Kat and Moose Podcast

Kat and Moose Podcast Network

Kat and Moose is a true-life podcast where we explore the quirks of being human.

Kat and Moose Podcast is a true-life podcast exploring the quirks of being human. Some have called us a "funny mental health podcast."  We are three friends (Kat, Moose, and Producer Sara) who share stories and explore topics related to spirituality, mental health, mid-life, relationships, bodywork, loving ourselves, and living our best lives. We also sprinkle in some enneagram and five-element theory. We work in the music industry in Nashville, which also gets dabbled in.

Recently, a dear listener shared this about us:

"To quote the fabulous Indigo Girls, my thanks to the Kat & Moose podcast because "You helped me take my life less seriously."

- Anna, a Kat and Moose Podcast listener

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Nervous Nerves and a Mayo Incident
May 29 2024
Nervous Nerves and a Mayo Incident
Ever encountered a mayonnaise explosion in an IMAX theater? That's just one of the laugh-out-loud moments we recount on this rollercoaster of an episode. We reflect on the emotional journey of watching the Blue Angels movie, touching on its deep personal significance and the dream of soaring through the skies with them. Alongside our friends, we let our imaginations run wild, pondering what it would be like to experience the thrilling adventure of flying in one of their jets.From the heights of aviation to the bright lights of Broadway, we switch gears to celebrate the magic of theater. Reminiscing about iconic shows like Les Misérables and current stars like Sarah Paulson, we revel in the authenticity and dedication that live performances bring. But that's not all; get ready for some fun as we introduce Bark Air, the ultimate luxury airline for dogs and their owners, complete with in-flight dog parks and over-the-top amenities. It's a delightful mix of culture, travel, and pet pampering that will have you dreaming of extravagant adventures with your furry friends.As Memorial Day approaches, we take a moment to honor its origins and reflect on the evolution of the "nervous breakdown." Sharing personal experiences and insights into mental health, we explore the nuanced differences between being nervous and being ill, guided by the wisdom of classical Chinese medicine. We also dive into the world of channeling with Bashar, discuss the importance of end-of-life planning, and sprinkle in some regional humor and personal anecdotes. This episode is a heartfelt and engaging blend of laughter, reflection, and genuine connection.Support the Show.Visit us on the Interwebs! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook! Support the show!
Teeth and Death
May 24 2024
Teeth and Death
Ever found yourself chuckling through a dental disaster or reminiscing about the click-clack of grandma's dentures? Well, you're in good company! Join us as we swap tales brimming with humor and heart, from the silence of friends during tough times, to the delightfully bizarre world of oral emergencies and the echoes of family memories. Our quirky corner of the podcast universe is where laughter meets the bittersweet twists of life. Life is a mosaic of milestones and mud puddles, and we're wading through it all, one story at a time. Whether it's toasting to graduations, musing on career transitions, or examining the delicate balance of personal boundaries, we're here to share it all. Tune in as we contemplate the lure of new academic pursuits, despite the ghosts of self-doubt, and how an 'earth element imbalance' might just be the missing puzzle piece in understanding ourselves. We're wrapping up with a dose of heartfelt gratitude and a dash of encouragement, sending out virtual high-fives to all our listeners for joining us on this wild ride. Discover how to channel the boundless curiosity of your youth, flip the script on imposter syndrome, and embrace those small yet mighty life changes. And before we forget, hats off to Producer Sara, for keeping our podcast ship sailing smoothly. So, grab your headphones, and let's embark on this human journey together, where every step is a story waiting to be told.Support the Show.Visit us on the Interwebs! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook! Support the show!
Our Founding Farter and Chlamydia in Bloom
May 3 2024
Our Founding Farter and Chlamydia in Bloom
Every podcast has that one running joke about something left uncompleted, and for us, it's the grand hollering contest we left hanging in the air like a note from a yodeler on a mountaintop. Well, the echoes have returned, and we're finally crowning the champions of our cacophonous challenge! Expect to be entertained by a diverse mix of victory cries, including a Swedish shout that tickles our funny bones. Plus, indulge in our whimsical commune fantasies, where I'm the mayor without a town hall, and discover why soft shell crabs are comedy gold.Now, who could resist a bit of laughter with a side of history? Benjamin Franklin might have penned the Declaration of Independence, but today, we're more interested in his declaration of flatulence freedom with "Fart Proudly." And oh, the words we've tangled—jujitsu and chlamydia have never been more hilariously confused. From the pages of Lisa See's "Lady Tan's Circle of Women," we're whisked away into a world of historical fiction, weaving together traditional Chinese culture and the time-honored art of storytelling.Feeling nostalgic? We've all got those songs that define our teenage angst and early adulthood escapades, and in this episode, we're turning up the volume on those very tracks. Walk down memory lane with us, and laugh at the lyrical slip-ups that have us crimson with embarrassment even years later. A huge shoutout to Producer Sara, who choreographs our audio dance week after week—this episode of the Kat and Moose Podcast is a symphony of chuckles, candid tales, and tunes that are the soundtrack of our lives.Support the Show.Visit us on the Interwebs! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook! Support the show!
Name Your Seasoning and a Funding Endeavor
Apr 23 2024
Name Your Seasoning and a Funding Endeavor
Ever wondered how a simple hum can soothe your nervous system, or how a surprise encounter with nature's wildlings can turn into a hair-raising tale? Join us as Producer Sara regales us with her San Diego escapades and we navigate the unpredictable waters of remote recording. As Sara's voice unexpectedly dips and dives, giving us a chuckle, we also delve into the science behind the calming effects of humming on the vagus nerve—a little-known trick to keep you humming with good vibes all day long.Our episode takes a wild turn with some critter comedy when Kat recounts a listener's personal battle of wits with a sneaky cicada and Sara's sprint-in-the-park from a California King snake. We weave through these encounters with nature's unpredictability to the more tender moments of life, like dealing with Bell-Bell's anxiety after a grooming session. It's a heartfelt nod to the empathy we share with our four-legged companions, serving up a slice of life that pet parents know all too well.Rounding out our conversation, we sprinkle in some 'seasonal seasonings'—those personal philosophies that give our lives their unique flavor. From Kat's personal recipe of "A Little Goes a Long Way" to Sara's vibrant "Tajin," each of us shares the zest that keeps us tickled and tenacious. And if you've ever been curious about the intersection of holistic health and therapeutic practices, we're stirring the pot with insights on licorice extract, the intriguing potential of combining talk therapy with psychedelics, and the artistry that springs from meditative states. Get ready for an episode that spices up your routine with laughter, learning, and a touch of something unexpectedly profound.Support the Show.Visit us on the Interwebs! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook! Support the show!
Cicada Piss and The Case of Life
Apr 9 2024
Cicada Piss and The Case of Life
Ever had a moment that made you realize just how gloriously imperfect we all are? That's right where we begin this laugh-out-loud episode, where we reflect on the small, sometimes awkward reminders of our shared humanity—a rogue spit choke or the suburban battle of wills with a lawnmower. With thunder rumbling over Nashville, we dance through our emotions, sharing the joy and the mundane of life's everyday dance. Producer Sara adds her own stories, making this a conversation you'll want to join.Life lately feels like an emotional whack-a-mole, doesn't it? We get real about riding the rollercoaster since 2020 and the unassuming acts of courage that get us through the day. Sharing a soothing quote from Rilke and musing on the ebb and flow of our feelings, we invite you to join us in finding strength in the present and solace in the world's natural wonders. This heart-to-heart is a reminder to pat yourself on the back for your bravery in the small things and to take a deep breath of fresh air when life gets overwhelming.And just when you think things can't get any quirkier, we slide into the topic of cicadas and the gifts these critters are bringing with them this summer. We navigate the choppy skies of airplane safety anxieties, laugh through the social dances of lifestyle changes, and gear up to face nature's little surprises. Wrapping up with a nod to fresh starts and the nostalgic magic of summer camp, we leave you with a sense of hope, resilience, and anticipation for the adventures ahead. Tune in for an episode that's as fun as it is profound, where every chuckle and challenge is part of the beautiful mix that is life.Support the Show.Visit us on the Interwebs! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook! Support the show!
Dino Identities and How Aren’t You?
Mar 27 2024
Dino Identities and How Aren’t You?
