That Big CEO Energy

Kallai Plummer

Learn how to create That Big CEO Energy you know you have in your business with a mix of inspiring, empowering and totally actionable solo & guest episodes designed to give you the mindset and strategy you need to make it happen!

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Seamless Integration of Vacation Vibes into Your Work Life
May 22 2024
Seamless Integration of Vacation Vibes into Your Work Life
“Make self-care a non-negotiable as part of your summer routine. Make time for the activities that nourish your mind, your body, and your soul.” - Kallai PlummerHave you ever found yourself staring at the calendar, wondering how to juggle the laid-back vibes of summer with the hustle of running your own business? I know I have, and let me tell you, the struggle is real—but so are the solutions! We're not just talking theory; get ready for hands-on strategies to craft a summer that's both productive and rejuvenating. From setting clear goals to creating a schedule that meshes your business deadlines with family fun, we're all about the art of the plan—without being shackled to it. Because, let's face it, when the unexpected happens (and with kids, trips, and life's little surprises, it will!), you want to be ready to bend without snapping. Join me as we explore the dance of flexibility and structure, ensuring your summer is filled with growth for your business and joy for your soul.Stay Connected:Need to learn how to lead with BIG CEO Energy but don’t know where to start? Let’s Connect HereVisit the website to learn how I can serve your business as a Fractional COO  www.thekalandco.comDo you have broken systems and processes and need help STAT? Check out my 1:1 Project Intensive where I come in like Superman and leave you with the cape!’s be friends on social:Follow me on Instagram @_kalandcoConnect with me on LinkedInI would be really grateful if you left a review on iTunes so that others can find and turn on  their CEO Energy  too! Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” . I'd also love to hear what your favorite part of this episode is in the comments below. Thank you!Support the Show.
The Unseen Dance of the Generational Caretaker
May 15 2024
The Unseen Dance of the Generational Caretaker
“In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, take a moment to pause and appreciate the simple joys. Remember, self-care isn't a luxury; it's a necessity for your well-being.” - Kallai PlummerCaught between the laughter of my children and the quiet needs of my aging parents, I've come to understand the heart-wrenching beauty of being part of the sandwich generation. Today, I'm peeling back the curtain on the rollercoaster ride of emotions and responsibilities that come with caring for loved ones on both ends of life's spectrum while nurturing a business. We wade into the complexities of setting boundaries, honoring our parents, and recognizing the critical role of self-care. As we traverse this path together, you'll hear how clarity became my unexpected ally in the chaos and the small moments of joy that provide an anchor in the storm.The conversation takes a tender turn as we acknowledge the shadow of resentment that can creep into our hearts. This episode is an embracing of self-kindness, an ode to the little breaks that allow us to breathe and find solace in nature's embrace. Through personal reflections and shared wisdom, we unpack the value of leading with positivity, both in our homes and in the boardroom. Join us as we celebrate the courage to ask for help, the transformative power of gratitude, and the strength found in life's simplest pleasures—a poignant reminder that in the midst of life's dances, the music of self-compassion is the sweetest tune.Stay Connected:Need to learn how to lead with BIG CEO Energy but don’t know where to start? Let’s Connect HereVisit the website to learn how I can serve your business as a Fractional COO  www.thekalandco.comDo you have broken systems and processes and need help STAT? Check out my 1:1 Project Intensive where I come in like Superman and leave you with the cape!’s be friends on social:Follow me on Instagram @_kalandcoConnect with me on LinkedInI would be really grateful if you left a review on iTunes so that others can find and turn on  their CEO Energy  too! Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” . I'd also love to hear what your favorite part of this episode is in the comments below. Thank you!Support the Show.
Guarding Your Time and Sanity in a Demanding World
May 8 2024
Guarding Your Time and Sanity in a Demanding World
“Boundaries are like these guardrails right on the highway of your business and they're like these lines that you draw to protect your time, to protect your energy and, honestly, to protect your sanity.” - Kallai PlummerThis episode is a masterclass in asserting your personal and professional boundaries to reclaim your time and sanity. I pull back the curtain to reveal how I draw the line on working hours, gracefully decline energy-sapping appointments, and manage tasks without letting them manage me. It's all about protecting your mental health, and I don't hold back in sharing the honest truth about the times I've had to cut ties with clients who couldn't honor my boundaries. This episode isn't just about surviving; it's about thriving by recognizing and asserting the boundaries that enable us to lead with strength and empathy. If you're in the thick of it, wondering how to push forward without pushing yourself over the edge, these insights and anecdotes are tailored just for you. And don't forget, by sharing this journey, we're building a community that champions well-being and big CEO energy in harmony. Join me, and let's transform the way we work and live.Stay Connected:Need to learn how to lead with BIG CEO Energy but don’t know where to start? Let’s Connect HereVisit the website to learn how I can serve your business as a Fractional COO  www.thekalandco.comDo you have broken systems and processes and need help STAT? Check out my 1:1 Project Intensive where I come in like Superman and leave you with the cape!’s be friends on social:Follow me on Instagram @_kalandcoConnect with me on LinkedInI would be really grateful if you left a review on iTunes so that others can find and turn on  their CEO Energy  too! Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” . I'd also love to hear what your favorite part of this episode is in the comments below. Thank you!Support the Show.
