THE BALANCED MOMTALITY- Pelvic Floor/Core Rehab For The Pregnant and Postpartum Mom

Dr. Desiree Cassell | Physical Therapist, Women’s Health Specialist, Balanced and Fit Momma

Women’s Health & Wellness* Prenatal Fitness *Postpartum Recovery *Pelvic Floor Exercises *Holistic Health *Whole Body Healing Are you a busy pregnant or postpartum (once postpartum always postpartum) mom that just wants to feel strong and healthy without the stress of having to revolve your life around your diet and exercise? Wanting functional and practical strategies to get in safe and effective exercises without fear of pain, prolapse or peeing your pants? All during your normal daily routines? Are you wanting to stay active and comfortable during your pregnancy, and avoid many of the common aches and pains? While also prepping and optimizing your mind and body for a beautiful birthing experience? Ready to feel confident navigating postpartum recovery, being in-tune to your body, it’s boundaries to activity and avoiding common issues like diastasis recti (DRA), prolapse, and urinary incontinence (leaking)? Hey Momma! I’m Dr. Desiree Cassell, a Doctor of Physical Therapy that specializes in Women’s Health aka Pelvic Floor, a wife, mom of 3, foodie and lover of all things movement and mindfulness (bonus if it’s outdoors)! I can’t tell you how excited I am that you are here checking out The Balanced Momtality Women’s Health and Wellness Podcast! During my first pregnancy I experienced all the typical issues like DRA, urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse (POP) and even hemorrhoids 😳. Only to be told “welcome to #momlife” by society and other moms in my life. So, like you, I accepted it as “normal”. Then, while working for my Doctor of Physical Therapy, I got pregnant with my second (still dealing with all the same issues and more 6 yrs later) and decided to put my new found knowledge to the test. YOU GUYS I was able to not only stop my urinary incontinence and prolapse from getting worse, I STOPPED LEAKING AND FEELING SYMPTOMS ALL TOGETHER! This is when my passion for educating, empowering and supporting other women and moms was born. I just knew I had to shout it from the rooftops that all those “common” symptoms ARE NOT NORMAL! You do not have to suffer and there IS HELP! Unfortunately, I brought all these issues up to my providers during my first pregnancy, only to be brushed off and told to do kegels and exercise. With that advice, I kegeld my life away and took a Pilates class postpartum that actually turned my DRA into an umbilical hernia and caused pain with intercourse because kegels were actually the opposite of what my pelvic floor needed (more on that inside the podcast 😉). Inside this podcast you will learn all about the pelvic floor and core system, common dysfunctions within the system during pregnancy and postpartum (and in general), how to connect and be aware of your body’s limits and how to SAFELY push those limits so you can be the strong, confident, and happy balanced momma you and your family deserve! Now let’s get you out of those pads and back to jumping on the trampoline with your kids and enjoying movement again! Put those airpods in, grab your water, roll out your mat and let’s connect! Learn > Connect or Inquiries About Wellness Consults> Community> Facebook> @thebalancedmomtality Instagram> @the_balanced_momtality read less
Health & FitnessHealth & Fitness


60- The Best Yoga Poses to Practice Your Breath Work and Heal Your Pelvic and Low Back Pain
4d ago
60- The Best Yoga Poses to Practice Your Breath Work and Heal Your Pelvic and Low Back Pain
Hey Girl! As a busy mom, I am always taking advantage of easy yoga poses to do my breathwork in, even if it’s at the end of the day in bed.  Yoga has many benefits, but when we bring the intention deeper and become mindful of the breath, it can be a game changer! If you have been a regular listener you probably already know that breath-work is one of my favorite things to do for anyone and everyone that struggles with pelvic floor or back or hip issues.  Whether you are pregnant, postpartum or just dealing with pain and want to optimize your breathing and get out of pain, these exercises and tips inside this week’s episode are for you! There are many benefits to yoga and breath-work in general but I wanted to break down the mindset and intention that needs to be present while practicing these common yoga poses.   As always, if you are experiencing any pelvic floor/women's health issue like urinary incontinence/leaking, pelvic pain, pain with sex, urgency, heaviness/prolapse or any other back/hip/joint pain let's get you booked for a virtual coaching session or in person physical therapy session for a more individualized plan and one-on-one instructions so you can feel confident in your body and start healing today!!    Make Sure to reach out to>  AND/OR Join my FREE Facebook community for ACCOUNTABILITY and a safe and supportive place to share and support each other!>    Join my VIP Insider group and receive my Newsletter full of great tips and tricks and upcoming resources! >   Follow and get tips/tricks on:  Facebook> @thebalancedmomtality Instagram> @the_balanced_momtality   Learn >
59-The Postpartum Screen or Six Week Clearance// Why It’s Crucial to See a Pelvic PT to Return to Activity Safely
May 24 2024
59-The Postpartum Screen or Six Week Clearance// Why It’s Crucial to See a Pelvic PT to Return to Activity Safely
Hey Momma! As you near labor and delivery, you are probably starting to think about what comes after birth.  What should you be doing and not doing postpartum? I often get questions about the postpartum period and recovery.  Unfortunately, the standard of care in the United States is to have a postpartum check up or screen around 6 weeks to get “clearance” for activity as usual.  Which leads many women, like me, to return to some sports and activities prematurely, causing issues like pelvic organ prolapse, incontinence or leaking, diastasis recti (DRA), or pelvic pain, to show up when they were never there during pregnancy.  This can be very frustrating, especially if you are trying to exercise and do the “right things”.  As you will learn and may have already in recent episodes, it is more about HOW your body is functioning and performing for you during an activity.  Not just is your pelvic floor strong or weak.  