The Simplicity of Wellness Podcast

Amy White

The Simplicity of Wellness podcast is about learning how to bring your body into balance so that you get leaner, stronger and healthier as you age. Each week I'll share thoughts and ideas that help my clients build the self-awareness, self-confidence and self-reliance to lose weight, shed inches, manage muscle mass and master their mind so that they can stop dieting and enjoy living at their healthy weight with optimal wellness.

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Being Out of Balance Is Making You Feel Broken
3d ago
Being Out of Balance Is Making You Feel Broken
Questions, comments? Shoot me a text.Wave goodbye to the feeling of being 'metabolically broken' and embark on a transformative journey towards balance in your health and life. Our latest episode strips away the myths entangling menopause and type 2 diabetes management, substituting them with a blueprint for dietary harmony. You'll find comfort in knowing that the elusive 'magic pill' is no match for the practical strategies we lay out. We're talking protein-packed meals, low-sugar veggies, and fats that fuel wellness—sans the overwhelm. And it's not just about what's on your plate; we're flipping the script on reading nutrition labels, ensuring you can spot the protein champions easily.Embrace the mantra: Your health is in your hands, and belief is your superpower. This episode isn't just about shedding weight—it's about sculpting a leaner, stronger, and healthier you that thrives through menopause, bustles past a busy schedule, and ages like fine wine. We're putting the power of personalization on a pedestal, encouraging you to tailor your diet and fitness to your unique rhythm. And because we know life doesn't hit pause for health, I'm dishing out my go-to list for nutritious snacks that keep pace with your fast-forward life. Together, we're mapping a route to sustainable body management, one small daily decision at a time.Healthy Snacks List: Get It HereWeight Loss Coaching Program: Hangry to Healthy™Get Your Food Audit HereWhat to Eat Guide: Healthy Food ListSchedule Your Free Consult: Lose Weight For The Last TimeWebsite: The Simplicity of WellnessFollow Me on Instagram
Regaining Your Center After Indulgent Celebrations
May 22 2024
Regaining Your Center After Indulgent Celebrations
Questions, comments? Shoot me a text.Ever found yourself stepping off the scale, astonished by the number after a week of celebration? I, Amy White, have been there—after a family festivity filled with delicious Vermont Maple Creamies and a bevy of cheeses, my weight danced up by seven pounds. But before you start stressing about that number, join me in understanding why these fluctuations are part of our body's natural rhythm. In my latest episode, I'll share why it's not only normal but okay to have these changes, and how maintaining a comfortable weight range is far more vital than fixating on a singular goal weight. You'll walk away with an empowering perspective on how to handle post-celebration returns to routine, and the importance of keeping your kitchen stocked with foods that are good for you 'most of the time'.Now, let's talk strategy—how do we navigate the endless food choices, especially when life's hustle and bustle barely gives us a moment to think? It's simpler than you might imagine, and it starts with being mindful of our eating. In this episode, I'll guide you through the process of becoming attuned to how different foods affect your well-being, and how this awareness can lead to better choices without imposing restrictions. Whether you're at home or facing the chaos of the outside world, I've got practical tips and resources for picking healthy snacks that don't compromise on convenience or nutrition. Get ready to learn how to adapt your diet on the fly and make peace with the ebb and flow of your eating habits for a happier, healthier you.Healthy Snacks List: Get It HereWeight Loss Coaching Program: Hangry to Healthy™Get Your Food Audit HereWhat to Eat Guide: Healthy Food ListSchedule Your Free Consult: Lose Weight For The Last TimeWebsite: The Simplicity of WellnessFollow Me on Instagram
The Intention of Lasting Weight Loss
May 15 2024
The Intention of Lasting Weight Loss
Questions, comments? Shoot me a text.Embark on an uplifting journey with me, Amy White, as we explore a refreshing perspective on weight loss that defies the traditional woes of dieting. I'll share an extraordinary narrative featuring a client's inspiring transformation—a testament to the power of cultivating self-trust, savoring food, and harnessing body awareness. This tale isn't merely about shedding pounds; it's a profound metamorphosis that redefines the relationship with nutrition and self-image. Prepare to embrace a happier, healthier lifestyle that naturally aligns with weight management goals, all while relishing the foods you love without a hint of sacrifice.Imagine a world where maintaining a healthy weight feels as routine as your daily shower—this episode unpacks the secrets to seamlessly integrating wholesome habits into the very fabric of your life. We'll navigate the balance between diet, exercise, and life's other 'levers' to maintain optimal wellness without it feeling onerous. For our ever-busy listeners, I've got you covered with a bonus: a link to easily accessible, nutritious snack options perfect for those on-the-move moments. Tune in to learn how to keep your life energized, restful, and gratifying, paving the way for lasting weight management and a zestful existence.Healthy Snacks List: Get It HereWeight Loss Coaching Program: Hangry to Healthy™Get Your Food Audit HereWhat to Eat Guide: Healthy Food ListSchedule Your Free Consult: Lose Weight For The Last TimeWebsite: The Simplicity of WellnessFollow Me on Instagram