Cultivating a Visionary Leader's Mindset
May 1 2024
Cultivating a Visionary Leader's Mindset
Have you ever found yourself at the cusp of giving up, only to be fueled by a sudden burst of unstoppable energy? That's what we're igniting in today's discussion as we strip away the fear of failure and unlock the Big CEO Energy within you. This episode is your guide to transforming the daunting unknown into the runway for your success, where falling is not an option, and your dreams aren't just fantasies but destinations. I am here to walk you through the process of shedding the shackles of the employee mindset and stepping into the role of a confident, trailblazing entrepreneur who pilots their business ventures beyond the horizon.We'll also unravel the methods to navigate through the locked doors of challenges, affirming that every attempt, be it making a key or calling in reinforcements, is a step forward, not a misstep. My personal journey with fear and the birth of this podcast stand as testaments to the power of belief and action. So, whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned business owner looking to infuse your work with renewed energy, this conversation is your call to embrace self-discovery and lead with conviction. And remember, the dialogue doesn't end here; join our ever-growing community on Instagram where we continue to support and inspire one another on our paths to greatness.Episode Chapters:00:01 Intro02:30 Questions to ask HER 08:28 Overcoming Obstacles and Believing in Yourself19:02 Inspiring Message for EntrepreneursStay Connected:Need to learn how to lead with BIG CEO Energy but don’t know where to start? Let’s Connect HereVisit the website to learn how I can serve your business as a Fractional COO  www.thekalandco.comDo you have broken systems and processes and need help STAT? Check out my 1:1 Project Intensive where I come in like Superman and leave you with the cape!’s be friends on social:Follow me on Instagram @_kalandcoConnect with me on LinkedInI would be really grateful if you left a review on iTunes so that others can find and turn on  their CEO Energy  too! Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” . I'd also love to hear what your favorite part of this episode is in the comments below. Thank you!Support the Show.
From Being a Single Mother in Corporate to Entrepreneur: Unveiling MY Journey to That Big CEO Energy
Apr 24 2024
From Being a Single Mother in Corporate to Entrepreneur: Unveiling MY Journey to That Big CEO Energy
“If I'm not betting on myself, who's gonna? Why not take a chance to capitalize on the fact that, even though we had a lot of crap that we had to deal with as a single parent, we can channel that energy into propelling it into something positive.” - Kallai PlummerAs a single mom turned entrepreneur, I've grappled with shadows of doubt and carried the weight of past struggles into my business ventures. Today's heart-to-heart is a testament to overcoming these unseen hurdles, where I share my journey and the transformation from a gas station clerk on state assistance to a confident business owner. We're peeling back the curtain on the silent resistances shaped by single parenthood and how they cast long shadows on our path to success.Joining me are inspiring women in business, who've also navigated the challenges of single parenthood and entrepreneurial hurdles. Together, we're uncovering the unconscious actions that tether us to our past and block that Big CEO Energy we crave. Before You go!Are you in need of an Ops Power Session where I fix your broken things and give you relief immediately? Book your call here!Stay Connected:Need to learn how to lead with BIG CEO Energy but don’t know where to start? Let’s Connect HereVisit the website to learn how I can serve your business as a Fractional COO  www.thekalandco.comDo you have broken systems and processes and need help STAT? Check out my 1:1 Project Intensive where I come in like Superman and leave you with the cape!’s be friends on social:Follow me on Instagram @_kalandcoConnect with me on LinkedInI would be really grateful if you left a review on iTunes so that others can find and turn on  their CEO Energy  too! Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” . I'd also love to hear what your favorite part of this episode is in the comments below. Thank you!Support the Show.
Fostering Authentic Engagement and Growth in Your Business
Apr 17 2024
Fostering Authentic Engagement and Growth in Your Business
“Your business is not going to be built in a day. Your organic leads are not going to come to you overnight. They might not come to you in a month. They might not come to you in six months. Keep showing up.” - Kallai PlummerEver felt trapped in the cycle of chasing referrals to keep your business afloat? We're breaking out of that cycle together as I lay out the blueprint for attracting organic leads that can revolutionize the way you grow your business. In this episode, you’ll learn:Scaling beyond your existing network, unleashing the power of a lead generation strategy that doesn't hinge on who you know. Ramping up your SEO game to crafting engaging content that resonates.Trials and triumphs in creating an online presence that not only stands out but speaks directly to your ideal clients.Strap in for a dose of that big CEO energy as we navigate the ins and outs of expanding your empire with confidence and flair. If you've been waiting for a sign to step up and steer your business towards uncharted success, consider this.Before You go!Are you in need of an Ops Power Session where I fix your broken things and give you relief immediately? Book your call here!Stay Connected:Need to learn how to lead with BIG CEO Energy but don’t know where to start? Let’s Connect HereVisit the website to learn how I can serve your business as a Fractional COO  www.thekalandco.comDo you have broken systems and processes and need help STAT? Check out my 1:1 Project Intensive where I come in like Superman and leave you with the cape!’s be friends on social:Follow me on Instagram @_kalandcoConnect with me on LinkedInI would be really grateful if you left a review on iTunes so that others can find and turn on  their CEO Energy  too! Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” . I'd also love to hear what your favorite part of this episode is in the comments below. Thank you!Support the Show.
Rediscovering the Heart of Joyful Leadership
Apr 10 2024
Rediscovering the Heart of Joyful Leadership
“Joy is not some destination that you arrive to.It's a daily practice, and it's a choice that we get to make to embrace life with enthusiasm, to embrace it with gratitude and to embrace it with kindness.” - Kallai PlummerI'll never forget the moment I realized that the thrill of entrepreneurship had started to wear thin, leaving me chasing a high that felt as elusive as the end of the rainbow. That's when the true quest for joy in leadership began for me, a journey that's been as much about personal growth as it has been about guiding my team. In this episode you’ll learn: What it means to be a leader who cultivates joy, not just in moments of triumph, but through the trials and tribulations that invariably come with running a business. How I faced down technical glitches and a nagging sense of impostor syndrome during a product launch, offering insights into the resilience and self-care strategies that kept me afloat—and more importantly, joyful.We often talk about joy as if it's a light switch, but I've come to see it as a garden that needs daily tending. This episode is an open invitation to join me in redefining the role of a leader to include the practice of joy, and how this shift can ripple out to benefit our teams, our projects, and even the bottom line. Episode Chapters:00:02- Rediscovering Joy as a Leader09:57- Cultivating Joy and Resilience in Business22:12-  Embracing Joy Through Daily PracticeThere's a transformative power in choosing joy every day, and I'm thrilled to share how this has reshaped my approach to leadership and life. So, if you're ready to infuse your leadership style with authentic joy and inspire those around you, let's embark on this journey together.Before You go!Are you in need of an Ops Power Session where I fix your broken things and give you relief immediately? Book your call here!Stay Connected:Need to learn how to lead with BIG CEO Energy but don’t know where to start? Let’s Connect HereVisit the website to learn how I can serve your business as a Fractional COO  www.thekalandco.comDo you have broken systems and processes and need help STAT? Check out my 1:1 Project Intensive where I come in like Superman and leave you with the cape!’s be friends on social:Follow me on Instagram @_kalandcoConnect with me on LinkedInI would be really grateful if you left a review on iTunes so that others can find and turn on  their CEO Energy  too! Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” . I'd also love to hear what your favorite part of this episode is in the comments below. Thank you!Support the Show.
Cultivating Genuine Engagement in a World Obsessed with Likes with Amanda Casinha-Ginther
Apr 3 2024
Cultivating Genuine Engagement in a World Obsessed with Likes with Amanda Casinha-Ginther
"An idea is an idea. It's never going to be executed the same way. You are who you are. The way I deliver something is different than the way Callie delivers something is different than the way the next person delivers something." - Amanda CasinhaJoin me for an inspiring conversation with Amanda, CEO of Grind Social Media and a trailblazer in the world of social media marketing and female entrepreneurship. Listen in as we peel back the layers of Instagram's deceptive marketing veneer, championing authentic engagement and the hard-earned triumphs that come from a genuine, strategic approach to growing your business.Step into the realm of action-driven marketing strategies and the pivotal role of confidence in self-promotion as we navigate the challenges and breakthroughs of entrepreneurial endeavors. This episode is a goldmine for practical insights, from harnessing the power of the PVC method in crafting impactful social media content to recognizing the profound influence of a tightly-knit community over a vast but passive follower count.Guest Bio: Amanda Casinha is a serial entrepreneur with 15+ years of experience in branding, digital marketing, and social media. She’s the Founder and CEO of Grind Social Media, a full-service social media marketing and consulting agency that helps businesses make their mark online through strategic social media management, end-to-end email marketing, and head-turning content that converts. She’s a two-time bestselling author about female entrepreneurship and resilience and is passionate about helping women find (and finetune) their voices and take up more space. She also is the host of Marketing Sucks - a podcast aimed at shaking up the marketing industry and helping you take up space online.Your CEO energy is a force to be reckoned with, and I hope our discussion leaves you motivated to take decisive action, prioritize authenticity, and foster connections that transcend the digital space. Episode Chapters:10:44 Empowering Entrepreneurs to Take Up Space17:44 Social Media Strategy and Authenticity22:44 Importance of Community Over Follower Count32:56 Action-Driven Business Strategy and Marketing41:19 Confidence in Marketing and Self-PromotionLinks:IG: Sucks Podcast: https://marketingsucks.buzzsprout.comStay Connected:Need to learn how to lead with BIG CEO Energy but don’t know where to start? Let’s Connect HereVisit the website to learn how I can serve your business as a Fractional COO  www.thekalandco.comDo you have broken systems and processes and need help STAT? Check out my 1:1 Project Intensive where I come in like Superman and leave you with the cape!’s be friends on social:Follow me on Instagram @_kalandcoConnect with me on LinkedInI would be really grateful if you left a review on iTunes so that others can find and turn on  their CEO Energy  too! Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” . I'd also love to hear what your favorite part of this episode is in the comments below. Thank you!Support the Show.
