Two Recruiters: Zero Filter

Two Recruiters

At Two Recruiters: Zero Filter, we're on a mission to demystify the hiring process, share insider tips, and empower you to maneuver through the professional world with confidence. With more than 30 years of combined experience navigating the intricate web of job markets, talent acquisition, and career development, we're here to spill the tea on everything career related. But wait, there’s more! We will dive into many life topics that are interesting to us as well.  Get ready for a rollercoaster of insights, stories, and no-holds-barred advice!
Join us for conversations that matter – where work, life, and authenticity collide in the most unexpected and rewarding ways.
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S2E8: Final Layoff Update - What's the Story?
May 16 2024
S2E8: Final Layoff Update - What's the Story?
🎙️✨In this episode, Tracey and Danielle come full circle with an update from Danielle on her journey after being laid off. She has transitioned into the gig economy, working as a career coach and a contract recruiter in the home health space. Additionally, she is pursuing her passion for animal wellness and is getting certified in animal massage and nutrition response testing. Tracey and Danielle discuss the challenges of being a gig worker, such as healthcare and benefits, but also highlight the freedom that comes from finding a way to do the things you love and that fill your cup. They emphasize being open on the opportunities you will consider when in the job market as well as the importance of networking and persistence in finding new opportunities. Overall, Danielle feels that being laid off has allowed her to explore different roles and pursue her passions.Keywordslayoff, gig economy, career coaching, contract recruiting, animal wellness, networking, persistenceTakeawaysTransitioning into the gig economy can provide freedom and control over workNetworking and persistence are key in finding new opportunitiesBeing laid off can lead to exploring different roles and pursuing passionsChallenges of gig work include healthcare and benefitsChapters00:00Introduction and Background05:23Benefits and Challenges of Gig Work09:53The Future of Healthcare for Gig Workers14:39The Power of Networking in the Gig EconomyDanielle and Tracey are friends who also happen to have the same career - Talent Acquisition. They are both Recruiters with a passion for people. This podcast aims to help listeners to better understand the workforce, land jobs, and get an inside look at the behind the scenes of Recuiting. Most importantly, Tracey and Danielle are your friends in navigating this crazy thing called life. Facebook: Two Recruiters: Zero FilterInstagram: tworecruiterszerofilterLinkedIn: two-recruiters-zero-filter🎼 Music Credit: Andy Brey -
S2E7: Resume Tips - It’s An Appetizer Not The Full Meal
May 9 2024
S2E7: Resume Tips - It’s An Appetizer Not The Full Meal
🎙️✨ In this episode, Tracey and Danielle share their lists of dos and don'ts for creating a standout resume. They kick off the conversation with some interesting facts about the history of resumes. So interesting you might find yourself sharing them with your family and friends. From there, it's time to share those lists! First up is the value and importance of highlighting achievements and accomplishments- those moments that make you stand out from everyone else! Next, they dive into the details, stressing the need for a clear and concise resume that gets straight to the point, tips for tailoring your resume to each job, having multiple versions of your resume and the value of regularly updating your resume. You've heard the phrase it takes a village to raise a child? Tracey and Danielle share with you how those you know can provide valuable help to you. But wait, there's more! They share valuable insight on why it is important to focus on hard skills rather than soft skills, whether you should use a  fancy template, pretty colors or tables and graphs. What to do with your references and cover letters? They have great advice to share on those too. The conversation concludes with a reminder to be flexible and willing to make changes to your resume based on feedback.Keywords resume, dos and don'ts, achievements, concise language, quantifying information, multiple versions, proofreading, accomplishments, resume, dos and don'ts, achievements, tailoring, hard skills, soft skills, templates, graphs, references, cover letters, flexibilityTakeawaysHighlight your achievements and accomplishments on your resumeBe clear, concise, and specific in your languageQuantify and qualify information to provide a clear picture of your experienceHave multiple versions of your resume for different types of rolesConstantly update and proofread your resumeHave others review your resume for feedbackKeep a spreadsheet of your accomplishments Include quantifiable achievements and use action verbs to highlight your accomplishments.Tailor your resume to the specific job description to show how your skills align with the requirements.Focus on hard skills rather than generic soft skills.Avoid using fancy templates, graphs, or charts that may not translate well in applicant tracking systems.Do not include references or cover letters unless specifically requested.Be flexible and willing to make changes to your resume based on feedback.Chapters00:00Introduction and History of Resumes06:34Dos: Highlighting Achievements and Using Concise Language13:15Dos: Quantifying and Qualifying Information on Your Resume30:01References and Cover Letters: When to Include and When to Skip40:12Be Flexible and Willing to Make Changes to Your Resume49:56ConclusionDanielle and Tracey are friends who also happen to have the same career - Talent Acquisition. They are both Recruiters with a passion for people. This podcast aims to help listeners to better understand the workforce, land jobs, and get an inside look at the behind the scenes of Recuiting. Most importantly, Tracey and Danielle are your friends in navigating this crazy thing called life. Facebook: Two Recruiters: Zero FilterInstagram: tworecruiterszerofilterLinkedIn: two-recruiters-zero-filter🎼 Music Credit: Andy Brey -
S2E6: Perspectives from a VP of Talent Acquisition - Building Talent Pipeline
May 2 2024
S2E6: Perspectives from a VP of Talent Acquisition - Building Talent Pipeline
SummaryAntonio Fiorentino, VP of Talent Acquisition at Valet Living, discusses the importance of candidate experience. He emphasizes the need for organizations to prioritize candidate communication and follow-up, as well as the value of surveying candidates for feedback. He also advocates for transparency in job postings, including salary ranges and information about work environment and benefits. He encourages job seekers to maintain a positive attitude and build resilience during their job search, personal growth and learning from challenges. Tracey, Danielle and Antonio cover various themes related to job search, recruitment, and the future of work. The main topics include taking risks and embracing opportunities, being present and focused, using technology to improve the recruitment process, inclusive hiring and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), and the future of recruiting. Additionally, the conversation explores the impact of remote work and the importance of flexibility in the workplace. In this conversation, Antonio Fiorentino shares insights and advice on work-life balance, job seeking, hiring, and recruiting.  Antonio provides practical tips for job seekers, such as tracking applications and customizing resumes, and advises hiring managers to actively engage in the hiring process and understand the business they are hiring for. He also highlights the value of filling gaps in resumes and continuous self-improvement as a recruiter. TakeawaysCandidate experience is a crucial aspect of talent acquisition and should be prioritized by organizations.Surveying candidates for feedback can provide valuable insights and help improve the recruitment process.Transparency in job postings, including salary ranges and information about work environment, can attract the right candidates and manage expectations.Personal growth and learning from challenges can lead to new opportunities and success. Maintaining a positive mindset is crucial when facing challenges in the job search process.Taking risks and embracing opportunities can lead to unexpected career growth and development.Being present and focused in conversations and tasks can improve productivity and connection.Using technology effectively can enhance the recruitment process and improve candidate experience.Inclusive hiring practices and a focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are essential for creating a positive work environment.The future of recruiting will involve a combination of automation, technology, and a focus on candidate experience.Hiring managers should actively engage in the hiring process, understand the business, and use a structured interview process.Filling gaps in resumes with relevant activities and experiences can help address potential red flags.Cover letters are not commonly read by recruiters, and simplicity and clarity are important in resumes.Danielle and Tracey are friends who also happen to have the same career - Talent Acquisition. They are both Recruiters with a passion for people. This podcast aims to help listeners to better understand the workforce, land jobs, and get an inside look at the behind the scenes of Recuiting. Most importantly, Tracey and Danielle are your friends in navigating this crazy thing called life. Facebook: Two Recruiters: Zero FilterInstagram: tworecruiterszerofilterLinkedIn: two-recruiters-zero-filter🎼 Music Credit: Andy Brey -
S2E5 - Big Ideas: Tailor Made Bots And More in 2024
Apr 25 2024
S2E5 - Big Ideas: Tailor Made Bots And More in 2024
🚨 Language Alert: The F word is used once at the 31:29 mark 🎙️✨  Danielle and Tracey discuss some of the 34 big ideas that will change our world in 2024, as outlined in an article on LinkedIn. They cover topics such as living to 100, the rise of tailor-made bots, the fear of being obsolete, the great negotiation between employers and Gen Z, and the use of AI in job applications. They also touch on the potential impact of AI on dating apps and the outsourcing of jobs to Mexico. The conversation highlights the rapid advancements and potential challenges that lie ahead in the near future.Keywordscoffee, sleep economy, unretirement, teacher pay, backdoor remote jobs, centenarians, living to 100, tailor-made bots, fear of being obsolete, great negotiation, AI in job applications, outsourcing jobs to Mexico, AI in dating appsTakeawaysThe cost of coffee is increasing, and there are efforts to encourage the use of reusable cups.The sleep economy is growing, with companies investing in sleep trackers and sleep specialists.Some retirees are choosing to return to work due to financial reasons and boredom.Teacher pay is being increased in some states to attract and retain educators.Backdoor remote jobs, where employees work remotely without others knowing, may lead to issues of fairness and transparency.The number of centenarians is expected to increase, highlighting the need for better healthcare and support for the elderly. Advancements in healthcare and technology may enable people to live longer, but the strain on the healthcare system and economy will need to be addressed.The rise of tailor-made bots for various purposes may lead to a shift in the job market and potential job loss for certain professions.The fear of being obsolete due to AIGen Z and millennials are expected to engage in the great negotiation with employers to secure better working conditions and economic security.The use of AI in job applications and interviews may require employers to use AI to combat AI and ensure fair hiring practices.The outsourcing of jobs to Mexico may lead to a shift in the job market The rapid advancements in AI and technology raise ethical and societal questions, such as the impact on dating apps and the authenticity of human interactions.TitlesThe Challenges of Backdoor Remote JobsImproving Teacher Pay to Support Education Living to 100: Strain on Healthcare and EconomyThe Rise of Tailor-Made Bots: Job Loss and Job CreationLink to previous Episode: S1E4 - The Great Quiets: and Rising Cost of Coffee08:30Growing Sleep Economy28:53Increasing Number of Centenarians36:20Fear of Being Obsolete 45:33Great Negotiation: Gen Z and Millennials Push for Better Working Conditions52:08AI in Job Applications: Employers Combatting AI with AIDanielle and Tracey are friends who also happen to have the same career - Talent Acquisition. They are both Recruiters with a passion for people. This podcast aims to help listeners to better understand the workforce, land jobs, and get an inside look at the behind the scenes of Recuiting. Most importantly, Tracey and Danielle are your friends in navigating this crazy thing called life. Facebook: Two Recruiters: Zero FilterInstagram: tworecruiterszerofilterLinkedIn: two-recruiters-zero-filter🎼 Music Credit: Andy Brey -
S2E4 - Listener Questions: Keep Them Coming!
Apr 18 2024
S2E4 - Listener Questions: Keep Them Coming!