Enjoying Every Bite: The Joyful Path to Sustainable Weight Loss
May 8 2024
Enjoying Every Bite: The Joyful Path to Sustainable Weight Loss
Questions, comments? Shoot me a text.Embark on a transformative journey with me, Amy White, as we unlock the secrets to a healthier, leaner you, minus the agonizing grind that weight loss is often portrayed to be. Imagine losing weight while reveling in every bite, every choice, and every moment of your day – it's not only doable, it's the heart of our latest discussion. Our conversation pivots around the joy of eating and living well, shattering the belief that discomfort is a necessary companion to shedding pounds. We'll dissect how intuitive eating, food confidence, and a harmonious relationship with your meals can effortlessly lead to a slimmer and more jubilant self. Today's episode is a deep dive into the ethos of sustainable weight management, where the scales tipping in your favor is a delightful side effect of loving the food you eat and the life you live. We're nixing the idea of 'forbidden foods' and instead, categorizing our plates into what nourishes us often, sometimes, and just once in a blue moon. I'll be your guide, providing you with the know-how to navigate the world of healthy snacking for the perpetually busy, ensuring that weight loss is not a fleeting trend but a satisfying shift towards lasting wellness. Join us, and redefine your weight loss saga into one where balance, peace, and mouth-watering satisfaction take the spotlight.Healthy Snacks List: Get It HereWeight Loss Coaching Program: Hangry to Healthy™Get Your Food Audit HereWhat to Eat Guide: Healthy Food ListSchedule Your Free Consult: Lose Weight For The Last TimeWebsite: The Simplicity of WellnessFollow Me on Instagram
The No-Cry Formula to Dropping Pounds and Feeling Great
May 1 2024
The No-Cry Formula to Dropping Pounds and Feeling Great
Questions, comments? Shoot me a text.Join me, Amy White, as I unravel the truth behind lasting weight loss, and trust me, it's not about punishing diets or grueling workouts. In our latest episode, we delve into the art of maintaining a healthy calorie deficit that will have you shedding pounds without shedding tears. It's time to change the narrative on weight loss and discover how small, sustainable habit changes can transform your journey into a rewarding lifestyle. Get ready to be inspired by an amazing success story, proving that this approach isn't just effective, but also enjoyable and completely achievable!Ever find yourself reaching for a snack when life's pace kicks into high gear? You're not alone, and you don't have to sacrifice nutrition for convenience. In this episode, I revisit the critical points on calorie consumption from "Cracking the Calorie Code" and provide you with the ultimate guide to healthy snacking. Accessible with a simple click in the show notes, this list will arm you with the knowledge to make smarter food choices on the go. Remember, your feedback fuels our content, so after tuning in, don't hesitate to leave stars and comments – let's embark on this health journey together!Healthy Snacks List: Get It HereWeight Loss Coaching Program: Hangry to Healthy™Get Your Food Audit HereWhat to Eat Guide: Healthy Food ListSchedule Your Free Consult: Lose Weight For The Last TimeWebsite: The Simplicity of WellnessFollow Me on Instagram
Measurable Action the Secret to Getting What You Want
Apr 24 2024
Measurable Action the Secret to Getting What You Want
Questions, comments? Shoot me a text.Embark on a transformative journey with me, Amy White, your guide to a leaner, stronger, and healthier you. Imagine setting goals that not only challenge you but also evolve with your body's changing needs. In our latest episode, we're uncovering the power of measurable actions and why the scale doesn't always tell the whole story. I'll share my own routines and how tracking simple habits, like food intake, can illuminate the path to wellness. Together, we'll explore how to adjust your strategies for lasting results, ensuring your progress is as dynamic as you are.Let's talk about starting with the basics — your diet. Have you ever considered how small changes, like cutting out snacks or turning off the TV during meals, could dramatically shift your relationship with food? Tune in as I divulge practical tips for mindful eating and invite you to join me in a week-long experiment that just might change your perspective on weight loss. Plus, as a token of my gratitude, I'm offering listeners a starter food list to help you reset your gut health, elevate your energy levels, and transition into a fat-burning state. It's all about setting the stage for a balanced approach to shedding pounds and feeling great.Healthy Snacks List: Get It HereWeight Loss Coaching Program: Hangry to Healthy™Get Your Food Audit HereWhat to Eat Guide: Healthy Food ListSchedule Your Free Consult: Lose Weight For The Last TimeWebsite: The Simplicity of WellnessFollow Me on Instagram
