Young Boss with Isabelle Guarino

The Young Boss Podcast

YOUNG BOSS is a place for young bosses and entrepreneurs of all industries to collaborate and chat about the expected (and unexpected) challenges of being a successful, young professional in today's business environment. Tune in weekly for discussions about leadership, personal growth, networking & building relationships, raising capital, business strategy and SO much more.

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Crafting Client Experiences: The Art of Building Loyalty and Trust
Crafting Client Experiences: The Art of Building Loyalty and Trust
Ever had a customer throw ketchup in your face? Krista Salari has, and her story is one you don't want to miss. In the latest episode of Young Boss with Isabelle Guarino, Krista shares this unforgettable experience alongside a plethora of invaluable insights into customer service. From handling unexpected challenges to creating loyal, happy customers, Krista's expertise shines through. First impressions last the longest - it’s true. Whether it's a retail store, office, or online platform, professionalism and aesthetics play a crucial role. We talk about the need for a warm welcome, visually appealing environments, and easy navigation. To put it simply, a dirty bathroom in a lash salon can instantly make customers question the cleanliness and professionalism of the business. In contrast, businesses like In-N-Out ensure their bathrooms are checked and cleaned every 20 minutes, setting a high standard for customer satisfaction.We dive into Krista’s hot take about under-promising and over-delivering. Why consistency in service is crucial to building trust and loyalty. And why she believes in a customer-centric approach, embracing innovation, and maintaining integrity and ethics. For new business owners, Krista's advice on fulfillment is vital - stressing the importance of doing what you say you're going to do in order to maintain your reputation. Documentation is crucial, and so is asking for recommendations through affiliate or referral programs, email marketing, and building relationships.Krista Salari truly embodies the spirit of a Young Boss. Her tips and real-life examples provide a roadmap for anyone striving to excel in customer service and build their business.Subscribe to Young Boss with Isabelle Guarino wherever you get your podcasts, and be sure to like, share and follow on Instagram and TikTok.And remember, youth is your power.
Millennial CFO Shares Top Strategies for Profitability
Jun 5 2024
Millennial CFO Shares Top Strategies for Profitability
Do not be late to the money management party! This week, we unearth the secrets to mastering your finances from day one. I sat down with Victoria Fitzpatrick, Chief Financial Officer of RALAcademy and finance maestro. If you need to know how to responsibly manage your finances, you have to tune in!We’ll explore the essentials of budgeting and business spending, the importance of setting financial categories and understanding what to budget for - especially at the beginning. And if you’ve been thinking of engaging with finance professionals, such as CFOs or CPAs. Her advice? Don’t wait until you're in over your head—seek guidance TODAY.For businesses with a little more steam - Victoria shared strategies for managing profits and reinvesting. We talk about the ‘Profit First’ system and how this approach ensures business owners prioritize profitability from day one. It’s all about how to create a stable financial foundation and drive sustainable growth.What else do we talk about?Strategic Financial ManagementTactical Tips for Building Budgets How to Track Financial SpendingHow to Cut BudgetsThese tips are not just useful—they're essential for anyone looking to run a lean and mean business.Don’t miss out on this episode with Victoria Fitzpatrick! Tune in now on YouTube, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. Make sure to like, share, and follow us on Instagram and TikTok. And remember, youth is your power.Subscribe to Young Boss with Isabelle Guarino wherever you get your podcasts, and be sure to like, share and follow on Instagram and TikTok.And remember, youth is your power.
Intellectual Property Expert Explains Branding!
May 29 2024
Intellectual Property Expert Explains Branding!
