Janny Juddly, The Therapist in my Pocket's Podcast

Janny Juddly, The Therapist in my Pocket

Janny Juddly, "The Therapist in my Pocket", author of "You Can Remember Who You Were Before Life Made You Forget" is psychotherapist with a mind body spirit perspective, a noticer and rememberer, on a spiritual journey. Helping you remember who you really are, where you come from, and why you're here, from the perspective of Oneness. read less
Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


May 3 2024
This is a meditation to help you meet a protective part of you. Our protectors are young parts of us, who have been working thanklessly and tirelessly for years to try to prevent any further hurt to our vulnerable and traumatised parts. Their understanding, resources, beliefs and toolkit are limited and extremely young, but they believe they have to keep doing their job because there's no one else available to keep everyone safe. Including us. This meditation is built around the understanding that we can connect with our traumatised or hurt or frightened parts directly, and help them to heal; that these parts are conscious, with their own histories, beliefs, experiences, frozen in time, carrying historical burdens they long to lay down. And that it is the power of Self energy - our true essence, that which we are beyond the story of this lifetime - which is the healing force. I love the spiritual basis of the concept of Self which is central to this way of working. Self energy is healing and contagious. It is wise, grounded, connected always to greater wisdom and guidance. It always knows what's needed, and is never afraid. So if we find ourselves afraid, feeling overwhelmed or lost, we're not in Self energy. A frightened or wounded part has overwhelmed us. Nothing can ever hurt us if we're not afraid of it. These parts are not threatening, but simply in need of help. If they feel overwhelming, ask them to give you a little space, to not be so loud, let you help. Then go to the breath, get yourself rooted in Self energy till you're calm, and interact with them from that place. It's an extraordinarily powerful - and empowering, evidence-based way to heal, with a proven track record. I witness it bring relief, healing and transformation daily.I hope you might find it helpful, and enjoy. Tenderest love, Janny xx πŸ’«You Can Remember Who You Were Before Life Made You Forget!πŸ’« Available NOW on Amazon and WORLDWIDE! All links in Bio!πŸ’« Instagram: @jannyjuddlyWork with me: https://www.thetherapistinmypocket.uk
Feb 22 2024
This is a meditation to help you connect with and soothe an anxious part of you. A traumatised part in need of being heard and understood.This meditation is built around the understanding that we can connect with our traumatised or hurt or frightened parts directly, and help them to heal; that these parts are conscious, with their own histories, beliefs, experiences, frozen in time, carrying historical burdens they long to lay down. And that it is the power of Self energy - our true essence, that which we are beyond the story of this lifetime - which is the healing force. I love the spiritual basis of the concept of Self which is central to this way of working. Self energy is healing and contagious. It is wise, grounded, connected always to greater wisdom and guidance. It always knows what's needed, and is never afraid. So if we find ourselves afraid, feeling overwhelmed or lost, we're not in Self energy. A frightened or wounded part has overwhelmed us. Nothing can ever hurt us if we're not afraid of it. These parts are not threatening, but simply in need of help. If they feel overwhelming, ask them to give you a little space, to not be so loud, let you help. Then go to the breath, get yourself rooted in Self energy till you're calm, and interact with them from that place. It's an extraordinarily powerful - and empowering, evidence-based way to heal, with a proven track record. I witness it bring relief, healing and transformation daily.I hope you might find it helpful, and enjoy. Tenderest love, Janny xx πŸ’«You Can Remember Who You Were Before Life Made You Forget!πŸ’« Available NOW on Amazon and WORLDWIDE! All links in Bio!πŸ’« Instagram: @jannyjuddlyWork with me: https://www.thetherapistinmypocket.uk
Feb 2 2024
That feeling of waking up to the day out of a night that's been disorienting, overlaid by disturbing dreams, the current worries of life, regrets about the past or anxieties about the future is something many of us have learned to dread. We can wake feeling drained, overwhelmed, flooded with sensations of anxiety or unease in our body. And, if we don't know how to dissolve it away, restore ourselves, we go into our day still carrying all this with us. The answer - or one answer - is to ground ourselves again in our body. This can sound counter-intuitive. Isn't it in our body that we're feeling all this! How can the solution be to go into all of that? Isn't it better to get busy? Do something to distract ourselves? Avoid our body altogether? When we've learned to believe that our body is an unsafe place, we want to go anywhere but there. Trouble is, that usually means living in our head, with a trickster mind in charge and us at its mercy, ungrounded and without firm roots to hold us steady. Deep inward contact with the Self that inhabits the body, and the breath that is our subtle life force, provides us with an anchor, and connects us to all the powerful resources of Self that are to be found thereThis is a meditation to help you experience being fully in your body, in touch with the Self that inhabits it, and the life force that sustains it.So come sit up, make yourself comfortable, close your eyes, and let's leave the night behind, and ease gently into the day.  πŸ’«You Can Remember Who You Were Before Life Made You Forget!πŸ’« Available NOW on Amazon and WORLDWIDE! All links in Bio!πŸ’« Instagram: @jannyjuddlyWork with me: https://www.thetherapistinmypocket.uk
Aug 27 2023
Janny invites us to have a think with me about a term she hears lots of us use. Usually about ourselves in relation to a degree of sensitivity we carry. We talk about picking up everyone else’s energy. Of everyone walking right through us. We often say we feel quite helpless in the face of it. The term we often use to describe ourself is Empath. And the Internet and bookstores are full of advice about how to manage being this sensitive to others’ energy and emotions in a world full of what those same givers of advice tend to call toxic people or even energy vampires. It's worth noticing, by the way, that it’s always the other person’s fault. It’s incredibly hard work being an empath, isn’t it?Getting it all, feeling it all, absorbing it all? Picking up the pain of a stranger so deeply as they walk by that your entire body hurts? Feeling dizzy and sick in a crowd or cafΓ© from the energy coming your way?For several years, one of the tasks Janny had as Director of the therapy training at Leicester Uni, was to help young therapists in training to use their empathic skills differently. To build empathic muscle and emotional resilience. To transform a liability into a strength.She shares some of the key secrets here.First, the bad news. Empaths are not empathising at all; they are actually identifying.Listen to the full episode to understand the difference, and how to become an Empath with Muscle!  πŸ’«You Can Remember Who You Were Before Life Made You Forget!πŸ’« Available NOW on Amazon and WORLDWIDE! All links in Bio!πŸ’« Instagram: @jannyjuddlyWork with me: https://www.thetherapistinmypocket.uk
Embracing my Point of Pain
Dec 20 2022
Embracing my Point of Pain
So what do you do when you're reading a book about how to heal and you're loving it. Then you hit a hurdle: you're being invited to explore your Point of Pain. The potential for even more pain feels terrifying, and the guilt you know you'd feel about seemingly betraying those who contributed - probably unintentionally due to their own pain - feels insurmountable. You spend days... weeks.... pushing the book.... AND that Chapter..... away. But the book makes sense, and it continues to invite you to find a way to go forward. What do you do? You contact the author, and have a detailed conversation that explores the sticking points. And it's amazing to discover you can absolutely do what you thought you never could: you face the pain and you go through it. Bravely, knowing you now have all the tools you need. The secret? A radical change in perception that allows you to do the work you need to do without guilt, shame or fear. And it's been so liberating and life changing you want to tell others how you did it, and how it has transformed everything! Sound interesting? Then listen in to this fascinating conversation between @barbaragianquitto  Barbara GIANQUITTO and me for an amazing share! Thank you, Barbara, for your honesty, vulnerability and generosity! This was such a gift!  πŸ’«You Can Remember Who You Were Before Life Made You Forget!πŸ’« Available NOW on Amazon and WORLDWIDE! All links in Bio!πŸ’« Instagram: @jannyjuddlyWork with me: https://www.thetherapistinmypocket.uk
Nov 22 2022
If you could create a safe space, somewhere you could go and not be interrupted, and where you could seek comfort, solace, wisdom and healing, would you?This is the first in a series of guided meditations that will help you to do exactly that.This episode explains what your Sacred Space is, where to find it, and how to access it.It will help you understand the way that your Soul and your Higher Self interact via your intuition and imagination, and will invite you to begin to access a deep knowing within yourself.In this first  episode, we will work together to help you create your Sacred Space, which you'll visit in subsequent episodes on the various stages of remembering who you are, where you come from and why you're here. It will be your Healing Space, on a journey to reconnecting with your Soul Signature - the Essence that is uniquely you.In this episode, you will be taken on a guided meditation to encounter your Sacred Space.This will not be a physical space, but rather an internal space, one that you create using your intuition.It is a space you will visit and become familiar with in subsequent episodes, as we explore further the opportunities for healing this Sacred Space will offer you.But it is also a place for you to visit whenever you wish. You can be fully yourself there, exactly as you are. There is only love, compassion, acceptance, and guidance there, where everything that happens, happens for you.May you find healing there!