Breaking Free with Lindsay

Lindsay Ford

Welcome - I'm Lindsay :)
Are you ready to step up and live the life of your dreams?

I'm so glad you said YES because you're in the right place. 🥳

I help moms shed the limiting beliefs, societal expectations, fears, and thought patterns that have been holding them back so they can trust the inner wisdom that's guiding them toward their true purpose.

Through guest interviews and sharing my own hard-earned wisdom, we discuss what it takes to courageously follow your dreams.

Let's remove those shackles of what's been holding us back, break free from the status quo, and embrace a life of total freedom.

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Episode 31 - Monica LeBaron: Recovering From People Pleasing, Setting Boundaries, and Getting a Good Night's Sleep
May 23 2024
Episode 31 - Monica LeBaron: Recovering From People Pleasing, Setting Boundaries, and Getting a Good Night's Sleep
Monica LeBaron thought she was signing up for free yoga classes, but what she received changed the trajectory of her life. She started to feel her anger and resentment bubbling up inside of her after years of people pleasing. As she finally let her feelings out and voiced her thoughts, she learned how to set boundaries, quieted the negative self-talk going on in her head, and learned to love herself again. We talk about our fast-paced culture of stress and anxiety, and how yoga therapy can help your body get a restful night's sleep -- something so many of us are lacking!More about Monica 👇Monica Le Baron, is an award-winning bestselling author and certified yoga therapist helping women with sleep disorders get a good night’s rest. Using her signature program, Sleep Simplified, she has helped hundreds of clients overcome insomnia, reduce anxiety, and finish the stress cycle.After just one session, her clients have been able to get two extra hours of restful sleep, wake up fewer times in the middle of the night, and fall asleep within minutes of their heads hitting the pillow.Website --> Instagram --> Linkedin --> If you want to break free from the 9 to 5 or spend more time with your family, then check out this FREE webinar that goes over exactly what I'm doing to create time and financial freedom. you ever have any questions or want to reach out - I'd love to connect with you. Send me a DM on Facebook (it's the best way to reach me!)
Episode 24 - Fear is Part of the Process of Following Your Dreams
Mar 30 2024
Episode 24 - Fear is Part of the Process of Following Your Dreams
Let’s talk about the decision making process, because following your dreams and taking MASSIVE steps toward achieving them is NOT for the faint of heart.First comes the excitement --- the dream.You have this beautiful vision for your future and it’s finally starting to unfold.You’re about to start a new business, or start traveling, or sell your house, or pull your kids out of school --- whatever it is. It’s happening.But it’s not all sunshine and rainbows, and skipping down a path of bliss.Fear starts to set in.What if you can’t do it?What if this isn’t the right time?Can I really afford to do this?What if it doesn’t go as planned?What if I make the wrong decision?You start to listen to others around you who telling you it’s a scam, that you’re being irresponsible, that your kids are going to fall behind if they’re not in school, etc.You second-guess yourself.You’re not sure you’re capable.Doubt creeps in.THIS 👆👆👆👆is part of the process.THIS is what happens when the new version of yourself, that’s calling you forward toward your dreams, comes up against your old thought patterns, limiting beliefs, and the fears that are keeping you stuck where you are.THIS is your ego trying to keep you in your comfort zone, not wanting to shed those beliefs its become so attached to.THIS is the part of the journey where it’s so easy to give up.BUT…. this is the part of the journey where you simply need to ride the wave of emotions, notice what comes up, and ask yourself if it’s true and is it serving you?Your intuition / future self / higher self already knows the answer.YOU already know what the next steps are.It’s simply time to let go of what is no longer serving you and courageously step into that new version of yourself. If you want to break free from the 9 to 5 or spend more time with your family, then check out this FREE webinar that goes over exactly what I'm doing to create time and financial freedom. you ever have any questions or want to reach out - I'd love to connect with you. Send me a DM on Facebook (it's the best way to reach me!)
Episode 21 - Luvyna Mantle: When All of the Random Jobs  Lead to Something Great
Feb 29 2024
Episode 21 - Luvyna Mantle: When All of the Random Jobs Lead to Something Great
From agriculture to running her own digital marketing business, and then blending those two worlds together, Luvyna Mantle's seemingly random and incongruent career path set her up perfectly to create a unique business.We talk about her journey of putting her goals of being in the agriculture business aside to support her husband's army career, being a "single mom" in many regards while he was stationed around the world, and then becoming the sole supporter of her family after he was placed on medical leave --- oh and this happened right at the time they brought their second baby into the world.Whether you believe in divine intervention or can simply appreciate random coincidences that work our perfectly, this conversation is going to leave you with the faith that everything is working out as its meant to.Luvyna Mantle, known as the "Tech Cowgirl," brings together over a decade of experience in both cattle ranching and marketing. With a BA in Business Studies from the University of Maryland and an extensive international agriculture business internship in Australia, she navigates the intersection of traditional agriculture with modern digital marketing, bridging the gap between the two worlds for ease and profitability. Connect with Luvyna 👇Websites: If you want to break free from the 9 to 5 or spend more time with your family, then check out this FREE webinar that goes over exactly what I'm doing to create time and financial freedom. you ever have any questions or want to reach out - I'd love to connect with you. Send me a DM on Facebook (it's the best way to reach me!)
Episode 20 - Kasia Diana: Free Births, The Power of Your Menstrual Cycle, and Moving Through Sexual Abuse
Feb 22 2024
Episode 20 - Kasia Diana: Free Births, The Power of Your Menstrual Cycle, and Moving Through Sexual Abuse
