CATCH YOUR BREATH with Inga - Homeschool Moms | Manage Stress | Beat Burnout I Holistic Wellbeing I Freedom and Fulfillment in Homeschool and Life

Inga Masek, Homeschool Mom Coach, Mental Wellness, Empowerment and Life Coach for Christian Moms

Have you ever felt overwhelmed, exhausted, or stressed with homeschooling and life? Do you need to press pause on all of the chaos? Maybe you need to reflect, pray, or be reminded why you started and how to keep going. The Catch Your Breath podcast is a brief retreat from your daily homeschool routine to step back to relax, re-energize, and regain clarity. No one ever said homeschooling would be easy, but that doesn’t mean it has to be hard. So grab your favorite cup of tea and tune in. You’ll be glad you did. read less
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57// Why You Don't Need Permission to (Fill in the Blank)
Mar 6 2024
57// Why You Don't Need Permission to (Fill in the Blank)
Hey friend, Ever feel like you’re waiting for a nod or a green light to just... breathe? To decide what’s truly right for you and your family? You’re not alone. This episode is all about breaking free from the ‘permission slip’ we think we need—whether it’s to pause for self-care, shift gears, or dive into homeschooling. It’s time to talk about why we stall, waiting for approval that, deep down, we know we don’t need. Why do we do this to ourselves? Guilt, doubt, fear of judgment—these shadows loom over us, making decisions feel heavier than they should. We’re diving deep into self-trust (or the lack thereof), the fear of falling behind, and the worry about what others will think. It’s these feelings that often send us seeking validation from anyone but ourselves. Tune in for a real talk on granting ourselves the permission to live on our terms. Discover strategies to manage the inner critic, celebrate our autonomy in homeschooling, and more. You’ll learn to embrace planning with flexibility and how to build your own circle of trust for those moments when you crave a bit of backup in your choices. Though we zero in on homeschooling, this episode is a must-listen if you’ve been waiting for someone else to say “It’s okay” about any aspect of your life. Listen, breathe easier, and share the journey with a friend. It’s time to claim the power of your choices. xo, Inga, your Homeschool Life Coach             🔗 What's Next? 1. Come hang with me in the CYB Facebook Community.  2. Want to learn how to create a homeschool where you have space to breathe, click the link to book a Discovery Call, Not sure if coaching is for you, there are no strings attached to have a call.  3. Know another mom who could use a reminder to take a break? Don't hold back; share the love. Looking for extra support for your child's mental wellbeing? Learn how to help your child navigate tough emotions. Join our upcoming Youth Mental Health First Aid training. It's a straightforward way to enhance your support for your child’s emotional well-being. Secure your spot now and bring more understanding and support into your homeschooling. Email me at for the deets.
54//Why You Can Stop Stressing About Having the Perfect Balance in Homeschooling and Life
Feb 13 2024
54//Why You Can Stop Stressing About Having the Perfect Balance in Homeschooling and Life
Hey Friend, We're rethinking the whole balance game. Instead of chasing after this idea of perfect balance, I'll show you how to weave harmony into your day-to-day. We'll explore how setting up time blocks can seriously upgrade your routine and how embracing the AIM strategy (that's Accepting, Interrupting, and Managing stress) can be a game-changer. And because I know how tough this homeschooling journey can be, we're all about celebrating those little wins and patting ourselves on the back for the imperfections too. Plus, I can't stress enough how crucial it is to take care of you. Self-care isn't just nice; it's necessary for keeping everything else running smoothly. I'll also share the scoop on setting goals that feel doable and the power of finding your tribe in homeschooling communities.  So, if you're ready to shift from feeling frazzled to feeling harmonious, this episode is your invitation. Let's embrace the beautifully imperfect journey of homeschooling and life together. Trust me, it's okay not to have it all figured out. What matters is we're here, learning and growing together. Can't wait for you to join me!               Next Steps: 1. Sharing is caring: If this episode, or any other episodes, have encouraged or blessed you, share with another homeschool mom. Share the podcast. Share our online community. Share what's encouraged you the most.  2. Learn how to have realistic balance:  Book a strategy session if you're feeling swamped and looking for a way to breathe easier and enjoy this homeschooling adventure. The discovery call is free as you learn all about how I can help you.  3. Join me at the Thrive! The NCHE Homeschool Conference May 23-25, 2024,   in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.  We'll be working on giving you a mindset makeover so you can embrace imperfection, and then we are going to practice the art of celebration. Register Here!
52//Exposing the Myth of the Perfect Homeschool Mom!
Feb 6 2024
52//Exposing the Myth of the Perfect Homeschool Mom!