So while the routine 6 week check up is necessary for other things like screening mental health, pain and tissue healing, it is not doing our women justice to clear them to return activity as usual. It is crucial and should be standard of care to get a pelvic floor PT internal assessment postpartum to assess for things because strength like coordination, pressure management, trigger points, scar tissue, functional movement patterns and much more! Inside this weeks episode I dive into all the differences between your standard OBGYNE exam and a pelvic floor PT’s and why you should be getting both! And also why you probably shouldn't wait until six weeks to have a follow up with your pelvic PT or provider.  Also stay tuned for some tips to think about as you navigate your early postpartum recovery.  As always, if you are experiencing any pelvic floor/women's health issue like urinary incontinence/leaking, pelvic pain, pain with sex, urgency, heaviness/prolapse or any other back/hip/joint pain let's get you booked for a virtual coaching session or in person physical therapy session for a more individualized plan and one-on-one instructions so you can feel confident in your body and start healing today!!  Make Sure to reach out to>  AND/OR Join my FREE Facebook community for ACCOUNTABILITY and a safe and supportive place to share and support each other!>    Join my VIP Insider group and receive my Newsletter full of great tips and tricks and upcoming resources! >   Follow and get tips/tricks on:  Facebook> @thebalancedmomtality Instagram> @the_balanced_momtality   Learn >
58- Pelvic Organ Prolapse or POP Basics to Understand to Prevent Progression and Feel Confident and Strong Throughout Activity and Exercise
May 17 2024
58- Pelvic Organ Prolapse or POP Basics to Understand to Prevent Progression and Feel Confident and Strong Throughout Activity and Exercise
Hey Girl!   Have you been told you have POP or Pelvic Organ Prolapse? Or maybe you feel heaviness or pressure or just feel like something is falling out of your vagina? This can be very scary to first find out about and from personal experience, I can say that it can take over your thoughts and make any exercise or activity seem scary or bad like it will make it worse.  This unfortunately, causes a lot of fear around movement and can even contribute to anxiety and depression.  Especially if you are a mom still wanting to have more children but not wanting to cause more damage to your body or if you are active and enjoy strength training and heavy lifting or high impact exercises, it can seem like that is no longer an option for you.   However, inside this week’s episode I am diving into the basics of POP and what we can do for it to manage it conservatively and help you feel more confident as you navigate life and exercise.  I talk about pessary’s, pressure management, the role of pelvic floor strengthening and how pelvic floor PT can help make sure you can go through all your normal activities without fear or risk of progression. In a future episode I will talk more about the different strategies, tips and exercises that you want to be doing to improve and manage your prolapse. So if you have started to wonder or have been terrified now that you got told you have prolapse, don’t fear! It is NOT the end of the world and you can still get pregnant, have more children vaginally and lift heavy!    As always, if you are experiencing any pelvic floor/women's health issue like urinary incontinence/leaking, pelvic pain, pain with sex, urgency, heaviness/prolapse or any other back/hip/joint pain let's get you booked for a virtual coaching session or in person physical therapy session for a more individualized plan and one-on-one instructions so you can feel confident in your body and start healing today!!  Make Sure to reach out to>  AND/OR Join my FREE Facebook community for ACCOUNTABILITY and a safe and supportive place to share and support each other!>    Join my VIP Insider group and receive my Newsletter full of great tips and tricks and upcoming resources! >   Follow and get tips/tricks on:  Facebook> @thebalancedmomtality Instagram> @the_balanced_momtality   Learn >
57-The 3P’s and ABC’s: The Body's Boundaries Checklist// Know When To Modify Your Exercises During Pregnancy, Postpartum Recovery and Beyond
May 10 2024
57-The 3P’s and ABC’s: The Body's Boundaries Checklist// Know When To Modify Your Exercises During Pregnancy, Postpartum Recovery and Beyond
Hey Love! One of the most common questions I get from the women and especially pregnant or postpartum mommas is “Is this exercise safe” or “Should I be doing this or is it too much for me?” or “Is this exercise bad?”. Unfortunately, the answer is not as simple as “good or bad exercises”.  Every person has different strength and capacities, which makes their body perform differently than others. Meaning, some exercises that could be beneficial for one person may be very problematic for another.  So it is more about understanding your own body and how it is showing up for you during any exercise or activity.  Knowing your body’s boundaries are crucial for avoiding injury or causing issues like leaking/incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, diastasis recti (DRA) or even hemorrhoids or hernias.  Especially during pregnancy, postpartum or recovery/rehab periods where the body is adapting and healing and more vulnerable, we need to know that what we are doing isn’t going to put us or the baby at risk.     Inside this week’s episodes I am reviewing the 3 P’s and the ABC’s: The Body Boundaries Checklist, so that you can feel confident as you move through different exercises and activities during pregnancy, postpartum and beyond.  It’s time we stopped avoiding exercises out of fear and also stopped wasting time doing things that are only going to hurt us or put us at risk.  Whether you are just beginning your fitness journey or are experienced but in a new season of life, these are health and fitness concepts that every active person should know!    As always, if you are experiencing any pelvic floor/women's health issue like urinary incontinence/leaking, pelvic pain, pain with sex, urgency, heaviness/prolapse or any other back/hip/joint pain let's get you booked for a virtual coaching session or in person physical therapy session for a more individualized plan and one-on-one instructions so you can feel confident in your body and start healing today!!  Make Sure to reach out to>  AND/OR Join my FREE Facebook community for ACCOUNTABILITY and a safe and supportive place to share and support each other!>    Join my VIP Insider group and receive my Newsletter full of great tips and tricks and upcoming resources! >   Follow and get tips/tricks on:  Facebook> @thebalancedmomtality Instagram> @the_balanced_momtality   Learn >
