Good to Grow Audio Book


Each week I’ll be sharing a chapter from my book, Good to Grow. The book is about embracing the abundant body that God has designed FOR YOU on purpose and for a purpose. If you ever get overwhelmed or frustrated in your journey with your body and food, you are not alone. I understand the struggle! There’s a lot thrown at us about how we should look, eat, and move. All the pressure can lead to either obsession or neglect. But there’s a better way and it starts with GRACE. Through the book, I’ll: ---> share with you the journey I’ve had with food and my body ---> help you identify the fears, distractions, and lies keeping you from living your best life ---> pour God’s truth and grace over you so that you will be an overflowing display of His fruits If you’d like a Bible study, worksheet, and printable to correspond with each chapter, you can find that on my website: And of course, I’d love to connect with you over at Instagram @thewellway_amanda. Let’s get GROWing! read less
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