Ever found yourself in a cap and gown belting out tunes during a Nashville karaoke night? We're all about unconventional celebrations, and as I nudge closer to thesis completion, we're debating just how to mark the occasion. Join us for a hearty laugh as we swap tales from aching childhood memories at Kings Island to the adult rite of passage that is greeting card selection – all while pondering the societal pressures of commemorating life’s milestones.Midlife has its revelations, and we're not afraid to share ours – from the serendipitous joy of picking out the perfect humorous card to the unexpected insights gained during a bodywork session. We'll take you through an intimate discussion on the liberating shift toward self-contentment that age often brings, and the profound benefits of therapy, especially when it comes to understanding the intricate parts that make up our psyche. It's a candid chat about giving space to our internal parts, and how that can release decades of stress.And because life's tapestry is nothing if not diverse, we traverse from Lucille Ball's surprising influence on "Star Trek" to the peaceful sanctuary of a therapist's office. We muse over the calming effects of white noise, and the riveting draw of true crime stories, and leave you with a quirky cliffhanger about cicadas that's sure to provoke curiosity. So, settle in with us, Kat and Moose, for a heartfelt episode that’s as unique and multifaceted as the human experience itself.Support the Show.Visit us on the Interwebs! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook! Support the show!
Tree Shrew Poo and a Superposition
Mar 23 2024
Tree Shrew Poo and a Superposition
Ever feel like your life's undergoing a metamorphosis? We get it. That's why we're inviting you to flutter along with us on a new journey, one that's captured our transformation into a spectacular video podcast. We're spreading our wings, and we want you to be part of this elevated flight, where we examine the innate instincts that guide us and the collective energy that propels us forward. It's not just about change; it's about the exhilaration of discovering our full potential and the unity we feel when we come together in joy and purpose.Our latest conversation takes a heartfelt turn as we share moments that have shaped us, like the dedication of a song from the amazing Matt Maher that brought home the value of personal connections. We celebrate the quirks that set us apart, diving into the world of left-handers and the beauty of embracing our individuality—Sara's supposed autism included. It's about cherishing those unique traits that make our interactions rich and life all the more colorful. So, join us as we toast to the peculiarities that make us who we are.Then, buckle up as we navigate from the music industry to the wild relationships in Borneo's rainforests and the perplexing appearances of monoliths worldwide. We discuss how nature's odd couples and these enigmatic structures stir our curiosity and wonder. Add to that a foray into the realms of quantum physics and spirituality with Dr. Diana Pasolka, and you're in for an episode that not only tickles the brain but touches the soul. We're here to celebrate the courage to express ourselves, and we share stories of overcoming the paralysis of judgment, finding freedom in authenticity. Tune in, and let's explore this fascinating tapestry of life together.Support the Show.Visit us on the Interwebs! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook! Support the show!
Kat’s Performance and a Pickled Dinosaur Brain
Mar 10 2024
Kat’s Performance and a Pickled Dinosaur Brain
Ever hit a pothole on the road to self-improvement? Well, strap in with Kat and Moose as we regale you with tales of life's unexpected bumps, from audio mishaps to the exhilaration of rediscovering our physical potential. Our producer Sara jumps into the fray with a headphone mic, proving that when the tech goes awry, the show must go on – and it does, with a guitar-led trip down memory lane with Melissa Etheridge's tunes as our backdrop. Plus, we've got the scoop on how a change as simple as moving more can reignite your zest for life and work, and why sore muscles can be a signpost on the path to joy.If you've ever questioned the power of a good cry or the dance of delicate communication, this episode is your rhythm. With emotional revelations and a peek into the catharsis of tears, we unravel the threads of nonviolent communication and the art of expressing oneself. It's not just about airing grievances; it's a deeper dive into how we engage with our own emotions and those of others, particularly in the heat of conflict. And as if that's not enough, we'll connect the dots between Taylor Swift, Emily Dickinson, and perhaps most surprisingly, dinosaur footprints and a 'pickled' dinosaur brain.Prepare to have your curiosity tickled with stories of prehistoric discoveries on English beaches and the enigmatic survival of ancient brain matter. We ponder over what it means to find such relics from a bygone era and how they stir the imagination. But it's not all ancient history – we also tackle the modern phenomena of "concierge moms" and what this says about student independence. So, whether you're in for the science, the self-help, or just want to hear about Iguanodon (or is it an iguana named Don?), this episode has something to pique your interest. Join us for a journey of laughter, learning, and the occasional musical outburst.Support the Show.Visit us on the Interwebs! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook! Support the show!
Burner Phones and a Battery-Powered Baby
Feb 29 2024
Burner Phones and a Battery-Powered Baby
Ever find yourself nursing a bruise and wondering how on earth you got it? Join us as we swap tales of inexplicable injuries and close calls that are sure to have you chuckling and wincing in equal measure. From a dog collar debacle to Producer Sara's touring capers, we've got a stockpile of stories highlighting the slapstick side of life. Plus, don't miss our reflections on that time Kat almost met her match with a four-wheeler - it's a wild ride you have to hear to believe.But it's not all bumps and bruises; we also dive deep into the inner sanctums of our emotions. Mopoe opens up about her journey through therapy, unpacking the haunting image of a crying inner child and a battery-operated baby. It's an honest look at the healing power of addressing those hidden parts of ourselves. And if you've ever wondered how to nurture your own inner child amidst the chaos of adulthood, we've got some heartfelt insights that just might light your path to self-discovery and play.Wrap up your earbuds and get ready to nod along as we muse over life's absurdities and the beauty of human connection. Whether we're assigning ourselves imaginary degrees in traits we master or certificates in areas we yearn to grow, our banter promises a dose of introspection with a generous sprinkle of humor. Tune in for a celebration of the quirks that make us each uniquely human, and join our community of listeners who find joy in the shared stories that connect us all.Support the Show.Visit us on the Interwebs! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook! Support the show!
Spaciousness and Delicacies
Feb 19 2024
Spaciousness and Delicacies
Have you ever chuckled at the thought of us snagging a Grammy with our signature podcast sing-alongs? This week, we might just convince you of our chances! We're tickling the ivories of humor as we embark on an exploratory romp through the quirks that make us oh-so-human. We'll talk about our secret Grammy dreams, then pivot to a reflective dialogue on the Japanese philosophy of 'utory,' discussing ways to foster peaceful spaces in the frantic schedule of life. With raw honesty, we share our own skirmishes with anxiety and the elusive quest for serenity amidst chaos.Imagine your emotions as a canvas, with each stroke of music or poetry adding vibrancy and depth. This episode, we dive into the healing power of art forms, reminiscing about how songs like those from Billie Eilish and the timeless Celine Dion can mend an overstimulated soul. We'll share stories of how these melodies stitch together reminiscences and aspirations, all while celebrating the 195th episode of our podcast, which has become our own documentary of life's whimsicalities. Grab your headphones, and let's unravel the tapestry of emotions together.Join us for a quirky narrative about a hotel room debacle that will have you rethinking your expectations of customer service and personal space. The chuckles continue as we venture into the realm of beverage experimentation with an espresso tonic, revealing our intrigue for this peculiar concoction. Along the way, we muse over expanding our culinary landscapes, discussing the rich history of quinine and its surprising influence on our taste buds. So, pour yourself an espresso, or perhaps a tonic, and settle in for a whirlwind of laughter, enlightenment, and the sheer joy of being delightfully human.Support the Show.Visit us on the Interwebs! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook! Support the show!
Jump the Shark and a Cockroach Valentine
Feb 12 2024
Jump the Shark and a Cockroach Valentine
Have you ever felt trapped by your own definition of authenticity and success? We strip back the layers of these elusive concepts as we share heart-to-heart stories from our personal quests to redefine achievement. Our discussion spirals from workplace pressures to finding joy in the safety of our personal realms. Along the way, we celebrate the monumental achievements of trailblazer Clarice Phelps, the first black woman to contribute to the discovery of a new periodic element, and the timeless impact of artists like Tracy Chapman.The world looks different through varied lenses, and this episode puts the spotlight on how our perspectives shape our understanding. We traverse topics from the nuanced messages behind communication styles to the unspoken societal taboos of menopause and tongue piercings. Laughter bubbles up as we highlight a quirky Valentine's Day fundraiser, and we acknowledge the importance of camaraderie and support through the lighter side of heartbreak and beyond.Wrapping up with a heartfelt thanks to our listeners, we underscore the power of word-of-mouth in growing our podcast's community. Every shared story, every recommendation you make, adds to the fabric of our shared experience. We're here to remind you to celebrate your unique self, and if our conversation inspires you to do just that or to champion someone else's creativity, then we've done our job. Thanks to our producer, Sara Reid, for helping us craft this space for honest reflection and connection.Support the Show.Visit us on the Interwebs! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook! Support the show!
