Finding Joy in the Journey

Sheridan Ripley

I love to share a tip or tool each week to help YOU find Joy in YOUR Journey through life. Short and sweet episodes, with a simple tool to try each week. Welcome and join in the conversation @powerupyourprayers read less


7 Steps to Stop Replaying Patterns that Don't Serve You!
Jul 24 2023
7 Steps to Stop Replaying Patterns that Don't Serve You!
I am happy to report I am mothering a high schooler differently this time.My youngest son is 5 years younger than my middle son and as Bryson is doing high school things now, I can see so clearly how I am at least trying to do things differently this time. I recently saw this with Bryson asking a girl to homecoming. (** I am taking a break for May/June and also JULY!  So this is a repeat episode.  I should be back in August.  :) When Carson did this, it was such a stressful time as I tried to help him with these things.  It was not fun for me at all! So, this fall as Bryson started pondering asking a girl to homecoming, I sort of got sucked back into my old way of “helping” which was to stress out and try to help too much.  I found myself saying, “I wish you weren’t even going, this is just too much.” Here are the steps I took to break that pattern! 1. Pause, what is this pattern and what thoughts, and emotions are behind it? 2. What do you actually want? 3. What do you need to do to create that? 4. What emotions do you need to clear to help open the path to take you there? 5. Clear the emotions 6. Choose a new thought and actions 7. Take them and give yourself grace and try again! Tips to clear the emotions around the situation Take a bit of time to figure out what you want and find a new thought and emotions to help you create that.  Sometimes you do need to also clear the emotions around it, especially if they are strong!  The power of neutrality can be super helpful! A fast and easy way to do this is scribbling  HELPFUL LINKS Follow me on Instagram @powerupyourprayers Podcast Episodes – Show notes Grab a Copy of one of my Books Gain Free Access to My Favorite Tools
Mother's Prayers are Powerful!
Jun 19 2023
Mother's Prayers are Powerful!
A new point of view of the Stripling Warriors. Throughout the battles in which the young stripling warriors fought, many of their number were wounded, but not one of them was ever killed because, although “they never had fought, yet they did not fear death; and they did think more upon the liberty of their fathers than they did upon their lives; yea, they had been taught by their mothers, that if they did not doubt, God would deliver them.” How were the stripling warriors taught by their mothers?What helped them have faith? I think about the power of a mother’s prayer.  Do you think these warriors had seen their mothers praying for them over the years? Do you think they saw their mother’s faith? I would say yes! They were taught by their mother’s directly, but also most certainly saw their mother’s praying for them and felt their faith.  These moms were praying their guts out while their children were away fighting for them. They were saying powerful prayers for very specific things, like safety and wisdom and protection, to be able to listen to and follow their leaders.  When things got scary and the warriors needed courage, I can picture them remembering that their moms were praying for them and gathering strength from that image. It wasn’t just that they had been taught in their youth, they knew their mothers were actively helping them through prayer, even while they were far away. Prayer is one of my most favorite and powerful Mothering tools, especially as my boys have grown up and moved out! One of my Powerful Mom Prayers In this podcast I share how a powerful prayer I uttered on November 11th 2014 and how it helped save my oldest when he was kidnapped when he was only 16 years old.  HELPFUL LINKS Follow me on Instagram @powerupyourprayers Podcast Episodes – Show notes Grab a Copy of one of my Books Gain Free Access to My Favorite Tools