Permission to Kick Ass

Angie Colee

Angie Colee's Permission to Kick Ass gives you a virtual “seat at the bar” for the REAL conversations that happen between entrepreneurs. This isn't another "X ways to Y your Z" tactical show. It's about the challenges and struggles every entrepreneur goes through as they grow.

We talk about losing 80% of your business in a matter of weeks, head trash that keeps you stuck playing small, and everything in between. If you’ve ever worried that you're the only one struggling, that everyone else “gets it” and you’re missing something (or messing things up)... this show’s for you.

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Moving from expert for hire to business owner with Amy Posner
4d ago
Moving from expert for hire to business owner with Amy Posner
Today's guest is my long-time friend Amy Posner, and let me tell you, this woman is a force of nature. As a serial entrepreneur, copywriter, and business coach, Amy has been through it all, and she's not afraid to get real about the ups and downs of building a sustainable business while staying true to yourself.  Can't-miss moments:One question every entrepreneur should ask themselves: Amy reveals why being selective is actually a business accelerator... The real reason why you might be struggling to get people to pay your rates (this is a much easier problem to solve than it might seem)...When life gets in the way: how to build resilience and rest into your business when you get knocked down (you're going to be seriously inspired by Amy's story)...Good news/bad news: there's more than one way to solve a problem, so your approach might just work. Here's how to bust yourself out of analysis paralysis and get moving...Are you auditioning for your clients, or evaluating them as potential partners? Here's how to tell whether you're unintentionally "unpositioning" yourself (and what to do about it)...Amy's bio:Amy Posner is a seasoned online entrepreneur and business coach who helps digital creative freelancers build breakthrough businesses. Over her 30-year career, Amy has launched six successful businesses (five of which are still in business today!) and mentored thousands of freelancers to success. Now, she focuses on empowering freelancers to grow the business they want by teaching them the skills they need to attract the right clients – something she teaches in her Complete Breakthrough Freelancer course and as co-host of the Business Badassery podcast.Amy has been featured on Copyhackers and as a guest on several top podcasts, including The Copywriter Club, Copy Chief Radio, and The Deliberate Freelancer, among others.  In her free time, you’ll find Amy adventuring around her hometown of Olympia, raising funds for pet cancer treatment, and enjoying Washington’s natural beauty.Resources and links:Amy’s WebsiteAmy on InstaAmy on LinkedInSupport the Show.Let's collab: Book a chatWork with AngieGet the PTKA book Let's connect: Angie’s FB PageAngie on IGAngie on YT If you dig the show and want to help bring more episodes to the world, consider buying a coffee for the production team!
Figuring out what comes next on the road to success with Amy Singleton
May 23 2024
Figuring out what comes next on the road to success with Amy Singleton
Rant alert: Amy Singleton is my guest today and we are both FIRED UP. Each of us comes from a background that doesn't necessarily lend itself to becoming a business owner, and we have strong opinions about what it takes to find success while staying true to yourself.  Prepare yourself for the audio equivalent of a really awesome roller coaster ride... Can't-miss moments from this episode:How in the world did Amy make the transition from pro nurse in the operating room during open heart surgery to owning a digital marketing agency?All hail our Lord and Savior, Dolly Parton! She gets at least three separate callouts in this episode... including rants about roller coasters, how she was Amy's fake mom, and why she's my go-to example of "rich done right" When you're waiting for the other shoe to drop: Amy's surprising take on fear and the sneaky way it shows up to sabotage dreams  (plus her simple thought exercise to circumvent self-sabotage)...How to work your way up with confidence and integrity when you’re brand new, especially as a creative freelancer (Amy gives you a step-by-step plan... it's AWESOME)..."Why don't they just retire to the beach with their millions?" Amy and I rant about why money will NEVER be the end goal, and if you think it is your life might be in literal danger...Amy's bio:Amy Singleton is an entrepreneur based in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Originally a Registered Nurse, Amy’s own health forced her out of a career she loved. Looking for purpose in ALL the wrong places, she wound up alone & desperately suicidal. Amy now dedicates her life to helping others see HOPE & PURPOSE beyond their own failures. Too many people struggle to navigate their careers AND families without sacrificing professional or personal achievements. She uses stories, humor and practical insights to inspire women to carve their own path for success after failure. Whether we’ve failed ourselves, been failed by others, or been failed by our own bodies– there IS hope ahead when we CUT through the BS & dig into living our most authentic lives.Resources and links mentioned:Amy’s WebsiteAmy's Queens Lead PodcastAmy on FacebookAmy on InstaAmy on LinkedInSupport the Show.Let's collab: Book a chatWork with AngieGet the PTKA book Let's connect: Angie’s FB PageAngie on IGAngie on YT If you dig the show and want to help bring more episodes to the world, consider buying a coffee for the production team!
Buying (and building) your business with Bernie 'Mr. Mustache' DeSantis III
May 15 2024
Buying (and building) your business with Bernie 'Mr. Mustache' DeSantis III
Ever take over a company after working for the owner? That's exactly what today's guest, Bernie DeSantis III, did... and it came with its own unique learning curve.  Tune in as Bernie shares his entrepreneurial journey from corporate trainer to business owner. We rant about a little of everything, from the fine art of networking to improving sales. Listen now!Can't-miss moments:Bernie shares a neat trick for getting in front of the right people, even if you realize belatedly you're in front of the wrong people (this one is so simple, I'm angry I never thought of it!)Hard truth: being good at a thing doesn't automatically make you good at business. Here's how Bernie made that transition...Don't send Valentine's Day cards to people you didn't enjoy working with, and other cautionary outreach tales...Stop "pitch slapping" people! You know, that thing where you pitch someone your services before even getting to know them? Do THIS instead..."No" hasn't killed me yet... check out this approach for feeling the discomfort and making the ask anyway...Bernie's bio:Bernie DeSantis III owns Insignia Training Partners, a premier learning and development company specializing in providing outsourced training services for businesses. He has over 2 decades of experience in training facilitation, marketing, and operations.With a passion for fostering genuine relationships and communication, Bernie places a high value on the human element in business. He understands that success is not merely about money and numbers but about building meaningful relationships and consistently delivering exceptional service. Insignia collaborates with businesses of all sizes, regardless of industry, to streamline and enhance their corporate training initiatives. Whether it's training new hires to sell widgets, software implementations, virtual workshops and webinars, strategy, coaching, or designing bespoke leadership development programs, we deliver efficient and cost-effective solutions, Bernie's commitment to excellence is unwavering. In addition to his role as a business leader, Bernie is the President of Growth Mode Engaged, a National B2B Success Champion networking group. Bernie is father to a stepson and daughter, Benjamin and Gwendolyn. Bernie is also an ordained “Dude,” and legally authorized to perform wedding ceremonies in most states. If you see Bernie on the streets, you will know him by his EPIC mustache. Seriously, he is probably twisting and training his 'stache like a cartoon villain right now. Links and Resources:Insignia Training PartnersGrowth Mode EngagedBadass Business SummitBernie on LinkeSupport the Show.Let's collab: Book a chatWork with AngieGet the PTKA book Let's connect: Angie’s FB PageAngie on IGAngie on YT If you dig the show and want to help bring more episodes to the world, consider buying a coffee for the production team!
How to be 100% yourself in business (no personas!) with Shannon Villalba
May 8 2024
How to be 100% yourself in business (no personas!) with Shannon Villalba
If you've ever felt like the world was trying to put you in a box, Shannon Villalba is here to help you break that box wide open. She's a badass lawyer who's not afraid to bring her whole self to the table, blending her practical legal strategy with her "woo" side. If you're curious how contracts and crystals connect... you're gonna want to hear this. It'll inspire you to create something in alignment with who you truly are.  Can't-miss moments:What do you do when hit with a devastating diagnosis? Shannon shares how defeating cancer (woohoo!) inspired her to combine legal with woo...Today's $5 word is "bifurcated" - divided into two branches. Are you operating like this without realizing it? Here's how to tell...Angie rant: what happened when someone edited my image to put me in a tweed jacket and tasteful necklace... Shannon drops a mindset-shifting stance that will have you rethinking how you present yourself on social media... I've taken clients to Disney World, to Vegas to drive bulldozers, and more... so remind me why business can't be something enjoyable and uniquely you?Shannon's bio:Shannon Villalba, JD LLM, is a Cincinnati, Ohio-based serial entrepreneur, attorney, and intuitive business design coach. She has been helping clients with their businesses and trademarks for thirteen years and established her own virtual law firm in 2013. Through utilizing her client’s energetic blueprint, she helps her clients change their legal and business strategy narratives. Her holistic approach guides her clients through business and law, drawing upon her personal experiences, intuition, and signature HeartSong Chakra FrameworkTM.Before she became a lawyer, Shannon produced award-winning websites for Backstreet Boys, *NSYNC, and Chippendales and worked with *NYSNC, Backstreet Boys, Mandy Moore, Taj Mahal, Duran Duran, Britney Spears, and Radiohead. She has been featured in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Authority Magazine, on Follow Your Passion and Beyond Six Seconds Podcasts and WKRC in Cincinnati, Ohio.Shannon is a small cell cervical cancer survivor. With the help of a range of holistic therapies, she was cancer-free within five months. She utilizes these same tactics in entrepreneurship, along with her legal expertise.Links:Shannon's websiteThe Heartsong Chakra Framework (freebie!)Shannon on InstaShannon on LinkedInMeditation for the Fidgety SkepticSupport the Show.Let's collab: Book a chatWork with AngieGet the PTKA book Let's connect: Angie’s FB PageAngie on IGAngie on YT If you dig the show and want to help bring more episodes to the world, consider buying a coffee for the production team!
Designing your own career as a creative with Reese Spykerman
May 1 2024
Designing your own career as a creative with Reese Spykerman
Two menaces to polite society sit down to record a podcast...My friend Reese Spykerman and I get good and ranty on what it means to be a creative entrepreneur, how to know if you're too early or too late, and why taking a job doesn't make you a total failure in the business world. Her fascinating 20-year journey is full of pivots, burnouts, and imposter syndrome galore. But here's the kicker: every "failure" led her to exactly where she needed to be. Can't-Miss Moments from This Episode:Intrepreneurship vs entrepreneurship: how "giving up the dream" and accepting a full-time role in someone else's business can still be a huge win-win...I'm calling BS on this: there's one way "it" (whatever "it" is) gets done, and you've got to follow it OR ELSE. Reese has a rant for you if you're feeling stuck playing by someone else's rules...Stop trying to impress the homecoming king and queen. Here's how to recognize when you're doing something that actually matters, vs doing something for the appearance and applause... Failure is part of the process! Hear the inspiring story behind one of Broadway's most iconic musicals (and how it wouldn't exist if its creator had taken, "This won't work," as a sign he wasn't good enough)...If you have to take cheap shots to get business, you're probably not very good. Your business should thrive with a little healthy competition, not stifle. Here's why "stand on your own strengths, not others' weaknesses" is the ultimate power positioning.... Reese's bio:Hi! I’m Reese.Former journalist and rockstar designer who combines those mad skills into a copy and design double threat known as e-commerce conversion expert. (Yeah I’m a queen of pivoting when opportunity knocks—maybe you can relate?)Lover of Diet Pepsi (we all have our vices), parenthesis, and seasonal Spotify playlists, I’m driven to help women with product businesses sell without so much stress. My magic? Highly leveraged websites and email automations that free up their time for other things in life besides work (whether that’s combing for beach glass in Bali or bonding with their babies, human and fur alike). Resources and links:Reese’s WebsiteReese on InstaReese on LinkedInEmail Reese: support@designbyreese.comAngie's bookAngie's  rantTick Tick Boom (Netflix)Support the Show.Let's collab: Book a chatWork with AngieGet the PTKA book Let's connect: Angie’s FB PageAngie on IGAngie on YT If you dig the show and want to help bring more episodes to the world, consider buying a coffee for the production team!