Malverde's Balls and a Bathroom Confessional
Feb 4 2024
Malverde's Balls and a Bathroom Confessional
Ever experienced the weird mix of annoyance and humor that comes with life's little mishaps? Our latest episode is a journey through the peculiarities of human experience, starting with those pesky unwanted hairs and the oh-so-familiar pain of biting your tongue. We get personal as Producer Sara recounts the saga of her tongue-piercing fiasco, while Moose offers a vivid flashback to her bold teenage years and the unforgettable tongue-piercing episode that followed. From the comical to the impactful, we explore how the smallest decisions, like sporting a piercing, can influence the way the world sees us and even affect our professional encounters, complete with a tale of workplace nose-ring drama.This episode is not just about the laughs; it's a deep dive into the interplay between our physical and emotional well-being. I open up about the times our bodies cry out for attention, often through injuries that seem like cruel jokes at first but reveal deeper truths about our stress levels and the need for self-care. As we discuss the often-overlooked emotional fragility of the tough-as-nails Enneagram Type Eight, we touch on the transformative potential of bodywork and the lessons we can learn from listening to what our pain is trying to tell us.Wrapping up with a mix of hilarity and heart, we recount a bizarre mix-up involving what was thought to be a blood clot, only to discover it was a benign result of pet grooming. We don't shy away from the personal triggers around health and family that can catch us off guard, yet we find solace in sharing these vulnerabilities. And to top off the episode, we share the pure joy of connecting with fans in person, reminding us of the special bond we forge through the airwaves. It's a rollercoaster of emotions – from hearty chuckles to sincere reflections – and we invite you to join our podcast family for the full experience.Support the Show.Visit us on the Interwebs! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook! Support the show!
Veggie Chips and the Jettisons
Jan 28 2024
Veggie Chips and the Jettisons
Ever found yourself whispering a prayer over something as trivial as a pool problem, or chuckling at the absurdity of life's little mix-ups? Our latest episode is a candid blend of laughter, reflection, and the occasional plea for divine backup. We're opening up about the quirks of daily life, from the frustration of locked accounts and inaccessible streaming services to the joy of Jodi Foster’s new season of True Detective. And yes, there's a story about her wife's work that's too amusing not to share. We weave through our struggles with a touch of humor and a lot of heart, inviting you to find a bit of solace and perhaps a chuckle in our shared human experiences.But it’s not all light-hearted banter; the episode takes a sincere turn as we examine the emotional landscape mapped out by breakups and severed ties. We share personal stories, like the fallout from a high school rumor that changed everything, and discuss how these pivotal moments can shield us from futures that don’t match our spirit. In a seamless shift, we enter the hauntingly beautiful world of Tori Amos and the unique genre she has created, connecting with fans over a collective journey of growth and resilience. From the transformative power of bodywork to the raw authenticity of mindfulness, this conversation is an open invitation to join us in exploring the intersection of physical and mystical healing. So, come along for the ride; our community and stories await you with open arms.Support the Show.Visit us on the Interwebs! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook! Support the show!
Dicklebacks and a Bid for Connection
Jan 21 2024
Dicklebacks and a Bid for Connection
Ever wondered what sticker collecting reveals about your competitive edge? Our latest episode peels off the facade to explore the simple joys and friendly rivalries that national park stickers can spur among enthusiasts. We wax poetic about the therapeutic allure of sticker placement for the meticulously-minded, and share a chuckle over the confounding disdain puzzles evoke in others. Pets, too, join in the fun with their hilarious puzzle piece heists, demonstrating how their mischief is woven into the fabric of our daily lives. And when it comes to personal grooming, we're baring it all – discussing the trials of unwashed hair and debating the merits of a sumptuous bath over a quick shower.Strap in for an emotional ride as we uncover the lighter and darker shades of public life. Locked down by a snowy blanket reminiscent of the pandemic's early days, we open up about the rollercoaster of cabin fever and the coping mechanisms that keep us afloat. The chapter doesn't shy away from examining the intricate dance of self-worth and self-compassion, all while finding solace in the shared misheard lyrics and melodies of our youth. And as if that weren't enough, we've got the tunes to prove it – singing along to "Wagon Wheel" and dissecting the origins of the songs that have shaped our lives.Your taste buds won't want to miss our culinary adventures as we dish about the best pizza joint in Nashville and the infamous 'dickleback' shot that ties a bow on the night out. But don't let the savory detour fool you; we're also tackling winter's gritty charm, from the universal frustrations of customer service to the peculiarities of seasonal home maintenance. And just when you think you've heard it all, we discuss the potential joy of an Alaskan cruise and the unexpected topic of bladder hammocks. Join us and our special guests for a smorgasbord of topics that promises laughter, learning, and a hefty sprinkle of life's unpredictable seasoning.Support the Show.Visit us on the Interwebs! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook! Support the show!