Celebrating  Lessons on Resilience From 18 years of Motherhood
Mar 27 2024
Celebrating Lessons on Resilience From 18 years of Motherhood
“You are capable of creating the life of your dreams.” - Kallai PlummerJoin me as we celebrate the heartwarming journey of motherhood, marking the momentous occasion of my daughter's 18th birthday. Reflect with me on the rollercoaster of raising a child, from the sweet simplicity of her early years to the pride in her creative endeavors and her incredible resilience. Listen in as I recount personal stories, like the pivotal time in eighth grade when my daughter reached out for help, showcasing the critical role we play in our children's lives. This chapter is a tribute to all the mothers navigating the complexities of parenthood, recognizing the growth and achievements of our children, and the evolution of our roles as we witness them stepping into adulthood.Embrace the 'big CEO energy' with me, as we honor the strength and determination of single moms everywhere. In this chapter, we discuss how managing the challenges of single motherhood isn't just about making it through the day; it's about excelling and setting a powerful example for our children. I share insights on leading life with confidence, chasing dreams, and remaining a pillar of support for our kids. Tune in and get inspired by the conversation, and remember to share your own experiences, as we build a community of strong, driven women supporting each other on this incredible journey.Timestamps:06:22 - 08:01 Daughter's Cry for Help and Creativity10:39 - 13:28 Parenting Through Teenage Years and Adulthood15:38 - 17:48 Lessons in Parenting and GrowthStay Connected:Need to learn how to lead with BIG CEO Energy but don’t know where to start? Let’s Connect HereVisit the website to learn how I can serve your business as a Fractional COO  www.thekalandco.comDo you have broken systems and processes and need help STAT? Check out my 1:1 Project Intensive where I come in like Superman and leave you with the cape!’s be friends on social:Follow me on Instagram @_kalandcoConnect with me on LinkedInI would be really grateful if you left a review on iTunes so that others can find and turn on  their CEO Energy  too! Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” . I'd also love to hear what your favorite part of this episode is in the comments below. Thank you!Support the Show.
Voices that Shaped Us Celebrating Matriarchs and Mentors : Women’s History Month
Mar 20 2024
Voices that Shaped Us Celebrating Matriarchs and Mentors : Women’s History Month
“We have the power to create a ripple effect of positive change that extends far beyond our lifetime.” - Kallai PlummerDiscover the untold stories of female resilience and empowerment that have shaped the world and our lives. This special Women's History Month episode is a tribute to the indomitable spirits of women like Eleanor Roosevelt and Malala Yousafzai, who have taught us the value of raising our voices for justice and equality. As we unravel their tales of bravery and the profoundly personal narratives of the women who've molded my own path, you'll be reminded that our legacies are built on the strength we find in vulnerability and the transformational power of leading with heart.Join us as we celebrate the women who have left indelible marks on our history, and those who continue to forge a brighter future with every courageous step. Through the inspiring journeys of my Oma's triumph amidst adversity, my mother's entrepreneurial zeal, and the wisdom gained from becoming a young mother, I share how these experiences have instilled in me an unwavering belief in the power of planning and the importance of support. In this episode you’ll learn:The Resilience and Influence of Women The Importance of Empowerment and Self-BeliefLeaving a Legacy of Positive ChangeWe delve into the essence of 'big CEO energy' and how to embody it in our everyday lives, inviting you to reflect on your own impact and the legacy you're creating. Cherish these stories of empowerment and let them be the fuel for your own journey of growth and legacy-building.Timestamps:02:03 - 04:20 Empowering Women's Intrinsic Self-Worth10:54 - 12:25 Leadership Lessons From Oprah Winfrey24:05 - 25:59 Mother's Transformative PowerStay Connected:Need to learn how to lead with BIG CEO Energy but don’t know where to start? Let’s Connect HereVisit the website to learn how I can serve your business as a Fractional COO  www.thekalandco.comDo you have broken systems and processes and need help STAT? Check out my 1:1 Project Intensive where I come in like Superman and leave you with the cape!’s be friends on social:Follow me on Instagram @_kalandcoConnect with me on LinkedInI would be really grateful if you left a review on iTunes so that others can find and turn on  their CEO Energy  too! Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” . I'd also love to hear what your favorite part of this episode is in the comments below. Thank you!Support the Show.
Turning Project Planning Into Your Business Superpower
Mar 13 2024
Turning Project Planning Into Your Business Superpower
“Even if you're the only one in your business, say it with me: I need an SOP."- Kallai PlummerHave you ever felt like you're juggling a million tasks and deadlines in your business, only to realize you've dropped the ball on the project that mattered most? That's where I found myself before I learned the art of project management. In this episode, you’ll learn:How solopreneurs and small teams can create clear objectives and goals, implement Standard Operating Procedures, and avoid the common traps of project planning. It's not about chasing perfection; it's about crafting a reliable blueprint that keeps your business on course.As we explore the nooks and crannies of project planning and timeline management, I'll walk you through my own experiences of assigning responsibilities, the significance of visual planning, and the transformative power of CEO days for self-assessment. You'll learn why tools like Asana are game-changers for staying organized and hitting those deadlines.To cap it off, we'll have an honest chat about effective project management as the backbone of success. Regular check-ins, proactive approaches to challenges, and the flexibility to adjust timelines are all part of the dance. I'll also share why asking for help isn't just smart—it's strategic. So grab your notebook, and let’s fuel each other with our collective stories of triumph, as we harness that big CEO energy together.Timestamps:00:00 Mastering Project Management for Entrepreneurs15:26 Project Planning and Timeline Management22:39 Effective Project Management for Success34:05 Taking Control of Your Business GrowthIf you're ready to transform your small business through expert project management techniques and avoid common pitfalls, then this is the episode you can't afford to miss. Tap into your inner CEO and join us as we navigate the roadmap to entrepreneurial success, one strategic step at a time.Stay Connected:Need to learn how to lead with BIG CEO Energy but don’t know where to start? Let’s Connect HereVisit the website to learn how I can serve your business as a Fractional COO  www.thekalandco.comDo you have broken systems and processes and need help STAT? Check out my 1:1 Project Intensive where I come in like Superman and leave you with the cape!’s be friends on social:Follow me on Instagram @_kalandcoConnect with me on LinkedInI would be really grateful if you left a review on iTunes so that others can find and turn on  their CEO Energy  too! Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” . I'd also love to hear what your favorite part of this episode is in the comments below. Thank you!Support the Show.
Juggling Passions and Big CEO Energy: The Journey We Get to Create with Emily DeCloux
Mar 6 2024
Juggling Passions and Big CEO Energy: The Journey We Get to Create with Emily DeCloux
"Being multi-passionate is a superpower, not a drawback. It's about embracing all the facets of your personality and using them to fuel your entrepreneurial spirit." - Emily DeCloux In our conversation, we explore this theme in depth, focusing on her journey as an entrepreneur in her twenties, the intricate link between comedy and business, and the empowering process of turning passion into a successful career. In this episode, you’ll learn: - How Emily successfully manages her multiple creative and entrepreneurial ventures while maintaining an infectious zest for life. - The ups and downs of finding your true path in your twenties, focusing on the importance of trusting your instincts and cultivating strong, supportive partnerships. - Insights into dealing with the lingering impacts of past traumas and how they can shape your professional life, with wisdom drawn from the acclaimed book "The Body Keeps the Score." About Guest: Emily has created her own career path by completely ignoring her gut instincts, realizing she needed to listen to them, and then follow her passions. While it seems a little backwards, that’s how she got here.She is a multi-passionate entrepreneur who makes films, sketch comedy videos, music, podcasts, live shows, and occasionally she can be inspired to use my Baking and Pastry Arts Certificate to make muffins. Occasionally. She is also the CEO of The Ultimate creative, a podcast production agency. (and also my pod producer)Timestamps:00:00 Embracing Multi-Passionate Entrepreneurship - 13:21 Navigating Life in Your 20s - 26:25 Exploring Trauma & Self-Discovery in Entrepreneurship 37:42 Boosting Big CEO EnergyConnect with Emily:https://emilydecloux.comhttps://bigchickenergysketch.comhttps://theultimatecreative.comhttps://joyfactorweddings.com Connected:Need to learn how to lead with BIG CEO Energy but don’t know where to start? Let’s Connect HereVisit the website to learn how I can serve your business as a Fractional COO  www.thekalandco.comDo you have broken systems and processes and need help STAT? Check out my 1:1 Project Intensive where I come in like Superman and leave you with the cape!’s be friends on social:Follow me on Instagram @_kalandcoConnect with me on LinkedInI would be really grateful if you left a review on iTunes so that others can find and turn on  their CEO Energy  too! Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” . I'd also love to hear what your favorite part of this episode is in the comments below. Thank you!Support the Show.
