The Seamus Fox Podcast.

Seamus Fox

This podcast has been created to share real life experiences from inspiring people in all walks of life, those who have engineered change in their own lives through a shift in thinking and beliefs. I want to share my own journey and have others share theirs so that it can help inspire others to crete the internal changes thats needed to create long lasting life changes. read less


Hard Work to Smart Success
Hard Work to Smart Success
Send us a Text Message.Momentum 2024 Early bird tickets click here.. wondered why some people seem to effortlessly achieve success while others struggle? This episode promises to uncover the profound secret to success: personal responsibility and relentless hard work. Through my experiences and those of my mentors, we discuss how true transformation starts with you, not by waiting for others to make changes for you. You'll learn the difference between "hard work" and "smart work" and how dedication to your passion can lead to meaningful achievements. Grab insights on why unwavering dedication and consistent effort are non-negotiable for attaining your goals.And there's more! I'm thrilled to announce our upcoming Mindset Growth Event, an inspiring opportunity to elevate your potential. Hear from incredible guest speakers who will share their invaluable insights and experiences collected over the past two decades. This event is designed to inspire, enhance your mindset, and connect you with like-minded individuals, all geared towards fostering both personal and professional growth. Don't miss out on the early bird tickets available on my social media platforms and Vembrite. This is your chance to take a significant step towards your success—can't wait to see you there!Click the link here for early bird tickets. the Show.
Harnessing Personal Energy: The Leadership Key to Amplifying Business Success and Team Dynamics
Apr 24 2024
Harnessing Personal Energy: The Leadership Key to Amplifying Business Success and Team Dynamics
Send us a Text Message.Elevate your leadership and watch your business soar as we unearth the secrets of managing personal energy. With insights from Seamus we take you on a journey to discover how the vibrancy of your energy field can shape the very essence of your business success. From the boardroom to the breakroom, the energy you exude as a leader doesn't just influence your well-being; it catalyzes the performance and dynamic of your entire team.Embark on an exploration through the emotional frequencies that define human consciousness. We delve into how the lower vibrations of shame and apathy can stifle growth, and why transcending these states to achieve higher levels of awareness is paramount for any leader. It's not just about avoiding the negative; it's about fostering an environment where positive energy thrives. Our guest shares actionable strategies for aligning with individuals who resonate with your elevated vibrational frequency, creating a ripple effect of opportunity and success for everyone involved.In the quest for peak performance, self-care is not a luxury; it's a necessity. We highlight the transformational power of sleep, nutrition, and mindfulness practices, revealing how they are integral to sustaining high energy levels. Through a compelling success story, we demonstrate the remarkable outcomes that can be achieved with strategic energy optimization. By nurturing your vibe, you not only attract your tribe, but you also set the stage for your team and business to flourish. Tune in and harness the power of your personal energy to amplify your impact on the world around you.Support the Show.
Purposeful Growth Beyond Figures with Brendan McGurgan.
Apr 17 2024
Purposeful Growth Beyond Figures with Brendan McGurgan.
Send us a Text Message.From the humble beginnings in Northern Ireland during the Troubles to the heights of business leadership, our guest Brendan McGurgan , co-founder of Simple Scaling, has a tale that transcends ordinary success stories. Join us as he recounts his transformation from a chartered accountant to an influential CEO who has driven his company to nine-figure revenues. Brendan's narrative is a testament to the power of purposeful scaling; less than half a percent of SMEs achieve significant growth, yet his journey and insights provide a blueprint for those daring to dream big.Scaling a business isn't just about numbers; it's a psychological marathon that demands resilience over luck. Drawing from his own experiences and conversations with industry experts, Brendan delves into how leaders can dismantle the mental barriers that often impede growth. He shares how the narratives we tell ourselves can dramatically shape our business trajectory. Moreover, Brendan sheds light on the cultural nuances of entrepreneurship, comparing the American go-getter spirit with the humility of his Irish upbringing, illustrating how community and environment can sculpt indomitable leaders.We wrap up with a look into Simple Scaling's holistic approach to business growth—ranging from the ScaleX Accelerator Program to talent solutions and investment opportunities. Brendan emphasizes the importance of coaching and empowering business leaders to scale with intention while maintaining personal well-being. For those who aspire to expand their enterprises without losing their essence, this episode is a treasure trove of guidance and profound life lessons, all shared by a man who knows just how to navigate the challenging yet rewarding path to scaling with purpose.Support the Show.
The Unfiltered Joy of Sober Living
Apr 10 2024
The Unfiltered Joy of Sober Living
