48 Days to the Work You Love Internet Radio Show

Dan Miller - 48 Days & Glassbox Media

Join Dan Miller every week for the "48 Days To The Work You Love" Internet Radio Show. Dan is referred to as the nation's leading authority on work, career and business start-up. This long-running show continues to sit solidly in the top 1% of all podcasts in the world. Dan believes we can all find - or create - work that is meaningful, purposeful, and profitable. read less


After 17 years, this is my last podcast
Dec 29 2023
After 17 years, this is my last podcast
I want you to hear this from me rather than through the grapevine because you are part of my legacy. I've always encouraged people, as you know, to ask, what does this make possible? Well, 3 weeks ago, I thought I was an extraordinarily healthy 76-year-old guy. I eat a clean diet. I don't smoke. I don't drink. I exercise 5 times a week. On December 7, 2023, the doctors discovered I have very advanced pancreatic cancer that had already spread into my liver and into my bones and told me the prognosis is not good at all. Well, this gives me a unique opportunity to live out the principles I have taught all these years. Think about the way that I present life and how to approach things that are unexpected and unwelcome. I tell you to "never let your circumstances determine your attitude." I'm getting an opportunity now to test that out. Did I really believe those things, or was I just giving lip service to some kind of principles that I read in a book somewhere? My legacy is firmly embedded in people like you, people that I've had the privilege of interacting with in the past few years. You are my legacy. You are now the torchbearers of these principles that I borrowed from the previous great thinkers. Joanne and I have lived the life we loved for 55 years together. And we'd loved having the opportunity to inspire others to do the same. We have lived our dreams. I don't have a a bucket list of things I've not done. Anything Joanne and I wanted to do, we've done. I've loved creating new adventures, and now I'm anticipating an incredible spiritual transformation. Thank you for being who you are and for carrying a tiny flame from me to the many who you now have an opportunity to influence. My family set up a site for people to leave comments so I have the privilege of hearing the wonderful messages that you all are leaving there. You can access it here. You'll see lots of photos of my life journey on there — beautiful, beautiful memories I've been privileged to live through. And if you scroll to the bottom, you can leave your comments there. You've been so faithful, so responsive, so generous with your your questions, and even gifts and comments as well. Thank you for being open to growing, for being a powerful force and making the world a better place. I encourage you to become known for your positivity, for offering hope and encouragement to others. You heard it from me for so many years — continue to believe that we can, without a shadow of a doubt, find or create work and a life that is meaningful, purposeful, and profitable. So until we meet again, I'm your friend for eternity, Dan Miller. Listen to Dan’s full last episode and get direct access to leave a comment on his Love Board PLUS a free download of his book Rudder of the Day in the podcast show notes at: https://www.48days.com/dan-miller-legacy/. Episode #958 December 29, 2023
7 Benefits of Owning a Business
Dec 15 2023
7 Benefits of Owning a Business
Owning a Business Is the #1 Way To Accelerate Your Personal Growth, Double Your Income and Take Charge of Your Future If you’re pondering what it means to be wealthy, you’re in good company. Some people criticize the rich while secretly desiring more money themselves. But how you view wealth says a lot about your chances of achieving it. Wealth holds tremendous power to unlock new opportunities, pursue dreams, and contribute generously. It’s not about materialism, but about the freedom and impact it can bring to our lives and the lives of others. From providing for our basic needs to confirming our direction and giving back to those in need, wealth can be a force for good in the world. Join me as we unpack the 7 Benefits of Owning a Business — and they’re not all about money. We’ll explore techniques to accelerate personal growth, double your income, and become the go-to person for innovative ideas. We’ll also discuss the concept of self-education, and its role in creating a fortune. If you’re considering owning a business or seeking to maximize your potential in your current career, these principles will surely resonate with you. So, grab your cup of ginger tea – or maybe your Mt. Dew – and get ready for a power-packed episode filled with practical advice, inspiring stories, and valuable resources to help maximize your opportunities. Questions: How can I accelerate my personal growth? How can I double my income next year? I don’t seem to have any new ideas. How can I be the first to hear about good ideas? How can I be a person that others come to for advice? Get direct links to my “Serving From a Full Cup” video as well as my 48 Low and No Cost Business Ideas in the podcast show notes at https://www.48days.com/7-benefits-of-owning-a-business/
Is just being a housewife outmoded?
Dec 8 2023
Is just being a housewife outmoded?