Hi friend, Are you a homeschooling mom grappling with the pressure to be perfect? Then this episode is for you. We're exposing the myth of the 'perfect mom' in the world of homeschooling and the damaging effects of this unrealistic ideal. We're stressing the benefits of community over competition. Tune in to learn the simple mindset shift that can help us shed the illusion of perfection.foster authentic relationships with each other.shed light on the fact that no mom is perfect.remember that each of us brings unique strengths to the table that complement our supposed 'flaws.'embrace the truth that you've been endowed with unique gifts that make you perfectly equipped to educate your children. Hit play and be ready to get rid of the myth of the perfect homeschool mom.  And remember, I am here cheering you on every step of the way, with a prayer in my heart and a smile on my lips. Your Homeschool Coach,  Inga      Join the Conversation: After you listen to this episode, I'd love for you to jump into our Facebook Community. For February, we're chatting about what we love most about homeschooling. Join the conversation. Personalized Guidance: Feeling overwhelmed with how to start homeschooling or is homeschooling stressing you out? I can help. Book a Discovery Call to love your homeschooling journey. Spread the Love: If this episode made you smile and think of a friend who could use a little boost of love, share it with her. Let's help each other find joy and love in our homeschooling journey. It's amazing how a simple act of sharing can spread so much positivity.
51//February's Challenge-Remember What You Love About Homeschooling
Feb 2 2024
51//February's Challenge-Remember What You Love About Homeschooling
Hey friend, Our challenge for this month is to reflect on what we love about homeschooling and, more importantly, what we love about our children. If you're feeling a little on the verge of burnout or want to fall in love with homeschooling all over again this challenge is for you. Are you curious? Tune in to this short episode and learn how this challenge could become a wonderful tradition in your home every February, then visit the community to see pics. I can't wait! Know that I am here cheering you on every step of the way with a prayer in my heart and a smile on my lips. Your Homeschool Coach,  Inga      Join the Conversation: After you listen to this episode, I'd love for you to jump into our Facebook Community. Let's chat about the love notes you've been leaving for your kids. What moments touched your heart the deepest? It's our little corner of the internet to share these beautiful moments and connect. Personalized Guidance: Feeling overwhelmed or eager to weave more love into your homeschooling routine? Book a Discovery Call with me. Together, we'll explore strategies not just for February, but for the entire school year. I aim to help you rediscover your passion for homeschooling, making every moment special for you and your family. Spread the Love: If this episode made you smile and think of a friend who could use a little boost of love, share it with her. Let's help each other find joy and love in our homeschooling journey. It's amazing how a simple act of sharing can spread so much positivity.
50//If You're Tired of the Same Old Routine, It's Time to Add Some Spontaneity to Your Homeschool Day
Jan 31 2024
50//If You're Tired of the Same Old Routine, It's Time to Add Some Spontaneity to Your Homeschool Day
Hey friend! In this episode, we're talking about how a little unpredictability can spice up our homeschooling journey.  You might think stepping away from our carefully planned routines could lead to chaos, right? But I hope I can bust that myth for you and help you leave room for spontaneity in your homeschooling day.  I'm a big believer in the freedom to tweak our lesson, our day, and even our entire homeschool. Why not follow our kiddos' curiosity and see where it leads? Or allow our creative juices to start and see where that leads. Plus, I'll let you in on why shaking things up a bit can be super beneficial for both us and our children and decrease our stress levels. Catch you in the episode! As always, I'm cheering for your success! xo Your Homeschool Coach, Inga             Here's how to take your homeschooling journey to the next level: Share the Episode: If this chat resonated with you, please share it with other homeschooling families. Let's spread the word about embracing flexibility in homeschooling! Book a Discovery Call: Not sure which of my coaching programs (3-month or 6-month) is the right fit for you? Book a discovery call with me. It's the perfect opportunity for you to learn how I can support you in your homeschooling journey and help you choose the program that aligns best with your needs. Join Our Online Community: Connect with our friendly online community of homeschooling families. Share your stories, gain new insights, and be part of a supportive group where we all grow together.
46//You Can Continue toHomeschool When Life is Tough! It Isn’t Easy, But It Is Possible!
Jan 12 2024
46//You Can Continue toHomeschool When Life is Tough! It Isn’t Easy, But It Is Possible!
Hi friend, If you've ever felt that you had to figure out how to homeschool when life throws you a curveball, this episode is for you. Whether it’s something as simple as battling a cold or just feeling down, moving, or more serious trials such as coping with loss, we've all been there in one way or another. I know how it feels, and in this episode, I share 10 things you can do during this season.  These doable tips can make a huge difference and help you keep your sanity while figuring out how to teach your child well.  Are you ready to be encouraged and uplifted? Tune in! In love,  Inga     Next Steps: Join the Community: Let's make homeschooling a little lighter and much more fun! This January, share your fun homeschool moments in our community. Stick around for the rest of the year for a daily dose of encouragement, laughter, and support. Homeschooling is a journey we're all on together, and it's so much better with friends who understand. Get Unstuck: Feeling overwhelmed with the 'perfect mom' syndrome or just can't seem to shake off the homeschool blues? It's time to get unstuck. Book a strategy session with me, and let's figure out how to bring back the fun and joy into your homeschooling. Whether it's reshaping your approach or finding new ways to manage the stressors, we'll work on it together. You don't have to do this alone. Your Thoughts Matter: Got something on your mind? A story to share? A question that's been bugging you? I’m all ears. Drop me an email at Your experiences, challenges, and insights matter; I'm here to listen and help. Together, let's make this homeschooling journey an empowering and fulfilling one.