56- How To Make Cleaning A Pelvic Floor/Core Exercise and Avoid Pain for Busy Moms// Progressing Into Activity Post-op or Postpartum
May 3 2024
56- How To Make Cleaning A Pelvic Floor/Core Exercise and Avoid Pain for Busy Moms// Progressing Into Activity Post-op or Postpartum
Hey Friend! This week’s episode is meant to help you find that balance of activity while still resting and listening to your body and to also give you tips on how to make your daily tasks a functional exercise so that you can still get some strengthening and movement in your body every day without even having to take the time to go to the gym or “exercise”.  Cleaning our houses can cause many aches and pains if we do it poorly, but can actually be great whole body exercise if we are moving intentionally.  This reduces your risk of pain and injury and also builds strength and resiliency in your body when you don't have the time or energy to work out. This episode is great for anyone who just had surgery, is postpartum, is recovering from a flare up of an old injury or illnesses, or even just someone who hasn’t worked out in a while and wants to start easing back into exercise and being more active! Really it’s ideal for anyone because we all have daily tasks we have to do, so why not habit-stack some easy functional exercises into your daily routines and make your “workouts” work for you and save your body from aches and pains. I have been recovering from my own embolization/Pelvic venous dysfunction procedure and am sharing how I am navigating my “6 weeks of recovery”.   As always, if you are experiencing any pelvic floor/women's health issue like urinary incontinence/leaking, pelvic pain, pain with sex, urgency, heaviness/prolapse or any other back/hip/joint pain let's get you booked for a virtual coaching session or in person physical therapy session for a more individualized plan and one-on-one instructions so you can feel confident in your body and start healing today!!  Make Sure to reach out to>  AND/OR Join my FREE Facebook community for ACCOUNTABILITY and a safe and supportive place to share and support each other!>    Join my VIP Insider group and receive my Newsletter full of great tips and tricks and upcoming resources! >   Follow and get tips/tricks on:  Facebook> @thebalancedmomtality Instagram> @the_balanced_momtality   Learn >
55- 5 Quick Tips to Stop Leaking When You Sneeze// Don't Let Allergies Control Your Pelvic Floor
Apr 26 2024
55- 5 Quick Tips to Stop Leaking When You Sneeze// Don't Let Allergies Control Your Pelvic Floor
Hey Love! It’s Spring! Which also means it’s allergy season, at least here in the Southwest, so I have been seeing a big increase in women having their pelvic floor symptoms return.  Leaking is the most common one I have been seeing, but also prolapse symptoms.  With all the sneezing, coughing, blowing your nose this time of year, your pelvic floor is working over time! Is it weak? Is it tight? Is it just fatigued and pooped out? Either way the tips inside this week’s episode will help you reduce that excessive pressure down on the pelvic floor and prevent prolapse and leaking symptoms from getting worse and also hopefully help you stop feeling them all together! Whether you are pregnant or not, leaking or not, or have prolapse or not, this episode is going to be super helpful as you can carry these strategies throughout the year when you have to sneeze, cough, blow your nose, throw up, exercise etc! This episode dives into the holistic strategies to connect the whole body and core system and is not just talking kegels.  Any time there is an increased pressure and force on the body we want to think about these strategies to avoid causing any symptoms. As a busy momma with kids who also struggle with allergies, these are tips I tell my kids as well!  As always, if you are experiencing any pelvic floor/women's health issue like urinary incontinence/leaking, pelvic pain, pain with sex, urgency, heaviness/prolapse or any other back/hip/joint pain let's get you booked for a virtual coaching session or in person physical therapy session for a more individualized plan and one-on-one instructions so you can feel confident in your body and start healing today!!  Make Sure to reach out to>  AND/OR Join my FREE Facebook community for ACCOUNTABILITY and a safe and supportive place to share and support each other!>    Join my VIP Insider group and receive my Newsletter full of great tips and tricks and upcoming resources! >   Follow and get tips/tricks on:  Facebook> @thebalancedmomtality Instagram> @the_balanced_momtality   Learn >
54- Prenatal Fitness in the Third Trimester Part 2// Perineal Massage and Preparing Your Mind and Body For Birth
Apr 17 2024
54- Prenatal Fitness in the Third Trimester Part 2// Perineal Massage and Preparing Your Mind and Body For Birth
Hey Momma!   You have made it to the third trimester and hopefully you caught Part 1 of this Epsiode last week and have been staying active and comfortable up to this point by listening to the first and second trimester episodes.  This trimester is when things can become increasingly uncomfortable and achey as belly and baby grow.  You are probably feeling anxious and excited about labor being just around the corner, but afraid as birth can come with so many unknowns. You want to stay comfortable in this last trimester but also prepare your mind and body for birth so you can have an optimal birthing experience and recover well postpartum. Especially if you are battling many of the common pregnancy aches and pains: SIJ pain, round ligament pain, sciatica, SPD (pubic bone pain), prolapse and even hemorrhoids, then this episode is for you!   Inside this week's episode (Part 2 of 2)  I am giving you more tips and tricks for releasing tightness in your pelvic floor and performing perineal massage to assist the relaxation and opening of your pelvic girdle to prepare for an easier vaginal birth and less risk of tearing and complications.  The tips inside this episode will help you feel more confident as you get towards the big Birth Day and help you feel comfortable while you wait for baby, especially if you are having pelvic pain.     As always, if you are experiencing any pelvic floor/women's health issue like urinary incontinence/leaking, pelvic pain, pain with sex, urgency, heaviness/prolapse or any other back/hip/joint pain let's get you booked for a virtual coaching session or in person physical therapy session for a more individualized plan and one-on-one instructions so you can feel confident in your body and start healing today!!  Make Sure to reach out to>  AND/OR Join my FREE Facebook community for ACCOUNTABILITY and a safe and supportive place to share and support each other!>    Join my VIP Insider group and receive my Newsletter full of great tips and tricks and upcoming resources! >   Follow and get tips/tricks on:  Facebook> @thebalancedmomtality Instagram> @the_balanced_momtality   Learn >