A listener asks: All I want to do is be a housewife taking care of my husband and children. However, I am scared to share this dream with anyone because I think being a housewife is outmoded and I may be making a bad choice. Dan, what should I do? So what do you think? Is being a full-time housewife just an old outdated Leave it to Beaver career choice. Or is it still a legitimate option today? Does it have to be an either/or choice or could you find a creative option that combines the best of both worlds. Well, let’s talk about it - we’re right here at Christmas time and it’s a wonderful opportunity to dream and plan for the work and life you love in the coming year. So, grab your cup of ginger tea - or maybe your Mt. Dew - and get ready for a power-packed episode filled with practical advice, inspiring stories, and valuable resources to help maximize your opportunities. Questions:  1. I’m staying in a job that I don’t love because my husband is pursuing a career in freelance art so we need my income to pay the bills.  2. All I want to do is be a housewife taking care of my husband and children. However, I am scared to share this dream with anyone because I think being a housewife is outmoded and I may be making a bad choice.  3. I love the idea of being an entrepreneur but my problem is that I just don't have an idea yet of what that looks like for me.  4. Should I give up a potential better salary for my contentment.  5. I am a high S on the disc profile and don’t think I have much to offer Get direct links to the resources mentioned on this podcast, including my 11-page workbook Who Are You and Why Are You Here in the podcast show notes at https://www.48days.com/ is-just-being-a-housewife-outmoded
Want to be wealthy - try this
Nov 24 2023
Want to be wealthy - try this
Our potential for wealth is not shown in our bank account as much as it is in the attitude of our heart. Give generously and “wealth” of all kinds will start to move toward you.  We’ve got just a couple of questions today - and a couple of short stories to emphasize the importance of gratitude. So, grab your cup of tea - or maybe your Mt. Dew - and get ready for a power-packed episode filled with practical advice, inspiring stories, and valuable resources to help maximize your opportunities. Here are three key takeaways from the episode that I believe can have a significant impact on your career journey: Attitude = Wealth: The potential for wealth lies within the attitude of our hearts. Cultivating gratitude and adopting a positive outlook can bring not only financial success but also improved well-being, reduced stress, enhanced relationships, and greater happiness. Let's embrace positivity and express gratitude in our professional and personal lives. Find Your Unique Value: In today's challenging job market with unexpected changes, it's essential to become a person of value. Instead of getting frustrated with limited opportunities, focus on identifying your unique skills and value proposition. Explore creative endeavors, provide unique services, and see how you can make a difference in your industry. Remember, success comes from attitude, optimism, faith, and positive action. Express Gratitude and Give Generously: The power of expressing gratitude cannot be underestimated. Not only does it improve our mental health and overall well-being, but it also strengthens relationships, enhances resilience, and boosts motivation. Even during financially challenging times, let's embrace the practice of giving generously, whether it's through kind words, gestures of appreciation, or sharing resources with others. PLUS how I start each day. https://www.48days.com/want-to-be-wealthy-try-this
Oh no - I’m an “inverse paranoid”
Nov 17 2023
Oh no - I’m an “inverse paranoid”
Success is something you attract by the way you think and the person you become. You don’t have to change the company, the economy, the government, your boss or your spouse - you get to change YOU and you’ll see your whole world change. Remember, our minds are like gardens. They give us a bigger return of whatever we planted. If you think about negative things you will see those enlarge in your life. If you expect and think about positive things, you will see more and more of those in your reality. In setting goals you are indeed creating your own future. I like to expect good things coming my way. I expect the people I meet to be eager to help me. I expect to find that parking spot just where I need it. I expect to feel great when I wake up in the morning. And yeah - I expect to make it to the gas station even if the fuel gauge is flashing empty.  We’ve got some great questions today - from listeners like you who are looking for ways to be fully engaged in life at 55, 65 and more. Maybe you just lost your job and can’t fathom going back to work for another company. Or you’re just bored to death as Monette shares. Or you’re afraid your dreams are buried - and it’s too late to think about having a life you love. So, grab your cup of tea - or maybe your Mt. Dew - and get ready for a power-packed episode filled with practical advice, inspiring stories, and valuable resources to help maximize your opportunities! Questions:  1. I’m bored to death. Should I retire now at 62?  2. I was laid off a few weeks ago, which was fine because I hated the job. I can't fathom interviewing for another position or company at 54.  3. I'm not spiritually or mentally ready to retire, but I don't want to go back to the corporate world.  4. I "retired" from a job I had grown to despise on my 55th birthday, but now I feel like I may not be doing enough to support my family and reach our goals. Get direct links to the resources mentioned on this podcast, including one-on-one coaching, 48 Low or No Cost Business Ideas and how to join us for our November 2024 Live Event in Sarasota, FL, in the podcast show notes at: https://www.48days.com/inverse-paranoid
Are you living your life too small?
