The Transilience Podcast


Transilience is a podcast dedicated to uncovering and understanding the profound leaps and transformations that define our personal lives, shape our societies, and drive our innovations. Each episode delves into stories of significant change—exploring how individuals, communities, and industries navigate the challenges and opportunities of transformative shifts. Hosted by Dr. Amber Joy Daniel, this series brings together thinkers, pioneers, and everyday heroes who have embraced or facilitated these pivotal transitions, offering insights and inspiration for all who seek to understand the dynamics of change in our rapidly evolving world. read less


Episode 4: Embrace the Leap: Making Transilient Jumps Without Overthinking By Listening to The Voice Within
May 21 2024
Episode 4: Embrace the Leap: Making Transilient Jumps Without Overthinking By Listening to The Voice Within
In this episode of Transilience, we explore the profound practice of silencing external noise and tuning into your inner voice to make transilient jumps. Our esteemed guest, Dr. Quianta Moore, delves into the importance of listening to your true self and heeding the guidance that comes from within and from above. This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking clarity and direction in making bold, life-changing decisions. What You’ll Learn The Power of Silence: Understanding the importance of creating quiet spaces in your life to hear your true self.Listening to Inner Guidance: Techniques for tuning out external distractions and honing in on your inner voice.Heaven's Messages: How to recognize and interpret the subtle communications from a higher power or your higher self.Taking Aligned Action: Steps to act confidently on the insights you receive from within.Dr. Moore's Journey: Personal stories and experiences that illustrate the transformative power of inner listening. Key Takeaways Creating Quiet: Practical tips for building regular moments of silence into your daily routine.Inner vs. Outer Voices: Differentiating between the noise of the outside world and the quiet wisdom within.Mindfulness Practices: Exercises to enhance your ability to listen deeply to yourself.Trusting Your Intuition: Building confidence in the messages and insights you receive from your inner self.Spiritual Alignment: How aligning with your true self and higher purpose can lead to more impactful and fulfilling actions.About Our Guest: Quianta Moore, MD, JD, is the Executive Director of The Hackett Center for Mental Health. Her work with the Center is focused on creating transformative change by leveraging the resources, skill, and policy expertise of the broader Meadows Institute to advance evidence-based, community-informed policies, programs, and practices and scale them. With a rich background in pediatrics and law, Dr. Moore integrates her knowledge to offer deep insights into human behavior and decision-making. She is passionate about guiding individuals to listen to their true selves and make decisions that align with their higher purpose. Resources and Links: Hackett Center Website :  Thank you for tuning in to this episode of Transilience! If you found value in this episode, please leave us a review on your favorite podcast platform and share it with your community. Embrace the silence and let your true self guide you!
Episode 3: Harmonizing Home and Happiness with Wendy Gunn
May 9 2024
Episode 3: Harmonizing Home and Happiness with Wendy Gunn
Introduction: Welcome to the Transilience Podcast, where we explore the transformative resilience of everyday living. Today, we're delighted to host Wendy Gunn, a renowned expert in creating a sacred-centered organized home. Wendy has transformed the lives of countless women by teaching them how to truly "have it all" - a harmonious family life and a serene, organized living space. About Our Guest: Wendy Gunn is a celebrated cancer survivor, coach and speaker, best known for her innovative approach to home organization and family life. Her philosophy centers around the integration of spiritual wellness and physical space management, empowering women to lead balanced and fulfilling lives. Episode Highlights: Wendy’s Journey: Hear about Wendy's path from a frazzled professional to a mentor helping women find balance and fulfillment in home management. Defining "Having it All": Wendy discusses her perspective on what it means to "have it all" and how redefining this concept is crucial for modern women. Core Principles of a Sacred-Centered Home: Learn the foundational elements that transform a house into a nurturing home. Daily Routines and Rituals: Wendy shares practical strategies for integrating daily routines that promote a calm and organized environment. Harmonizing Family Dynamics: Tips on enhancing communication and relationships at home to strengthen family bonds and create a supportive atmosphere. Time Management Secrets: Discover Wendy’s top strategies for managing time effectively, allowing for personal self-care while ensuring the family's needs are met. Achieving Work-Life Harmony: Insights into maintaining productivity and emotional well-being, even with a hectic schedule. Q&A with Listeners: Wendy answers questions from the audience, providing personalized advice on common home and family challenges. Conclusion: Join us as Wendy Gunn enlightens us with her transformative strategies that blend spirituality with practicality, all aimed at enhancing the level of your family life. Whether you're juggling a career, managing a household, or both, Wendy’s wisdom is bound to inspire profound changes in your approach to daily living. Call to Action: Don’t forget to subscribe to the Transilience Podcast on your favorite platform. Share this episode with anyone who might benefit from a more organized, peaceful, and joyful home life. Let’s take these insights and make transformative changes together!   Contact Information: Wendy Gunn’s Checklist: Gunn’s email list building masterclass: and questions to: End: Thank you for tuning in. Remember, every step towards organizing your home is a step towards a more serene life. Join us next time on Transilience for more insights into living your best life. Until then, stay resilient and inspired!
Episode 1: Defining Transilience - Why It Should Matter To You and Everyone Else
Apr 19 2024
Episode 1: Defining Transilience - Why It Should Matter To You and Everyone Else
Welcome to the inaugural episode of Transilience, where we dive into the heart of what it means to make a quantum leap in our lives. In this episode, Dr. Joy and guest Physicist Deb Newberry introduce the concept of Transilience—the ability to leap across boundaries, transcend limits, and transform lives through sheer will and vision. Dr. Joy and Physicist Deb explain why transilience isn't just for the select few; it's a crucial strategy for anyone seeking to navigate the complexities of modern life and achieve personal growth. Through engaging stories and insightful discussions, this episode unpacks the layers of transilience, exploring how it applies to personal development, career advancement, and societal change. Whether you're looking to make significant life changes, pursue ambitious goals, or simply understand the power of transformative leaps, this episode provides the foundation for why embracing transilience can lead to extraordinary outcomes. Join us to discover how pushing boundaries and challenging the status quo can unlock a world of possibilities for everyone. Tune in to learn how to harness the principles of transilience and why it's essential for navigating the unpredictable waters of our times. This is more than just an introduction; it's an invitation to shift your perspective and leap towards your greatest potential.   Reach out to Deb Newberry via her Website : She's also available on LinkedIn: