This American Ride

George and Burt

This American Ride Podcast... Two Everyday Red-Blooded American men talking about everything and anything that pertains to you and our Country

Whether you're a die-hard conservative, a curious independent, or even a skeptical liberal looking for alternative viewpoints, our podcast offers something for everyone. So tune in, subscribe, and join the conversation as we navigate the complexities of American politics and culture, one episode at a time.

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Detroit Life, Pizza Passions, and Football Fervor
1w ago
Detroit Life, Pizza Passions, and Football Fervor
Send us a Text Message.Have you ever pondered the true essence of Detroit living? Join us on "This American Ride" as our lifelong friend Justin, affectionately known as JL, makes his podcast debut and sets the record straight. From middle school memories to his exciting career move from New Jersey to Detroit, Justin's journey is nothing short of captivating. We laugh over our unforgettable night at the Peacock Bar in the Waldorf Astoria, reflect on our mixed feelings about New York City, and dive into Justin's quest for the perfect slice of pizza in a city not typically famed for its mom-and-pop pizzerias.Ever wondered what makes New Jersey's pizza landscape so unique? Prepare for a mouth-watering discussion that traverses from New York-style pizza in the north to the thin, crispy Trenton-style in the central region. We throw in our experiences at places like Pepe's Pizza and DeLorenzo's, and even a shoutout to a Detroit pizza joint that earned high praise from none other than Dave Portnoy. A lighthearted note on a uniquely shaped bourbon bottle adds a fun twist to our culinary journey.Shifting gears, we dive into the sprawling urban landscape of Detroit, contrasting it with the dense confines of Manhattan. From the trials of being a Detroit Lions fan to the fierce college football rivalries in Michigan, our sports discussions are as passionate as they are insightful. We touch on the polarizing figure of Jim Harbaugh, the evolving dynamics in college football due to NIL deals, and even the complexities of political affiliations with a sprinkle of bourbon and craft beer appreciation. Join us for a blend of humor, nostalgia, and thought-provoking discussions that offer a little something for everyone.LEGENDARY USAAmerican made products and apparel.This American Ride StoreCheck out our line of patriotic goodsDisclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.Support the Show.
Diving Deep Into the Core of American Beliefs
May 31 2024
Diving Deep Into the Core of American Beliefs
Send us a Text Message.LEGENDARY USAAmerican made products and apparel.Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.Strap in for a ride through the soul of America, as we navigate the choppy waters of faith, politics, and the sacrifices in between. This journey takes us from the halls of Benedictine College, where Harrison Butker's commencement speech on faith and values became a lightning rod for debate. We honor Memorial Day with a nod to the Tunnel to Towers charity, and we're not afraid to tackle the thornier aspects of Catholic doctrine as they clash and coalesce with modern society.Every episode offers a new horizon, and today you'll find yourself voyaging into the heart of spiritual identity. The nuances of Catholic worship, the misunderstood role of Mary, and the untold stories of religious leadership that sculpt the church's human side—these are the signposts of our discussion.  We confront the tumultuous relationship between personal belief and public duty, challenging the stereotypes that often confine our understanding of faith.Wrapping up this episode, we reflect on the delicate dance of balancing work and family—a performance played out in the public theatre of sports and politics alike. From Andy Reid's familial tribulations to the education choices that shape our futures, we scrutinize the spotlight under which public figures declare their convictions. Join us for a ride that promises not just to enlighten but to ignite a conversation on the struggles and triumphs that define our American tapestry.LEGENDARY USAAmerican made products and apparel.This American Ride StoreCheck out our line of patriotic goodsDisclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.Support the Show.
Navigating New Jersey: Family Values, Political Challenges, and the American Dream
May 24 2024
Navigating New Jersey: Family Values, Political Challenges, and the American Dream
Send us a Text Message.www.votesobo.comCLICK HERE TO CONTRIBUTE TO Tunnel to Towers't forget to click the Link Below and Checkout LEGENDARY USA!Use CODE : LEGENDARYPOD at checkout to save 15% on a journey to the heart of American values with Greg Sobosinski, a passionate advocate for the family unit and a congressional hopeful for New Jersey's 3rd District. As we traverse the campaign trail together, Greg unveils the shifting dynamics in American households and the fervor of the conservative movement that's taking New Jersey by storm. We engage in candid discussions about the evolving role of dual-income families, the impact of high-profile political endorsements, and the vital significance of family stability in shaping our society's future.Our dialogue ventures into the turbulent waters of New Jersey's education system, the state's daunting debt crisis, and the intricate web of local politics. Join us as Greg offers an insider's look at the complexities faced by educators within a politically charged environment, the fiscal challenges burdening our citizens, and the rigorous demands of running for office. We also tackle the contentious issues of governmental overreach, the accountability of our leaders, and the high-stakes game of healthcare reform, weighing the repercussions these topics have on our daily lives and the pursuit of the American dream.Concluding this exploration, we share anecdotes from door-to-door campaigning, giving voice to the diverse perspectives on Second Amendment rights. The episode culminates with a foray into the policies of the Federal Reserve, the concept of sovereign banks, and the geopolitical chess game affecting global stability. Reflecting on the military-industrial-congressional complex and the role of education in an informed democracy, we leave you with a comprehensive analysis of the critical issues that lie at the core of our nation's present and future. Tune in for an episode that promises to inform, challenge, and inspire.Support the Show.
2024 Predictions! Last Podcast of Season ONE!
Jan 12 2024
2024 Predictions! Last Podcast of Season ONE!
Send us a Text Message.Thank to everyone who has tuned in for the inaugural season of the This American Ride Podcast!  Here's to many more! - George and BurtCLICK HERE TO CONTRIBUTE TO Tunnel to Towers't forget to click the Link Below and Checkout LEGENDARY USA!Use CODE : LEGENDARYPOD at checkout to save 15% the threshold of 2024, anticipation brimmed with the promise of transformative changes across various spheres. Technological leaps stood poised to redefine our world, with artificial intelligence marching towards unprecedented capabilities. The year held promises of AI's deeper integration across industries, revolutionizing healthcare, streamlining operations, and propelling us closer to the frontiers of quantum computing.The political landscape seemed poised for shifts, influenced by a confluence of socio-economic factors and geopolitical tensions. The world's stage awaited transformations shaped by evolving global dynamics, potentially signaling recalibrations in alliances and diplomatic strategies.2024 loomed as a canvas of possibilities, painted by the convergence of technological prowess, environmental imperatives, socio-political shifts, and evolving societal norms. While these projections stirred excitement, the true unfolding of events remained a captivating tale, awaiting its script to be written by the unpredictable tides of time and human endeavor.Support the Show.
Biggest Security Threats to the United States
Jan 5 2024
Biggest Security Threats to the United States
Send us a Text Message.Welcome to Season 2 Episode 1 CLICK HERE TO CONTRIBUTE TO Tunnel to Towers't forget to click the Link Below and Checkout LEGENDARY USA!Use CODE : LEGENDARYPOD at checkout to save 15% entire article is belowHere are five major threats to U.S. security to watch closely in 2024. Expansion of Israel-Hamas war The fight between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip has shown no sign of slowing down since the Palestinian terrorist group first attacked the country Oct. 7, triggering a brutal Israeli air and ground campaign in retaliation.  Gaza’s health ministry estimates more than 22,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza since Oct. 7 — more than two-thirds of them women and children. The human toll has enraged nearby Arab nations including Iran, Lebanon, and Houthis in Yemen — and upped pressure from the West to scale back the war. The conflict several times has threatened to tip into a wider war that engulfs the Middle East, most recently with an attack on a Hamas office in Lebanon that killed a senior leader of the group Tuesday.  Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati called it a “new Israeli crime that aims to drag Lebanon into a new phase in confrontations.” In the Red Sea, escalating Houthi attacks on cargo ships — at least 17 so far — have disrupted key global shipping routes and stoked fears that the United States could get pulled into a larger conflict.Washington late last year assembled a multinational naval coalition to offer protection to shipping vessels traveling through the region, but President Biden has stressed he wants to avoid direct military confrontation with the Houthis. That changed Sunday, when U.S. Navy forces sunk three Houthi boats that attacked a container ship, killing all crew on the vessels.  U.S. forces also continue to come under attack at outposts in Iraq and Syria, with dozens of rocket or drone attacks aimed at American troops in response to Washington’s support for Israel in its war against Hamas. Conflict over Taiwan  Even after a high-profile meeting between Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping in November, tensions continue to simmer over the self-governing island of Taiwan, which China hopes to bring it under its control. Those tensions have spiked ahead of the Jan. 13 Taiwanese presidential and parliamentary election, which the United States is watching closely. While Washington ostensibly recognizes Beijing’s “One China” policy, it provides major support to Taipei and is legally bound to provide the island with weapons and equipment to defend itself. Under Xi, China has steadily increased pressure on Taiwan via intense war games and other military activity around the island. The U.S., in turn, has increased its naval transits through the Taiwan Strait, which China maintains that it controls. Biden on several occasions has also said that Washington would defend Taipei should Beijing seek military conflict. The tit-for-tat reached a crescendo in August 2022, when then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) visited Taiwan, prompting a retaliation from China that included a massive military exercise, firing missSupport the Show.