πŸ’«You Can Remember Who You Were Before Life Made You Forget!πŸ’« Available NOW on Amazon and WORLDWIDE! All links in Bio!πŸ’« And if you've read it and loved it, please leave a quick review. And share it with others, and on your Story bubble! It helps more than you know! πŸ™πŸ‘‹I'm so glad you're here. Blessed to be part of your sacred journey!WANT A SESSION WITH ME? I work on screen with people all over the world. Just DM me! πŸ₯°πŸ‘‹πŸ’ž#healingjourney #souljourney #spiritualawakening #soulpurpose #soulpath #oneness #loveheals #energyhealing #mentalhealthmatters  #selfcompassion #selfacceptance #kindnessmatters #selfhealers #innerchild #innerpeace #mindfulness #meditation πŸ’«You Can Remember Who You Were Before Life Made You Forget!πŸ’« Available NOW on Amazon and WORLDWIDE! All links in Bio!πŸ’« Instagram: @jannyjuddlyWork with me: https://www.thetherapistinmypocket.uk
Nov 10 2022
It's been an immense journey, hasn't it, brave souls. This lifetime. This adventure.We set out so full of eager excitement, having prepared for this moment of incarnation, our guides at our side double checking that we're ready.Everything we need in order to face and survive the events we've come to experience is already inside us. We know we will be surrounded and guided throughout this soul journey, and we know with great clarity why we've chosen to incarnate right here, right now, in this place, into this family. We have our Soul plan, we understand our purpose.And then, just as we always knew it would, amnesia begins to set in. This  illusory time/space playground begins to feel utterly real. It all becomes serious. Then comes - as it was always going to - the Point of Pain. And our journey of healing, growing, becoming more, gets fully underway.As a therapist, who also happens to be a spiritual seeker, I've observed over the years a particular path this journey always follows. That path has seven distinct stages, and these stages take us through the challenging process out of which all soul growth emerges. In this book, I walk with you through those seven stages in your own life's journey. We walk the path together, making sense of the story you have lived, transforming the pain into wisdom, and helping you reconnect to the fullness of who you really are.So looking forward to meeting you inside! It's going to be amazing!I hope you enjoy this reading from the Introduction! πŸ’«You Can Remember Who You Were Before Life Made You Forget!πŸ’« Available NOW on Amazon and WORLDWIDE! All links in Bio!πŸ’« Instagram: @jannyjuddlyWork with me: https://www.thetherapistinmypocket.uk
How we misunderstand pain
Nov 10 2022
How we misunderstand pain
This is a recording of a recent LIVE we held in our Instagram Community on Our Journey Through Pain - the first in a series.Excuse the occasional responses to viewers - it was all very spontaneous! πŸ₯°πŸ€—What is Pain?It seems obvious....it's a feeling....isn't it?And it's undesirable.....isn't it?.....Doesn't EVERYONE believe pain simply shouldn't exist?.......Isn't the aim to just get rid of it?......Create a world where there IS no pain?Before we know it, we've bought into a paradigm without even realising it.It even has a name: 'mechanical reductionism' - everything is a machine, and science can fix that machine by reducing it to its tiniest part and finding out what it does, how it goes wrong, and how to 'mend' it.So we've learned to look at everything in terms of what it does, and how.For years, we've forgotten to ask other questions. Like, WHAT or WHO and WHY.And so we walk asleep, having no big picture to call on other than this mechanical reductionist world view: Consciousness exists in the brain, when the brain dies, so do we. Pain shouldn't exist, we must eliminate it. We might as well try to make this one tiny life the best it can be, at least! And then a new paradigm began to re-emerge: one that Eastern philosophies and indigenous peoples have always understood - we are beings, not machines. And EVERYTHING is conscious.And scientists started to experience the truth of it. And to begin to explain it. We exist in a vast web of consciousness, and consciousness exists beyond - and independently of - the brain. So THIS is the journey! Let's look at pain through NEW eyes!I'm so glad you're here. Blessed to be part of your sacred journey! πŸ’«You Can Remember Who You Were Before Life Made You Forget!πŸ’« Available NOW on Amazon and WORLDWIDE! All links in Bio!πŸ’« Instagram: @jannyjuddlyWork with me: https://www.thetherapistinmypocket.uk