Rewriting Your Wellness Story: Proactive Health Over Genetic Fate
Apr 17 2024
Rewriting Your Wellness Story: Proactive Health Over Genetic Fate
Questions, comments? Shoot me a text.Say goodbye to the notion of 'lucky genes' being the key to robust health as we age. Today's episode is a revelation, a decisive call to action for anyone ready to sculpt their wellness destiny with their own hands. I'm here to tell you that the vibrant individuals over 50, managing conditions like type 2 diabetes with apparent ease, aren't just fortunate anomalies; they're testament to the power of intention. We'll uncover the habits and choices that keep them thriving and debunk the genetic destiny myth, empowering you with strategies to take charge of your health journey, step by intentional step.Struggling with weight loss is a tale as old as time, but in this conversation, we're flipping the script. We'll navigate the food maze, categorizing eats into what should be on your plate most, occasionally, and almost never. Forget leaving your health to chance; I'm here to equip you with a starter food list that's less about chance and more about choice, aimed at boosting gut health, energy levels, and your body's natural fat-burning power. Whether you're battling the bulge or just looking to maintain your vitality, join me as we chart a course toward lasting wellness, all through the profound yet simple act of making informed dietary decisions.Healthy Snacks List: Get It HereWeight Loss Coaching Program: Hangry to Healthy™Get Your Food Audit HereWhat to Eat Guide: Healthy Food ListSchedule Your Free Consult: Lose Weight For The Last TimeWebsite: The Simplicity of WellnessFollow Me on Instagram
Cracking the Calorie Code: Energy Management for Permanent Weight Loss
Apr 10 2024
Cracking the Calorie Code: Energy Management for Permanent Weight Loss
Questions, comments? Shoot me a text.Ever wondered why some people seem to lose weight effortlessly while others struggle to drop even a single pound? We're peeling back the layers on the calorie conundrum, giving you the lowdown on how these energy units affect your weight loss journey. Dive into the fascinating world of Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), Thermic Effect of Food (TEF), and the stealthy calorie-burner, Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT). We're not just talking about hitting the gym; learn how every little movement counts in your quest to shed those unwanted pounds. Plus, we'll explore why your waistline might expand as you age and what roles muscle mass and daily activity play in this maddening trend.Say goodbye to fleeting fad diets and hello to a lasting transformation with our Hangry to Healthy Weight Loss coaching program. Discover how balancing your body and tweaking your metabolism is the secret sauce to feeling energetic and keeping digestive woes at bay. Whether you're a fasting fanatic or a macro-tracking master, we'll show you how to craft a personalized weight loss formula that sticks. We're also rolling out the red carpet for our listeners eager to join us this April; let's embark on this healthful journey together, armed with starter food lists and fat-burning insights, all designed to help you achieve that effortlessly balanced body you've been dreaming of.Healthy Snacks List: Get It HereWeight Loss Coaching Program: Hangry to Healthy™Get Your Food Audit HereWhat to Eat Guide: Healthy Food ListSchedule Your Free Consult: Lose Weight For The Last TimeWebsite: The Simplicity of WellnessFollow Me on Instagram
Conquering Snack-Cidents: Strategies for Aligning Treats with Your Health Goals
Apr 3 2024
Conquering Snack-Cidents: Strategies for Aligning Treats with Your Health Goals
Questions, comments? Shoot me a text.Ever found yourself inadvertently demolishing a pack of cookies during a late-night kitchen raid? You’re not alone in the battle against snack-cidents, those impromptu indulgences that blindside our health goals. Join us as we strategize on intercepting these dietary faux pas with transition foods and value match snacks that align with our nutritional aims, yet still satisfy our cravings. I bare it all with a personal reveal of my own snacking strategies, including my go-to high-protein treat that keeps me on the straight and narrow. Plus, we'll talk about a client's skirmish with brownies at a meeting and how a protein-packed alternative turned her slip-up into a victory.Taking control of your eating habits might seem daunting, but it's a journey we can embark on together. In our energizing discussion, we explore the transformative Hangry to Healthy program, framing a roadmap to healthier choices and customized solutions for your unique dietary needs. It's about finding foods that gratify us, stabilize our blood sugar, and naturally tilt our preferences towards nourishment. We'll cheer on the shifts that lead to a balanced body and tease the latest scoop on the program’s open enrollment. Ready to revamp your relationship with food and find peace with your plate? I've got a starter food list on deck to launch your health odyssey—one satiating snack at a time.Healthy Snacks List: Get It HereWeight Loss Coaching Program: Hangry to Healthy™Get Your Food Audit HereWhat to Eat Guide: Healthy Food ListSchedule Your Free Consult: Lose Weight For The Last TimeWebsite: The Simplicity of WellnessFollow Me on Instagram