Mental health and being a human in business with Shulamit Ber Levtov
Apr 24 2024
Mental health and being a human in business with Shulamit Ber Levtov
**content warning: we talk about suicidal ideation and how common it can be among entrepreneurs. If you're sensitive to that, proceed with caution. If you need help please dial 988**INCREDIBLE. That's the word I've got for today's convo with Shulamit Ber Levtov, The Entrepreneur's Therapist. This one goes deep into the emotional rollercoaster of running a business, including the importance of self-care, vulnerability, and seeking support. If you're ready to get real about the mental health struggles entrepreneurs face, we'll show you how to navigate those dark moments with tenderness and care.And a reminder: I'm glad you're here. I'm grateful every day you stay. Can't-Miss Moments from This Episode:Two words (and a tiny mindset shift) to make it easier to have those sweaty, difficult conversations we all dread...My FAVORITE guest phrase, potentially ever: go take a flying fuck at a rolling donut (hear what inspired Shula to throw that out, to my utter delight)...What to do when your boss is a freaking jerk (and you happen to be the boss)...Two words (and a tiny mindset shift) to help you have hard conversations with a lot less discomfort and a lot more ease...Normalizing the dark thoughts: so many entrepreneurs struggle in silence, and Shula offers a powerful reframe that might just save your (or someone you love's) life...Bonus: tune in for a surprise cameo by Minnie the Evil Office Cat. Shula's bio:Shulamit (she/her) is the Entrepreneurs' Therapist and co-founder of the Business Therapy Centre. She works with women business owners to care for their mental and emotional wellbeing in an era of relentless stressors that can make you want to lose your crap on the daily.Shulamit has been an entrepreneur for over 27 years and has more than 22 years of professional experience applying therapeutic, coaching and somatic tools to support women's mental health and personal growth. In addition to working with clients 1:1, Shulamit teaches in private and university business programs and speaks locally, nationally and internationally about the intersection of mental health, trauma, financial psychology and entrepreneurship.As an award-winning entrepreneur, masters-level, licensed trauma therapist and trauma survivor, with certifications in Brené Brown's Dare To Lead™ methodology, Trauma of Money, Nonviolent Communication and Yoga, Shula brings a unique perspective and approach to supporting women in business.Resources and links:Shula’s SiteE-Myth bookEMHASupport the Show.Let's collab: Book a chatWork with AngieGet the PTKA book Let's connect: Angie’s FB PageAngie on IGAngie on YT If you dig the show and want to help bring more episodes to the world, consider buying a coffee for the production team!
Setting fire to the myth of work-life balance with Hillarie Kay
Apr 17 2024
Setting fire to the myth of work-life balance with Hillarie Kay
I LOVE today's convo with burnout recovery coach and Enneagram expert, Hillarie Kay.  Not only does she have deep personal experience with burnout (her very first story is about winding up in the hospital with a presumed heart attack, only to think, "I don't have time to rest, give me drugs!")... she has a deep understanding of what drives us to burnout in the first place. If you've ever found yourself wondering if there's more to life than "rise and grind," this one's for you.  Can't-Miss Moments from This Episode:The surprising reason most affirmations DON'T work (and what you can do instead to help reprogram your brain)... To follow or not to follow: Hillarie and I reveal how we decide whether to take a "guru's" advice or follow our own guts (this one is so simple, yet most people won't do it)... Bad news: all the growth strategies work. Good news: all the growth strategies work. Now what are you going to do about it?"You attract how you act" - Hillarie's BRILLIANT and catchy mantra will help you spot what you're doing to bring people to your world... for better or worse.The shocking reason a lot of businesses fail (and it has nothing to do with capital, or clients, or any of the typical "success" metrics)...Hillarie's bio:I'm Hillarie Kay a burnout recovery coach, speaker, trainer, and author. Prior to becoming a third-generation business owner, I forged my path in corporate America, specializing in public relations and marketing. In 2016, I established a full-service marketing agency. In 2020, I underwent a pivotal career transition, delving into the realm of business coaching using the power of the Enneagram personality framework to guide entrepreneurs and teams toward greater success. Since then, I've coached and collaborated with a diverse range of entrepreneurs and teams, spanning from innovative startups to industry giants within the Fortune 100 space. My passion lies in supporting high achievers, corporate executives, and teams in their quest to prevent burnout, enhance communication, and optimize performance through the transformative lens of the Enneagram. My husband, two sons, three stepsons, and I split our time between Southeast Missouri and the Raleigh/Durham area of North Carolina. I'm obsessed with the 60s and 70s and you can often find me in antique and thrift stores searching for that perfect vintage outfit or furniture piece!Resources and links:Hillarie's WebsiteHillarie's BookHillarie on InstaHillarie on LinkedInSupport the Show.Let's collab: Book a chatWork with AngieGet the PTKA book Let's connect: Angie’s FB PageAngie on IGAngie on YT If you dig the show and want to help bring more episodes to the world, consider buying a coffee for the production team!