53- Prenatal Fitness in The Third Trimester (Part1 of 2)// Pelvic Openers and Preparing Your Mind and Body For Birth
Apr 12 2024
53- Prenatal Fitness in The Third Trimester (Part1 of 2)// Pelvic Openers and Preparing Your Mind and Body For Birth
Hey Momma! You have made it to the third trimester and hopefully you have been staying active and comfortable up to this point by listening to the first and second trimester episodes.  This trimester is when things can become increasingly uncomfortable and achey as belly and baby grow.  You are probably feeling anxious and excited about labor being just around the corner, but afraid as birth can come with so many unknowns. You want to stay comfortable in this last trimester but also prepare your mind and body for birth so you can have an optimal birthing experience and recover well postpartum. Especially if you are battling many of the common pregnancy aches and pains: SIJ pain, round ligament pain, sciatica, SPD (pubic bone pain), prolapse and even hemorrhoids, then this episode is for you! Inside this week's episode (Part 1 of 2)  I am giving you more tips and mobility exercises to help ease those back and pelvic aches and also help to assist the opening of your pelvic girdle to prepare for an easier vaginal birth.  The tips inside this episode will help you feel more confident as you get towards the big Birth Day and help you feel comfortable while you wait.  Make sure you stay tuned next week for part 2 where I go into more depth about perineal massage and soft tissue work to do for even more birth prep!    As always, if you are experiencing any pelvic floor/women's health issue like urinary incontinence/leaking, pelvic pain, pain with sex, urgency, heaviness/prolapse or any other back/hip/joint pain let's get you booked for a virtual coaching session or in person physical therapy session for a more individualized plan and one-on-one instructions so you can feel confident in your body and start healing today!!  Make Sure to reach out to>  AND/OR Join my FREE Facebook community for ACCOUNTABILITY and a safe and supportive place to share and support each other!>    Join my VIP Insider group and receive my Newsletter full of great tips and tricks and upcoming resources! >   Follow and get tips/tricks on:  Facebook> @thebalancedmomtality Instagram> @the_balanced_momtality   Learn >
52- The Importance of Community and Support As A Mom Living a Balanced Intentional Life// One Year Anniversary of The Balanced Momtality Podcast
Apr 5 2024
52- The Importance of Community and Support As A Mom Living a Balanced Intentional Life// One Year Anniversary of The Balanced Momtality Podcast
Hey Love! I can’t believe it has been ONE YEAR of talking in your ear about your pelvic floor, core and more! The podcast has been such a fun and unexpected passion project that I have enjoyed pouring into this last year in order to bring women everywhere this crucial information about our bodies.  Talking freely and opening about taboo topics like pain with sex and peeing your pants isn't always easy, but it is so crucial for us as a culture and women’s healthcare to spread awareness about these conditions that we are told are normal, when in reality they are common NOT normal and there is alot we can do to help improve our symptoms and quality of life! Whether you are pregnant, newly postpartum, years postpartum, in perimenopause or menopause, or not a mom at all, you need to understand your body and what is normal and what is not and what the options are for you in order to optimally care for yourself.  It can be so isolating and lonely to navigate these conditions and experiences as a woman and a mom and so it is crucial to have a community and support system.  Thank you for being part of mine and I'm so grateful to be part of yours!   This week's episode is a little about my own journey in podcast and balancing all the things as a busy working full time momma and letting you in on the behind the scenes of podcasting and my life and what is to come this next year on the podcast! As always, if you are experiencing any pelvic floor/women's health issue like urinary incontinence/leaking, pelvic pain, pain with sex, urgency, heaviness/prolapse or any other back/hip/joint pain let's get you booked for a virtual coaching session or in person physical therapy session for a more individualized plan and one-on-one instructions so you can feel confident in your body and start healing today!!  Make Sure to reach out to>  AND/OR Join my FREE Facebook community for ACCOUNTABILITY and a safe and supportive place to share and support each other!>    Join my VIP Insider group and receive my Newsletter full of great tips and tricks and upcoming resources! >   Follow and get tips/tricks on:  Facebook> @thebalancedmomtality Instagram> @the_balanced_momtality   Learn >
51- Prenatal Fitness in the Second Trimester// Why and How Strength Training Will Keep You Strong and Comfortable During Pregnancy
Mar 29 2024
51- Prenatal Fitness in the Second Trimester// Why and How Strength Training Will Keep You Strong and Comfortable During Pregnancy
Hey Momma! Strength training can seem like such a scary and intense type of exercise when you are pregnant, but I am here to tell you how amazing it is for you and why you especially need it during pregnancy! In the second trimester you are hopefully getting some energy back but are also starting to grow that baby bump, which can begin to bring on all the aches and pains like SIJ pain, round ligament pain, sciatica, SPD (pubic bone pain), prolapse and even hemorrhoids! We tend to feel stiff and tight so we go to stretching all the things, when in reality we need to be strengthening all the things so that they can support our body! Especially our core and glutes, which can seem intimidating during pregnancy.   Inside this week's episode I am helping you understand the importance of strength training, the best core and glute exercises to start with and really knowing your body’s boundaries so that you can feel confident navigating strength training and all types of exercise and activity during pregnancy. This will help you avoid all the aches and pains and complications like leaking/incontinence, prolapse, DRA, hemorrhoids and more! So even if you are not pregnant this episode is going to help you get back to the basics and strengthen your foundation so you can heal! Stay tuned for the Third Trimester and the last of three in my “Prenatal Fitness Series”!   As always, if you are experiencing any pelvic floor/women's health issue like urinary incontinence/leaking, pelvic pain, pain with sex, urgency, heaviness/prolapse or any other back/hip/joint pain let's get you booked for a virtual coaching session or in person physical therapy session for a more individualized plan and one-on-one instructions so you can feel confident in your body and start healing today!!  Make Sure to reach out to>  AND/OR Join my FREE Facebook community for ACCOUNTABILITY and a safe and supportive place to share and support each other!>    Join my VIP Insider group and receive my Newsletter full of great tips and tricks and upcoming resources! >   Follow and get tips/tricks on:  Facebook> @thebalancedmomtality Instagram> @the_balanced_momtality   Learn >
50- A Holistic Approach to Pelvic Venous Disorder or Pelvic Congestion Syndrome//An Update on My Journey with Pelvic Pain
Mar 21 2024
50- A Holistic Approach to Pelvic Venous Disorder or Pelvic Congestion Syndrome//An Update on My Journey with Pelvic Pain
Hey Love! This is an update on my own health journey with pelvic pain from Pelvic Congestion Syndrome, which I am learning is now termed Pelvic Venous Disorder or PeVD.  Signs and Symptoms of PeVD can be misleading as it mimics many other conditions like interstitial cystitis, vaginismus, constipation, endometriosis, cysts, prolapse and more.  Pelvic Venous Disorder is a widely underdiagnosed condition that can affect many women, especially postpartum moms who have had multiple babies. Since I have decided to go through with an Embolization procedure, I have been navigating and creating a Holistic toolbox for me to make sure I am giving my body the best chance going into this procedure and recovering on the other side and optimizing my venous and lymph return.  Inside this week's episode I will update you on my journey as well as inform you of the many various holistic strategies, herbs, exercises and other tools that can also help you manage your PeVD or just optimize your venous and pelvic health! I want you to better understand your symptoms and how to advocate and take better care of yourself.   While we can have many things contributing to pelvic pain, there is still so much we can do to relieve and resolve symptoms and bring you back to not only a pain-free but enjoyable life. So stay tuned and let me know what you think and if you would like any more support in achieving any goals around pleasure, intimacy and pelvic pain! As always, if you are experiencing any pelvic floor/women's health issue like urinary incontinence/leaking, pelvic pain, pain with sex, urgency, heaviness/prolapse or any other back/hip/joint pain let's get you booked for a virtual coaching session or in person physical therapy session for a more individualized plan and one-on-one instructions so you can feel confident in your body and start healing today!!  Make Sure to reach out to>  AND/OR Join my FREE Facebook community for ACCOUNTABILITY and a safe and supportive place to share and support each other!>    Join my VIP Insider group and receive my Newsletter full of great tips and tricks and upcoming resources! >   Follow and get tips/tricks on:  Facebook> @thebalancedmomtality Instagram> @the_balanced_momtality   Learn >
49- Prenatal Fitness In The First Trimester// Pelvic Floor and Core Basics to Have a Safe and Active Pregnancy
Mar 13 2024
49- Prenatal Fitness In The First Trimester// Pelvic Floor and Core Basics to Have a Safe and Active Pregnancy
Hey Mom Friend! I know there are soo many feelings and questions during pregnancy, especially around activity and what “safe” exercises during pregnancy even are. Our time and energy in the first trimester is limited and it can feel so overwhelming navigating the prenatal world and changing body.  You want to make sure your time and especially your energy, is used wisely and not causing harm to you or your growing baby.  I have been there with my own pregnancy journey before I knew all the pelvic floor and prenatal information I know now, and man was it confusing and scary and uncomfortable! I was peeing myself and battled many of the common pregnancy aches and pains: SIJ pain, round ligament pain, sciatica, SPD (pubic bone pain), prolapse and even hemorrhoids! For six years I struggled with some residual leaking and low back issues, until I learned all the tools and exercises I should actually be spending my time on! Then I was able to not only prevent worsening of issues with my subsequent two pregnancies, I was able to heal my leaking and issues while I was pregnant!  Inside this week's episode I am letting you in on all the basic foundational core and pelvic floor information that every pregnant woman should know, and frankly every human.  So even if you are not pregnant this episode is going to help you get back to the basics and strengthen your foundation so you can heal! Stay tuned as this is the first of three in my “Prenatal Fitness Series”! As always, if you are experiencing any pelvic floor/women's health issue like urinary incontinence/leaking, pelvic pain, pain with sex, urgency, heaviness/prolapse or any other back/hip/joint pain let's get you booked for a virtual coaching session or in person physical therapy session for a more individualized plan and one-on-one instructions so you can feel confident in your body and start healing today!!  Make Sure to reach out to>  AND/OR Join my FREE Facebook community for ACCOUNTABILITY and a safe and supportive place to share and support each other!>    Join my VIP Insider group and receive my Newsletter full of great tips and tricks and upcoming resources! >   Follow and get tips/tricks on:  Facebook> @thebalancedmomtality Instagram> @the_balanced_momtality   Learn >
