Niche Upon A Star

Jo Millett

Ever wondered how some freelancers build incredible, niche businesses from scratch?  How did they figure it all out? Well, I've asked them.

Do you fancy listening to expert guidance, real-life stories, and gritty tips from people who've seen it ALL?

With the help of some brilliant guests, let's go back in time with people who spent years carving out a niche business.

This is a place for you to find inspiration, guidance, tips, and advice from experienced freelancers. Let's Niche Upon A Star!

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3. André Spiteri - Getting clients and knowing your worth
Jan 13 2024
3. André Spiteri - Getting clients and knowing your worth
What an episode! André Spiteri talks openly about the grit and determination it took to set up Maverick Words. Packed full of gems. What a great interview!We look at early freelancing challenges:André struggled to find clients in his first year as a freelancer, taking on many low-paying jobs and working long hours just to build confidence and a portfolio. How to find your first clients:André gained writing samples by blogging for free, then built a list of potential clients and reached out through cold emails, facing fear with each attempt but gradually building what likens to 'muscle' through practice and persistence.Knowing your worth:Through experience, André realised he was undercharging after seeing an agency's rates. He came to understand pricing projects instead of hours, and the importance of having leverage and a pipeline to negotiate confidently.And finally hitting his STRIDE. Yes!!While initially resistant, André found success focusing on the FinTech industry he knew, simplifying his messaging, specializing his expertise, and speeding up his work - though the process of discovering his niche wasn't painless and required getting past self-doubt.Advice to self: get out of your own way and don't overthink it André recommends pushing through fears to take action, focusing on doing instead of overthinking and listening to feedback to overcome internal barriers - simple strategies that helped him progress despite challenges.Let's Niche Upon A Star!