Creating a better business model to support families with Meredith Ventura and Lindsey Baker
Apr 10 2024
Creating a better business model to support families with Meredith Ventura and Lindsey Baker
I LOVE this episode. I sat down with Meredith and Lindsey of The Village Center. These two kickass entrepreneur moms are disrupting the myth that you have to do it all alone as a parent and a business owner. We challenge the cultural norms that set parents up for burnout, reveal why believing in your vision is not just woowoo nonsense, and talk a surprising amount about nipple cream. If you've ever felt like you're getting it all wrong, you'll love their refreshing perspective on how success and struggle are not mutually exclusive.Can't-Miss Moments from This Episode:The simple reframe on competition that will stop you from limiting your own growth...What Meredith and Lindsey did when the DREAM venue fell through...Perhaps my favorite quote from any of the interviews I've done: "I'm at a point in my life where I don't want to prove myself to people who don't believe in what I'm doing"How to get unstuck when you find yourself trapped in an anxiety spiral, wondering if your business will ever work (thank Meredith for this ingenious perspective shift)One thing you can change TODAY to start increasing your sales right away (hint: it's a lot easier than it might seem)...Lindsey and Meredith's bio:The Village Center was founded in 2023 by Lindsey Baker and Meredith Ventura with the vision of creating a comprehensive wellness center that catered to the needs of families and individuals in the local community. Inspired by their personal experiences and a shared passion for holistic well-being, Lindsey and Meredith set out to establish a nurturing and supportive environment where people could find physical, mental, and emotional support under one roof while building a community.  Lindsey Baker has led 3 different non-profits over 15 years, Lindsey’s work has always been centered on community engagement and bringing people together. She recognized the importance of connecting with other parents and saw a pressing need for resources, support groups, and a safe space where families could come together. Meredith Ventura is a massage therapist, energy healer, creative, and mother who sought to build a practice that was patient-centered. With her expertise in massage therapy and a passion for wellness, Meredith believed in the transformative power of holistic healing modalities. Her commitment to creating personalized and effective treatments made her an ideal partner for the Village Center. Resources and links:The Village Center WebsiteTVC on InstaTVC on FacebookSupport the Show.Let's collab: Book a chatWork with AngieGet the PTKA book Let's connect: Angie’s FB PageAngie on IGAngie on YT If you dig the show and want to help bring more episodes to the world, consider buying a coffee for the production team!
Media, accidental expertise, and the elephant in the room with Adela Hussain
Apr 3 2024
Media, accidental expertise, and the elephant in the room with Adela Hussain
Ever wanted to get in the media? You're going to love today's guest, my friend Adela Hussain. This episode covers a little bit of everything, from the power of being unapologetically yourself to becoming an "accidental expert" to business breakups. We'll show you how to lean into those often-ignored "elephant in the room" conversations that most experts tiptoe around, but that truly resonate with audiences.Can't-miss moments from this episode:The magic 5-word statement that helps me uncover absolute story GOLD when working with my marketing clients...What journalists and editors are REALLY looking for in a compelling story (hint: being perfectly put together and reaching a specific "level" aren't even on the radar)...Why aren't we talking about this more?! Adela and I share our personal experiences with "business breakups" (and how they changed our lives in surprisingly positive ways)...Stop creating in a vacuum! Adela has some thoughts on why your media efforts may be failing (and how to make idea generation WAY easier)...Two critical questions to ask yourself whenever you're feeling stuck and overwhelmed (and one of them led to Adela creating an entirely new business for herself!)...Join us for a candid chat about the beautiful messiness of business. Adela's bio:Adela’s a disruptive publicist and is a master at helping you pitch your business to people that don’t know you…yet.  Known for her high energy and laser-sharp thinking, Adela creates equity in publicity by removing the gatekeeper and helps builds authentic connections between rising, ambitious, liberal entrepreneurs and world-class journalists.  Adela discovered she had a talent for pitching when she first started doing PR for her own fashion tech start up and was featured in 14 publications in 12 months, including the Harvard Business Review without pitching!  A former Management Consultant, she has been featured in the BBC, The Sunday Times, The Guardian, The Independent, Stylist, Psychologies, Metro and 10 other publications. She was also a finalist in Cosmopolitan’s Self Made Award in 2017 and in 2018 she was in Sarah Woods’ Top 10 Female Founders In The UK To Watch list.  Her Pitch to Press Program and Media Mastermind, The Parlour have helped hundreds of founders fall in love with PR and master their media pitching to sky rocket their sales.Resources and links mentioned:Adela’s WebsiteAdela on InstaAngie's HuffPo articleSupport the Show.Let's collab: Book a chatWork with AngieGet the PTKA book Let's connect: Angie’s FB PageAngie on IGAngie on YT If you dig the show and want to help bring more episodes to the world, consider buying a coffee for the production team!
Self-promotion without being subtle or slimy with Rob Broadhead
Mar 27 2024
Self-promotion without being subtle or slimy with Rob Broadhead
A developer and a marketer walk into a podcast studio...This is a great one. Rob Broadhead and I are on our respective soapboxes about the lost art of genuine relationship building... especially as AI becomes more prevalent. Forget cold outreach and spammy tactics - we're making human connection STUPIDLY simple. I couldn't script this one if I tried - Rob brings the real talk and together we'll have you rethinking your entire outreach strategy. Can't-Miss Moments from This Episode:Collecting business cards is pretty much pointless. #isaidwhatisaid Rob and I rap on what really works when it comes to connecting at business events... RANT ALERT: I have a beef with hyper productivity and how it puts pressure on efficiency over connection. Relationships 👏 should 👏 not 👏 be 👏 efficient 👏Check out my dramatic re-enactment of a cold DM pitch, as if we were talking in a bar (it's got some great tips on how to actually get attention if you can stop laughing long enough)...Here's what people on the receiving end think about your copy-and-paste cold pitch...Why making a dramatic shift in your life or business is a hell of a lot easier when you've got a great network (and how to ensure you've GOT a great network vs a collection of business cards)...Grab some headphones and let's reconnect over what really matters... listen now!Rob's bio:Rob Broadhead is a professional software developer in Nashville, TN and the founder of, helping developers advance in their career.Rob received his MBA (with a concentration in e-Business) at the University of Phoenix. He also holds a BS in Computer Science from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. He is a single father of five staying busy watching them grow up. This occurred after losing the mother of those children and his soul mate of 18 years to cancer.Rob usually can be found in front of a computer working on his latest project, but sometimes gets away from the desk. He is an avid fan of ballroom dancing and playing hockey in his free time. He also enjoys writing and has authored both technical books and one detailing his wife's battle with cancer.Resources and links:Rob’s Develpreneur siteRob's consulting siteDevelpreneur podcastRob  on YouTubeRob on FacebookRob on LinkedInSupport the Show.Let's collab: Book a chatWork with AngieGet the PTKA book Let's connect: Angie’s FB PageAngie on IGAngie on YT If you dig the show and want to help bring more episodes to the world, consider buying a coffee for the production team!
When do I get to be happy? with Diva Diaz
Mar 20 2024
When do I get to be happy? with Diva Diaz
Diva Diaz joins us today FROM A CASTLE to talk about carving out your own path. I'm still in awe of how ranty we both got about false narratives perpetuated by all the gurus... because the energy throughout this whole convo is so calming.  Diva shared brilliant insights on how to keep moving forward through overwhelm, strong feelings, and all the fits and starts that we face. Can't-Miss Moments from This Episode:You don't need a new plan or the OnE SEcrEt HaCk - you need better filters. Diva and I break down what that means (and how to do it for yourself)...What if it's NOT actually your fault the "proven formula" didn't work for you? Diva and I get good and ranty about the guru circle-jerk happening in the world of online biz... How to instantly become the most interesting person in the room (this one's a bit counterintuitive, but powerful)...One thing you can do to increase sales (and it involves no funnels or tripwire offers whatsoever)...Why I recently tried to burn my business to the ground, and how I brought myself back from the brink (can you identify?)...This one will blow your mind wide open and introduce you to all kinds of possibilities. Listen now!Diva's bio:Diva Diaz is a global speaker and facilitator of Access Consciousness classes and seminars that consist of a pragmatic set of tools and perspectives that allow you to change what isn't working for you. Having held several positions in economic media and business intelligence opened her view of global business and piqued a curiosity about the brilliant minds behind some of the most innovative solutions in the marketplace today. Her interest in X-Men began when she came across Access Consciousness and realized that so much of what she had thought was wrong with her, was a capacity. Learn more by visiting, Resources and links mentioned:Diva’s WebsiteDiva  on InstaDiva on YouTubeDiva on FacebookDiva on Access ConsciousnessSuccess Champion Network Badass Business SummitSupport the Show.Let's collab: Book a chatWork with AngieGet the PTKA book Let's connect: Angie’s FB PageAngie on IGAngie on YT If you dig the show and want to help bring more episodes to the world, consider buying a coffee for the production team!
Starting multiple businesses until you find one (or three) that work with Luis Scott
Mar 13 2024
Starting multiple businesses until you find one (or three) that work with Luis Scott
I don't say this lightly: this episode made me feel like I could go lift cars and kick through walls. I sat down to chat with incredible serial entrepreneur Luis Scott about his journey from aspiring pro baseball player to having three successful multimillion dollar businesses in different niches. The best part is hearing about all the businesses that DIDN'T succeed... Luis's approach will have you rethinking your definitions of "success" and "failure". Can't-Miss Moments from This Episode:"It makes no sense, let's give it a shot!" - how one simple phrase fueled several of Luis's business endeavors, including a multivitamin company, an online newspaper, and a company focused on increasing corn production. This one is wild... The real "million dollar secret" that most skeptics ignore (and it's simpler than you think, but it requires a huge mindset shift)...Why neither Luis nor I care about competing with Tony Robbins (and how it can improve your confidence when it comes to building your business)...One simple shift that will have you rethinking how much power you allow haters to have over you...Why it's OK to be an insecure entrepreneur and still achieve wild success (plus a few stories from me and Luis on anxieties that held us back)...WARNING: only listen to this episode if you're looking for a serious injection of inspiration.Luis's bio:Luis Scott is managing partner of Bader Scott Injury Lawyers, one of the thirty fastest-growing law firms in the US. The owner and founder of 8 Figure Firm Consulting, he has helped scores of law firms find success, reaching a combined total of over $250 million in revenue and employing more than 2,500 people. He holds a law degree from John Marshall Law School in Atlanta, Georgia and is an in-demand speaker on elevating and scaling businesses.Resources and links:Luis’s WebsiteLuis on InstaLuis on YouTubeLuis on FacebookLuis on LinkedInSupport the Show.Let's collab: Book a chatWork with AngieGet the PTKA book Let's connect: Angie’s FB PageAngie on IGAngie on YT If you dig the show and want to help bring more episodes to the world, consider buying a coffee for the production team!
Getting good at reinventing yourself (and your business) with Dr. David Pearce
Mar 6 2024
Getting good at reinventing yourself (and your business) with Dr. David Pearce
Are you struggling with growth, stuck in overwhelm, or unsure how to level up? You're gonna love my chat with Dr. David Pearce on reinventing your business (without starting over from scratch). From moving practices across state lines to shifting from dentistry to coaching, David shares hard-won wisdom on pivoting. Can't-Miss Moments from This Episode:Why Honda Civic drivers are the chihuahuas of the open road (plus my own story of a dental emergency that left me feeling GREAT)...Myth busting: get good at what you do, and the rest takes care of itself, right? WRONG - here's how to translate talents into business-building skills (it's a shortcut anyone can use)...Put a bubble around your brain: how to protect your dreams from doubters and keep moving forward (SHUN THE NON BELIEVERS)... What made David leave a successful practice behind and build a new one (and how he was able to deal with fears of starting over)...Building a biz to sell? Here's what that process REALLY looks like...This one's got lots of gold nuggets - listen now!David's bio: - Clinical Dentist for 39 years, helping people with dental disabilities and dental reconstruction - Dental Coaching – Your Dental Coach™ - Ultimate Success in Dentistry  - Mentor: Kois Center, Seattle Washington - Fellow: Misch Implant Institute, International Congress of Oral Implantology - Board Diplomate: American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine - Father, Husband, Christian, American - Hobbies: Reading, Golf, Tennis, High Altitude Backpack hunting.  I owned three different practices in two states. After increasing revenue by 10x, I sold my last practice in 2021 and moved out of NYS to our homes in Florida and Montana. In 2022, I started my coaching business, Ultimate Success In Dentistry, and authored my first two books. Now I help dentists reach the business success I did, much faster. Resources and links:David’s WebsiteDavid on LinkedInDavid's book: Peak SuccessSoar with Your StrengthsStrengthsFinderMaryAnn GramigPodMatchSupport the Show.Let's collab: Book a chatWork with AngieGet the PTKA book Let's connect: Angie’s FB PageAngie on IGAngie on YT If you dig the show and want to help bring more episodes to the world, consider buying a coffee for the production team!
