Sauna Seshes With Shea

Shea Smith

It's pretty simple, I sit in a sauna with a guest, crank up the heat and let the conversation take over. It's all about having a laugh, getting vulnerable and speaking shit.  When it gets too hot we call a day. It's amazing the conversations you can have when the sweats pouring out of you.

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Embracing Life's Unexpected Challenges: Jo Ellice Flint's Triumph Over Breast Cancer
Apr 24 2024
Embracing Life's Unexpected Challenges: Jo Ellice Flint's Triumph Over Breast Cancer
When the unexpected strikes, how do we find the courage to face it head-on? Jo Ellice Flint's remarkable journey with breast cancer, revealed in her candid conversation  offers a powerful exploration of resilience, the complexities of medical decisions, and the indomitable human spirit. From the initial shock of her diagnosis to the rollercoaster of treatment choices, Jo's story is a raw account that interweaves the personal with the universal, touching on the importance of preemptive health checks and the intricate dance between following medical advice and listening to one's gut.Our discussion with Jo delves into the crucible of adversity, and the alchemy that turns it into a source of unwavering strength. She eloquently describes the intricate web of support from her husband Dan, friends, and support groups, and how these relationships fortified her resolve during the most trying times. As Jo opens up about the internal battles and the embrace of lifestyle shifts, listeners will find solace in understanding that even amidst uncertainty and fear, one can emerge with profound insights and a zest to cherish every moment life offers.Her willingness to share her trials and triumphs resonates beyond the sauna's steam, urging us to stay attuned to our bodies and proactive in our medical journeys. Let Jo's enduring fortitude and openness embolden us to face our own challenges with grace and to always hold our health as a treasure to be guarded zealously. Join us byy76 carrying the torch lit by Jo's narrative, spreading its light to illuminate the path towards wellness for ourselves and others.
Reimagining Earth's Bounty: The Journey from Conventional to Regenerative Agriculture with Emma Zeimer
Apr 17 2024
Reimagining Earth's Bounty: The Journey from Conventional to Regenerative Agriculture with Emma Zeimer
Embark on an enlightening journey with Emma Zeimer, a visionary who's reshaping our approach to farming and ecology. Emma's personal odyssey from conventional agriculture to the vanguard of regenerative farming methods exemplifies a profound transformation. In our conversation, she illuminates the intricacies of soil vitality and the often misunderstood roles of fungi and weeds, sharing her experiences in pioneering a symbiotic relationship between the land and its cultivators.Venture beyond the rows of monocultured crops with us as we examine the alarming trends in modern agriculture. By recalling the bygone era of eucalyptus-scented childhoods and apricots that lasted longer, we contrast the nutrient loss in today's produce aisles with the verdant vitality found at local markets. Emma's insights into the potential of misunderstood plants like lantana in nurturing ecosystems, and the mismanagement of precious resources like water, provoke us to reconsider what we label as pests and how we interact with the environment.In a captivating discussion, the episode also turns the soil over on health and well-being, contemplating how our bodies and nature's cycles are far more connected than we might think. Emma and I discuss the unexpected parallels between detoxification and plant nutrition, and how alternative therapies can mirror the regeneration we observe in nature. Through an extraordinary case study of recovery from a rare eye condition, we uncover the surprising flexibility of the human body, and how holistic approaches to health can unlock the power of our body's natural healing mechanisms. Join us to explore these transformative ideas that promise to seed curiosity and inspire a deeper respect for nature's wisdom.
A Thousand "NO's" Can Lead To That One "YES" with Bob Campbell
Apr 3 2024
A Thousand "NO's" Can Lead To That One "YES" with Bob Campbell
When you sit down with someone like Bob Campbell, you're not just listening to another guest; you're gaining a friend whose life stories could fill books. Our conversation is built on the premise that there's no such thing as a wrong decision—just the best one you could make at the time. Bob brings this philosophy to life, sharing insights from a childhood brimming with kindness, community, and a tenacity that's seen him through thick and thin. His personal anecdotes serve as a backdrop for our broader discussion on leadership, adaptability, and the liberating feeling of owning your choices, no matter the outcome.Ever wondered what it takes to flip a failing business on its head? Bob explains how he turned a sinking laundry ship around, drawing parallels with Bob's knack for nurturing a workforce.  Our back-and-forth covers everything from the nitty-gritty of operational management to the softer skills of making every employee feel valued—whether they're in the boardroom or on the laundry floor. Our stories weave together a tapestry of lessons on cultural change, financial acumen, and the tenacity required to foster success in any venture.We wrap things up in a steamy sauna sesh, where Bob and I swap stories that are sure to make you chuckle as much as they'll make you think. It's in these moments of levity that the true essence of our friendship shines through, and we promise that by the end, you'll not only have gained insights into the world of business and personal growth but also feel like you've been right there with us, sweating it out in good company. Join us for an episode that's as warm-hearted as it is educational, with a side of sauna-induced hilarity.
Land Whispering: Designing Living Spaces That Dance with Nature with Adrian Ramsay
Mar 27 2024
Land Whispering: Designing Living Spaces That Dance with Nature with Adrian Ramsay