48- Micro Fitness// Quick Easy Workouts For The Busy Mom
Mar 8 2024
48- Micro Fitness// Quick Easy Workouts For The Busy Mom
Hey Friend! Are you tired of not having enough time to exercise or workout and wish there was a way to get in quick exercises that actually are going to make a difference and help you reach your goals?! Micro-fitness, Micro-workouts or the term “Exercise Snacks”, has started to become increasingly popular as we are a society with a full agenda.  Especially for moms who have to juggle kids, house work, marriage, self care and maybe working in or outside the home, it can feel almost impossible to have time to get in any movement. So this concept of micro-workouts is great for busy moms like you and me! It gives us the freedom to play with our time and our exercises to find the type and amount of exercise that works for us at whatever stage in life we are in.  How would it feel to know by the end of the day you got a total or 20-30 minutes of exercise and movement in even without spending 20-30 minutes working out at one time?! I used this strategy throughout my early years of parenthood and postpartum when my babies were always needing or all over me and when I just could not get to the gym, and it helped me stay comfortable and strong throughout my next pregnancies and recovery easier postpartum! Did you know that I used to pee on the trampoline and now I don’t?! I fixed that while I was pregnant with my second and while in PT school and it was because I used this concept of micro-fitness and got in what I could, when I could.  So Inside today’s episode I am laying out what Exercise snacks are and how you can use them throughout your day as well as some more specific exercise options to start with so you make sure you are getting a whole body, well balanced workout!  As always, if you are experiencing any pelvic floor/women's health issue like urinary incontinence/leaking, pelvic pain, pain with sex, urgency, heaviness/prolapse or any other back/hip/joint pain let's get you booked for a virtual coaching session or in person physical therapy session for a more individualized plan and one-on-one instructions so you can feel confident in your body and start healing today!!  Make Sure to reach out to>  AND/OR Join my FREE Facebook community for ACCOUNTABILITY and a safe and supportive place to share and support each other!>    Join my VIP Insider group and receive my Newsletter full of great tips and tricks and upcoming resources! >   Follow and get tips/tricks on:  Facebook> @thebalancedmomtality Instagram> @the_balanced_momtality   Learn >
47- My Journey With Pelvic Pain// Pelvic Congestion Syndrome- A Case Study
Feb 28 2024
47- My Journey With Pelvic Pain// Pelvic Congestion Syndrome- A Case Study
Hey Love, This is the end of the series on pain with intercourse or Dyspareunia and inside this weeks episode I switch it up and let you all in on my own personal journey with pelvic pain. Dyspareunia is a common condition especially women who are postpartum, had tearing/scarring, have history of pelvic/abdominal procedures, have a history of trauma or sexual abuse (even from a pap-smear), have any underlying conditions like interstitial cystitis, vaginismus, constipation, endometriosis, cysts, prolapse and as we will learn in this episode, pelvic congestion syndrome.  Pelvic Congestion Syndrome is a widely under diagnosed condition that can affect many women, especially mommas who have had multiple babies.  Despite my knowledge with this condition and having treated it before, getting diagnosed with it has been surprising to say the least.  Inside this week's episode I will take you through my own personal journey with this condition and pelvic pain so that you can better understand your symptoms and how to advocate for yourself.   While we can have many things contributing to pelvic pain, there is still so much we can do to relieve and resolve symptoms and bring you back to not only a pain-free relationship with sex but a pleasurable one. So stay tuned and let me know what you think and if you would like any more support in achieving any goals around pleasure, intimacy and pelvic pain! As always, if you are experiencing any pelvic floor/women's health issue like urinary incontinence/leaking, pelvic pain, pain with sex, urgency, heaviness/prolapse or any other back/hip/joint pain let's get you booked for a virtual coaching session or in person physical therapy session for a more individualized plan and one-on-one instructions so you can feel confident in your body and start healing today!!  Make Sure to reach out for a coaching session or any questions>  AND/OR Join my FREE Facebook community for ACCOUNTABILITY and a safe and supportive place to share and support each other!>    Join my VIP Insider group and receive my Newsletter full of great tips and tricks and upcoming resources! >   Follow and get tips/tricks on:  Facebook> @thebalancedmomtality Instagram> @the_balanced_momtality   Learn >
46- Dyspareunia// What Sex Is Worth Wanting For You? Reduce Pain and Improve Pleasure- Interview with Sex Therapist Cat Fite
Feb 22 2024
46- Dyspareunia// What Sex Is Worth Wanting For You? Reduce Pain and Improve Pleasure- Interview with Sex Therapist Cat Fite
Hey Love! Today on the show I have special guest Cat Fite, who is a certified sex and couples therapist and also a local therapist in Los Alamos, New Mexico.  We are diving into the mental aspects that affect Dyspareunia and pain with intercourse, everything from pain, trauma and libido! She gives great insight on how sex therapy can help improve your pleasure and help you heal, as well as how we can re-define what type of sex we want to experience.  This is obviously a taboo topic and so I am thrilled that we are spilling all the juicy goodness in this episode to help you have the best sex of your life! We discuss issues with postpartum and (peri) menopausal hormone drops and normalize the reality that despite those changes in your body, sex should still NOT hurt! Pain with intercourse or intimacy is common and wildly normalized, especially women who are postpartum, had tearing/scarring, have history of pelvic/abdominal procedures, have a history of trauma or sexual abuse (even from a papsmear), have any underlying conditions like interstitial cystitis, vaginismus, constipation, endometriosis, cysts, prolapse and even women who are just chronically stressed.  While we can have many things contributing to this pain, there is still so much we can do to relieve and resolve symptoms and bring you back to not only a pain-free relationship with sex but a pleasurable one. Cat is an amazing human and we had so much fun in this interview! So stay tuned and let me know what you think and if you would like any more support in achieving any goals around pleasure, intimacy and pelvic pain! (Cat’s info and mentioned references below)    As always, if you are experiencing any pelvic floor/women's health issue like urinary incontinence/leaking, pelvic pain, pain with sex, urgency, heaviness/prolapse or any other back/hip/joint pain let's get you booked for a virtual coaching session or in person physical therapy session for a more individualized plan and one-on-one instructions so you can feel confident in your body and start healing today!!  Make Sure to reach out to>  AND/OR Join my FREE Facebook community for ACCOUNTABILITY and a safe and supportive place to share and support each other!>    Join my VIP Insider group and receive my Newsletter full of great tips and tricks and upcoming resources! >   Follow and get tips/tricks on:  Facebook> @thebalancedmomtality Instagram> @the_balanced_momtality   Learn >   Cat Fite, LPCC, CST  Couples/Sex Therapist and Sex/Body Positive Educator IG: @catfitecst FB: @hilltopcounselingnm    Resources mentioned in this episode: OMG Yes   Self Serve Sex Resource Center
45- Dyspareunia// Tips and Tools to Improve Pleasure and Stop Pain During Sex
Feb 15 2024
45- Dyspareunia// Tips and Tools to Improve Pleasure and Stop Pain During Sex
Hey Girl! If the thought of being intimate makes you cringe because you haven’t been able to enjoy intimacy, then this episode is for you! This month, because of Valentines Day, I am diving into all things Dyspareunia, or pain with intercourse.  This is a common condition especially women who are postpartum, had tearing/scarring, have history of pelvic/abdominal procedures, have a history of trauma or sexual abuse (even from a papsmear), have any underlying conditions like interstitial cystitis, vaginismus, constipation, endometriosis, cysts, prolapse and even women who are just chronically stressed.  While we can have many things contributing to this pain, there is still so much we can do to relieve and resolve symptoms and bring you back to not only a pain-free relationship with sex but a pleasurable one. Inside this weeks episode I am diving into WHAT you can do to help improve your connection and pleasure and reduce and heal from pain, everything from exercises, breathwork, creams, dilators and mindset! My goal is to get you the best orgasm of your life! So stay tuned and let me know what you think and if you would like any more support in achieving any goals around pleasure, intimacy and pelvic pain! As always, if you are experiencing any pelvic floor/women's health issue like urinary incontinence/leaking, pelvic pain, pain with sex, urgency, heaviness/prolapse or any other back/hip/joint pain let's get you booked for a virtual coaching session or in person physical therapy session for a more individualized plan and one-on-one instructions so you can feel confident in your body and start healing today!! (link for tools and discount code below) Make Sure to reach out to>  AND/OR Join my FREE Facebook community for ACCOUNTABILITY and a safe and supportive place to share and support each other!>    Join my VIP Insider group and receive my Newsletter full of great tips and tricks and upcoming resources! >   Follow and get tips/tricks on:  Facebook> @thebalancedmomtality Instagram> @the_balanced_momtality   Learn >   Intimate Rose Pelvic Wands/Dilators/Vaginal Creams USE CODE: DESIREE2 For $5 OFF!
44- Don't Let Pain During Sex Keep You From Enjoying Intimacy This Valentines Day// What Is Dyspareunia and What Could Be Causing It
Feb 7 2024
44- Don't Let Pain During Sex Keep You From Enjoying Intimacy This Valentines Day// What Is Dyspareunia and What Could Be Causing It
Hey Girl! Valentines Day is right around the corner and so I decided to chat about all things intimacy, sex and pleasure and how pelvic pain can impact all of those areas! If the thought of being intimate makes you cringe because you haven’t been able to enjoy intimacy, then this episode is for you! I am diving into a condition I treat regularly called Dyspareunia, or pain with intercourse.  This is a common condition especially women who are postpartum, had tearing/scarring, have history of pelvic/abdominal procedures, have a history of trauma or sexual abuse (even from a papsmear), have any underlying conditions like interstitial cystitis, vaginismus, constipation, endometriosis, cysts, prolapse and even women who are just chronically stressed.  While we can have many things contributing to this pain, there is still so much we can do to relieve and resolve symptoms and bring you back to not only a pain-free relationship with sex but a pleasurable one. My goal is to get you the best orgasm of your life! So stay tuned and let me know what you think and if you would like any more support in achieving any goals around pleasure, intimacy and pelvic pain!  As always, if you are experiencing any pelvic floor/women's health issue like urinary incontinence/leaking, pelvic pain, pain with sex, urgency, heaviness/prolapse or any other back/hip/joint pain let's get you booked for a virtual coaching session or in person physical therapy session for a more individualized plan and one-on-one instructions so you can feel confident in your body and start healing today!!  Make Sure to reach out to>  AND/OR Join my FREE Facebook community for ACCOUNTABILITY and a safe and supportive place to share and support each other!>    Join my VIP Insider group and receive my Newsletter full of great tips and tricks and upcoming resources! >   Follow and get tips/tricks on:  Facebook> @thebalancedmomtality Instagram> @the_balanced_momtality Learn >
43- Restore Your Core Check List// Know The Steps To a Strong Pelvic Floor
Feb 2 2024
43- Restore Your Core Check List// Know The Steps To a Strong Pelvic Floor