3 Fixes to Kick Start Weight Loss
Mar 27 2024
3 Fixes to Kick Start Weight Loss
Questions, comments? Shoot me a text.Ever felt like your relationship with food is more complicated than a daytime soap opera? You're not alone, and this episode is the heart-to-heart you've been craving. I share the nitty-gritty on how to untangle the dieting web, highlighting the pitfalls that can trip you up, such as a preoccupation with food, disregarding your body's hunger cues, and a murky understanding of how each morsel affects you. Get ready for my personal strategies that pivot your diet towards simplicity and joy—think pre-cooked meals and a love affair with foods that don't just whisper sweet nothings but shout declarations of deliciousness to your taste buds!Strap in for a culinary revelation where we redefine what it means to satisfy and satiate your hunger. Without skimping on the flavors you adore, we construct a master plan for meals that mix protein, veggies, and healthy fats to nourish you, curb those pesky cravings, and cultivate a natural calorie deficit. By the end of our chat, you'll not only have the blueprint for weight loss without the deprivation but you'll also snag an exclusive starter food list that's been turning angry digestive systems into purring kittens of contentment. These are the first steps towards balancing your body and reigniting your weight loss journey—no deprivation necessary, just pure, enlightened eating.Healthy Snacks List: Get It HereWeight Loss Coaching Program: Hangry to Healthy™Get Your Food Audit HereWhat to Eat Guide: Healthy Food ListSchedule Your Free Consult: Lose Weight For The Last TimeWebsite: The Simplicity of WellnessFollow Me on Instagram
Unlocking the Secrets to Sustainable Weight Loss
Mar 13 2024
Unlocking the Secrets to Sustainable Weight Loss
Questions, comments? Shoot me a text.Fed up with the relentless cycle of weight loss and regain? Say goodbye to the frustration as we uncover the transformative power of lifestyle changes over temporary diet fixes. I'm Amy White, your navigator through the maze of health and wellness, and in this episode, I delve into why ditching calorie counting for long-term habits is the ultimate game-changer for maintaining your health goals. You'll learn how traditional dieting can sabotage your metabolism and muscles, plus the strategies to flip the script towards nourishing your body and sustaining your ideal weight.Imagine your body as a trusty companion, ready to join you in life's adventures, be it a spontaneous trip or simply carrying groceries without a strain. This episode isn't just about shedding pounds; it's about fortifying your health and syncing your physical capabilities with your ambitions. I'll share invaluable insights on how to enhance gut health, rev up your energy, and keep your metabolism firing on all cylinders with smart food choices. Tune in and embrace the path to becoming lean and staying strong, where every meal and movement leads you closer to a balanced, vibrant life.Healthy Snacks List: Get It HereWeight Loss Coaching Program: Hangry to Healthy™Get Your Food Audit HereWhat to Eat Guide: Healthy Food ListSchedule Your Free Consult: Lose Weight For The Last TimeWebsite: The Simplicity of WellnessFollow Me on Instagram
Harnessing Inner Narratives for Personal Empowerment
Mar 6 2024
Harnessing Inner Narratives for Personal Empowerment
Questions, comments? Shoot me a text.Have you ever felt your own thoughts spiraling out of control at the worst possible moment? I've been there—standing in the midst of hosting duties, my health and fitness regime is the last thing on my mind. Suddenly, self-doubt creeps in, and I find myself wrestling with a barrage of negative thoughts. This episode is for anyone who's struggled to maintain a grip on their mental well-being when life throws curveballs. I get candid about the tactics I've turned to in order to confront the mental gremlins and share how you too can identify when your brain is crafting stories that don't serve you. It's a heart-to-heart about reclaiming the narrative and staying true to what we know works for our own health and happiness.As someone who's navigated the murky waters of uncertainty with regards to body and health, I understand the importance of having a process to trust. It's all about finding and personalizing a strategy that resonates with you—something I'll help you do with a special offer for a free consultation to discuss wellness plans. We'll talk about the transformation that begins with challenging your thoughts and reshaping them into something positive. Together, we'll learn the art of conscious thinking to guide our emotions and ultimately take back control. So listen in, and let's embark on this journey toward a more serene and empowered life.Podcast about Levers: Eps3Healthy Snacks List: Get It HereWeight Loss Coaching Program: Hangry to Healthy™Get Your Food Audit HereWhat to Eat Guide: Healthy Food ListSchedule Your Free Consult: Lose Weight For The Last TimeWebsite: The Simplicity of WellnessFollow Me on Instagram