42//7 Tips to Boost Your Enthusiasm for Homeschooling for the New Year!
Dec 29 2023
42//7 Tips to Boost Your Enthusiasm for Homeschooling for the New Year!
Hey there, momfriend!   Can you believe the year is already coming to an end? With the approach of the beginning of a new calendar year, it's actually very common to feel a lack of enthusiasm about finishing out the rest of the school year. You may feel lax with your lesson planning, bored with your books, or sick of your schedule. If you've ever felt this way, this episode is for you. You'll learn seven simple solutions for reigniting your homeschooling enthusiasm for the months ahead. From personalized project-based learning to approaching field trips in a whole new way to celebrating milestones, I've got you covered.   Tune in to start the new year with renewed enthusiasm!   xo, Inga  Next Steps: Get your free 'Empowered Homeschool Checklist' now and take the first step towards a more empowered and fulfilling homeschooling experience. This checklist is your roadmap to confidence and equipping, helping you be the homeschooling mom Christ created you to be.Join our small Facebook community – a space filled with moms just like you, ready to share, support, and uplift each other. There's a mom there waiting to encourage you and another mom who needs your encouragement. Feeling stressed or overwhelmed? Consider booking a strategy session with us. Let's work together to alleviate those challenges and boost your homeschooling enthusiasm. You're stronger than you think, and with the right support, there's nothing you can't handle. If this episode resonates with you and provides valuable insights, please share this episode with another mom who could use a breath of fresh air in her homeschooling journey.
40//Want to Have a J.O.Y.- Centered Christmas, Homeschool, and Life, Part 2
Dec 22 2023
40//Want to Have a J.O.Y.- Centered Christmas, Homeschool, and Life, Part 2
Hey there, momfriend! Welcome back to day two of "J.O.Y. Centered Life." I am here to assist you in finding more joy during this holiday season and beyond. But don't worry, if being in the midst of the hustle and bustle is stealing your joy, this series is all about cultivating the joy that truly matters. In Part One, we explored why it might be challenging to experience true joy during the holidays and discussed the signs that indicate you might be missing out on a JOY-centered life. I hope you were able to take some time to reflect on the amount of JOY you have in your life. Now, in Part Two, we'll go even deeper. We'll dive into practical strategies that ensure the joy you discover during the holidays continues to shine throughout your entire homeschool year. I pray this helps you in making each day JOY-filled!   The joy of the Lord is Your Strength, so may you have more strength to navigate the challenges of homeschooling and life.  Don't forget to leave a review, share with other moms, and join our community to let us know how these strategies have brightened your holiday season and homeschool year. And please remember, if you're feeling overwhelmed, seeking balance, or looking for well-being through the holidays and beyond, I'm here to help. You can book a Strategy Session with me to kickstart the new year with clarity, rejuvenation, and a solid plan. Together, we'll ensure you start the new year feeling empowered, not overwhelmed. xo, Inga
39// Want to Have a J.O.Y.- Centered Christmas, Homeschool, and Life, Part 1
Dec 19 2023
39// Want to Have a J.O.Y.- Centered Christmas, Homeschool, and Life, Part 1
Hey there, momfriend! I know that homeschooling and holiday preparations can sometimes feel like a whirlwind- and worse all of the hustle can sometimes steal our joy. That's why in this two-part series, we're on a mission to help you find more J.O.Y. during this festive season. The joy that really matters. In Part, we're talking about why it might be a challenge to experience true joy during the holidays, and then we'll explore the signs that indicate you might be missing out on a JOY-centered life. But here's the thing: this episode is also packed with practical strategies to infuse your homeschooling journey with joy. However, this is just the beginning. Stay tuned for Part 2, where we'll look at practical strategies for ensuring that the JOY you discover during the holidays lasts throughout your entire homeschool year. Don't forget to leave a review, share with fellow momfriends, and let me know how these strategies have brightened your holiday season.  xo, Inga          🔗 What's Next? Go to the Facebook Community and let us know how you're living a JOY-centered life.If you're feeling overwhelmed or stressed with homeschooling, or seeking balance and well-being through the holidays, I can help. Book a Strategy Session to start the new year with a clear mind, a rejuvenated spirit, and a solid plan. Together, we'll craft a strategy that ensures you step into the new year feeling empowered, not overwhelmed.