🎙️✨ In this episode, Tracey and Danielle answer listener questions about the job search process. They discuss signs of getting a job offer, why candidates may get turned down after several interviews, and whether recruiters will reveal the number of candidates in consideration. The hosts emphasize the importance of not relying solely on interview progress as an indicator of an offer and encourage candidates to keep their options open. They also highlight the need for patience and clear communication throughout the hiring process. Tracey and Danielle address the issue of lengthy qualifications lists in job descriptions and explain how these lists are developed. They address the issue of lengthy qualifications lists in job descriptions and explain how these lists are developed. They also discuss the percentage of job postings that are actually real and the reasons behind the constant reposting of positions. Finally, they provide guidance on how to interview for a position in-person.TakeawaysSigns of getting a job offer can vary and may not be definitive indicators.Multiple interviews do not guarantee an offer, as companies may be considering other candidates.Candidates should continue to explore other job opportunities even if they have progressed in the interview process.Recruiters may disclose the number of candidates in consideration if asked directly.Job seekers should not be discouraged by long qualifications lists in job descriptions. It is possible to apply even if you meet only a portion of the qualifications.The percentage of real job postings is difficult to determine, as some companies refresh their postings regularly, even if they have candidates in the final stages of the hiring process.Candidates should continue interviewing until they start a job, as offers are not guaranteed until the first day of work.When interviewing for a position in-person, it is advisable to bring copies of your resume and maintain good eye contact and positive energy.Don't be afraid to use cheat sheets or notes during interviews to help jog your memory and provide quick answers.Ignore the LinkedIn application numbers, as they include all clicks on the job posting and not just actual applications.Consider leveraging employee referrals and networking on LinkedIn to increase your chances of getting noticed by hiring managers.Only add career gap or laid off tags on LinkedIn if it's relevant and adds value to your profile.Chapters00:00 Introduction and Excitement01:51 Question 1: Signs of Getting an Offer07:21 Question 2: Why Get Turned Down After Three Interviews?10:34 Qualifications List in Job Descriptions14:17 Percentage of Real Job Postings20:31 Interviewing for a Position In-Person22:47 Handling Tough Questions26:18 LinkedIn Application Numbers29:08 LinkedIn Premium and Employee Referrals30:58 Adding Career Gap or Laid Off Tags on LinkedIn30:58 Closing RemarksDanielle and Tracey are friends who also happen to have the same career - Talent Acquisition. They are both Recruiters with a passion for people. This podcast aims to help listeners to better understand the workforce, land jobs, and get an inside look at the behind the scenes of Recuiting. Most importantly, Tracey and Danielle are your friends in navigating this crazy thing called life. Facebook: Two Recruiters: Zero FilterInstagram: tworecruiterszerofilterLinkedIn: two-recruiters-zero-filter🎼 Music Credit: Andy Brey -
S2E3 - Joined by Another Recruiter: What the eff Have I Gotten Myself Into?!
Apr 4 2024
S2E3 - Joined by Another Recruiter: What the eff Have I Gotten Myself Into?!
🚨Language alert: The "F" word is used once in this episode at the 20:17 mark.Summary🎙️✨ In this episode, Lauren Gaffney, a Corporate Recruiter with six years of experience, joins Tracey and Danielle to discuss the challenges of survivor's guilt and uncertainty after layoffs. They explore the emotional impact of losing colleagues and the pressure of taking on additional responsibilities. Lauren shares her thoughts on how organizations handle layoffs and the lingering anxiety that can arise. They also discuss time management strategies for recruiters and share their pet peeves when it comes to resumes. Finally, they address concerns about ageism in the hiring process. In this conversation, Lauren shares her insights and pet peeves about resumes, cover letters, CVs, LinkedIn, fake candidates, lack of communication, and the use of AI in resumes. She emphasizes the importance of tailoring resumes to job descriptions, keeping LinkedIn profiles up to date, and maintaining good