Time To Talk TFMR


Whether facing a decision of TFMR or having undergone a TFMR, this podcast is here to support you through your journey. We have guests every episode who either work with women and families around TFMR or who have directly experienced TFMR themselves. This podcast talks about the complexities of TFMR and all the areas of life it effects. We want this to be a place of safety, compassion and hope.

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Health & FitnessHealth & Fitness

Season 9

TFMR: Returning to Exercise with Casey Thomas Hardesty
Apr 7 2024
TFMR: Returning to Exercise with Casey Thomas Hardesty
Hello, and welcome to the start of Season 9!We're kicking it off with an epsiode about exercise. It's something that a few of you have asked for over the years, and to be honest, I've always felt mixed about. In a society that tells mothers to 'bounce back' after full-term, live births - the pressure for bereaved mothers can be crushing.Thankfully, we have Casey to talk to us about healthy re-engagement with fitness and how to look after your post-partum body. Casey is passionate about core and pelvic floor health, any exercise you do should consider these aspects of your physiology.Some terms used:Diastasis - When the muscles of the abdomen separate during or after pregnancy.Pelvic Floor - Several muscle, ligaments and fascia attached to your pelvis. Damaged/weakened pelvic floor muscles can lead to incontinence (leaking wee or poo).Prolapse - Pelvic organ prolapse is when 1 or more of the organs in the pelvis slip down from their normal position and bulge into the vagina. It can be the womb (uterus), bowel, bladder or top of the vagina.We hope you enjoy this episode and get some good advice and support in how to go about healthy fitness.You can find Casey on Instagram @twopeaswellness and her website can be found here.I hope you enjoy listening. Get in touch and let us know what you think. Social media: Instagram and Facebook @TimeToTalkTFMR and Twitter @TalkTFMREmail is TalkTFMR@yahoo.comThis episode is supported by Antenatal Results and Choices. For more information on how they support women and couples click here or call them on 0207 713 7486.

Season 8

TFMR: Antenatal Results & Choices - 35th Anniversary with Jane Fisher
Nov 28 2023
TFMR: Antenatal Results & Choices - 35th Anniversary with Jane Fisher
In today's episode, I'm speaking with Jane Fisher, the Director of Antenatal Results and Choices (ARC). It's ARC's 35th anniversary this year and we thought it's be a good idea to hear from Jane about ARC's history, why it was created, how and by whom. I also wanted to hear about what has been most present for ARC in our most recent times and where they are headed for the future.Jane is a very dynamic charity Director. I don't think there are many that happily (eagerly) man the helplines! And this is what makes ARC so special to us TFMR mothers and fathers. It is having a dedicated charity organisation that has the ability to not only understand the nuanced complexities of what this devasting experience of pregnancy/baby loss is like for parents, but also how to communicate this to the wider public in a compassionate and truthful way.This is a special charity, doing much good, not just for parents, but in also providing training and information for healthcare professionals too. We also talk a bit about how ARC supports HCPs and is at the forefront of research into various aspects of TFMR.We hope this gives you a good overview of ARC and how it is there to support you. Even those outside of the U.K. are able to access their specialist support.We hope you enjoy listening. Get in touch and let us know what you think. Social media: Instagram and Facebook @TimeToTalkTFMREmail is TalkTFMR@yahoo.comThis episode is supported by Antenatal Results and Choices. For more information on how they support women and couples click here or call them on 0207 713 7486.

Season 7

Season 6

TFMR: Disability & Abortion
Oct 30 2022
TFMR: Disability & Abortion
Hello, and welcome to today's episode.Our guest is Mara Clarke. Mara is an abortion activist, mum and disabled woman. She founded Abortion Support Network which supports those who need to travel for an abortion from across Europe.We discuss Channel 4's documentary titled Disability and Abortion: The Hardest Choice, aired at the end of the summer.Does ending a pregnancy due to detected fetal abnormality amount to disability discrimination? No, of course not. Once again, this is a case of trying to simplify a complex and nuanced situation.Mara and I then get into deeper conversations about abortion, what it means to be pro-choice, how TFMR intersects with all of this, etc, etc.It's a rich and fast moving conversation, hold on to your seats folks!And I will say, listen to your instincts about whether to listen to this episode or not. I am very aware of what the word abortion can bring up for TFMR parents, and we use it a lot in this episode. You can find Mara on Instagram @mara.k.clarke and Abortion Support Network @abortionsupportnetworkIf you do listen, get in touch and let us know what you think. Social media: Instagram and Facebook @TimeToTalkTFMR and Twitter @TalkTFMREmail is TalkTFMR@yahoo.comThis episode is supported by Antenatal Results and Choices. For more information on how they support women and couples click here or call them on 0207 713 7486.We've added a Patron account to the podcast. We'd be so grateful if you'd consider supporting the podcast with a monthly donation. Pledges start at only $1 per month. Head to our Podbean page and click on the 'Become a Patron' button at the top right to learn more.
TFMR: Christmas & Other Celebrations with Suzie Jay Goldsmith
Dec 18 2022
TFMR: Christmas & Other Celebrations with Suzie Jay Goldsmith
Hello and welcome to our last episode of 2022.I'm speaking with Suzie Jay Goldsmith, photographer, mentor, author and mum. Suzie had two TFMRs , and after her second one, she decided to write a book exploring how creativity can help us navigate our grieving process and ease trauma. The Rallying Cry is part autobiography, part research and part workbook.Christmas is a difficult time of year for anyone who's grieving. Really, this episode could be listened to for any time there's a big cultural celebration that brings families, friends and communities together, as it's at these times that we are made keenly aware of who isn't here.TFMR is baby loss and a traumatic loss. Often, especially in the early stages of our grief, trauma is present in the form of high-anxiety and/or PTSD. Research shows that creativity in any form helps to regulate our central nervous system. As does acts of kindness, practising gratitude (not to be confused with 'positive thinking') and being in nature.This episode is packed full of ideas on how to help ease your pain, from ideas for acts of kindness to including your baby in your Christmas traditions; to incorporating creativity and setting boundaries to give yourself the space you need.You can find the link to Aching Arms (mentioned in the episode) here. And if you're interested in learning more about Suzie's iPhone Magic course, find it here.I really enjoyed this chat with Suzie, I hope you enjoy listening. Get in touch and let us know what you think. Social media: Instagram and Facebook @TimeToTalkTFMR and Twitter @TalkTFMREmail is TalkTFMR@yahoo.comThis episode is supported by Antenatal Results and Choices. For more information on how they support women and couples click here or call them on 0207 713 7486.