Ignite Your Truth

Christie Hayden

Hosted by Best-selling Author and Spiritual Mentor Christie Hayden; your divine guide here to help you, ’shed the shit,’ that no longer serves you in order to co-create a life beyond your wildest dreams. If you are looking to massively up-level your life, mindset, relationships, your finances, or spiritual game then you’ve come to the right place. I am obsessed with helping soulprenuers like you, step into their limitless potential by reigniting the truth within their souls. Soul, if you’re ready to be ’all in,’ on you. Consider this your weekly dose of energetics to help you remember who you are and exactly what you came here for. I’m soul excited to dive in with you. So let’s get started as we board the elevate her together to all you’ve ever desired to be. read less
Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


The ’Lies We Tell Ourselves.’
Feb 27 2023
The ’Lies We Tell Ourselves.’
Lovebug, in this episode we're going to dive all the way into the 'lies we tell ourselves.' Into the stories, the fears, the 'lies from the lizard,' that can often feel heavy, and true when we allow ourselves to believe it, to buy into it, and make it all mean something about Y-O-U. Because often times the stories we tell ourselves become a focus... a loop that's always in all ways running in the back of our subconscious mind...  Like a reel. It becomes the movie we choose to play... to project on the screen known as our life. Because of course, what you believe to be true inside of you is what you'll notice is being projected outside of you in the environments, situations, opportunities, and ways you live. Soul, in this episode we'll be discussing:  • How everyday you're presented with a choice. A divine decision to be 'all in on you,' and your purpose. No matter what. • How to get back into the seat of your soul by regulating your nervous system, and reminding yourself of exactly who you are and what you came here to be. • How important it is to live the life your soul desiHers to be now, and not the one filled with shame, blame, regret, or fear.  • How the word 'problem' in your life can be replaced by 'opportunity.' As it allows you to learn, grow, glow, and pivot. To be-come more raw, authentic, real, and aligned. Because you have an opportunity every second of everyday to let go of the need to know or control everything while choosing again. • How what has or has not happened in your life does not get to define you or your limitless possibility, boo. • An opportunity and invitation to join my brand-spankin' new intimate AF mastermind EMERGE. If this episode inspiHer'd, motivated, or reignited you in some way, please take a screenshot of you listening on your device, and post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag me @fearlessleadher. Lovebug, I love to hearing from you. Please feel free to message or send your questions or topics you'd love me to lean more into on instagram @fearlessleadher or at: https://www.igniteyourtruthpodcast.com/questions  as they may be featured on an upcoming episode.  Lovebug, have you left us a review yet? lf not, please do as it helps our show, and all you have to do is go to: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ignite-your-truth/id1647470039, as we're soul grateful for your support! Here's some other ways you can also connect with me:  https://www.instagram.com/fearlessleadher https://www.facebook.com/fearlessleadher https://linktr.ee/fearlessleadher   Love Always, Christie xo
The Breakthrough
Feb 20 2023
The Breakthrough
Lovebug, in this episode we'll discuss: • How you too, can breakthrough the noise, worry, control and fear of judgment that lives outside of you.    • How everyday you're presented with a choice. A divine decision to be 'all in on you,' and your purpose. No matter what. • How to get back into the seat of your soul by regulating your nervous system, and reminding yourself of exactly who you are and what you came here to be. • How important it is to live the life your soul desiHers to be, and not one filled with shame, blame, or regret.  • How you have a beautiful opportunity to pivot. To choose again every second of everyday and to let go of the need to know or control everything. • How what has or has not happened in your life does not get to define you or your limitless possibility, boo. • How to board the elevateHer to your dream floor, and co-create a life beyond your wildest dreams by focusing on where you are... what you have... what you believe to be true, and experiencing life like you desiHer (fluff that) desHerve to... because it's all, already here just waiting for you.   • How to defy gravity. Limitations. And break-free. • An opportunity and invitation to join my brand-spankin' new intimate AF mastermind EMERGE. If this episode inspiHer'd, motivated, or reignited you in some way, please take a screenshot of you listening on your device, and post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag me @fearlessleadher. Lovebug, I love to hearing from you. Please feel free to message or send your questions or topics you'd love me to lean more into on instagram @fearlessleadher or at: https://www.igniteyourtruthpodcast.com/questions  as they may be featured on an upcoming episode.  Lovebug, have you left us a review yet? lf not, please do as it helps our show, and all you have to do is go to: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ignite-your-truth/id1647470039, as we're soul grateful for your support! Here's some other ways you can also connect with me:  https://www.instagram.com/fearlessleadher https://www.facebook.com/fearlessleadher https://linktr.ee/fearlessleadher   Love Always, Christie xo
Start Right Where You Are...