communication throughout the hiring process. Lauren also highlights the value of human touch in recruiting and the ability of recruiters to understand the needs and preferences of hiring managers and clients.Link to episodes that refer to Layoff Anxiety:'s guilt is a common emotion experienced by those who remain in a team after layoffs.Layoffs can create uncertainty and anxiety, leading to increased pressure and the need to take on additional responsibilities.Effective time management is crucial for recruiters, especially when working remotely.Resumes should be concise and focused on relevant experience, and concerns about ageism in hiring decisions vary depending on the hiring manager. Tailor your resume to the job description and include relevant keywords.Keep your LinkedIn profile up to date and complete, including skills and a professional photo.Avoid using cover letters, as they are often not read by recruiters.Be cautious of using CVs unless specifically required for a role.Beware of fake candidates and ensure thorough background checks.Maintain good communication throughout the hiring process.Be mindful of the limitations of AI in resume writing.Recognize the value of human touch in recruiting and the ability to understand the needs and preferences of hiring managers and clients.Chapters01:27Survivor's Guilt04:17Reflecting on Layoff Decisions05:12Impact on Job Security06:16Adapting to Changes07:13Support from Colleagues08:24Handling Layoffs as a Leader09:19Layoff Anxiety12:33Time Management Tips26:19Resume Length, Ageism and formatting32:15Cover Letters36:14LinkedIn and Communication42:26Fake Candidates48:48Lack of Communication54:35Using AI in ResumesDanielle and Tracey are friends who also happen to have the same career - Talent Acquisition. They are both Recruiters with a passion for people. This podcast aims to help listeners to better understand the workforce, land jobs, and get an inside look at the behind the scenes of Recuiting. Most importantly, Tracey and Danielle are your friends in navigating this crazy thing called life. Facebook: Two Recruiters: Zero FilterInstagram: tworecruiterszerofilterLinkedIn: two-recruiters-zero-filter🎼 Music Credit: Andy Brey -
S2E2 - Reslience: Why Are You Throwing Dirt on Me?
Mar 28 2024
S2E2 - Reslience: Why Are You Throwing Dirt on Me?
SummaryIn this conversation, Tracey and Danielle discuss the topic of resilience. They define resilience as the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, and stress. They emphasize that resilience is a muscle that can be practiced and developed over time. The conversation explores the importance of positive thoughts and the impact of negativity on resilience. They also share the story of the donkey in the well as a metaphor for overcoming challenges. The conversation concludes with a discussion on the characteristics of resilient people and the value of surrounding oneself with resilient individuals. In this conversation, Tracey and Danielle discuss the importance of positivity, the role of friends in building resilience, the power of asking questions, and the dangers of excessive worry. They also emphasize the importance of relying on trusted sources rather than Dr. Internet and the value of networks and different perspectives. Additionally, they discuss the importance of embracing moments of doubt and trusting the process while learning from challenges.TakeawaysMaintaining a positive mindset can help build resilience.Having supportive friends who can provide guidance and different perspectives is crucial.Asking questions can help uncover solutions and empower others to find their own answers.Avoid excessive worry and focus on the present moment.Be cautious of relying on unreliable sources, such as Dr. Internet.Engage with diverse networks and seek different perspectives.Embrace moments of doubt and trust the process.Learning and growth go hand in hand with resilience.Chapters00:00Introduction to Resilience01:11Defining Resilience03:08Resilience as a Muscle06:40Practicing Resilience08:46Resilience in Everyday Life10:57The Donkey in the Well12:25Growth and Uncomfortable Beginnings14:34Opportunities to Practice Resilience16:51The Power of Positive Thoughts19:46Negativity and Its Impact21:45The Power of Perspective25:34Characteristics of Resilient People29:33Outlets and Coping Mechanisms32:35Remembering Past Challenges35:09Surrounding Yourself with Resilient People36:07The Power of Positivity37:13The Role of Friends in Building Resilience38:06Asking Questions to Uncover Solutions39:02Avoiding Worry and Focusing