Let Food Feel Easy and Results Happen
Feb 28 2024
Let Food Feel Easy and Results Happen
Questions, comments? Shoot me a text.Get ready to unlock the secrets of sustainable wellness through the transformative power of effortless eating. Our deep dive investigates the vital role of consistency in dietary choices, as we reveal how to sidestep the chaos of yo-yo dieting and instead nourish your body with purpose. With a focus on selecting nutrient-rich foods and establishing simple, reliable eating habits, this episode unpacks the art of sending the right signals to your body. You'll learn how to indulge in any food without the guilt, by effectively managing your needs and interpreting your body's cues through a balanced diet.Take the reins on your health journey with our practical guide to making healthy eating a breeze. I'll share my personal strategies for meal planning, and you'll get a glimpse into my fridge—stocked with quick options that fit seamlessly within health goals. Discover how to harness the power of convenient, nutritious meals and the importance of clear food messaging to your body. Plus, don't miss the chance to perform a self-audit with our starter food list designed for optimal gut health and energy, available in the show notes. Whether you're a seasoned health enthusiast or just starting out, this episode is your gateway to a lifestyle where food becomes your ally in achieving lasting wellness.Healthy Snacks List: Get It HereWeight Loss Coaching Program: Hangry to Healthy™Get Your Food Audit HereWhat to Eat Guide: Healthy Food ListSchedule Your Free Consult: Lose Weight For The Last TimeWebsite: The Simplicity of WellnessFollow Me on Instagram
Transforming Health With Simple Lifestyle Tweaks
Feb 21 2024
Transforming Health With Simple Lifestyle Tweaks
Questions, comments? Shoot me a text.Unlock the secrets to a harmonious life by tuning into your body's unique wellness needs with this latest podcast. We delve into the transformative triad of food, movement, and self-care, revealing how tweaking just a few practical 'levers' can significantly enhance your health. Prepare to be empowered as I walk you through the pivotal role of protein in your diet and why it's the first food lever to adjust. You’ll also discover why a simple walk is your cornerstone movement for stress relief and setting the stage for more demanding workouts down the line. Plus, we can't overlook sleep—far from a mere indulgence, this self-care staple is essential for taming those pesky cravings and getting your appetite on track.Imagine feeling rejuvenated and balanced without ever stepping foot in a gym—our conversation explores exactly that. Focusing on manageable changes, one at a time, creates a ripple effect of well-being. Whether you're just starting your health journey or seeking to refine it, the starter food list from my Hungry to Healthy Weight Loss program, shared during this episode, is your roadmap to a contented gut and the beginning of a fat-burning transformation. Join us as we guide you through finding your personal equilibrium, and the journey to optimal health both attainable and enjoyable.Healthy Snacks List: Get It HereWeight Loss Coaching Program: Hangry to Healthy™Get Your Food Audit HereWhat to Eat Guide: Healthy Food ListSchedule Your Free Consult: Lose Weight For The Last TimeWebsite: The Simplicity of WellnessFollow Me on Instagram
Mastering Body Balance: Your Path to Wellness and Permanent Weight Loss
Feb 14 2024
Mastering Body Balance: Your Path to Wellness and Permanent Weight Loss
Questions, comments? Shoot me a text.Unlock the door to a harmonious and healthy life with body balance—the bedrock of wellness and your ally in sustainable weight management. Wave goodbye to the days of confusing common ailments with normality, as we lay bare the critical misconceptions that hinder our health progress. Feel the empowerment as we delve into how to keep constant hunger, mood swings, and cravings at bay. Embark on a transformative journey that promises not just changes in your physical appearance but a newfound satisfaction in your meals and a guilt-free relationship with indulgence.Change can be daunting, but it's the elixir of progress. This episode invites you to shift your mindset and opens up a world of opportunity for personal growth and lasting wellbeing. I'll share the significance of a supportive community and the immense value found in professional guidance. Tune in for an engaging conversation on the art of maintaining body balance through diet, exercise, and quality sleep, and don't forget to check the show notes for a starter food list designed to propel you toward weight loss and a healthier state of being. Let's step into this journey together and make living well a seamless part of your everyday life.Healthy Snacks List: Get It HereWeight Loss Coaching Program: Hangry to Healthy™Get Your Food Audit HereWhat to Eat Guide: Healthy Food ListSchedule Your Free Consult: Lose Weight For The Last TimeWebsite: The Simplicity of WellnessFollow Me on Instagram