLs), while the sales team focuses on generating opportunities. This divergence in focus can lead to friction and inefficiency within the organization, ultimately hindering revenue growth. To address this, Aronica emphasizes the role of leadership in setting clear goals and metrics for each stage of the customer journey. When teams have a shared understanding of what constitutes a qualified opportunity or lead, they can work together more effectively toward revenue growth.