Nov 10 2023
Are you living your life too small?
I hear the most interesting statements from people who are describing their lives. Recently a 36-yr-old MBA in an executive position in an exciting industry shared this concern in her coaching profile: “I have a vague sense that my life is too small.” Living large does not necessarily mean a bigger salary, house, cars or retirement fund. It has nothing to do with fancy vacations or the latest fashions. Rather, it means having a life that’s full of meaning and purpose. And that can occur – or be absent – at any place on the continuum of the traditional parameters of “success.” I’ve seen millionaires who are living life “small” and those with scarce financial resources who are living “large.”  Let me ask you this: What is your life saying to the world? Are you living your life too small? Is it so full of meaningless tasks that there’s no room left for the things that make your heart sing? Are you pushing so hard in doing more that you’ve lost the sense of being more? Does more activity really equal greater accomplishment, or does it at some point tip the scale and begin to diminish the meaning of your life? Are you creating the legacy you want to leave for your loved ones? Reflect back on last month – yes, just this last month. What did you do to keep your life from being too small? Get the 7 questions to ask yourself to determine if you’re living life too small, plus my thoughts on these great questions and a special invitation to our upcoming 48-Day Dream Life Blueprint event on November 14th, 48 days before the new year at https://www.48days.com/living-large 1. Would coaching my son through 48 Days to the Work You Love and the application guide help him get clarity on what he wants to do?  2. How do I tell the difference between a true mastermind and a group where they’re just going to try to sell me something?  3. Do you think I could sell a book with only one sentence in it?  4. I’m a software developer but I’ve never felt that I’m very good - should I consider a new career?  5. My family and friends expect a discount at my business. How should I handle that?
Here’s a prediction of your life in 2024…
Nov 3 2023
Here’s a prediction of your life in 2024…
Is there a way to know what your life will look like in the future? Or do we just have to wait and see what happens? I want you to hear some stories from people who didn’t wait - they decided what they wanted their future to be and took action to make that a reality.  What if you could make more money on the side - than from your primary job? I heard from an Eagle member this week who has a salary of $135,000. But this year he’ll make more from his side ministries than from that W-2 income. Do you think that’s possible for you? We’ve got some gripping stories today - from people who figured out how to move from where they were - to where they wanted to be.  Questions:  1. I went from an unsure future at a dead end job to an exciting new career in 32 days from the time I picked up the book.  2. Your book is causing me to have chest pains.There should be a health warning on the front cover!  3. I gave my Dad the book 48 Days to the Work You Love by Dan Miller and roughly 48 days later he landed the most incredible job making over $100,000 per year.  4. My life changed January 2022 when I was let go at my previous job. I used the concepts from 48 Days materials to weed through the job market. At my age (58) I was VERY deliberate in choosing my next job. I got the job I wanted at the salary I desired. Get direct links to the resources mentioned on this podcast, including the 12 books I recommend to become a millionaire, in the podcast show notes at https://www.48days.com/how-to-predict-your-future
I’m being held prisoner by my job…
Oct 27 2023
I’m being held prisoner by my job…
In our recent survey the overwhelming majority of you said you dream of running your own business - or you want to grow the business you already have. Fewer than 10 responses said you wanted help in finding a job. And yet a whole lot of the stories you shared told of being in a job now that you wanted out of. So, moving forward, I will be interspersing those stories - only to provide a framework for how to go from the job you have to the business you’re dreaming about. We’ve got some gripping stories today - from that recent survey that will give us the set up for how to move from where you are - to where you want to be.  So, grab your cup of tea - or maybe your Mt. Dew - and get ready for a power-packed episode filled with practical advice, inspiring stories, and valuable resources to help maximize your opportunities. Questions:  1. I need to find a new job. It likely won't be a dream job, but it should be better than where I am.  2. I have a JOB but I think it has the potential for passive income.  3. I’ve been advised to go after the low hanging fruit/opportunity and put my passion aside.  4. I’m stuck in my own version of the Stockholm Syndrome and don’t know how to break out.  5. I feel trapped by my resume and my wife wants me to make a sensible choice and "stay in my lane." I want to do something more creative, fun, and exciting. Get direct links to the resources mentioned on this podcast, including the link to sign up for my upcoming webinar, 48-Day Dream Life Blueprint on November 14th, in our podcast show notes at https://www.48days.com/are-you-stuck-in-a-job/