Hey Girl! As you navigate your healing and fitness journey it can feel overwhelming and hard to know if you are focusing on what you are supposed to.  So I created a Restore your core check list that will guide you through the steps that you need to take when working on recovery and healing.  Whether you are pregnant, postpartum and just had a baby, had a pelvic/abdominal or back surgery or just are feeling weak and maybe experiencing some leaking, pain or prolapse this checklist will help guide you so you can make sure that you are not only addressing your symptoms and getting a stronger core, but will also optimize your functional movement patterns and much more! Inside today’s episode I break down the different aspects in the checklist and help give you a framework on where to start with your healing journey! I have also created a checklist hand out that you can access HERE! If you are experiencing any pelvic floor/women's health issue like urinary incontinence/leaking, pelvic pain, pain with sex, urgency, heaviness/prolapse or any other back/hip/joint pain let's get you booked for a virtual coaching session or in person physical therapy session for a more individualized plan and one-on-one instructions so you can feel confident in your body and start healing today!!  Make Sure to reach out to>  AND/OR Join my FREE Facebook community for ACCOUNTABILITY and a safe and supportive place to share and support each other!>    Join my VIP Insider group and receive my Newsletter full of great tips and tricks and upcoming resources! >   Follow and get tips/tricks on:  Facebook> @thebalancedmomtality Instagram> @the_balanced_momtalityLearn >
42- Ditch This Tool That May Be Sabotaging Your Health and Wellness Goals As You Navigate The New Year
Jan 24 2024
42- Ditch This Tool That May Be Sabotaging Your Health and Wellness Goals As You Navigate The New Year
Hey Love!   While diving into goal making and creating an action plan this last couple weeks (check out the past couple week’s episodes if you haven’t), I talked about creating value based goals and trying not to focus on goals that can set you up for failure. Goals like “No sugar”or weight loss goals can take away from you WHY.  WHY do you want to reach those goals. This will shift your mindset around them so that they are more likely to be accomplished because you align with who that person is at the end of that goal.  Inside today’s episode I am diving in more to a tool that you should be ditching this year that also is mostly likely going to sabotage your health and wellness goals.  I know weight loss is a big goal for many, especially postpartum moms who feel the desire to “bounce back after baby” and get back in their own skin.  However, when we approach weight loss goals with the only goal being “Lose the weight”, it can set us up to fail because the weight is not a true indicator of many of the things we give it power to tell us.  So if you were making a weight loss goal this year or contemplating your health, make sure to stay tuned to this episode where I dive into ditching this damn thing, but also how you can still reach those goals with a little mindset shift and using a different measure for your outcome! Even during pregnancy this is something that the providers put alot of energy into, but as the pregnant woman, if your provider is not concerned about your weight, neither should you.   If you are experiencing any pelvic floor/women's health issue like urinary incontinence/leaking, pelvic pain, pain with sex, urgency, heaviness/prolapse or any other back/hip/joint pain let's get you booked for a virtual coaching session or in person physical therapy session for a more individualized plan and one-on-one instructions so you can feel confident in your body and start healing today!!  Make Sure to reach out to>  AND/OR Join my FREE Facebook community for ACCOUNTABILITY and a safe and supportive place to share and support each other!>    Join my VIP Insider group and receive my Newsletter full of great tips and tricks and upcoming resources! >   Follow and get tips/tricks on:  Facebook> @thebalancedmomtality Instagram> @the_balanced_momtality   Learn >
41- This Mindset Shift Is The Key To Consistency and Showing Up To Reach Your Goals in 2024
Jan 17 2024
41- This Mindset Shift Is The Key To Consistency and Showing Up To Reach Your Goals in 2024
Hey Momma! Are you feeling motivated and excited as we enter the New Year?! Ready and clear on what and where you want to spend your time and what goals you want to work towards? OR maybe you feel overwhelmed and hopeless at even the idea of goal making because you haven’t been able to be consistent enough in the past to actual accomplish the goals you set for yourself?! Either way, I want to help you shift your mindset so that you can finally BE CONSISTENT and SHOW UP for yourself and your goals in 2024! As busy moms who are balancing homemaking, marriage, pregnancy, postpartum, littles running around, and maybe a career, squeezing in anything for ourselves can feel impossible, and frankly ends up at the bottom of our list and doesn’t get done.  However, inside this weeks episode I am going to help you with a big mindset shift so you can feel hopeful and empowered to not only make those goals but also start working towards them one step at a time.  It’s not about always getting in what we planned.  It is about showing up every week, even if its a little bit.  Keep moving forward and put yourself first! Whether it is a fitness/pelvic floor goal or a goal to be more organized, the way we think about that goal can make all the difference.  So stay tuned if you want to learn how to shift your mindset to show up consistently this year and crush your goals!  As always, if you are experiencing any pelvic floor/women's health issue like urinary incontinence/leaking, pelvic pain, pain with sex, urgency, heaviness/prolapse or any other back/hip/joint pain let's get you booked for a virtual coaching session or in person physical therapy session for a more individualized plan and one-on-one instructions so you can feel confident in your body and start healing today!!  Make Sure to reach out to>  AND/OR Join my FREE Facebook community for ACCOUNTABILITY and a safe and supportive place to share and support each other!>    Join my VIP Insider group and receive my Newsletter full of great tips and tricks and upcoming resources! >   Follow and get tips/tricks on:  Facebook> @thebalancedmomtality Instagram> @the_balanced_momtality   Learn >