on the Present40:12The Dangers of Dr. Internet41:34The Importance of Networks and Different Perspectives42:31Embracing Moments of Doubt43:36Trusting the Process and Learning from ChallengesDanielle and Tracey are friends who also happen to have the same career - Talent Acquisition. They are both Recruiters with a passion for people. This podcast aims to help listeners to better understand the workforce, land jobs, and get an inside look at the behind the scenes of Recuiting. Most importantly, Tracey and Danielle are your friends in navigating this crazy thing called life. Facebook: Two Recruiters: Zero FilterInstagram: tworecruiterszerofilterLinkedIn: two-recruiters-zero-filter🎼 Music Credit: Andy Brey -
S2E1 - Networking 101: Even My Grandmother is On Facebook
Mar 21 2024
S2E1 - Networking 101: Even My Grandmother is On Facebook
🎙️✨In this conversation, Danielle and Tracey discuss the importance of networking and building connections. They highlight the power of LinkedIn as a networking platform and share interesting facts about its user base. They debunk misconceptions about networking and emphasize the value of networking within various circles, not just for job search. The conversation also touches on the importance of having a strong LinkedIn profile and making connections. They discuss the role of networking they have witnessed in referrals and how it can lead to job opportunities. Overall, the conversation provides valuable insights and tips for effective networking.TakeawaysNetworking is crucial for career success, with 85% of positions being filled through networking.LinkedIn is a powerful platform for networking, with 810 million subscribers and 35.5 million people finding jobs through the platform.Networking is not limited to LinkedIn or professional events; it can happen in various settings, including social circles and community activities.Building connections and maintaining relationships is essential for career growth and accessing job opportunities.Networking is not just about job search; it can lead to valuable connections, knowledge sharing, and personal growth.Chapters00:00Introduction to Networking00:47The Power of LinkedIn06:26Building Connections on LinkedIn08:50The Importance of Having Connections10:08Networking for Job Search11:18Networking Skills13:26Networking Within Your Circles14:47Reconnecting with Past Connections16:03Networking Beyond Job Search19:11Building Deeper Connections20:33Starting Conversations at Networking Events23:08The Importance of Networking for ReferralsDanielle and Tracey are friends who also happen to have the same career - Talent Acquisition. They are both Recruiters with a passion for people. This podcast aims to help listeners to better understand the workforce, land jobs, and get an inside look at the behind the scenes of Recuiting. Most importantly, Tracey and Danielle are your friends in navigating this crazy thing called life. Facebook: Two Recruiters: Zero FilterInstagram: tworecruiterszerofilterLinkedIn: two-recruiters-zero-filter🎼 Music Credit: Andy Brey -
S1E13 - Layoff Check-in Again: It's About Forgiveness
Mar 14 2024
S1E13 - Layoff Check-in Again: It's About Forgiveness
🎙️✨ In this episode, Tracey and Danielle continue to discuss Danielle's journey after her layoff. They explore the roller coaster of emotions that come with job searching and the importance of forgiveness. They also promote the value of taking a break and changing scenery, as well as discovering new passions and stepping out of one's comfort zone. Hang gliding, anyone? The conversation touches on the changing job market and the need for companies to treat people better. They also reflect on the evolving concept of loyalty and the impact of CEO salaries. The episode concludes with a reminder to take care of oneself during the job search process. Reference to terminology episode: Episode 4 - to episode with Stephanie:Episode 8 - care of your whole self during a tough job market and job search.Confront and shift belief systems to adapt to new circumstances.Allow the body and mind to heal during major life changes.Reconnect with oneself and engage in activities that bring joy and fulfillment.Take time off, reset, and create a plan for the future.Allow yourself to grieve and give yourself time to move on.Be open to unexpected opportunities and consider saying yes to new experiences.Chapters00:00Introduction and Checking In02:49The Roller Coaster of Emotions06:05The Process of Forgiveness09:01Taking a Break and Changing Scenery10:50Discovering New Passions14:03Stepping Out