
Afolabi Oyerokun

What if everything you've ever believed about yourself, this world, or your faith is wrong? Someone has been programming you and me since the day we were born - our families, the school system, the government, social media, friends, religion - everything! Most of what we knew and lived our lives by was purely what someone taught us, and we didn’t even question it! What if they were wrong?

I invite you to join me on a journey of self-discovery and unexplainable encounters with the Supernatural.

Have questions for me? Simply post your questions on my "Deeper Dive Study Group" here =>

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Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


Good or Bad Success. Which type do you want?
Apr 3 2024
Good or Bad Success. Which type do you want?
I have always desired to have lots of material things since I was a little boy. To me, success is all about having material wealth. Then I started to look closely at the lives of many wealthy and famous individuals I know, and what I saw wasn't what I expected or desired. Having lots of money and fame is good, but it isn't everything - at least not the real measure of success."What if your definition of success is messed up? What if you're chasing after bad success? Only in God can you know, understand, and experience good success. In this episode, I share what a good and a bad success looks like. I also shared how God revealed who I would marry to me in a dream.God wants to reveal so many beautiful things to you. He loves you so much and He misses you too. I'm talking about revelations beyond what any mind can dream, imagine or understandYour access to spiritual revelation is through the Spirit of God, without it you can’t see beyond what your physical senses can see, touch, and hear.Have questions? I encourage you to post your questions and thoughts in my "Deeper Dive" Study group.Join My "Deeper Dive Study Group" here: my favorite Bible Study App here:For PC: android: iPhone: Mac: iPad:
Your Access to Knowledge Beyond this World
Mar 1 2024
Your Access to Knowledge Beyond this World
What would you do differently if you had the power to see into the future, know things before they happen, or understand what someone is thinking about you? For me, I would make different choices and do many things differently. There are some mistakes I would have averted if I had inside information as to what would happen in the future.In this episode, I shared another mind-blowing encounter I had with divine knowledge. I knew within me that a letter had come for me in the mail, and I found it exactly how it was revealed to me in my heart.Do you know you can know things or see events before they happen? This is what the Bible described as higher knowledge. You can access a realm of light beyond what humans can comprehend with their minds.Friend, your success and fulfillment in life depend on your access to supernatural light and the level of light you carry! This is Classified knowledge.Join me as I show you how to access this realm of light and revelation beyond what you and I can see physically or relate to mentally or intellectually. It will change your life for good.Have questions? I encourage you to post your questions and thoughts in my "Deeper Dive" Study group.Join My "Deeper Dive Study Group" here: my favorite Bible Study App here:For PC: android: iPhone: Mac: iPad:
You Can Create the Life You Desire
Mar 1 2024
You Can Create the Life You Desire
Are you dissatisfied with your life and wish your life was perfect and full of beautiful things and experiences? I'm happy to tell you that the life you desire is possible and easier to achieve than you think.Have you ever wondered how artists come up with inspirations for the beautiful paintings they create? Where do their inspirations come from? What were they looking at or referencing while painting those masterpieces? They saw those paintings first in their minds before they painted them on a canvas. This is the power of imagination; the ability to imagine things in your mind and bring it into reality in this physical world.You can visualize and create images in your mind and those things will show up in your life - good or bad. There's a supernatural power in your mind that can change your physical realities. Every product you see around you today came to be through the process of imagination. Do you know we all think in pictures, and not in words? Your imagination is your mind thinking in pictures and images.We inherited this ability from God our Creator. We are like Him in so many ways. Ideas, thoughts, and imagination are realities that exist in another realm - in your mind. Dwell on them long enough and they will manifest in your life. Creation is a process by which things travel from one realm to the other.Join me on this episode as we explore your imaginative power and how to use it to create the life you desire!Have questions? I encourage you to post your questions and thoughts in my "Deeper Dive" Study group.Join My "Deeper Dive Study Group" here: my favorite Bible Study App here:For PC: android: iPhone: Mac: iPad:
Change Your Choices, Change Your Life
Feb 11 2024
Change Your Choices, Change Your Life
Are you one of the many people who blame God for all the problems in this world and in your life? Perhaps you ask questions like, "If God exists, why is my life so messed up?" or "Why are there so many evil occurrences and problems in this world?" Why isn't God doing anything to prevent evil or stop bad people from prevailing?What if I told you that all the problems the world faces today are a result of choices - yours and mine? Do you realize that your ignorance is a deliberate action? Evil prevails because you and I choose to allow it every day. We choose to do nothing about it.Your life will remain the same until you start making different choices. You will never be debt-free until you choose to be. The power to transform your life is in the choices you make. God responds to your choices; He begins to move on your behalf when you choose to trust Him. Things started happening for me when my wife and I decided to face our fears and debts and trust God to help us. He moved for us in a big way!Have questions? I encourage you to post your questions and thoughts in my "Deeper Dive" Study group.Join My "Deeper Dive Study Group" here: my favorite Bible Study App here:For PC: android: iPhone: Mac: iPad:
Rule Your World - Part 2
Feb 2 2024
Rule Your World - Part 2
Do you know that the greatest authority in the universe resides in you and you’re capable of doing great things beyond what your mind can comprehend? God has indeed blessed you and I with the power to rule our world and make it a better place. Go with me in this episode as I shared one of the most powerful encounters I’ve ever witnessed in my life - A messenger of Satan came into a building I was!When you see people do evil things, don’t you wonder where they got the urge to do such evil things? Where do evil thoughts come from? There’s a world beyond what our physical eyes can see. God didn’t intend for you and I to be a victim of demonic oppression, but rather to maintain our rule by using His vested authority. The good news is you’re more powerful than the most wicked and evil power. We have been given the charge to subdue and rule over evil forces ravaging the world. YOU ARE IN CONTROL. You have the power to control things in this world.Are you ready to take on and knockout evil forces by the power of God?#ruleyourworld #youareblessedtoruleHave questions? I encourage you to post your questions and thoughts in my "Deeper Dive" Study group.Join My "Deeper Dive Study Group" here: my favorite Bible Study App here:For PC: android: iPhone: Mac: iPad: