Brewing Success with Andrea Gebhardt

Andrea Gebhardt

Do you have a career you love and are looking for balance and growth? Maybe you are an entrepreneur trying to figure out how to do it all and do it well, or maybe you are just someone who is looking for inspiration and tools to help you thrive on a daily basis, or maybe you're busy mom in the trenches of raising kids (like me) while trying to work on your dream and become the best version of yourself, if you are, then you have come to the right place! Whoever you are, I am FOR you!!

My name is Andrea Gebhardt, I am a former educator turned passionate entrepreneur and not only have I spent the last decade coaching people in all things related to success, I have developed a strong desire to connect with more people and create conversations about growing into our best selves. This podcast is designed to give you the knowledge and tools you need to Brew Success in any area of your life! We will learn, we will laugh, and we will certainly make progress each week as we come together! The candid nature of this podcast will make you feel like you're talking to your best friend and mentor all at once. It will be filled with real moments, raw emotion, and refreshing inspiration. It's time to start Brewing Success together! Here we grow!

Be sure to grab the companion mentoring journal

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3 Little Decisions, One BIG Outcome!
Apr 1 2024
3 Little Decisions, One BIG Outcome!
This episode isn't just about finding your groove; it's about creating a rhythm of productivity that resonates with your soul. We'll talk about how setting your 'filter' each morning—be it gratitude, abundance, or positivity—can color your world in vibrant hues of success. I'll let you in on how I dress my mindset each day to cultivate experiences that align with my goals, and I'll even drop a special tool in the show notes to help you do the same. This isn't just goal-setting—it's soul-setting, get ready to see BIG changes when you implement these three little decisions into your day. Access the Filter, Focus, Prioritze Resource Here: for More? Join The Brewing Success Community  The Brewing Success Community isn't just about mentorship; it's a collaborative powerhouse equipped with comprehensive training and an abundance of resources tailored to ignite significant transformations in your life. If you are seeking leadership, guidance, and direction this community is for you! If you are looking to strengthen your leadership, mindset, confidence, team development strategies, and online business skills this community is for you. If you are growth minded and progress focused, this community is definitely for you, and will be the catalyst for growth and success you've been searching for. Be sure to join the community,  and also receive your very own copy of the ABC's of Leadership Mentoring Journal!
Check-in, Before You Check-out: Keeping progress front and center!
Mar 26 2024
Check-in, Before You Check-out: Keeping progress front and center!
This episode is an all call for self-reflection and growth, inviting you to join the newly minted Brewing Success Community. Here, you'll find the support you need to scale new heights in personal and leadership development. As the pages of the calendar turn, I challenge you with a candid evaluation of where you stand in life's essential categories — health, fitness, finances, relationships, career, faith, and fun. This is your moment to acknowledge your triumphs, pinpoint where you need to bolster your efforts, and ardently pursue the year's goals.In our discussion, I'll guide you through the pivotal practice of self-accountability, setting the foundations for a 90-day reassessment that is sure to keep your aspirations on track. Sharing your game plan not only helps crystallize your intentions but also joins you to a network of like-minded individuals all striving for excellence. Looking for More? Join The Brewing Success Community The Brewing Success Community isn't just about mentorship; it's a collaborative powerhouse equipped with comprehensive training and an abundance of resources tailored to ignite significant transformations in your life. If you are seeking leadership, guidance, and direction this community is for you! If you are looking to strengthen your leadership, mindset, confidence, team development strategies, and online business skills this community is for you. If you are growth minded and progress focused, this community is definitely for you, and will be the catalyst for growth and success you've been searching for. Be sure to join the community,  and also receive your very own copy of the ABC's of Leadership Mentoring Journal!
5 B's of Impact: If you only ever listen to one episode this year, make it this one.
Mar 18 2024
5 B's of Impact: If you only ever listen to one episode this year, make it this one.
As I sat teary-eyed at my kitchen table, drafting a shopping list for my firstborn's dorm room, I was struck by the profound mark we leave on our children through the lessons we impart. Join me , for an episode that's a tapestry of emotions and wisdom, knitting together the legacy of love we bestow upon our children as they step into the world. We'll explore the nuances of life's pivotal moments, from the tender milestones to the everyday Google searches that chart our family's journey and the safe spaces we must nurture for enduring bonds.Navigating the transition from education to entrepreneurship, I've unearthed the 'power of one,' a principle that has become the beacon guiding my path. This episode will reveal how reshaping just a single life can ripple across a sea of souls. I'll share the 5 B's of impact—tools for anyone to wield in becoming a catalyst for positive change. From the simple yet revolutionary act of choosing our attitude, to becoming dream builders who fan the flames of belief in others, we'll celebrate the subtlety of true influence and how it can elevate us all.Wrapping up, we'll tackle the delicate dance with positivity, distinguishing the authentic from the toxic. I'll share how to wear positivity like a garment, one that empowers us to face adversity and inspires others to seek solutions-focused lives. It's my goal to embolden you to make your mark, to be a beacon that guides others through the fog of negativity. Prepare to be moved and motivated as we delve into the heart of what it means to truly impact the world around us.Looking for More? Join The Brewing Success Community!!! The Brewing Success Community isn't just about mentorship; it's a collaborative powerhouse equipped with comprehensive training and an abundance of resources tailored to ignite significant transformations in your life. If you are seeking leadership, guidance, and direction this community is for you! If you are looking to strengthen your leadership, mindset, confidence, team development strategies, and online business skills this community is for you. If you are growth minded and progress focused, this community is definitely for you, and will be the catalyst for growth and success you've been searching for. Be sure to join the community,  and also receive your very own copy of the ABC's of Leadership Mentoring Journal!
The Surprising Truth About Multitasking
Mar 11 2024
The Surprising Truth About Multitasking
Prepare to have your belief in the power of multitasking shattered as we unravel why juggling tasks hampers your productivity rather than enhancing it. Experience a eureka moment as we distinguish between the draining effects of multitasking and the efficiency of habit stacking, which skillfully combines complementary activities. Transform your daily grind into a more focused and productive ritual with anecdotes and strategies straight from my personal journey toward creative liberation. I'll share how a simple change in scenery—from bedroom to a sunlit office—revolutionized my writing routine, proving that the right environment can be a game changer. Laugh along with tales of my canine companions' havoc-wreaking, and discover how I turned those pesky interruptions into a catalyst for skyrocketing my work efficiency. Then, let's take a moment to talk about the all-important need for rest, and how respecting our brain's natural rhythms can prime us for conquering even the most demanding of projects.Looking for More? Join The Brewing Success Community The Brewing Success Community isn't just about mentorship; it's a collaborative powerhouse equipped with comprehensive training and an abundance of resources tailored to ignite significant transformations in your life. If you are seeking leadership, guidance, and direction this community is for you! If you are looking to strengthen your leadership, mindset, confidence, team development strategies, and online business skills this community is for you. If you are growth minded and progress focused, this community is definitely for you, and will be the catalyst for growth and success you've been searching for. Be sure to join the community,  and also receive your very own copy of the ABC's of Leadership Mentoring Journal!
One Hour to Success: The Simple Strategy for Big Results
Feb 19 2024
One Hour to Success: The Simple Strategy for Big Results
Unlock the secret to achieving your  ambitions without overhauling your entire schedule. Through my own transformational journey, I've discovered the profound impact of dedicating just 4% of your day to your most significant goals. On today's  podcast, I'm thrilled to guide you on how investing one focused hour each day can compound into a 146% increase in any chosen area over a year. From nurturing family ties to skyrocketing your career, this episode is your blueprint for integrating the 4% principle into your daily life for maximum effect.Have you ever felt like the quest for improvement demands more time than you can spare? I'm here to challenge that notion and show you the path to consistent, measurable change that fits into even the busiest of schedules. This episode is a testament to the power of prioritization; it's about making a pact with yourself to channel your efforts towards progress, regardless of how daunting your to-do list might seem. Discover how the 4% rule can serve as your catalyst for success.Finally, grasp the essence of maximizing your potential with the smallest of daily commitments. We're often told that time is of the essence, but I'll show you how it's about the essence of time. By controlling just a sliver of your day and directing it towards your aspirations, you'll set in motion the ripples of change that can reshape your life. So, join me, as we explore not just the theory but the practical application of the 4% rule in this life-affirming session of Brewing Success.Looking for More? Join The Brewing Success Community The Brewing Success Community isn't just about mentorship; it's a collaborative powerhouse equipped with comprehensive training and an abundance of resources tailored to ignite significant transformations in your life. If you are seeking leadership, guidance, and direction this community is for you! If you are looking to strengthen your leadership, mindset, confidence, team development strategies, and online business skills this community is for you. If you are growth minded and progress focused, this community is definitely for you, and will be the catalyst for growth and success you've been searching for. Be sure to join the community,  and also receive your very own copy of the ABC's of Leadership Mentoring Journal!