Could your living space be more in tune with the environment around it? That's the question master designer Adrian Ramsay brings to the forefront in our fascinating conversation about 'land whispering'. Ramsay's innovative approach, much like Frank Lloyd Wright's relationship with Fallingwater, challenges us to think about how our homes can embody the essence of the land. We delve into the emotional terrain of architecture, where light, air, and the innate spirit of a location are pivotal in shaping living spaces that resonate deeply with those who inhabit them.Join us as we break away from the conventional and traverse the emotional floor plan of our lives. From capturing the essence of a wave through body surfing to the way our homes can shape our personal narratives, Ramsay guides us through the intimate dance between creativity, empathy, and the spaces we dwell in. We explore how a minimalist aesthetic can echo through our cognitive responses and how the materials and finishes we choose shape our experience of a place, with insights that draw inspiration from the likes of Frank Gehry's architectural innovations.This episode is not just an exploration of design but a reflection on the human condition and our connection to the world. Ramsay offers a profound look at how we can design not only for ourselves but also with consideration for the greater good, weaving in personal stories of creativity across various forms, from photography to filmmaking. Let's embark on a journey that promises to shift your perspective on the spaces you inhabit and the memories you hold dear, all while celebrating the artistry and respect that Ramsay brings to the realm of design.
Change Can Be A Magnificent Thing with Justin Andrews
Mar 20 2024
Change Can Be A Magnificent Thing with Justin Andrews
Stepping back to propel forward, that's the unexpected wisdom builder Justin Andrews brought to our heart-to-heart conversation on life's equilibrium. We delved into Justin's personal evolution, a narrative of growth where family, self, and service became the pillars of a newly harmonized existence. His story is a testament to the unexpected ways in which realigning priorities can catalyze not only self-improvement but also the unexpected flourishing of a business. Justin's embrace of wellness practices, from ice baths to breathwork, unveils a softer side rarely championed in the construction world, offering a fresh perspective on emotional connectivity within such a stoic industry.The episode took an emotional turn as I recounted receiving my father's pride for the first time, a moment of vulnerability that underscores the inherent need for recognition within the familial tapestry. My personal narrative didn't shy away from the struggles of a failed marriage and the global upheaval brought by COVID-19, yet it centred on the profound commitment to be a nurturing parent, creating a haven of love and security for my children. Closing with an empowering discussion, we reflected on the journey of a 51-year-old who found renewed vigor through self-development, exemplifying that transformation knows no age. The episode also chronicled a young apprentice's climb out of heartbreak with routine, affirmations, and breathwork as his ladder. Our dialogue promises listeners not just tales of change, but practical strategies and the hope that personal growth and healing are always within reach. Join us as we share these powerful journeys, and perhaps find the inspiration to embark on your own.
Understanding how the ADHD brain works.
Mar 13 2024
Understanding how the ADHD brain works.
There's a moment in life when you realize the path you're on is not what you expected, sparking a quest for answers; that's precisely what happened to Bruce Macdonald. Join us for an intimate sesh as Bruce bares his soul about the shock wave sent through his life post-wedding that led to an eye-opening diagnosis of adult ADHD. Through his story, you'll journey alongside the struggles and triumphs of living with a hyperactive mind, from the misunderstood social cues in his youth to conquering heavy machinery in the mines.Humour and heartache walk hand-in-hand as we unravel the entwined threads of personality and coping mechanisms with our guest. I share a slice of my childhood, where laughter became my armour, and Bruce reflects on the introversion that often cloaked his extroversion. We candidly discuss the rollercoaster of ADHD medications that ebbs and flows through Bruce's daily life, and together, we confront the shadows cast by toxic relationships, finding solace in the bright light of self-awareness and mutual support.We wrap up our sauna sesh with Bruce's tales that meander from the dusty mines to the serene Australian coast, where love and tattoos symbolise life's intricate tapestry. His humorous recounting of his wife's response to her portrait tattoo reminds us of the joy found in companionship. Tune in to experience this heartwarming episode that's as much about laughter and love as it is about the search for inner harmony.
Turn The Heat Down on the Sauna - I'm pregnant!
Feb 28 2024
Turn The Heat Down on the Sauna - I'm pregnant!
When Cheryl Slender swapped fear for humour on a stand-up comedy stage, she not only conquered her own fears but inspired a wave of bravery in our latest Sauna Sessions podcast. You'll get to relive her exhilarating dive into the Raw Comedy Festival, where the last-minute jitters of performing give way to the triumphs of personal storytelling and punchlines. It's a tale that'll have you cheering for taking leaps of faith, as Cheryl's radiant energy lights up our discussion on the cathartic power of comedy, especially in the wake of life's curveballs.This episode is as much about fresh starts as it is about finales, with a promise of my own to break the chains of procrastination and finally hit 'publish' on that book we've chatted about. But it's not all work and no play; amidst engagement surprises and the quest to perfect the moonwalk, we also ponder the profound after a soul-searching meditation retreat. It's a blend of life's rhythms, from the familiar melody of car karaoke to the unexpected beats of new undertakings and engagements—both the romantic and literary kind.Prepare for your heart to swell and your laughter to echo as we share the personal news that's set our lives on fire—expectant motherhood, surprise engagements, and the endearing quirks of pregnancy. So, settle in for an episode that dances across the spectrum of human experience—warm, candid, and brimming with stories that remind us all to embrace the wild, wonderful ride of life.