Embracing Change and Maintaining CEO Energy: Strategies for Overcoming Overwhelm and Navigating Success
Feb 28 2024
Embracing Change and Maintaining CEO Energy: Strategies for Overcoming Overwhelm and Navigating Success
“Your aspirations are worthy of your dedication and hard work." - Kallai PummerEver feel like your New Year's fire has dwindled to a mere spark? You're not alone. Today, we ignite that flame anew, as I walk you through overcoming the overwhelm and recommitting to your ambitions with relentless CEO energy. Whether you're sprinting towards fitness goals, climbing the corporate ladder, or evolving personally, I'm right here fanning the flames. We talk about embracing change without losing sight of the prize, and I've got just the affirmation and breathing exercise to sweep away any clouds of doubt.Wave farewell to February and gear up for greatness because every choice now carves out our success story. Join me in this crucial pivot point where we don't just dream of change—we become it. I'm throwing open the doors for an energizing coaching experience and inviting you to share your insights, creating ripples of inspiration in our community. So, if you're craving that transformative CEO presence in your life, tune in, connect, and let's triumph together in this exhilarating ascent to the top.Stay Connected:Need to learn how to lead with BIG CEO Energy but don’t know where to start? Let’s Connect HereVisit the website to learn how I can serve your business as a Fractional COO  www.thekalandco.comDo you have broken systems and processes and need help STAT? Check out my 1:1 Project Intensive where I come in like Superman and leave you with the cape!’s be friends on social:Follow me on Instagram @_kalandcoConnect with me on LinkedInI would be really grateful if you left a review on iTunes so that others can find and turn on  their CEO Energy  too! Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” . I'd also love to hear what your favorite part of this episode is in the comments below. Thank you!Support the Show.
Crafting a Legacy of Integrity in Business
Feb 21 2024
Crafting a Legacy of Integrity in Business
"Trust is the currency of effective leadership. It's the bedrock upon which high-performing teams are built." - Kallai PlummerDuring my early days at the helm of a bustling start-up, I grappled with the weight of leadership and the quest for authenticity. Through trials and triumphs, I've distilled the essence of what it means to lead with genuine passion and integrity. Today, I'm inviting you on a journey—a candid exploration into the heart of authentic leadership. You'll hear about the indelible marks of trust, empowerment, and how these cornerstones can transform your team. As the conversation unfolds, you'll discover:The profound impact of aligning your actions with your core values The practical steps to become a beacon of inspiration and resilience in your organization.The power of an authentic leader lies not just in their words but in the courage to act upon them. This episode is a testament to that courage, as I delve into the nuances of advocating for fair compensation and recognizing every individual's unique contribution. We'll look at purpose-driven leadership through a lens that goes beyond grandiose ideas and zeroes in on steadfast guiding principles that propel every decision. Timestamps:01:44 The Importance of Authentic Leadership10:33 Importance of Relational Transparency in Leadership15:34 Importance of Moral Courage in LeadershipBy the end of our time together, you'll be equipped with the insights needed to foster personal growth and create an environment where excellence isn't just an aspiration—it's a shared journey. Join me as we peel back the layers to reveal what it truly takes to wield that "big CEO energy" and make a lasting imprint on the world around us.Stay Connected:Need to learn how to lead with BIG CEO Energy but don’t know where to start? Let’s Connect HereVisit the website to learn how I can serve your business as a Fractional COO  www.thekalandco.comDo you have broken systems and processes and need help STAT? Check out my 1:1 Project Intensive where I come in like Superman and leave you with the cape!’s be friends on social:Follow me on Instagram @_kalandcoConnect with me on LinkedInI would be really grateful if you left a review on iTunes so that others can find and turn on  their CEO Energy  too! Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” . I'd also love to hear what your favorite part of this episode is in the comments below. Thank you!Support the Show.