of the Comfort Zone20:09Reevaluating Career Paths22:56The Changing Job Market25:45The Importance of Treating People Better30:03The Evolving Concept of Loyalty34:50Finding a Balance and Taking Risks40:09The Impact of CEO Salaries41:06Taking Care of Yourself in the Job MarketDanielle and Tracey are friends who also happen to have the same career - Talent Acquisition. They are both Recruiters with a passion for people. This podcast aims to help listeners to better understand the workforce, land jobs, and get an inside look at the behind the scenes of Recuiting. Most importantly, Tracey and Danielle are your friends in navigating this crazy thing called life. Facebook: Two Recruiters: Zero FilterInstagram: tworecruiterszerofilterLinkedIn: two-recruiters-zero-filter🎼 Music Credit: Andy Brey -
S1E11- Advice From a Life Coach: A Bright Red, Really Sexy Dress
Feb 29 2024
S1E11- Advice From a Life Coach: A Bright Red, Really Sexy Dress
Summary🎙️✨ In this episode, the hosts interview Kim Harmon, a certified life coach, about major life changes and how to get out of one's own way. The conversation covers topics such as the foundation of life coaching, the importance of communicating with oneself, starting the day with gratitude, the difference between being selfish and self-care, misconceptions about self-care, the value of investing in oneself, the importance of internal communication. They wrap up this episode with tips for taking the first step and going with the flow, dealing with uncertainty and changing finish lines,  letting go of hurt, finding the magic within, manifetation, and getting unstuck and overcoming fear.🚨 Language Alert: The F word is used in this episode.TakeawaysEffective communication is the foundation of any relationship, including the one with oneself.Starting the day with gratitude can set a positive tone and mindset for the rest of the day.Self-care doesn't have to be expensive; it can be as simple as listening to nature or engaging in activities that bring joy.Taking the first step is often the key to getting unstuck and overcoming fear.How to Get in Touch with Kim Harmon: www.kimharmonlifecoach.comReferences:Book: The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse by Charlie MackesyBook: The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz Movie: After Death Danielle and Tracey are friends who also happen to have the same career - Talent Acquisition. They are both Recruiters with a passion for people. This podcast aims to help listeners to better understand the workforce, land jobs, and get an inside look at the behind the scenes of Recuiting. Most importantly, Tracey and Danielle are your friends in navigating this crazy thing called life. Facebook: Two Recruiters: Zero FilterInstagram: tworecruiterszerofilterLinkedIn: two-recruiters-zero-filter🎼 Music Credit: Andy Brey -
S1 E10 - High Fives and Call-Outs: The Triple Dog Dare
Feb 23 2024
S1 E10 - High Fives and Call-Outs: The Triple Dog Dare
🎙️✨ In this episode, Danielle and Tracey discuss what a life of a Recruiter really looks like and the misconceptions surrounding the role. They address the overblown issue of ghosting and the unrealistic expectations placed on Recruiters. Tracey and Danielle also highlight the impact of the rising number of negative LinkedIn posts and the controversy of asking candidates to relocate at their own expense. The hosts emphasize the importance of communication and grace in the recruiting process and especially the need for asking the tough questions about salary and fit early in the process.  Reference to episode discussing potential scam LinkedIn posts: Episode 2- to episode including salary transparency: Episode 6- #TwoRecruitersZeroFilter #Highfive #Onblast #RecruitersDanielle and Tracey are friends who also happen to have the same career - Talent Acquisition. They are both Recruiters with a passion for people. This podcast aims to help listeners to better understand the workforce, land jobs, and get an inside look at the behind the scenes of Recuiting. Most importantly, Tracey and Danielle are your friends in navigating this crazy thing called life. Facebook: Two Recruiters: Zero FilterInstagram: tworecruiterszerofilterLinkedIn: two-recruiters-zero-filter🎼 Music Credit: Andy Brey -
S1E9 - Layoff Conversations Continue: Know Your Worth
Feb 15 2024
S1E9 - Layoff Conversations Continue: Know Your Worth
