The Fanatics Have a New Best Friend, Meet Kate Goldbeck!

Fiction Fanatics

Jan 16 2024 • 1 hr 13 mins

Hey Nerds, have you ever wondered what it's like to leap from the world of fanfic to the shelves of your local bookstore? The enchanting Kate Goldbeck joins us to recount her metamorphosis from fanfiction aficionado to the author of the bewitching novel "You Again." We wade through the complexities of reimagining beloved characters for a whole new audience, and the shift from the fanfic community's embrace to the terrain of traditional publishing. Kate's insights illuminate the dedication required to breathe new life into well-loved tropes and the delicate balance of staying true to the fanfic spirit while courting mainstream success.

If you're hankering for a tantalizing tale of love, laughter, and the occasional sprinkle of life's bittersweet symphonies, Kate's "You Again" is a rendezvous you won't want to miss. Join us for a podcast episode that's a love letter to storytelling, a toast to personal growth, and, above all, a tribute to the books that make us swoon.

***Produced by Jen Hardin***