Embracing Accountability for Authentic Growth and Total Freedom with XayeFaith and Devann Edwards
Feb 14 2024
Embracing Accountability for Authentic Growth and Total Freedom with XayeFaith and Devann Edwards
"We didn't come onto this earth to settle, but oftentimes, that's what people do. With accountability, you get to know that, and you get to be held responsible for your own life. Because if you have a life, why would you not cherish it? Why would you not?" - Devann EdwardsEver found yourself stockpiling knowledge like a dragon hoards treasure, yet still feeling stuck in the same old lair? Join us as we sit down with XayeFaith, and Devann Edwards of the Total Freedom Network, who unveil the magic of accountability in transforming entrepreneurial smarts into actionable riches. It's not just about what you know; it's about the daring leaps you take, and who's there to catch you if you stumble. With the personal tales of triumph and the occasional face-plant, we uncover how a community of like-minded individuals can be the wind beneath your wings, propelling you from passive learning to dynamic doing.Are you wearing a mask of success that feels like it might crack at any moment? We tear off the disguise and tackle the tough questions about authenticity in both life and business. About Guest: Xaye Faith & Devann Edwards are the founders of Total Freedom Network. They are global business consultants who support entrepreneurs to optimize their businesses through accountability. Xaye Faith & Devann realized that their business elevated after they paid for coaching. It wasn't the "new info" that changed their trajectory, but the accountability and community that supported their growth. So they created the Profit Plans to support entrepreneurs and organizations to level up their productivity, efficiency, and profitability in their companies. They are on a mission to empower entrepreneurs to maximize their potential and create a life of Total Freedom. They believe the key to success is accountability.In this episode, you’ll discover:How to navigate the murky waters between external expectations and inner standards, and emerge with a clear vision of of your true self.How to forge connections that are not just skin-deep but soul-deep. How to pin authenticity onto your own lapel with confidence.Timestamps:04:01 Supporting Entrepreneurs to Implement Knowledge15:17 The Importance of Accountability and Discipline43:35 Freedom Through Personal and Business Development49:23 The Importance of Accountability in SuccessWe take a deep dive into the essence of what it means to truly live free – emotionally, financially, in health, in travel, and with time. It's not a one-size-fits-all dream; it's a bespoke reality tailor-made by you, stitched together with the threads of accountability and strategic planning. Join us, and let's chart the course to your Total Freedom together.Connect with XayeFaith & Devann Edwards:Website: Connected:Need to learn how to lead with BIG CEO Energy but don’t know where to start? Let’s Connect HereVisit the website to learn how I can serve your business as a Fractional COO  www.thekalandco.comDo you have broken systems and processes and need help STAT? Check out my 1:1 Project Intensive where I come in like Superman and leave you with the cape!’s be friends on social:Follow me on Instagram @_kalandcoConnect with me on LinkedInI would be really grateful iSupport the Show.
Empathetic Leadership and Its Impact on Business Growth for Women
Feb 7 2024
Empathetic Leadership and Its Impact on Business Growth for Women
Do you ever wonder how empathy can be your superpower in the boardroom? Join me today as we unravel the transformative effects of emotional intelligence on female CEOs and the realm of leadership. This episode is a treasure trove for anyone aspiring to elevate their leadership capabilities through the power of understanding and managing emotions. We dig into how women in power are reshaping traditional leadership norms by championing empathy to create stronger teams and more inclusive workplace cultures. It's not just the what, but the how of emotion that propels us forward, and our discussion spotlights the art of harnessing this intangible yet potent force behind every successful leader.We've crafted a narrative that transcends the office walls, touching upon the continuous journey of self-improvement and its undeniable influence on both personal and professional spheres. In this episode, you’ll learn:How emotional intelligence is crucial no matter the role—CEO, family member, or friend.Strategies to boost your CEO energy and insights on the behind-the-scenes growth work involving therapists and accountability partners. Timestamps:03:48 Emotional Intelligence in Leadership Stereotypes14:49 Exploring Emotional Intelligence in LeadershipReady to embrace the full potential of your leadership? Tune in and transform the way you lead.Stay Connected:Need to learn how to lead with BIG CEO Energy but don’t know where to start? Let’s Connect HereVisit the website to learn how I can serve your business as a Fractional COO  www.thekalandco.comDo you have broken systems and processes and need help STAT? Check out my 1:1 Project Intensive where I come in like Superman and leave you with the cape!’s be friends on social:Follow me on Instagram @_kalandcoConnect with me on LinkedInI would be really grateful if you left a review on iTunes so that others can find and turn on  their CEO Energy  too! Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” . I'd also love to hear what your favorite part of this episode is in the comments below. Thank you!Support the Show.