Lindsey Corbin's journey from a Fortune 500 career to becoming a thriving entrepreneur is not just inspiring; it's a testament to her resilience and determination. In this episode of the Young Boss podcast, I had the pleasure of diving deep into Lindsey's story, exploring her triumphs, challenges, and the invaluable lessons she's learned along the way.Right from the jump, Lindsey's passion and drive are palpable. As she recounts her decision to venture into entrepreneurship, it's evident that her journey wasn't just about building a business—it was about crafting a future of independence and stability for herself and her children. Facing the daunting prospect of a challenging marriage and with a son challenged with behavioral disorders, Lindsey saw entrepreneurship as her beacon of hope—a way out and a path towards financial security.One of the most striking aspects of Lindsey's story is her unwavering resilience in the face of adversity. Despite encountering hurdles and setbacks, she emerged stronger, armed with a newfound understanding of herself and her business. Her message to those facing similar struggles resonates deeply: there is power in perseverance, and even in our darkest moments, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.Throughout our conversation, Lindsey's authenticity shines through as she shares the highs and lows of her entrepreneurial journey. From the genesis of her business to navigating the complexities of single motherhood while running a company, she offers invaluable insights and practical advice for budding entrepreneurs.Additionally, Lindsey's transparency about facing legal challenges underscores the importance of integrity and ethical practices in business. Her candid reflection on these experiences serves as a reminder that setbacks are inevitable, but it's how we respond to them that defines our character.I'm left inspired by Lindsey's resilience, authenticity, and unwavering commitment to her vision. Her story is not just a narrative of entrepreneurship—it's a testament to the power of determination, courage, and authenticity. So, whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting on your journey, Lindsey's story is sure to resonate and motivate you to chase your dreams, no matter the obstacles.Subscribe to Young Boss with Isabelle Guarino wherever you get your podcasts, and be sure to like, share and follow on Instagram and TikTok.And remember, youth is your power.
Stop Doubting Yourself! How to Believe in Yourself and Find Success
May 22 2024
Stop Doubting Yourself! How to Believe in Yourself and Find Success
Aaron Porter's journey from being homeless in high school to triumph will truly inspire anyone striving to carve their path in the world of entrepreneurship. I had the privilege of chatting with Aaron and diving into his motivational story. I uncovered the pivotal moments that shaped his entrepreneurial endeavors and propelled him to success.As Aaron recounts his childhood interests in technology and mechanics, it's evident that his passion for innovation was ignited from a young age. Despite facing early challenges, including being kicked out of his house during high school, Aaron's resilience and determination never wavered. Instead, he channeled these hardships into fuel for his entrepreneurial journey, embarking on a path marked by determination and indomitable resolve.The bootstrap journey of Porter Tech is a testament to Aaron's perseverance and strategic acumen. From early attempts at entrepreneurship to the critical decision to bootstrap his business, Aaron's story is a masterclass in financial management and resourcefulness. His emphasis on securing a first customer before fully launching his venture underscores the importance of tangible validation in the entrepreneurial landscape.Moreover, Aaron's commitment to self-care and continuous learning shines through as he shares insights into overcoming the mental and emotional challenges of entrepreneurship. His philosophy of giving more than he takes and providing value to others resonates deeply with aspiring entrepreneurs seeking to make their mark in the industry.As we explore the future of Porter Tech and Aaron's vision for the industry, it's clear that his innovative spirit and relentless pursuit of excellence will continue to drive his success. From staying at the forefront of the rapidly evolving field of construction technology to fostering meaningful client relationships, Aaron's dedication to innovation and service excellence sets him apart as a true trailblazer in his field.Aaron’s journey is not just a story of triumph over adversity—it's a testament to the power of resilience, determination, and unwavering vision. Thanks for listening to another episode of Young Boss with me, Isabelle Guarino. Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts, and be sure to like, share and follow on Instagram and TikTok. And remember, youth is your power.Subscribe to Young Boss with Isabelle Guarino wherever you get your podcasts, and be sure to like, share and follow on Instagram and TikTok.And remember, youth is your power.
How I Leveraged My Full Time Career to Launch My Side Hustle
May 15 2024
How I Leveraged My Full Time Career to Launch My Side Hustle
Today, I'm excited to share insights from Sarah Edelman's recent appearance on the Young Boss Podcast. Sarah's journey of balancing a full fledged career, freelancing, and founding craft cotton candy brand, Fluff Yeah, is a tale of resilience, creativity, and unstoppable drive.In this episode, Sarah divulges how her youth and social media savviness became invaluable assets for her business. She shares tips on leveraging digital platforms to carve out a niche in the market and most importantly, drive sales. But it hasn't been all cotton candy cocktails and Instagram fame. Sarah opens up about the challenges she has faced, from navigating seasonality to overcoming logistical nightmares like shipping and regulatory hurdles.However, Sarah's ability to pivot has been key to Fluff Yeah's success. Transitioning from in-person events to a prepackaged model allowed her to align her business with both her goals and personal life. And as a mom, Sarah's drive to create a legacy for her daughter fuels her entrepreneurial spirit.Financially, Fluff Yeah may not be raking in six-figure revenues (yet), but Sarah proves that the bottom line doesn't solely measure success. With a gross income ranging from $10,000 to $20,000 a year, she emphasizes the importance of dedication, innovation, and strategic growth.Sarah’s three tactical tips for aspiring entrepreneurs are: just get started, prioritize market research, and well, you’ll have to tune in for the third. Hit that follow button and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts to stay in the loop on more incredible stories like Sarah's. And remember, your youth is your power.Subscribe to Young Boss with Isabelle Guarino wherever you get your podcasts, and be sure to like, share and follow on Instagram and TikTok.And remember, youth is your power.
