Lighting the Way Today

The Way International

Welcome to the Lighting the Way Today podcast! This is a podcast where we engage in conversations regarding how to connect God’s Word to situations that come up in everyday life. read less
Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


LTWT 006: Trusting God
Apr 23 2024
LTWT 006: Trusting God
“Throughout the Word, God talks about Who He is and what He wants people to know about Him. In Jeremiah, He says I want you to know and understand that I am the Lord, that I exercise lovingkindness and judgment and righteousness. That’s what He wants us to know about Him, that it’s the goodness of God that leadeth men to repentance. In Exodus, it talks about how He is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in love and faithfulness and forgives iniquities and transgression. Those are things that He reveals about Himself that we can know about Him.” Join podcast interviewer Hunter Mullins and Rev. Tom Mullins as they discuss why we can completely trust in God as His children. Rev. Mullins expounds on many of the qualities of our heavenly Father, quoting straight from the Scriptures. He explains how these attributes, along with God’s promises to us in His Word, show that God is a trustworthy heavenly Father. Conversation Links: I Corinthians 13:12John 1:18Psalm 147:4Psalm 139:6Philippians 2:13John 1:17Jeremiah 9:24Romans 2:4Exodus 34:6-7Psalm 139:2Jeremiah 1:5Luke 12:2Job 42:2Psalm 139Isaiah 40:28Isaiah 46:9I John 4:16I John 1:5Numbers 23:19Exodus 15:26II Corinthians 13:11Exodus 17:15Psalm 46:1Malachi 3:6Colossians 2:15Galatians 5:25John 3:16Isaiah 11:2I John 4:18II Timothy 1:7Malachi 3:10Psalm 102:27 To Learn More about The Way International: Certain opinions expressed in this podcast may or may not represent the views of The Way International. All music used is either owned by The Way International, is used with permission, has been purchased for use, or is in the public domain.
LTWT 003: Overcoming Evil with Good
Mar 12 2024
LTWT 003: Overcoming Evil with Good
“We have to realize that light does dispel darkness and that we do make a difference. Your life does make a difference. Sometimes it doesn’t seem that way, that you don’t get awards for living the Word. You go home after a hard day of work, and you’ve got to take care of your family, and it can sometimes seem a little bit thankless. And it’s like, ‘What is the difference? Is this really making a difference?’ Absolutely, yes, it is making a huge, spiritual difference in the whole climate.” Rev. Bryan Mittler, Rev. Chandler Greene, and podcast interviewer Edgar Mendoza talk about many facets of the subject “overcoming evil with good.” This interview covers the importance of understanding God’s goodness and bringing it into life’s situations. We invite you to spend time with these men in this special roundtable episode as they share the Word and their perspectives on the subject. Conversation Links: 1Luke 18:19III John 11Psalm 138:2II Corinthians 4:4Power for Abundant Living, by Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille, chapter 9, page 112Genesis 3Psalm 34:14Hebrews 5:13,14Romans 12:21I Corinthians 6:19,20Jeremiah 10:23Acts 9:5Deuteronomy 11:19 To Learn More about The Way International: Certain opinions expressed in this podcast may or may not represent the views of The Way International. All music used is either owned by The Way International, is used with permission, has been purchased for use, or is in the public domain.
LTWT 001: And So It Begins!
Feb 13 2024
LTWT 001: And So It Begins!
“God’s Word is relevant. And I think that people need to know that. And we need to show people that God’s Word isn’t just a dusty book sitting on a shelf. It’s quick, it’s alive, it’s energetic. It has power. And when believed, it can change your life for the best. You can see the impossible become possible and you can have light where areas might be dark. You can have answers where there may be questions. And those aren’t conversations that we should just have together. Those are conversations that should be shared. The Word should be shared with people. And a great way that you learn about God’s Word is by talking about it and by having conversations about it. So I think that’s what we’re going to be able to do.”  Delve into this introductory episode to see what Lighting the Way Today is all about. This is a conversation with Hunter Mullins and Sierra Bergman, the producers of this podcast, where they explain the goals of the project, what makes it unique, and their why behind providing godly, encouraging content to those who want to know more about God and His Word.  Conversation Links: 4:12  To Learn More about The Way International: Certain opinions expressed in this podcast may or may not represent the views of The Way International.  All music used is either owned by The Way International, is used with permission, has been purchased for use, or is in the public domain.