Welcome to my interview with Kasia Diana - one that, if you are a woman, is a MUST listen.... and I don't say this lightly.We get into SO much in this episode, from understanding the power of your menstrual cycle (PMS is BS!), to free births (aka birthing without doctors or midwives), natural abortions, honouring the postpartum period, moving through postpartum depression and suicidal ideations, and Kasia's experience working through childhood sexual abuse.Let me put that in a bulleted list for you because I don't want you to miss a single thing :)👉 understanding the power of your menstrual cycle (PMS is BS!)👉 free births (aka birthing without doctors or midwives) 👉 natural abortions (without medical intervention) 👉 honouring the postpartum period👉 moving through postpartum depression and suicidal ideations👉 working through childhood sexual abuseThe core message is about honouring yourself as a woman, and being able to tune into your power - because women are powerful beings.Even if you are past the birthing stage, this episode will shed some light on your own experiences moving through this phase PLUS will allow you to gain some wisdom to pass onto your daughters and nieces.I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I did :)Kasia Diana is a Trauma Informed Woman’s Health and Wellness Specialist. She is an author, a speaker, an herbalist, an iridologist, a detox and womb wellness resource. She is best known as a Womb Shamaness, Woman’s Gatekeeper and Divine Oracle. She helps women with abortions, conceptions, sexual trauma and abuse, sexual relationships and experiences, fertility, infertility, period and hormone support. Connect with Kasia 👇 Instagram --> --> If you want to break free from the 9 to 5 or spend more time with your family, then check out this FREE webinar that goes over exactly what I'm doing to create time and financial freedom. you ever have any questions or want to reach out - I'd love to connect with you. Send me a DM on Facebook (it's the best way to reach me!)
Episode 19 - How to Make Multiple 6-Figures Using High Ticket Affiliate Marketing
Feb 8 2024
Episode 19 - How to Make Multiple 6-Figures Using High Ticket Affiliate Marketing
Meet Dona M. Jolie: An unschooling mom who went from unfulfilled in motherhood to living her dream of traveling the world with her family, creating a multi-six figure online business, and supporting women + families around the globe to live lives of Limitless Freedom!Dona and I have a candid conversation in this interview about what it takes to make it in this business --- because it’s definitely not for everyone, and not everyone can do it.BUT it is possible, and with the right skillset and drive, it’s not just possible, it’s probable.Dona had a vision for her life and how she wanted to raise her children that was outside of the norm - a life of travel, adventure, and experiencing different cultures.She discovered this business over 5 years ago while she was living a cookie-cutter life in California, and now is living the life of her dreams with her kids in Bali.If you’re intrigued by high ticket affiliate marketing and wondering if it’s right for you, then listen to the full episode to see if you have what it takes.If you want more info about the business we’re in, click the link below to watch the free webinar. If you want to break free from the 9 to 5 or spend more time with your family, then check out this FREE webinar that goes over exactly what I'm doing to create time and financial freedom. you ever have any questions or want to reach out - I'd love to connect with you. Send me a DM on Facebook (it's the best way to reach me!)
Episode 18: 4 Steps to Help You Find Your Purpose
Feb 8 2024
Episode 18: 4 Steps to Help You Find Your Purpose
Raise your hand if you feel like you’re meant for something more, but aren’t sure exactly what that is?  ---> You haven’t found your purpose yet, but you know it’s not what you’re currently doing.I’ve been there, and I know many of you have been there too, or are currently there.Here are my thoughts on how to find your purpose (LISTEN TO THE FULL EPISODE where I explain everything in more detail):→ Play more: It’ll help bring more ease and flow to your life and to give you ideas.→ Focus on the feeling. Remember, you want to find your purpose because you believe it’ll make you happier, so start focusing on what makes you happy.→ Notice the miracles that are already happening in your every day life. And once you notice these, you’ll start to notice more, and you’ll start to see how life is working in your favour.→ And finally, every time life serves you something you don’t want, flip the script and focus on what you DO want. This will help you focus yourself in the right directionHope this helps and hope you have a wonderful rest of your day :) If you want to break free from the 9 to 5 or spend more time with your family, then check out this FREE webinar that goes over exactly what I'm doing to create time and financial freedom. you ever have any questions or want to reach out - I'd love to connect with you. Send me a DM on Facebook (it's the best way to reach me!)
Episode 14 - Jules Hare: How to Tap into the Wisdom of Your Body & Get Messages from Your Future Self
Jan 11 2024
Episode 14 - Jules Hare: How to Tap into the Wisdom of Your Body & Get Messages from Your Future Self
Jules and I get into a mind-boggling conversation about:     👉  Using our imagination to decipher the aches and pains in our bodies,     👉  Having conversations with our future self (and is everything predetermined ???), &     👉  The rise of the Divine Feminine --- the evolution that's taking place on this planet.Buckle up! --- This episode will be sure to stretch your mind in the best way possible!Jules Hare is a playfully wise Intuitive Mentor and Embodied Leadership Coach.  Jules has an amazing ability to awaken you to your own inner gifts and unique abilities by facilitating a new and powerful friendship between your mind, body and soul. With over 30 years experience as a Cranial Sacral Therapist, she’s spent over 30,000 hours mastering her unique craft --- Making her a powerful catalyst to help you illuminate your way out of ‘stuck’, help you re-member your divine purpose, and assist you to embody the soul mission you came here for.Connect with Jules 👇Website: Group: Coming Home to Wholeness Sisterhood Instagram: @JulesHareShares If you want to break free from the 9 to 5 or spend more time with your family, then check out this FREE webinar that goes over exactly what I'm doing to create time and financial freedom. you ever have any questions or want to reach out - I'd love to connect with you. Send me a DM on Facebook (it's the best way to reach me!)