A Word from Dr. Dennis Inyang

Dennis Inyang

Dr. Dennis Inyang, consummate pastor, graceful teacher, and must-read author, is one of Nigeria’s cutting-edge ministers with a mandate to take the gospel to the nations of the world. He serves as the Presiding Pastor of Sure Word Assembly, Lagos, a beacon of excellence where worshipers are taught to live by faith in God’s Word and win in every area of life. read less
Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


Jul 31 2022
DR. DENNIS INYANGSUNDAY, MARCH 27, 2022TEXT: Job 1:6-12, Matt 7:24-27, 2 Cor 12:7-10, Phil 1:29, Rom 8:35-39#RecapThe trials of faith can be summarized in 3 words - purpose, perspective, and perseverance.God's purpose for the trials of faith in our lives is to make us better not destroy us.How you go and come through trials will be greatly determined by your perspective. The way you see things will dictate your response and results.No matter what you go through, don't give up. Every trial has an expiry date so persevere until God delivers your testimony.The enemy's intention in trying you is to prove that you only serve God because of the things that He has given to you. He would have you abandon your faith when the going is tough.The fact that you're walking in God's will does not mean that you will not be tested. Your uprightness might be the very reason why you are being tried.God's intention in allowing the enemy to test you is to prove him wrong. God loves you and knows that you can overcome whatever is thrown at you.The quality of your faith will be revealed on the day of adversity. What matters is not how you look on the outside but the state of your heart.It is not enough to know the word of God if you are not willing to practice it. Only paying lip service to God's word is a recipe for failure in the coming day of adversity.Whatever God has not taken away in answer to prayer, He gives the grace to bear. He will never allow us to be exposed to more than we have the capacity to endure.God may allow us to face certain situations to help us to stay dependent on Him. Adversity humbles us.Suffering for Christ is as much a blessing as trusting in Him. It is okay to suffer adversity as a result of what you believe. We should never conform to the world to escape the pain.Until you are will are willing to give up everything (even your life) for the sake of Christ, you do not believe in Him.No matter what you go through in life, God still loves you. Even when we fail as a result of the trials in our lives, He still has a restoration plan.
Jul 31 2022
DR. DENNIS INYANGSUNDAY, MARCH 6, 2022TEXT: Matt 13:20-21, Gen 15:8-11, James 1:2-4, Heb 11:13, Ezek 12:21-23, Heb 11:17, 1 Pet 1:6-8, 1 Cor 10:13#RecapWhen the enemy sends adversity, it is on account of the word that you have received. If he cannot keep you from understanding what God has said, he will try to cause you to doubt it.The only assurance that we have that God will keep his promise is the covenant. For this reason, Satan tries to attack the foundation of the covenant. Don't allow him!Adversity is not meant to destroy you. Trials come to help you grow to maturity. The more exposed you are to challenges, the faster you'll develop. The enemy does not understand this so he continues to attack us.The reason that God does not prevent adversity is that it works together for our good. The enemy means it for evil but God ultimately turns it around for our benefit.Ways that our faith is triedWhen your circumstances contradict scripture - Being a child of God does not mean that all your troubles will disappear. The question is whether we will hold on to what we believe or yield to our experiences.When your prayers seem unanswered - It matters what you believe when you don't receive what you've asked God for. It does not mean that He is not real or has forsaken you. You must believe that He is at work even when you don't have the answer yet.When the word is prolonged - There is a tendency to lose confidence when the vision tarries. Don't give up. Wait for it. God will hasten it and it won't come a moment later than it needs to.When the unrighteous prosper - It can sometimes feel like it is foolish to be faithful to God when the godless by comparison appears to be making better progress. Be encouraged. Faith triumphs in the end.When God calls us to do what is beyond our ability - There are times when it feels like what God lays in your heart is impossible or too hard. Trust God for grace to do what he has asked of you.When the righteous live at variance with their confession - You must understand that every man is saved by grace. Jesus, not man is our pattern. Pursue Him wholeheartedly no matter what anyone else does.When God makes unreasonable demands - Can you trust God enough to give him all you have? Can you let go of that which represents your future, knowing that he has a plan and will supply all your needs?God has a purpose for every trial. If He has allowed it, He will use it to make you better than you were before it came.Trials refine and polish your faith. They reveal the genuineness of your trust in God and play a crucial part in fulfilling God's purposes in your life.The trials that come your way, are an indication of the level of your strength. If God allows a challenge to confront you, it is because he knows that He has given you sufficient capacity to handle it.