Squirty-Squirt and a Gotten Goozle
Jan 12 2024
Squirty-Squirt and a Gotten Goozle
Have you ever felt life's strange coincidences aligning, almost as if the universe itself is orchestrating your calendar? Join Kat and Moose, as we delve into the emotional synchronicity that goes beyond the mechanics of planning. We open our hearts about the twists and turns of mental health, with stories that might just mirror your own. From a candid tale of rekindling a relationship with Lexapro to Sara’s honest account of navigating a tumultuous emotional landscape, we're here to remind you that you're not alone on this rollercoaster of wellness and medication. And yes, we'll even share that gym anecdote – because sometimes, you've got to find a little humor in the hiccup moments.Mornings can be a battlefield, especially with a persnickety gag reflex that turns brushing your teeth into an ordeal. Pour yourself a cup of your favorite brew—or, if you're like Kat, that newfound tea from Nashville Tea Company—and let's swap stories of personal health quirks and the unexpected hurdles they bring. We'll wander through the maze of medical mysteries, from distressing lumps to the fear of potential esophageal issues, emphasizing why reaching out for professional help is a must. Plus, we'll chuckle over a mix-up that led to an unexpected concert ticket blessing—in true Kat and Moose style.Ever pondered the contents of a continental breakfast or found yourself chuckling at the term 'goozle'? Well, you're about to. As we gear up for an evening with the enchanting Sarah McLachlan, we meander through the lighter threads of life, including those precious 'goozle' moments that capture our hearts. Wrapping things up, we send out a huge bear hug of gratitude to our friends and family who tune in. With open invitations and the promise of homemade pastries, we look forward to seeing what future episodes—and encounters with continental breakfasts—will bring!Support the Show.Visit us on the Interwebs! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook! Support the show!
Party Pills and Menopause
Jan 4 2024
Party Pills and Menopause
As the confetti settles from our New Year's celebrations, we find ourselves reflecting on the shared journey of human quirks and the rollercoaster ride of menopause. This episode is like that unexpected phone call from an old friend—comforting, enlightening, and sure to leave you with a grin. We unravel the tapestry of perimenopause, from the taboo surrounding hormone therapy to the static cling that zaps us when we least expect it. With a dash of humor and a sprinkle of solidarity, we're opening up about the personal challenges and societal expectations that accompany this transformative time in a woman's life.Gather 'round as we reminisce about college days past and the profound changes that shape our dreams and identities. It’s a stroll down memory lane, dusting off those old yearbooks of the soul, as we contemplate the evolution of our younger selves into the people we are today. Our narrative meanders through the philosophical currents of the Tao, inviting you to rediscover the aspirations that once set your heart ablaze. This episode is not just a trip back in time; it's about harnessing the wisdom of change to foster growth in the here and now.Concluding with a heart-to-heart on the delicate dance between our soul and ego, we ponder the essence of what makes us tick. There's a little bit of cosmic comedy, too, as we navigate life's "beaver dams" and the tangled messes we find ourselves in—like headphone wires that conspire to trip us up. So, grab your favorite mug of something warm, and join us for an episode that promises to be as comforting as your go-to winter sweater, all while we chart a course through the wilderness of being wonderfully, messily human on the Kat and Moose Podcast.Support the Show.Visit us on the Interwebs! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook! Support the show!
Hipster Wolves and a Frozen Bra
Dec 23 2023
Hipster Wolves and a Frozen Bra
Ever found yourself laughing over a lipstick disaster or nursing the bruises from a trip to the blood clinic? Our latest episode is a cocktail of such relatable misadventures and the personal quirks that make us all wonderfully human. From spitting on trees to spirit animals, we traverse the spectrum of self-discovery, diving into the heartwarming to the hilariously absurd. Join us as we swap stories on the oddities of daily life, the richness of personal traditions, and the ways we find connection and meaning in the most unexpected places.As the year draws to a close, we gather around the warmth of shared experiences and the insights of the Enneagram. Our conversation turns introspective as we navigate the profound influences of personality types on our relationships and self-perception. From nurturing Type Twos, to security-seeking Type Sixes, to the assertive Type Eights, we peel back the layers of our own psyches. Discover how these revelations have transformed our lives, and might offer you a fresh lens through which to view your own journey.We cap off our chat with a blend of philosophy, pop culture, and a pinch of self-deprecation. Who knew that spitting at the base of a tree or the musings of Jean-Paul Sartre could provoke such deep reflection? We ponder the expectations society places on us—from hairdos to holiday cheer—and wrap things up with a heartfelt nod to the kindness that knits our community together. Thanks to each of you for tuning in, and to our incredible producer, Sara, for making this whimsical ride possible. Here's to embracing all that makes us uniquely human, one quirky step at a time!Support the Show.Visit us on the Interwebs! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook! Support the show!