The Art of Preventing Stupid with Matthew Davis
Feb 28 2024
The Art of Preventing Stupid with Matthew Davis
I was instantly sold on talking to attorney Matthew Davis when he told me about his heavy metal band, Geriatric Steel. This conversation does not disappoint! We covered everything from how to weed out "energy vampires" to why you gotta walk in your employees' shoes if you really want to lead. Plus we get into hiring horror stories, fixing foundational business problems, and why you gotta believe in your people's dreams before anything else. Can't-Miss Moments from This Episode:I almost spat coffee when Matthew talked about "mushroom treatment" practices: when attorneys feed people sh*t and keep them in the dark. Check out his philosophy on how we all can do better... Hiring horror story: Matthew shares a harrowing tale of someone who not only couldn't deliver on what they were hired for, but also stole. Here's how it went down (and what you can learn to make your hiring smoother)... Matthew reveals his "three circles" technique for spotting nightmare clients (and savings yourself a whole lotta heartache)...I can't sell what I don't believe: I get raw about what made me finally leave my toxic corporate job and go all in on my own business...There's only ONE situation where it's acceptable to lie to your boss or client. Do you know what it is?I was vibing the whole time, and I think you're gonna love Matt as much as I do. Listen now!Matthew's bio:Matthew Neill Davis is an attorney and entrepreneur that led his solely owned firm, Davis Business Law, through over 1000% percent growth over six years, making it one of very rare law firms ever to make the Inc 5000 list. The firm currently has eight offices from Austin to Kansas City. Martindale Hubble recognized Davis with its prestigious AV rating as one of the Preeminent Attorneys in America for demonstrating the highest levels of skill and integrity.  With over twenty-five years of experience helping businesses leaders with their legal and entrepreneurial matters, Davis now teaches them how to deal with their vulnerabilities so they can capitalize on their opportunities through his firm’s proprietary Strong Protected Business System™️. He has presented his programs to prestigious business groups, such as the Inc 5000 Master’s Class and the Young Presidents’ Organization Global Forum. He also regularly appears on podcasts and in the media.  Inc Magazine published his first book “The Art of Preventing Stupid,” in 2019 and the follow up, “The Strong Protected Business” is slated for publication in 2023. He also shares his extensive knowledge as host through his podcasts “The Strong Protected Business” and “The Art of Preventing Stupid.  Davis is a graduate of Cornell College, the University of Oklahoma and Cornell University. Davis has extensive litigation and business representation experience. He has served as lead or co-counsel in litigation cases with recoveries in excess of $50 million dollars. He is a member of the TexSupport the Show.Let's collab: Book a chatWork with AngieGet the PTKA book Let's connect: Angie’s FB PageAngie on IGAngie on YT If you dig the show and want to help bring more episodes to the world, consider buying a coffee for the production team!
Making every decade better than the last with Bob Beverley
Feb 21 2024
Making every decade better than the last with Bob Beverley
You're in for a treat with today's guest: Bob Beverley, minister-turned-therapist. He's on a mission to make his 70s his best decade yet, and to let his light shine. We talk about a little bit of everything, from chasing your passion at any age, to putting yourself out there when it's scary, to why you should give less f*cks. Can't-Miss Moments from This Episode:"It's too late for me, go on without me!" drama is not allowed here: Bob shares what put him on the path to becoming a therapist at 34 (and if you've been feeling like you're behind, this one will inspire you to keep moving)...What do you do when overwhelm shuts down your forward momentum? Bob and I have some tough love about what comes before confidence...Have you tried saying it out loud to someone? I reveal my "self-induced peer pressure" trick for keeping me honest and accountable (because otherwise I'd break all my promises)...How to conquer fears when they pop up (and no, this doesn't involve suddenly becoming fearless)...This one will have you fired up to get out there and light up the world with your gifts. Listen now!Bob's bio:Bob Beverley is creator of The Sharp Club and author of The Daily Sharps. He has been a psychotherapist for over 25 years in the Mid-Hudson Valley of New York. He works knee-deep in the trenches of despair, violence, confusion, hopelessness, and the human struggle for growth and well-being on a daily basis. The wisdom offered in this club has been road-tested in the emotional emergency ward he’s always worked in. He has written several books including Dear Tiger: A Book for Tiger Woods and for Us All, How to Be a Christian and Still Be Sane, The Secret Behind the Secret Law of Attraction (with Kevin Hogan, Dave Lakhani, and Blair Warren), and Emotional Elegance, with a preface by David Allen.Resources and links mentioned:Bob’s WebsiteBob on InstaBob on FacebookBob on LinkedInBob's books on Amazon:How to Be a Christian and Still be SaneEmotional EleganceSharp: Keen Living in a Tough WorldWhy Bother?Peace Etc.Sharp 2: Honing Your Emotional EdgeBob's contact 417-5486Support the Show.Let's collab: Book a chatWork with AngieGet the PTKA book Let's connect: Angie’s FB PageAngie on IGAngie on YT If you dig the show and want to help bring more episodes to the world, consider buying a coffee for the production team!