How to Successfully Run a Business with No Business Plan
May 8 2024
How to Successfully Run a Business with No Business Plan
Have you ever heard of a business inspired by a hangover. Yes, you heard that right! In this week’s episode of the Young Boss with Isabelle Guarino, I had the pleasure of chatting with the charismatic and entrepreneurial force that is Nelson Brooks. Nelson's journey is a rollercoaster ride of innovation, resilience, and a whole lot of partying.Nelson's story is a testament to the fact that great businesses can sprout from the most unexpected places. As he puts it, "Execution is key, ideas are a dime a dozen." It's not only about having a lightbulb moment; it's about rolling up your sleeves and getting things done. And Nelson is a prime example of someone who gets things done.One of the most intriguing aspects of Nelson's journey is his ability to build a thriving business sans business plan. Instead, he focuses on building a strong partner network and strategically positioning his business in locations where the demand is high. It's a laid-back approach that not only breaks the mold but also delivers impressive results.And let's not forget the wild stories. From crazy party antics to unexpected encounters (like meeting his wife at a party he was working), Nelson's interview will leave you both entertained and inspired!Beyond the Instagrammable aspects of entrepreneurship lies a quieter reality: the loneliness that can seep into even the most ambitious business minds. Loneliness in entrepreneurship is a topic that often gets swept under the rug far too often, but Nelson faces it head-on. Nelson and I navigate the highs and lows of being a business owner; from the exhilarating highs of scaling across multiple cities to the gut-wrenching lows of sleepless nights wondering if it's all worth it.Get ready to be inspired, entertained, and maybe even a little bit envious of Nelson Brook’s entrepreneurial spirit. Be sure to like, share, and follow on Instagram and TikTok, and don’t forget to subscribe wherever you get your podcasts for more empowering content! And remember, youth is your power.Subscribe to Young Boss with Isabelle Guarino wherever you get your podcasts, and be sure to like, share and follow on Instagram and TikTok.And remember, youth is your power.
Unlock Your Potential: The Secret to Finding the Perfect Career
May 1 2024
Unlock Your Potential: The Secret to Finding the Perfect Career
Young Boss is back for Season 2 and in a big way! We’re lining up the who’s who of Young Bosses around the country to bring you all the secrets on how to become a Young Boss.I start with unlocking your potential and unveil the secret to finding the perfect career OR business. We tackle age-old questions like “What do I want to do with my life?” "How do I figure out what kind of business I want to start?" “How can I find my purpose in business?” Brace yourself for an exhilarating ride filled with insights, inspiration, and practical advice.I’m begging you to ask the hard questions. What ignites your passion? What values resonate with your soul? By delving deep into your interests, hobbies, and core beliefs, you unearth the blueprint for your entrepreneurial vision.But why stop there? I urge you to step into the shoes of industry pioneers through mentorship and shadowing opportunities. Witness firsthand the realities of different careers, for perception often diverges from reality. At the end of the day experience is king.And let's not forget the importance of a reality check. Entrepreneurship demands unwavering commitment, resilience, and sacrifice. Are you ready to go through some shit??Once you've figured it out, it's time to take action. From setting up your business entity to crafting a marketing strategy that converts, I’m providing the practical tools you need to find yourself in the entrepreneurial landscape.Remember, youth is your power.Subscribe to Young Boss with Isabelle Guarino wherever you get your podcasts, and be sure to like, share and follow on Instagram and TikTok.And remember, youth is your power.