Feb 6 2023
Start Right Where You Are...
Lovebug, let's talk about the importance of starting right here... Right where you are, and why waiting till you're ready really isn't the thing. Ready is something none of us ever are. Of course, we can be prepared, but waiting to be ready is just an excuse. A way of delaying... internally procrastinating... keeping yourself safe... from the big, scary changes, and desiHer'd life your soul actually seeks. Starting where you are, instead of waiting until you feel ready, is essential in achieving your goals and fulfilling your soul's deepest desiHers. The decision to be fully committed to yourself and your vision is the first step in be-coming the person your soul desiHers to be. Knowing that it's all happening for you, and it's always in all ways working out even better than you ever could have dreamed. Even when it doesn't feel like it's working, or that it's taking longer than you expected... and you feel that tinge of divine uncertainty... You remember who you are. What you came here for. That you were divinely selected. Chosen by God her self, and you lean fully back into the faith. The divine knowing and trust in your ability to grow and adapt as you tippy-toe or board the elevate-Her towards your dreams. Don't let fear. The 'lies from the lizard,' or the ghosts of Christmas past hold you back, or keep you from living a life beyond your wildest dreams. It's important to make the decision to take aligned action, NOW. Because you're 'perfectly, imperfect,' and ready AF as you are today. And in order for you to get where you desiHer and might I add desHerve to be.. You've got to be willing to fearlessly take the leap knowing the net will indeed appear. Because that's what you've decided, and it's meant for you -my dear. Soul, in order be in that space you desiHer to be. You get to be willing to choose differently. To go beyond. To do something you have yet too... in order to make your wildest fluffin' dreams come true. Soul, it all comes back to deciding. But not just any decision. The decision to be 'all in on you.' On what you desiHER. The desiHers that ignite your internal fires, and your willingness. To fearlessly step into the version of you that allows her own dreams to come true. In this episode, we'll discuss why it's important to start right where you are, and how ready isn't ever really a thing, as it's often an easy excuse, fear, and our internal resistance to change. Which often leads you to procrastination, frustration, and keeps you from actually living the life your soul craves. We'll talk about how to tap back into the feeling of safety... of 'coming home,' and how important it is to commit to being 'all in on you,' even when it feels uncertain. You just know. You lean into the faith that it's working. Because if you desiHer it... You know it's meant for you. Soul, instead of waiting you decide to take aligned AF action, boo. As this is your way to **co-creating a life beyond your wildest dreams. Love Always, Christie xo
You are the Validation
Jan 15 2023
You are the Validation
Lovebug, you are 'the validation.'   You are the proof. The rhyme. The reason. Whole and complete as you are, now.   And what you desiHER is waiting for you to flip that switch and say, 'FLUFF YAS,' to you.Co-creating your own dream come true. . No matter what the 'lies from the lizard.' He/She/They might say. You are done. Burnt the fluff out doing it their way.   And 2023 is the year you listen. You lean 'all the way in.' You let your life transcend. You're ready to defy gravity. To bust through that mutha-fluffin' plexi-glass ceiling.   Because you already know... You've got what it takes. Plus, you wouldn't desiHER it if ya didn't, babe. And you're done being the 'good girl.' Diluting your message. Turning your volume way down. Playing by all their cute-sie rules. Collecting all the gold stars, too.   You've got the fire. Embers that glow. DesiHERs that reignite your soul. And you know damn well you're here to pave the way to every-spark-fluffin-tacular thing you've ever craved.   Because cookie-cutter could never be. And to be frank.You're tired AF of trying to co-create the same fluffin' world she lets you see. Because done are the days of you attempting to 'fit in.' You already know you're here to set the trend.   And there's no comparison. No competition outside of you. You're unique-corn AF, boo. Plus, there's soul much more you sure AF desHERve. And you get there by tapping in and allowing yourself to serve.   Showing others what is. Can. And will be. What's soul limitlessly possible when you surrender. trust. and just believe. When you're willing to decide. To forgive yourself. And choose again.   Betting on that internal whisper. The divine guidance from within. Knowing you're already on your way. Just by being present in the climb, today.   Already co-creating your own epic AF legacy. Because of who you are. Who you be internally. And it ain't that serious. It wasn't ever meant to be. You're here to be in the play. The abundance. The joy. Bliss. Love. And make-believe.   Soul, lovebug. It's time to be 'all in,' on you by remembering what you came here to do. Because the validation. The permission you seek is Y-O-U. And this is a gentle reminder. A pivotal moment where you fearlessly decide to breakthrough. I'm celebrating you.   love always. Christie xo.
You are Your Reason.
Nov 28 2022
You are Your Reason.
Lovebug, you are your reason.  Your permission slip. You are the deciding factor. The IT GIRL. The key to co-creating a life beyond your wildest dreams. And there ain't nada-fluffin-person. Place. Or thing. That gets to keep you from that dream. Unless you let them And it's soul okay if you've been 'one foot in and one foot out.' Doing the hokey-pokey and feeling like ya turned your life inside out. . Trust me, I've been there. More times then I can count. Bobbing and weaving. Afraid to let go because... What if... there isn't more or better. What if... I open my mouth but nothing comes out. What if.. I disappoint or let people down. What if... (insert your lie from the lizard here) And I'll be there again in different faceted versions of myself. . Because as you grow... new obstacles and fear still find their way into play. But it doesn't mean you're doing it wrong. Not enough. Unworthy AF. Not ready. Not possible. Or less then. It doesn't require the should-a, would-a, could-a, guilt... blame... shame game either.   Because it simply means you are the ONE. The one that dares. Simply put you mutha-fluffin-care. To live a life beyond what they ever said could be. To experience the wonders of this world in all your capacity. To really be immersed in the love. The divine gratitude. Knowing none of the 'lies from the lizard,' are ever really true.   It's just you pivoting. Forgiving yourself. Choosing right the fluff again. Deciding to bet on yourself. To let you win.   Letting the haterade drinkers. The nay-sayers. The ones who shame/blame/dare to copy or trash you just be. Because you see their wound. You send them love, and know that you still wish to see them fly no matter what they decide.   Because you're here to leadHER. That gravity-defying. Miraculous AF version of you. To live a life beyond what other's could ever have decided for you A life where 2 + 0 = sure AF doesn't equal 2.   A life where you get to be free. Supported. Filled with joy. In your bliss as you experience what truly egg-cites you. Reigniting the sacred embers that burn within you. That desiHER to be unleashed because if 'she can, soul can you.'   Knowing you've got this. You are the way. Ain't no cookie-cutter version that could ever be.   You're the decider. The 'Queen of Hearts.' And it's time to choose you. Love. Forgiveness. And know there's no better time then now to start. Because you are worthy AF of the life you desHERve.   In this episode, we'll discuss how you are the reason. The answer. The key. To every-spark-fluffin-tacular-thing you desiHER to be.  Love always. Christie xo .
If She Can Do it... Soul Can You!