The Israeli - Hamas War
Oct 20 2023
The Israeli - Hamas War
Send us a Text Message.On this episode of This American Ride George and Burt take on the topic of the latest Israeli/Hamas conflict. The Israeli-Hamas war has been an ongoing conflict that has plagued the Middle East for decades. Stemming from historical, political, and religious tensions, the conflict between two groups has resulted in extensive violence, casualties, and a seemingly endless cycle of retaliation.The roots of the Israeli-Hamas conflict trace back to the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, resulting in displacement and suffering for the Palestinian people. The presence of Israeli settlers led to rising tensions, which were further exacerbated by the 1967 Six-Day War. Following this war, Israel occupied territories including the West Bank and Gaza Strip, which remain at the core of the conflict.The political complexity surrounding the Israeli-Hamas conflict is both intricate and multifaceted. The Palestinian Authority governs the West Bank, while Hamas controls the Gaza Strip. Israel, as a sovereign nation, faces the challenge of ensuring the safety of its citizens while navigating diplomatic relations with the Palestinian Authority and dealing with the militant group Hamas. This dynamic creates a complex web of negotiations and power struggles that further fuel the conflict.Religious and ideological differences also contribute to the ongoing Israeli-Hamas war. Israel, predominantly Jewish, maintains its right to exist as a Jewish state. Conversely, Hamas, an Islamist political and military organization, refuses to recognize Israel's right to exist and seeks to establish a Palestinian state instead. These differing religious perspectives add a layer of complexity to the conflict, further deepening the divide between the two sides.The Israeli-Hamas conflict is characterized by a cycle of violence, where each side feels compelled to respond to the other's aggression. Rockets launched from Gaza into Israel have led to Israeli airstrikes targeting Hamas strongholds, which, in turn, result in civilian casualties and infrastructure destruction. These retaliatory measures by both parties raise humanitarian concerns and create a vicious cycle that perpetuates the conflict.The Israeli-Hamas conflict has had a devastating impact on both Israeli and Palestinian civilians. Innocent lives have been lost and families torn apart on both sides. The Gaza Strip, already suffering from economic hardship and a lack of resources, has been severely affected by the frequent military operations. The humanitarian crisis resulting from the ongoing conflict calls for immediate international attention and concerted efforts to protect civilian lives.Addressing the Israeli-Hamas conflict requires international mediation and diplomatic intervention. The United Nations, alongside regional organizations and key global players, must strive to facilitate a peaceful resolution through negotiations and dialogue. A lasting peace agreement should consider the establishment of a viable Palestinian state alongside a secure Israel, ensuring the recognition of both parties' rights and security concerns.The Israeli-Hamas conflict remains a complex and multifaceted issue. Overcoming its challenges calls for a comprehensive approach that takes into account historical, political, religious, and humanitarian dimensions. Engaging all the parties involved and addressing the root causes of the conflict is essential in achieving a sustainable peace that will bring an end to this cycle of violence and suffering. Only through genuine dialogue and mutual compromise can a brighter and more peaceful future be forged for both Israelis and Palestinians.Support the Show.
The Bucket List
Oct 6 2023
The Bucket List
Send us a Text Message. A bucket list, as the name suggests, is a list of things one wishes to accomplish or experience before they "kick the bucket." It is a compilation of personal aspirations, dreams, and desires, serving as a reminder of what truly matters in life. While the concept of creating a bucket list might seem cliché, it is a powerful tool for self-reflection and motivation. In this essay, George and Burt will discuss the importance of having a bucket list and share their own in this episode. First and foremost, a bucket list provides direction and purpose in life. Often, we get caught up in the routines and responsibilities of everyday life, losing sight of what truly makes us happy. A bucket list serves as a reminder to break free from this monotony and pursue our passions. It helps us prioritize our desires and ambitions, ensuring that we allocate time and effort to the things that truly bring us joy. Secondly, a bucket list encourages personal growth and self-development. By setting goals or dreams, we push ourselves outside our comfort zones and challenge our limits. Whether it is learning a new language, traveling to a distant land, or mastering a musical instrument, these aspirations push us to acquire new skills, gain knowledge, and develop as individuals. A bucket list is a reflection of our desire to grow and evolve into better versions of ourselves. Furthermore, a bucket list encourages us to seize the present moment. Life is fleeting, and it is crucial to make every moment count. A bucket list serves as a constant reminder not to postpone our dreams and ambitions for an uncertain future. By being proactive and proactive, we learn to appreciate the value of time and live life to the fullest. It pushes us to take risks, make bold choices, and seize opportunities in the moment. Support the Show.