This Podcast Has No Name

Ren Jones

As a fitness professional who only works with women, I know how under-served and over-targeted women are by the fitness industry. Join me here for the best discussions to help sort the fitness facts from fiction ladies.

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Ep 15: Steph Gaudreau: From Chalkboards to Chalked Hands
Jul 30 2023
Ep 15: Steph Gaudreau: From Chalkboards to Chalked Hands
Join us for some pearls of wisdom in this podcast episode, where Steph Gaudreau, a former high school science teacher turned sports nutritionist ,strength coach, and author with a flair for absolute transparency, shares her journey. Spoiler alert, it's an interesting  ride filled with dumbbells and  recipes, mountain bikes, and podcasts designed to rally women, especially those over 40, to wave their strength flags high. Channeling her inner David Attenborough, Steph takes us on a safari through her childhood years, revealing how her love affair with biology, life's critters, and the inner workings of things (thanks to  her amazing Grandfather). These early influences kicked her life into high gear, driving her into a high school science class armed with a degree in human physiology and a knack for explaining biology and chemistry without putting the students to sleep. Steph cracks the code on her approach to nutrition and strength training, spiced with literal pants splitting anecdotes, and delivers the 101 on her book, "The Core 4". Its one of the best books I've ever read for getting someone started on the road to fitness. From classrooms to gym rooms, she's living proof that one can have their protein shake and drink it too, while also empowering women to live more expansive lives.Steph's website's Instagram amazing podcast
Ep 12 :Embracing Change with Cassandra Delynn
Jul 10 2023
Ep 12 :Embracing Change with Cassandra Delynn
We're replaying a live broadcast from a few months ago, where my dear friend and fitness colleague, Cassandra Delynn, and I delved into a powerful topic: allowing yourself to evolve as a person and embracing the evolution of your fitness journey.In this episode, we dive deep into the idea that it's perfectly okay to change and grow throughout your fitness journey. Oftentimes, we get caught up in the idea of achieving a specific body type or reaching a certain fitness goal, and we forget to appreciate the transformative process along the way. Cassandra and I share personal anecdotes, discuss the importance of self-acceptance, and explore how allowing ourselves to evolve mentally, physically, and emotionally can lead to a more fulfilling and sustainable fitness journey. We offer practical tips and guidance on how to embrace change, set realistic expectations, and find joy in the evolution of our bodies and lifestyles. Whether you're just starting out or have been on your fitness journey for years, this episode will inspire you to embrace your unique path and celebrate the incredible person you're becoming. So, let's dive in and explore the power of evolution in our fitness journeys.Cassandra's website fitness coaching
Ep 11: Chloe's Diet Culture Detox
Jul 3 2023
Ep 11: Chloe's Diet Culture Detox
In this episode, we dive deep into the challenges of diet culture and its detrimental effects on the fitness journey for women, particularly for moms over 30. Joining us is our esteemed colleague and special guest, Chloe, a personal trainer and nutrition coach who recently gave birth to her beautiful baby four months ago. Chloe shares her personal experiences and insights, shedding light on the unrealistic expectations and pressures imposed by society on new moms to "bounce back" and achieve the pre-baby body in record time. We discuss the harmful impact of diet culture, which often leads to extreme measures, self-doubt, and a negative relationship with food and our bodies.Throughout this thought-provoking episode, we explore the importance of embracing a healthy and sustainable approach to fitness, focusing on self-care and well-being rather than conforming to societal norms. Chloe's expertise as a personal trainer and nutrition coach provides valuable tips and guidance for moms over 30, emphasizing the significance of setting realistic goals, listening to our bodies, and embracing the changes that come with motherhood. Join us as we debunk the myths surrounding diet culture and empower moms to redefine their fitness journey, nurturing a positive mindset and body image along the way.Coach Chloe on Instagram on Facebook
Ep 10: "Mind Over Mirror: Why Changing Your Body Won't Solve Self-Acceptance"
Jun 25 2023
Ep 10: "Mind Over Mirror: Why Changing Your Body Won't Solve Self-Acceptance"
Welcome to a thought-provoking episode of our podcast, where we delve into the depths of women's health and well-being. In this special edition, we had the privilege of interviewing the remarkable Dr. Lacresha Hall, an esteemed physician, forensic psychiatrist, and expert in eating disorders and disordered eating. Dr. Hall provided invaluable insights into the crucial distinction between disordered eating and eating disorders, shedding light on a topic that affects countless women over 30.Throughout the episode, Dr. Hall fearlessly confronted the prevailing stigma surrounding therapy, which often leads women to seek solace in personal trainers when therapy should be the starting point. She eloquently emphasized the importance of addressing the psychological aspects of disordered eating and eating disorders, highlighting the need for a holistic approach to healing. Moreover, Dr. Hall delved into the misconception that changing one's body aesthetically can resolve deep-rooted issues with self-acceptance. She eloquently elucidated how true transformation stems from nurturing a positive mindset and developing a healthy relationship with oneself. Join us as we unravel the complexities of these issues and embark on a journey toward self-discovery, healing, and genuine self-love.Dr. Lacresha Hall on Instagram. Disorders Helpline