Nov 6 2022
If She Can Do it... Soul Can You!
Lovebug, if she can... soul can you!  When I started on this grand adventure I caught a big ol' case of the compare-in-i-dis. It felt like I'd entered some sort of steam-filled pressure cooker where no matter what I did... the lid just wouldn't budge.  And of course, I didn't give up, but I kept running face first into that plexi-glass wall... and at some points feeling the desiHER to burn it all down to the ground...  Because at my core, I felt myself looking for this outward approval, validation, and love.  I had even made likes on a post, shares, follows, and numbers, that in all reality I don't really give two shats about mean a whole helluva lot about me. Because... you see...  The truth is... I was still one foot in... and one foot out...  Sorting through every flippity-floppin' excuse, and 'lie from the lizard.' Almost trying to prove them right... Attempting to pour myself into some ice tray and mold myself into every piece of the be-do-have strategy others were following. To only feel depleted. Mutha-fluffin' drained. Like burnt toast. I'll tell ya why...  But like you. Deep down I already knew.  Cookie-cutter. Boring AF just wouldn't ever do.  And soul when my little Christie got tired of bashing her head against the plexi-glass ceiling... (Which truthfully took a few rounds)  I fluffin' DECIDED.  To pull the big ol' shiny 24k-gold rip cord, and leaned into trust, faith, flow, and my own genuine divine curiosity. Because well... I'm a sacred fluffin' rebel, and it was time I did it my way. Breaking all the flippity-floppin' rules. Letting the nay-sayers fuel the fire of my soul.  Because the big question that kept swirling was 'Who do you think you are to do this thing?' And then and there is when I remembered.  When I just knew. And my response. Volume turned all the way up was, 'Who the FLUFF AM I NOT, TOO?’ To stawp playing small, and trying to be the 'good girl,' version of me I thought the world wanted to see. To be present here and now in ’the climb,’ to where I desiHER’d to be. And I just know...  If you're like me. This is soul true for you, too!  And it's time to come back home.   Fully embracing her.  The you that you dream of and desiHER to be. ‘Zero fluffs given,’ because you desHERve it all, bay-bee. Plus, that's what we're all attracted to.  The raw. Real. Perfectly, imperfect version of you.  Letting the world see behind the curtains through your own unique point of view. The wins. The slays. The adventures. The fluff-ups. The experiences. Your expHERtese. And #oopsdididothat, too. Because it's what makes you - YOU. You being willing feet to the fire say, 'FLUFF IT,' and lean all into you.  Knowing that by paving your way you inspiHER, motivate, ignite, and show others what's soul l i m i t l e s s l y possible, too. Breaking all of the rules and coloring outside the lines was always my thang.  Because you're the answer to all of your prayers.  The secret sauce.  Soul, there's no better time. Space. Or Place.  Then now to decide to be all the fluff in on this magically divine climb at all costs.  In the adventure. The experience. To Y-O-U.  Knowing you always get to pivot and refluffin' choose.  As this is exactly the way. To co-creating your own legacy.  Feeling the nudge?  Ready to heed the call?  Then you're invited to join me in 'The Climb,' MastHERMind. Where I meet you where you are, and guide you to where you desiHER to be. Through energetics, love, support, and strategy.  In this episode, we'll talk about co-creating a life beyond your wildest dreams by just deciding to be you. The raw, unfiltered, zero fluffs given 'who the fluff are you not to,' being that is soul ready to be received.  Love Always, Christie xo
If You DesiHER it... It’s Meant for You.
Oct 23 2022
If You DesiHER it... It’s Meant for You.