🎙️✨ In this impromtu conversation, Danielle and Tracey discuss the importance of dealing with difficult situations and using them as opportunities for personal growth. They explore the concept of finding value beyond a job and redefining productivity. The conversation also gets into the topic of questioning self worth tied to salary, and the need to shift mindset in this regard. Tracey and Danielle emphasize the importance of embracing "being" instead of "doing" and learning from experiences to develop empathy. They also discuss navigating relationships and change, and the significance of embracing impermanence.This episode is really two friends talking during the initial days after being laid off. They deal with fear and anxiety, coping strategies, self-worth, and asking for help. They also emphasize the importance of supporting friends through difficult times.#RealRecruitersRealTalk #TwoRecruitersZeroFilter #LayoffDanielle and Tracey are friends who also happen to have the same career - Talent Acquisition. They are both Recruiters with a passion for people. This podcast aims to help listeners to better understand the workforce, land jobs, and get an inside look at the behind the scenes of Recuiting. Most importantly, Tracey and Danielle are your friends in navigating this crazy thing called life. Facebook: Two Recruiters: Zero FilterInstagram: tworecruiterszerofilterLinkedIn: two-recruiters-zero-filter🎼 Music Credit: Andy Brey -
S1E8 - Tales From a Veteran Recruiter: Talking Shop Together
Feb 8 2024
S1E8 - Tales From a Veteran Recruiter: Talking Shop Together
🎙️✨ In this episode, the hosts interview Stephanie, a former coworker with over 20 years of experience in talent acquisition. They discuss the differences between agency recruiting and corporate recruiting, highlighting the importance of understanding company culture in the corporate setting. The conversation then shifts to the impact of remote work on recruiting, including the challenges of onboarding and training in a virtual environment. Tracey, Danielle, and Stephanie also express their opinions on companies' policies regarding returning to the office, emphasizing the need for flexibility and choice. They discuss the changing expectations of the younger generation and the importance of loyalty in the workplace. Finally, they explore the influence of AI on recruiting, acknowledging its benefits in terms of efficiency but also emphasizing the importance of face-to-face interactions in the hiring process.#RealRecruitersRealTalk #TwoRecruitersZeroFilter #RecruitingDanielle and Tracey are friends who also happen to have the same career - Talent Acquisition. They are both Recruiters with a passion for people. This podcast aims to help listeners to better understand the workforce, land jobs, and get an inside look at the behind the scenes of Recuiting. Most importantly, Tracey and Danielle are your friends in navigating this crazy thing called life. Facebook: Two Recruiters: Zero FilterInstagram: tworecruiterszerofilterLinkedIn: two-recruiters-zero-filter🎼 Music Credit: Andy Brey -
S1E5 - Advice from a Recruiter: The Golden Rule
Jan 18 2024
S1E5 - Advice from a Recruiter: The Golden Rule
🎙️✨In this episode, your hosts provide advice to candidates, hiring managers, and fellow recruiters. They emphasize the importance of treating Recruiters well and realizing their value in the job market. They discuss the significance of candidates being engaged in conversations, answering calls promptly, and showing enthusiasm. Tracey and Danielle also share insights on resumes, cover letters, and the importance of concise and relevant information. They highlight the value of thank you notes, asking questions as a candidate, and effective communication between Recruiters and hiring managers. In this conversation,  Tracey and Danielle emphasize the importance of following your gut when making hiring decisions and setting realistic expectations for finding the perfect candidate. They also stress the need for professionalism and effective communication in the Recruiting industry. Lastly, they highlight the significance of loving people and genuinely wanting to help them in order to succeed as a Recruiter.#RealRecruitersRealTalkDanielle and Tracey are friends who also happen to have the same career - Talent Acquisition. They are both Recruiters with a passion for people. This podcast aims to help listeners to better understand the workforce, land jobs, and get an inside look at the behind the scenes of Recuiting. Most importantly, Tracey and Danielle are your friends in navigating this crazy thing called life. Facebook: Two Recruiters: Zero FilterInstagram: tworecruiterszerofilterLinkedIn: two-recruiters-zero-filter🎼 Music Credit: Andy Brey -