How I Run a Six Figure Apparel Company on a Low Budget
Apr 17 2024
How I Run a Six Figure Apparel Company on a Low Budget
Do you have dreams made of denim? This week’s guest did. We’re diving into the world of denim dreams and Americana allure with none other than Nick Wetta, the Founder of West Major, a contemporary western wear brand born and bred in Phoenix, Arizona.It’s no secret that the heart and soul of American fashion are intricately woven into the fabric of West Major's designs. The aspirations of western wear, spanning from cinematic legends like John Wayne to modern-day icons, finds its contemporary expression through Nick’s vision.Join us as we uncover the pivotal moments of his journey from producing TV shows at VICE to the tech industry to the heart of the fashion world. We explore the inspiration behind his pivot, the challenges he faced in the early stages, and the strategies he employed to navigate the competitive landscape.One of the most compelling aspects of Nick’s story is his resilience in the face of adversity. He candidly shares the struggles he encountered, offering invaluable insights for aspiring entrepreneurs. From managing sales growth to balancing profitability, Nick's journey is a testament to the tenacity required to carve out a niche in the apparel industry.But it's not just business talk; we delve into the creative process behind West Major's distinctive designs and the profound influence of Nick’s personal style on the brand's aesthetic.Nick leaves us with some advice for budding entrepreneurs, emphasizing the importance of resilience, reflection and gritty-hard work along the journey.So, whether you're a fashion enthusiast, an entrepreneur, or simply curious about the intersection of tradition and modernity in American fashion, this episode of Young Boss with Isabelle Guarino is a must-listen. Don't forget to subscribe on your favorite podcast platform, and be sure to follow us on Instagram and TikTok for exclusive behind-the-scenes content. Remember, youth is your power.Subscribe to Young Boss with Isabelle Guarino wherever you get your podcasts, and be sure to like, share and follow on Instagram and TikTok.And remember, youth is your power.
I Haven't Worked a W2 in 8 Years! (How I Became My Own Boss)
Apr 10 2024
I Haven't Worked a W2 in 8 Years! (How I Became My Own Boss)
In this week’s episode of Young Boss, we're sitting down with none other than Kyle James, the mastermind behind Credit Bully. But here's the twist: Kyle isn't just in the business of fixing credit; he's on a mission to revolutionize the way we approach wealth-building. So, what's Kyle's secret? How did he transition from his previous career to become a powerhouse in the credit repair industry? And more importantly, how can his insights help you take control of your financial destiny?What sets Credit Bully apart? It's not just about disputing credit errors; it's about revolutionizing the way we perceive credit and leveraging it as a tool for wealth creation. Kyle's unique approach to credit repair, especially his methods for dealing with debt collector violations, is nothing short of ingenious.Kyle isn't just about building his own empire; he's all about paying it forward. Through mentorship and continuous learning, he's not only honed his expertise but also uplifted others along the way. Scaling a business is no walk in the park, but Kyle tackled it head-on. From team building to management, he shared the highs and lows of scaling Credit Bully, offering invaluable insights for budding entrepreneurs.But wait, there's more! Kyle's vision extends beyond Credit Bully; he's strategically investing in real estate, using the income potential of his business to fuel his aspirations. Amidst his entrepreneurial pursuits, Kyle's core beliefs shine through – believe in your ability to execute. This mantra isn't just about business strategy; it's a way of life.As we wrapped up the episode, Kyle left us with golden nuggets of advice for aspiring entrepreneurs, reminding us that every setback is a lesson in disguise.Tune in this week and let Kyle James be your guide to unlocking the doors to financial freedom. Don't forget to like, share, and follow us on Instagram and TikTok, and hit that subscribe button wherever you get your podcasts.Remember, youth is your power. Subscribe to Young Boss with Isabelle Guarino wherever you get your podcasts, and be sure to like, share and follow on Instagram and TikTok.And remember, youth is your power.