Lovebug, if you desiHER it... It's meant for you. You wouldn't ever desiHER it if it weren't soul. Soul, what if, you just knew... it was coming.   Every-single-thing you ever desiHER'd.   That it was all (whatever it is for you) already here.   L I M I T L E S S L Y available NOW to you.   And the only requirement is just BEing YOU.   Not doing the do-do-do more. The blah, blah, blah - that all feels overwhelming, not fun, and like a 'holy sh!t ton of work.' Placing all the pressure on you because what you truly desiHER isn't the money... It's the FREEDOM.  Soul, you've bought into the must-do this. Have this. Add this in order to BE this or get (x, y, z) results or outcomes. But at what cost to you? But to only rinse, repeat, and feel the pressure to climb higher, scale faster, and go bigger next time? Where does this lead you? I'll tell you as someone whose hit seven figures and beyond 'MUTHA-FLUFFIN BURN-OUT.' It leads to your adrenals being shot. It leads to loss of vision. Doubt of soul. It leads to the mucky water of disconnection. It leads to not feeling egg-cited, in love with your biz or what you're doing/being anymore. Honestly, it leads to feeling like a literal sh!t taco. And this is not the way... It's not how it has to be. You get to be FREE, now. You get to do less now.   You get to be abundant AF, now.   As you are enough as you are. You are worthy AF as you are. And what you find pleasure, bliss, curiosity, fun, egg-citement in... that's 100% possible for you. This is your permission to BE you. Not the person you think others want to see, or desiHER to be. Not the person who gets (x, y, z). Because the truth is you get to have it all. Be it all. All that you seek by just choosing Y-O-U. Dropping the struggle. The obsession about the engagement. The outcome. The judgment. The worry. The 'lies from the lizard,' and all of the things outside of you... and instead just being in the full-on flow of your soul. What gets you excited. What ignites the desiHER of your own internal fire.  Without having to place limits on you. What you came here for. Your adventure. Your message. Your purpose. Your life. Your biz. YOURSELF, boo. Because the numbers don't matter. The engagement doesn't matter. None of the things outside of you matter once you tap into the divine bliss within... and are willing to fearlessly color outside the edges of you. Everything is already here... waiting for you. And it doesn't require you to be-come like HER. To 'people please,' to expand, to follow suit. All that is and ever will be required is BEing true to Y-O-U. What ignites the internal fire. Brings you joy, bliss, deep belly giggles and what I really do for clients is 'bring them back home.' DesiHER to feel it, and allow yourself to be FREE? Not just financially, but to live a life you've always dreamed of... and desiHER'd to be?   And I know you're well on your way to what you came here for, boo.    In this episode, we'll discuss desiHER, being ready, and deciding that there's no better time than now to be 'all in,' on you. Love Always, Christie xo
The Exception to All Of the Rules
Oct 8 2022
The Exception to All Of the Rules
You are exceptional. Lovebug, you are already the person you dream of being. You're already the gold. The glory. The edge. The glitter. The leadHER. The change-maker. The miracle of miracles. The holy shit tacos at all things Y-O-U.   But you have to be willing to accept it. To believe it. To fully bite into it. No. Matter. What.  He/She/They might think or say. Or what the 'lies from the lizard,' or past may try to prove to you. You just know. You trust. You believe. You pivot. You turn another leaf. Knowing you're on this journey of deep exploHERation. Undeniable adventures. Gravity-defying experiences. And soul-shifting transformations.   And it's time now to DECIDE to be 'all in on you.' On your own dream come true. On what you've known all along. The gentle whisper. The fire. The ideas. The truths that burn inside of you. Because they aren't going away. Not even tums could extinguish them.   And you don't desiHER to spend another fluffin' second sitting on the sidelines. Settling... hiding... and watching the world waltz on by. Because what you seek is seeking you. And it's here... ready... to-fluffin-day, too. All that is required is your willingness to fearlessly lean into faith. In this episode, we dive into being the exception to all of the rules because you're already the person who gets to be-do-have and experience it all, and when you decide to show up for you. You reignite the spark in others and illuminate the way of divine possibility for them too. For those who desiHER to be.  Leaving a legacy, and co-creating a life beyond their wildest dreams.  Love always, Christie xo