Pain-free (and pressure-free, and pushiness-free) sales with Aleasha Bahr
Feb 14 2024
Pain-free (and pressure-free, and pushiness-free) sales with Aleasha Bahr
Today I'm joined by the FABULOUS Aleasha Bahr. We're talking about where the "ick factor" comes from and what most people get horribly wrong about selling (which inadvertently adds the "ick"). We'll show you how to rethink your relationship with sales - a critical step to building a successful business. This one is like a whole high-level sales training packed into 40 minutes... listen now!Can't-Miss Moments:My "walk of shame": the thought process that led me to dropping flyers on local businesses at 5am (and what I learned from my MISERABLE failure)...SPOILER ALERT: you're ALREADY a natural salesperson. Aleasha reveals all the subtle and obvious ways you might be fighting against your own nature (and success)...Attention beginners: being new to sales or to your business isn't automatically a sign of weakness. Here's when it's an advantage (and we walk you through how to make the most of that advantage)... Aleasha rips apart the idea of "charge what you're worth" and replaces it with a simpler idea that'll help you land deals faster...  Angie rant: I get up on my soapbox about why siccing the pitchfork mob on "problem clients" can backfire (and what do instead to when you've been wronged)...  Aleasha's bio:Aleasha is a woman in a male dominated industry who is calling out the common lies perpetuated in sales. Primarily, the lie that you have to do things that feel “weird” to win sales and experience hundreds of reps and rejections before you can be “good” at sales.  The truth is, nothing is one size fits all - especially not something as dynamic and unpredictable as sales.  She loves giving people a refreshing alternative - the Matchmakers Sales Method - Because if it’s a fit, it’s a fact and there’s no “selling” involved. And enjoys giving people the permission to lean into THEIR personal strengths instead of acting like someone else. In her experience, it ALWAYS sells more!  She's been featured on Rocky Mountain Marketing Podcast, Sales Game Changers, Business Innovators Radio and Outside Sales Talk. Resources and links mentioned:Aleasha’s WebsiteAleasha on InstaAleasha on FacebookAleasha on LinkedInSales is NOT a Dirty Word on Apple Podcasts (check out my episode here!)Support the Show.Let's collab: Book a chatWork with AngieGet the PTKA book Let's connect: Angie’s FB PageAngie on IGAngie on YT If you dig the show and want to help bring more episodes to the world, consider buying a coffee for the production team!
What comes after your calling? with Dr. Christopher Loo
Feb 7 2024
What comes after your calling? with Dr. Christopher Loo
I sat down with physician turned entrepreneur Dr. Christopher Loo expecting to chat about his journey from medicine to business. But we ended up covering a little bit of everything, how we're conditioned to be good workers to how we have to get good at giving AND receiving if we want abundance to flow. Join us for rants about corporate greed, why aiming for an "A" is holding you back, and our take on which marketing tactics NOT to use. Can't-Miss Moments from This Episode:To cold pitch or not to cold pitch? I share a rather interesting pitch that'll show you how NOT to reach out (and what to do instead to increase your odds of success)Universal truth: generosity needs to flow. But did you also know THIS thing needs to flow (and without it you'll be stuck in a vicious cycle)?SPOILER ALERT: a network is not something you build, it's something you GROW. Are you accidentally ignoring it because you're in build mode?Tenants, toilets, and trash:  what Dr. Loo learned from his crash course in running a real estate business Confession: my least favorite class in grad school was entrepreneurship. Why? I couldn't figure out how to get an A! And if that isn't business (and life) in a nutshell, I don't know what is. Listen for the full story...Trust me, you'll laugh, reflect, and walk away with concrete ways to build authentic connections and kick ass. Don't miss it!Dr. Cristopher Loo's bio:Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD, is a physician who became financially free at the age of 29 and retired early at the age of 38 as a result of making strategic investments after the 2008 financial crisis. He is passionate about the intersection of social media, Web3, digital assets, metaverse, and AI for thought leaders and influencers. He is a graduate of the MD-PhD program, through the Baylor College of Medicine and Department of Bioengineering at Rice University, and is the Founder and CEO of Financial Freedom for Physicians Podcast. Dr. Loo has been a top 10 host on PodMatch since 2021.Resources and links mentioned:Dr. Loo’s WebsiteDr. Loo on InstaDr. Loo on YouTubeDr. Loo on FacebookDr. Loo on LinkedInDr. Loo on TikTokDr. Loo on AmazonSupport the Show.Let's collab: Book a chatWork with AngieGet the PTKA book Let's connect: Angie’s FB PageAngie on IGAngie on YT If you dig the show and want to help bring more episodes to the world, consider buying a coffee for the production team!