Jul 31 2022
DR. DENNIS INYANGSUNDAY, APRIL 24, 2022TEXT: Isah 45:3, 2 Ki 4:1-7, Hos 4:6, Ecc 10:5#RecapThe path to prosperity is not always obvious. God desires to reveal to you the secret places where the wealth of the earth is hidden.Wealth is hidden in people. Wherever people are found, there is an opportunity to prosper. Business is finding a way to get people to give you their money in exchange for value.Money is hidden in problems. You will prosper by providing solutions to issues that plague people. Your value lies in the problems that you can solve.Your prosperity is hidden in your natural endowments. Every talent that God has given to you is an asset. Do not neglect it. Discover, develop and deploy it.Money is hidden in your brain. It is not enough to work hard, you also need to work smart. You must challenge yourself to think productively.Wealth is hidden in opportunities. When God desires to prosper a man, He opens a door of opportunity. Our prosperity is tied to our ability to recognise and exploit it.Wealth is hidden in time. There are levels of success that answer only to time. Discover your path and stay on it long enough to reach your goal. Your prosperity also lies in how you spend your time today.The journey to prosperity begins with a discovery. Knowledge gives you access to wealth. The difference between the rich and the poor is what they know.There is no mystery to prosperity. Find something of value that you have, put a price on it and live on the rest. The world is a marketplace. Everybody must learn to sell!
Jul 31 2022
DR. DENNIS INYANGSUNDAY, APRIL 17, 2022TEXT: Phil 3:10-11, Luk 24:1-7, Rom 5:6-11, John 12:24, 1 Cor 15:35-54, Rom 8:11#RecapNot only did Jesus die for us. We died with Him at Calvary and resurrected with Him on the third day. The deeper our understanding of this experience the more of a reality it becomes in our lives.God's word will never fail. Jesus died and rose on the third day just as He said that He would. All the plans of hell and schemes of man could not stop His promise from coming to pass.The stone was rolled away not for Jesus' benefit. The same power that raised Him could have brought him out regardless. It was rolled away for our benefit, so we could see that the grave was empty.Jesus did not die for Himself. He had no sin and did not deserve death. He died on account of our sins and failings. He was the perfect sacrifice for the redemption of humanity.Christ died to bring many sons to glory. God sacrificed His only begotten son so that he might gain many more. The power of resurrection causes multiplication if we are willing to let go of what we have.When Jesus rose, He did so with an incorruptible, immortal, spiritual body different from the natural one that died. We are heirs of His divine nature and will also be resurrected to new bodies like His on the last day.The power of resurrection is available to us today. Even though our bodies do not change until later, the spirit that makes that possible is also able to bring life to our natural body and present circumstances.
