Re-Creating Us

David Hasbury

What happens to people, families, communities, and society when we designate a person as ‘other’, based on perceptions of abilities or disabilities? Conversations about the power and meaning of words, practices, and stories, that make a difference in the work of reclaiming personhood, and re-creating the experience of Us.

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Society & CultureSociety & Culture


Co-Creating Radical Hospitality: Lynda Kahn
Mar 3 2024
Co-Creating Radical Hospitality: Lynda Kahn
We examine how to knit inclusive communities together through the art of making every individual feel acknowledged and embraced. From Rhode Island discussions to kitchen table chats, we celebrate the collective joy of shared contributions and the gift that strangers can bring into our lives.In the bustling tapestry of our lives, we often yearn for genuine connections. This episode uncovers personal stories that highlight the anticipatory and welcoming nature of hospitality, steeped in family traditions and the importance of crafting spaces ripe for heartfelt conversations. We share how the guiding influences of our lives have shaped our approach to hosting and fostering connections that leave you feeling part of something larger than yourself.We venture into the digital realm where skepticism about remote facilitation transforms into a celebration of virtual intimacy. In the wake of COVID-19, technology became our unexpected ally, proving that even when apart, we can still create spaces of vulnerability and growth. Stories of overcoming obstacles like power outages and adapting to impromptu settings reveal our capacity for resilience. Join us in embracing adaptability, tender-hearted listening, and the profound art of asking questions that resonate with the soul.Recommended reading:The Art of Gathering - Priya ParkerThe Love Prescription - John Gottman and Julie Schwartz GottmanLearning to Listen - Herb LovettThe Listening Path - Julia CameronNo Bad Parts - Richard SchwartzTurning To One Another - Margaret J. WheatleyThe Intuitive Body - Wendy Palmer
Personhood and Members of Each Other: John O'Brien
Feb 21 2024
Personhood and Members of Each Other: John O'Brien
When words carry the weight of our deepest experiences, they have the power to shape our reality. John O'Brien is a thinker who has profoundly influenced our understanding of the language we use to describe the lives of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Through our conversation, we unearthed how stories  breathe life into words, emphasizing the need for deliberate and accurate language to communicate the true essence of personhood and experience. We examined the philosophy of personalism and its transformative effect on person-centered planning.The tapestry of community is woven through relationships, a theme that resonated deeply in our dialogue with John. We discussed how simple acts of recognition and acceptance can be the catalyst for friendships that transcend the superficial bonds of society. Reflecting on the narrative within "Members of Each Other," our discussion ventured into the intricacies of communal membership and the hurdles faced by individuals with developmental disabilities in forming meaningful connections. We acknowledged the enduring power of assistance and companionship in historical contexts and its continuing relevance in fostering inclusive societies today.We recognize  the significance of ongoing dialogues in our collective endeavor to create a community that honors the varied gifts every individual brings to the table. John's recommended reading:On The Mystery Of The Incarnation - Denise Levertov Members Of Each Other - John O'Brien and Connie Lyle O'BrienFratelli Tutti: On Fraternity and Social Friendship - Pope FrancisCreative Fidelity - Gabriel MarcelTools For Conviviality - Ivan IllichDeschooling Society - Ivan IllichAbundant Community - John McKnight and Peter BlockDavid B Schwartz books
Making The Invisible Visible: Beth Mount
Feb 20 2024
Making The Invisible Visible: Beth Mount
Beth Mount lights the path toward recognizing the unsung brilliance of individuals with disabilities. Our episode welcomes this extraordinary social artist, who shares her transformative journey from working in the shadow of Milledgeville State School to the forefront of advocacy for inclusion and visibility. Beth unveils the hidden strengths of those often pushed to the edges of society, and how even the smallest acknowledgment can spark monumental change.Inspired by the wisdom of Carl Jung, and the writing of James Hillman', Beth dives into the concept of the 'soul's code'—that inner beacon, and higher purpose, guiding each of us. Beth eloquently navigates the symbolism of the star in our lives, emphasizing the importance of every individual's purpose in constructing a more inclusive community. The exchanges within this episode are a powerful reminder that our collective contribution is key to overcoming systemic barriers and fostering environments where every person's potential can flourish.Wrapping up, we explore the 'Garden of Soul'—a metaphor for the nurturing spaces that foster personal and communal growth, as shared by Beth during her tenure working with New York State's OPWDD and District 75. We delve into the nurturing power of love, the healing exchange of gifts, and the profound impact of community as a mosaic of support. Join us as we celebrate the intricate beauty of the quilting process, reflecting life's creative journey, and consider how we too might become attentive gardeners and artists, cultivating, weaving, creating our communities.Beth recommends reading:Pathfinders - John O'Brien and Beth MountThe Soul's Code - James HillmanWe Are Companions on the Journey (The Garden of Soul Quilt)You can learn more about Beth's work at: her website bethmount.orgInclusion PressPathfinders' StudioJustUs Cafe