Fathers Rights Playbook

Mark Reel Jr.

Host and Southern California Attorney Mark Reel Jr. talks all things family law with top family law attorneys and fathers rights advocates, bringing a new perspective from a different state each week. - Navigating the world of family law court can be daunting for fathers. Decades of bias, archaic systems, and a lack of education leave men out to dry. Mark and his guests set out to change the narrative and educate men all over the United States with practical tips and knowledge to help anyone better navigate the family court system. - From Divorce to Child Custody to Domestic Violence, Mark and his guests discuss the uncomfortable topics that can help men succeed in both the short term and long term when navigating precarious situations when it comes to family law court. - You can learn more about Mark on his website: www.ReelFathersRights.com or on social media at The Fathers Rights Attorney. read less