Jul 31 2022
DR. DENNIS INYANGSUNDAY, APRIL 3, 2022TEXT: 3 John 1:2, Ps 35:27, Deut 28:8-12, Luk 13:10-13, Ps 112:1-3, 2 Cor 9:8, Deut 8:11-18, Heb 6:13-18, 2 Cor 8:9#RecapIt is God's will for you to prosper. Salvation is holistic and encompasses every facet of your life. Every parent delights in the success of their child.The first thing that God created (even before He made man) was an environment of pleasure and abundance. He wants us to thrive not just survive.Prosperity is a good thing. It gives you true freedom and puts options at your disposal. Poverty is not the will of God.The root of poverty is spiritual. When the enemy wants to limit your potential, he cripples your finances. Prosperity is also spiritual.Poverty is not a sign of holiness. Righteousness and prosperity are not mutually exclusive. You can prosper and still serve God your faith should be an advantage.Prosperity is also not an index of righteousness. It is possible to prosper outside the will of God. Money does not make or change you. It merely amplifies who you are.God is our source of wealth. 'El-Shaddai is the name that speaks to His inexhaustibility. 'Jireh' is the God who supplies before there is a needThe basis of the prosperity that we receive from God is the covenant. He is committed to blessing us and has sealed His promise with the blood of His son and an oath.We lay hold of prosperity the same way we access salvation. We believe that Jesus died so that we might receive his riches in exchange for our poverty and walk in that consciousness.When it comes to prosperity, what you believe is more important than what you do. It doesn't matter how hard you work or how much you earn if you do not first believe the truth
Jul 31 2022
DR. DENNIS INYANGSUNDAY, APRIL 10, 2022TEXT: Prov 11:24-25 (NLT), 2 Cor 8:1-5, 1 Ki 3:3-5, Heb 11:4, 2 Cor 9:5-8, Mal 3:8-12, Deut 16:16#RecapThere are 2 paradigms of prosperity. The world prospers through greed and materialism. In our kingdom, however, we prosper by giving. Generosity unlocks your prosperity.Your liberality is not determined by what you have. It is a function of the state of your heart. No matter how little you have, you can always be generous.Generosity is giving beyond what is required. It is not driven by obligation but affection. The spirit of liberality will always look for opportunities to give.Giving that moves God has to be done by faith. This means giving beyond your ability or current level. It also means giving in expectation of a harvest. What you believe is more important than what you give.Generous giving is intentional. You should be able to plan your giving like any other expense. When giving is planned, it is less likely to be forced or coerced.Difference between giving and sowingYou may give for any number of reasons but you sow for only one - to reap a harvest.Giving benefits the receiver but sowing benefits the sower.You give whatever you have but you only sow the best that you have.You can give to anyone and anywhere but with sowing, where you sow is critical to your harvest.You can give at any time but you only sow in season. Don't miss the season.Giving is at your convenience. Sowing may not. God loves a cheerful giver but accepts a tearful sower.Giving attracts a similar measure of receiving but sowing leads to a multiple-fold harvest.# In the new covenant, we do not tithe to escape a curse (Jesus bore it on the cross) but as an expression of our faith in and love for God.Why you should titheIt is scripturalIt recognizes God as your sourceIt releases your faithIt attracts a blessing
Contending for the FAITH - Part 2
Jul 31 2022
Contending for the FAITH - Part 2
DR DENNIS INYANGSUNDAY MAY 22, 2022TEXT: Jude 1:3, Luke 18:8, Hebrew 11:6, John 4:23-24, Hebrew 11:25, Romans 4: 18, 21.#RecapYou cannot fight for what you don’t value. If you are going to contend for the faith, it has to be of value to you. You must place value on your salvation, you must place value on your belief in Jesus.We must contend for the faith because of our belief system, and our understanding of Christ Jesus. The faith delivered to the saints is under attack.The faith we have does not change with the times. It has been passed on to the saints and it remains the same for all times. Resist the temptation to modernize it.If you must be born again, you must repent of your sins, confess Jesus as your Lord and Savior and receive atonement by His blood ... that will not change.God saves the lost through preaching. So you must go out to preach because that is the Great Commission and it will not change.We live in a digital world now but no matter how good technology is, it cannot replace the gathering of brethren together in fellowship. That gathering is the church and must not change.No modernization or technology should take us to a point where a wife will no longer submit to their husband. No matter how accomplished a woman gets, that should not change her role in the home as a wife. That's the faith we received.We must keep the sanctity of the faith. It must not be corrupted by worldliness and immorality.WHAT KIND OF FAITH WAS HANDED OVER TO THE SAINTS?New Testament Faith: Faith in a God that we do not see. Moulding an image to represent Jesus and worshipping it is idolatry.Sacrificial Faith: Faith that forsakes everything for the sake of the gospel. If your faith costs you nothing and the focus is only on what you get, that is counterfeit faith.Strong Faith (Righteous faith): Faith that is not moved by circumstances. It is faith that is based on God's word and triumphs over science.