Embracing the Entrepreneurial Spirit: Brooke Smith's Journey from Corporate Cubicle to Creative Visionary
Jan 31 2024
Embracing the Entrepreneurial Spirit: Brooke Smith's Journey from Corporate Cubicle to Creative Visionary
"After really coming to the realization that she was the common denominator in her own life and in her own unhappiness." - Brooke SmithFrom the confines of a cubicle to the liberation of entrepreneurship, Brooke Smith's journey is a testament to the power of self-belief and the pursuit of joy. The mastermind behind her own innovative company, Brooke joins us for a riveting conversation that weaves through the transformative path she took from corporate cog to creative visionary. As she opens up about her personal evolution, we are ushered into the world of mindful branding and web design, where passion and profession dance in harmony.In this heart-to-heart, we celebrate not only the leaps of faith that define our careers but also the simple pleasures that color our lives. Brooke's tale is dotted with the zest of hot yoga sessions, the relaxation found in the clink of a dirty martini glass, and the sanctuary of a loving home shared with her husband and cats. Her story isn't just about building a brand; it's about crafting a lifestyle that cherishes work as much as it does the sweet unwind at day's end. The power of platforms like Clubhouse comes alive as Brooke recounts how digital serendipity forged connections and collaborations that have since blossomed into cherished friendships.In this episode, you’ll learn: How personal evolution can reflect in one's brand identity. How to weave your own visionary threads into a personal and professional brand that feels authentically and unequivocally How to step into your own as the architect of your happiness and success.Timestamps:00:20 Celebrating Women in Design and Mindfulness03:17 Serendipitous Connections Through Clubhouse11:34 Dreams of Remote Work and Entrepreneurship17:54 Rethinking Career Paths and Exploring New Projects22:09 Taking Control of Personal Development33:50 Navigating Job Expectations and Boundaries36:31 Reflection on Personal Responsibility and Growth45:00 Exploring the Corporate and Entrepreneurial Worlds57:01 Personal Branding's Power for ChangeI am so honored that Brooke shared this space with me and was vulnerable. What a sweet friend, she is.Connect with Brooke:Website: www.reverieinspiredco.comHer personal IG: @brookecurolesmithHer Business IG: @reverieinspiredcoStay Connected:Need to learn how to lead with BIG CEO Energy but don’t know where to start? Let’s Connect HereVisit the website to learn how I can serve your business as a Fractional COO  www.thekalandco.comDo you have broken systems and processes and need help STAT? Check out my 1:1 Project Intensive where I come in like Superman and leave you with the cape!’s be friends on social:Follow me on Instagram @_kalandcoConnect with me on LinkedInI would be really grateful if you left a review on iTunes so that others can find and turn on  their CEO Energy  too! Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” . I'd also love to hear what your favorite part of this episode is in the comments below. Thank you!Support the Show.
Navigating Significant Career Transitions for Greater Fulfillment
Jan 24 2024
Navigating Significant Career Transitions for Greater Fulfillment
Ready to transform your career and find fulfillment like never before? We promise that by tuning into this episode, you'll gain insights into the process and challenges of significant career transitions. We dive deep into the importance of self-reflection, understanding your values, and acquiring new skills. We also provide guidance on how to scope out new opportunities and the benefits of networking with those who have successfully switched careers. As we continue our journey, we'll highlight the importance of finding joy in your professional journey. Accept that your career choices will evolve as you do, both personally and professionally. Trust in your journey of self-discovery to uncover your true passion and purpose. We highly encourage you to share your thoughts, drop a review, and spread the word about this episode. Let's embark on this journey of transformation and fulfillment together.Stay Connected:Need to learn how to lead with BIG CEO Energy but don’t know where to start? Let’s Connect HereVisit the website to learn how I can serve your business as a Fractional COO  www.thekalandco.comDo you have broken systems and processes and need help STAT? Check out my 1:1 Project Intensive where I come in like Superman and leave you with the cape!’s be friends on social:Follow me on Instagram @_kalandcoConnect with me on LinkedInI would be really grateful if you left a review on iTunes so that others can find and turn on  their CEO Energy  too! Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” . I'd also love to hear what your favorite part of this episode is in the comments below. Thank you!Support the Show.
The Art of Pricing and Profit in Entrepreneurship with Dee Tomashoff
Jan 17 2024
The Art of Pricing and Profit in Entrepreneurship with Dee Tomashoff
Have you ever wondered what drives successful entrepreneurship and business growth? Cue Dee Tirmishosh, a licensed CPA and former corporate CFO, who joins us to unravel the mysteries of business growth. Dee is a force to reckon with and she took a leap from the corporate world to entrepreneurship, catalyzed by the birth of her daughter. Her journey presents a fascinating testament of resilience and adaptability, charting her perspective on the significance of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in shaping a successful venture. From tangible to intangible KPIs, Dee shares how crucial these indicators are in understanding your business and its trajectory. In this episode, you’ll learn:The value of efficiently tracking time, identifying the most profitable services, and the need to regularly update pricing formulas. Aspects that tend to go unnoticed but play a vital role in the thick of business operations. The perils of overextending oneself as an entrepreneur, a trap many fall into, and the implications it bears on your business.Effective pricing strategies and how to overcome resistance, particularly enlightening for those who have found themselves in the common predicament of lowering prices without reducing services. Don't miss out on her invaluable insights on cultivating positive CEO energy, the importance of delegation, and navigating pricing negotiations. Trust us, you wouldn't want to miss this enlightening journey into the heart of successful entrepreneurship.Connect with Dee:Her website: www.deetomashoff.comConnect with her on IG: @deetomashoffDownload her Five- Step Roadmap to Pricing for ProfitStay Connected:Need to learn how to lead with BIG CEO Energy but don’t know where to start? Let’s Connect HereVisit the website to learn how I can serve your business as a Fractional COO  www.thekalandco.comDo you have broken systems and processes and need help STAT? Check out my 1:1 Project Intensive where I come in like Superman and leave you with the cape!’s be friends on social:Follow me on Instagram @_kalandcoConnect with me on LinkedInI would be really grateful if you left a review on iTunes so that others can find and turn on  their CEO Energy  too! Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” . I'd also love to hear what your favorite part of this episode is in the comments below. Thank you!Support the Show.