Send us a Text Message.As Seamus Fox and I clink glasses filled with sparkling water, we celebrate a collective 11 years and 600 days of choosing a life sans alcohol. We're pulling back the curtain on the sober lifestyle, challenging the cultural cocktail of expectations that insists life's milestones require a toast with something stronger than soda. With the clarity that comes from our alcohol-free existence, we share the profound shifts in our lives, from the freedom of no longer planning our days around drinks to the unexpected joys of a night out in Dublin where sobriety proved to be the VIP pass to an unforgettable experience.Join us on this heart-to-heart where we unravel the tangled web of drinking culture, replacing myths with our lived truths. You'll hear how sobriety isn't just about saying no to a pint; it's about saying yes to mental clarity, better sleep, and relationships built on authentic connections. Seamus, a beacon of wisdom on human behavior, illuminates the path beyond the bottle, shedding light on how the decision to abstain can be the keystone to rebuilding one's life around true values and aspirations.For anyone curious about the sober side of the street or in search of camaraderie in their own journey, this episode is a testament to the power of community support. We discuss the pillars that have kept us steadfast – from plant medicine journeys and capturing the energy of positive environments to the raw, honest exchanges in AA meetings. And if your curiosity is piqued, Seamus is ready to share even more insights at his upcoming event, Momentum, a gathering poised to catalyze personal breakthroughs. So, settle in with your favorite non-alcoholic brew and let's toast to the many hues of sobriety – an adventure that's just beginning.Support the Show.
Values, Victory and the Entrepreneurial Spirit of Justin Weisman
Mar 20 2024
Values, Victory and the Entrepreneurial Spirit of Justin Weisman
Send us a Text Message.When Justin Weisman father laid bricks, he was also building a foundation for Justin's ferocious work ethic and entrepreneurial drive. From his roots in Melbourne's middle class to the pressures and pleasures of running a family food van business and coaching enterprise, Justin's tale is a testament to the power of perseverance and personal evolution. Our conversation spans the gamut from the competitive sports fields of his youth to the boardrooms and hearts of the businesses he helps to nurture.Family life is a dance of dynamics—an intricate push and pull that shapes who we become. As Justin and I reflect on our childhoods, we uncover the lessons learned from our parents and how they ripple into our business acumen. The narrative unwinds, revealing the tightrope walk between ambition and fear, the courage it takes to pivot in business, and the transformative effects of aligning one's values with their work. Our dialogue offers a candid look at how early life experiences fashion our approach to leadership, teamwork, and success.The crucibles of our lives often forge our most profound growth. Justin's raw recounting of his fight with addiction pulls no punches, detailing the dark descent and the triumphant climb back to structure and purpose, aided by the steadfast support of his wife, Sarah. But it's not just about personal victories; it's about translating that triumph into helping others find their path. Whether it's coaching fellow entrepreneurs to achieve harmony between their professional and personal lives or guiding coaches to expand their reach, Justin's narratives and insights are a beacon for those seeking direction. Catch a glimpse of Justin's philosophies on life and business, and tap into the resources he offers for those aiming to maximize their growth.Support the Show.
Colin O'Brien's Recipe for Success Beyond the Counter
Feb 21 2024
Colin O'Brien's Recipe for Success Beyond the Counter
Send us a Text Message.Have you ever witnessed someone's evolution from a bustling cafe manager to an entrepreneurial force feeding thousands of children every day? That's the journey Colin O'Brien, the Dublin-born dynamo, takes us through, as he shares the pivotal moments and mindset shifts that propelled him from managing a Beulies Cafe franchise to launching a thriving school meals enterprise. His story isn't just about food; it's about feeding ambition and serving up success against the odds.During our time with Colin, we peel back the layers of what it means to truly embrace the mantle of business owner after the sting of a failed venture. His openness about the influence of mentors, the guiding principles from Amway's educational tools, and the philosophical gems unearthed in "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" shed light on the transformative power of resilience and resourcefulness. Colin's philosophy as the 'anti-hustle guy' challenges conventional thinking and invites us to question our own relationship with work and success.But it's not all business talk; Colin draws a profound parallel between personal growth and the concept of leveling up in life's grand game. Setting ambitious yet achievable goals across all facets of one's life—health, wealth, relationships, spirit—Colin's insights are a compass for navigating the waters of self-improvement. He leaves us with a treasure chest of wisdom from his entrepreneurial voyage, reinforcing the courage to bet on oneself and the enduring value of seeking mentorship and continuous learning. Join us for this episode, and you might just find the inspiration to cook up your own recipe for success.Support the Show.
From Resentment to Resilience A Story of Personal Transformation
Jan 31 2024
From Resentment to Resilience A Story of Personal Transformation
Send us a Text Message.When life unexpectedly threw me into the depths of despair, a simple quote sparked a monumental change in my approach to life's toughest battles. This episode is about that journey, taking you through the raw emotions following the loss of my father and the collapse of my fitness franchise, right to the heart of what it means to take 100% responsibility for personal growth. I discuss the moment resentment and anger gave way to empowerment, and how embracing accountability shifted my perspective to view every challenge as a hidden blessing. It’s a candid exploration of the power we all hold to transform our own lives, and a reminder that the keys to personal growth and balance lie in our willingness to own every part of our experience.Discovering the law of simultaneous contrasts was like finding a hidden map to emotional equilibrium, and I’m sharing this treasure with you. This episode delves into how this natural law strives to maintain balance in our lives and how, by adjusting our perspectives to acknowledge both sides of every situation, we can achieve a personal state of harmony. The focus here is unwavering: to inspire you to take the helm of your thought process, and consequently, your life’s direction. I extend a heartfelt invitation to all listeners to reflect on areas in your own lives where empowerment is waiting to be claimed, and if this message resonates with you, to join in the journey by sharing and rating the podcast.Support the Show.