Defying 'Normal' to Build Your Business Edge with Erin Marcus
Jan 31 2024
Defying 'Normal' to Build Your Business Edge with Erin Marcus
Please welcome to the show the DELIGHTFULLY unfiltered Erin Marcus of Conquer Your Business. Strap in folks, 'cause this one is all about embracing your own special brand of weird, leaving toxicity in the rearview, and writing your own damn rules. Tune in for inspiration  on how to design your ideal life and career around your unique talents and interests.Can't-Miss Moments from This Episode:The "Year of Failure" experiment: Erin gets real about giving herself a year to figure things out where everything was allowed (and how it impacted her entire business trajectory)...Can you hear me now? Erin and I talk about the life-changing magic of ADHD meds kicking in to quiet the 24/7 mental chatter...Hustle culture can die in a fire. #IsaidwhatIsaid -- Erin gets good and ranty about hustle culture, what self care REALLY looks like, and designing businesses that are easy for YOU and massively valuable for your clients...Call you never! Tired of toxic people draining the very heart and soul out of you? Erin's got some great gold nuggets on intentionally surrounding yourself with people you genuinely like (and how to kick toxicity to the curb)...Perhaps my favorite truth bomb of all: you gotta be "too much" in real life so you're "just enough" for the internet. Erin breaks it all down in our convo...If I could sum this up in one pithy quote: permission to let your freak flag fly! Listen now!Erin's bio: Erin Marcus is the founder and CEO of Conquer Your Business, an international company helping driven entrepreneurs and small business owners get the financial and emotional freedom they need to build a business and a life they're proud of.  Having made the successful leap from corporate executive to entrepreneur, Erin uses that experience, along with her MBA education and street smart upbringing, to help her clients reach heights they never dreamed possible. And have fun doing it! Erin is also an international speaker and the host of Ready Yet?! Podcast Resources and links mentioned:Erin’s WebsiteErin on InstaErin on YouTubeErin on FacebookErin on LinkedInGoblin Tools (to help with planning and executing tasks when you struggle to get started)Clifton StrengthsFinderSupport the Show.Let's collab: Book a chatWork with AngieGet the PTKA book Let's connect: Angie’s FB PageAngie on IGAngie on YT If you dig the show and want to help bring more episodes to the world, consider buying a coffee for the production team!
ADHD as an Entrepreneurial Superpower with Kristen Stelzer
Jan 24 2024
ADHD as an Entrepreneurial Superpower with Kristen Stelzer
Ever felt like you were pretending to be "normal" at work when your brain is a FDA-unapproved jittery mess? You'll love my conversation with today's guest, Kristen Stelzer of Weirdly Wired Women (how cool is that name?). We're exploring how finally embracing our ADHD diagnoses helped us quiet the noise and design careers that work with, not against, our unique wiring.Can't-Miss Moments from This Episode:Welcome to ADHD adulthood: we got confusion! Kristen and I share what prompted us to seek an official diagnosis and what worked for each of us when it comes to quieting the mental chatterCalling all weirdo women! Kristen tells us all about her mission to work with women who feel left out of the traditional corporate mold (turns out there's nothing wrong with you, and here's why)...Having trouble adulting properly? Kristen and I rant about the brutal shame spiral and our tricks for preventing a full-on meltdown...Down with toxic hustle culture! We're taking on the "go above any beyond" subtext to help you define when enough is good enough... ADHD and leverage: using strengths like hyperfocus to produce a hell of a lot in less time than our neurotypical counterparts. Here's how Kristen and I are reframing a perceived negative into an obvious positive... If you've been feeling like everyone around you knows something you don't, this one's for you. Listen now!Kristen's bio:Kristen is a former engineer and project director turned entrepreneur. She specializes in helping women create or streamline businesses to fit their lives…regardless of what those lives look like.After a late-in-life ADHD diagnosis, she founded weirdly wired women to provide coaching, consulting, and community to women who’ve never felt they “fit” the corporate mold, whatever the reason.And in true “I make my own business rules” fashion, Kristen will also partner with anyone she likes on fun and interesting short-term projects that tap into any of her absolutely random skill sets.Get Kristen’s free Break Free and Bloom Masterplan for Cultivating a Livelihood Rooted in Your Life on her website at and links mentioned:Kristen’s WebsiteKristen on InstaKristen on YouTubeKristen on FacebookGoblin Tools (to help with planning and executing tasks when you struggle to get started)Clifton StrengthsFinder (not an affiliate link)Support the Show.Let's collab: Book a chatWork with AngieGet the PTKA book Let's connect: Angie’s FB PageAngie on IGAngie on YT If you dig the show and want to help bring more episodes to the world, consider buying a coffee for the production team!
Jen Hope: What to do when you don't feel like a leader
Jan 17 2024
Jen Hope: What to do when you don't feel like a leader
Jen Hope is back for round two today, and I can't WAIT for you to hear this one. We're digging into that nebulous idea of "leadership" and why it's not a dealbreaker if you don't feel like a leader most days. Can't-Miss Moments:Jen and I rap on the "unconscious competence" conundrum, and how to see yourself more objectively (and AWESOMELY)Bold claim: resistance is a GOOD thing, and something to lean into instead of avoid. Jen and I have some ideas on how you can use those hard lessons as leverage to get where you want to go... Car singing? Dance parties? We're getting good and ranty on what I do to get myself out of an anxiety spiral and get the energy back up...Among the things we made up as a society: money, rules, deadlines, the way things supposedly work. So why not let Jen and I help you make up a few things that work for YOU?Why Jen and I agree that a top priority of being in business is JOY. Jen's bio:Jen Hope is an executive and leadership coach for startup leaders. With a background as the Vice President of Marketing for multiple high-growth startup companies, Jen understands the complexity of startup leadership. She leverages data and evidence-based tools that accelerate growth and scale individual and collective leadership. A self-kindness and mental health advocate, Jen is passionate about creating safe spaces for women and non-neurotypical leaders in startup and corporate leadership. Clients will tell you that Jen provides systems and habits that improve life and leadership. They love the sharp insights, structure, compassion, and accountability that come from Jen’s coaching process. Jen’s client list includes Tenable, Oracle,, TOMBOYX, DocuSign, Relayr, BlueJacketeer, and Uplevel. When Jen's not working, you can find her cooing over dogs, running the hills of the PNW, and singing all of the songs that play in her local grocery store and CVS.Resources and links mentioned:Jen’s WebsiteJen on InstaJen on LinkedInJen on FacebookJen on TwitterBurnout by Emily Nagosky, PhDMartha Beck's podcast: "There's Less to Do Than You Think"Brian McCarthy Mindset Coaching (Angie's coach!)Support the Show.Let's collab: Book a chatWork with AngieGet the PTKA book Let's connect: Angie’s FB PageAngie on IGAngie on YT If you dig the show and want to help bring more episodes to the world, consider buying a coffee for the production team!