How I Run 3 Businesses (at the Same Time)
Apr 3 2024
How I Run 3 Businesses (at the Same Time)
In this episode of Young Boss with Isabelle Guarino, we have the pleasure of hosting the dynamic and multi-talented Brandyn Farrell. If you're seeking inspiration and insights into building a diverse career, this interview is a must-listen. Brandyn's journey from modeling to personal training and hospitality management is a testament to the power of ambition, hard work, and adaptability. With a career trajectory that spans from the glitz and glamor of the modeling world to the high-energy chaos of music festivals, Brandyn has embraced every opportunity with gusto.We learn Brandyn's early career beginnings and how he seamlessly transitioned from modeling to personal training and hospitality. His story is one of passion meeting opportunity, as he found joy and fulfillment in every endeavor he pursues.What sets Brandyn apart is his ability to thrive in multiple industries simultaneously. From the challenges he faced in the fast-paced world of modeling to the rewards of building relationships with clients in personal training, Brandyn opened up about his experiences and the lessons learned along the way.Moreover, Brandyn's insights into time management and resource allocation shed light on how he effectively manages his multiple streams of income. For aspiring multi-field professionals, his advice on navigating career diversification is invaluable.And what’s next for Brandyn? He shared his aspirations for the future, offering valuable advice for those looking to carve out their path in the world. Whether you’re dreaming of dominating the spotlight or transforming lives in the gym, his words of wisdom will inspire you to aim higher and dream bigger.So, whether you're a budding entrepreneur or simply seeking inspiration to pursue your passions, be sure to tune in to this week’s episode. Like, share, and subscribe to join us on this journey of empowerment and growth. Remember, youth is your power. Subscribe to Young Boss with Isabelle Guarino wherever you get your podcasts, and be sure to like, share and follow on Instagram and TikTok.And remember, youth is your power.
3 Shockingly Simple Ways to Scale Your Business (AND FAST)!
Mar 27 2024
3 Shockingly Simple Ways to Scale Your Business (AND FAST)!
Imagine having the ultimate co-pilot for your journey to success—Staci Gray is exactly that. I had the privilege of sitting down with Staci, the visionary Founder and CEO of Organize to Scale.Specializing in making the lives of leaders easier by helping them scale their operations smoothly, Staci’s team is the powerhouse you want in your corner to take your business from here, to there.What truly sets Staci apart is her expertise in systemizing business for growth. We dove deep into the three critical systems she's identified—psychological, structural, and social—and how implementing these strategies into her own business has garnered life changing success. Plus, we got the inside scoop on how she tailors these approaches for diverse fields, from venture capitalists to content creators.Staci's commitment to self-education and leadership development is equally impressive empathically emphasizing that it is a key to success for young bosses. She shared her top strategies for staying ahead in the ruthless business world and the pivotal role self-taught knowledge has played in her success.And let's not forget her invaluable insights into challenges and opportunities as an entrepreneur, her philosophy on work ethic and team dynamics, and her innovative approach to utilizing technology in modern business.So, if you're a young boss who’s looking to level up your business, you don't want miss out on this episode! Tune in to Young Boss with Isabelle Guarino to soak up Staci’s wisdom. Don't forget to like, share, and follow us on Instagram and TikTok for more exclusive content and updates on future episodes. Remember, youth is your power.Subscribe to Young Boss with Isabelle Guarino wherever you get your podcasts, and be sure to like, share and follow on Instagram and TikTok.And remember, youth is your power.
The Secret to Surviving Nashville as a Musician: Insider Tips on How to Make a Living as an Artist
Mar 20 2024
The Secret to Surviving Nashville as a Musician: Insider Tips on How to Make a Living as an Artist
In this week’s episode, we sit down with my friend Laura Walsh, a powerhouse musician who's carving her own path in Nashville's cutthroat music industry. From her humble beginnings to her recent successes, Laura shares valuable insights that are not only relevant to aspiring musicians but to any young entrepreneur looking to establish themselves in a competitive field.Laura's story is one of resilience, determination, and the pursuit of passion. As she reflects on her journey, we learn about the pivotal moments in her high school years that propelled her toward a career in music. Her experience in choir and cheerleading not only helped her overcome shyness, but also nurtured the performer within her.Moving to Nashville was a bold step for Laura, and she didn't shy away from sharing the realities of navigating the music industry in the music capital of America. From her initial impressions to her strategies for avoiding underselling her capabilities, Laura's insights shed light on the business side of being a musician, as well as the ups and downs of it all.One of the most intriguing aspects of Laura's journey is her entrepreneurial spirit. She doesn't just rely on her talent; she actively takes charge of the business aspect of her career. From negotiating pay structures to finding innovative marketing strategies, Laura's approach is a testament to her tenacity and adaptability in the face of challenges.But it's about more than business for Laura. She also emphasizes the importance of personal growth, resilience, and staying true to one's artistic vision. Her experiences serve as a guiding light for aspiring musicians, reminding them that success in the industry requires a delicate balance between creativity, commitment and business acumen.We are left inspired by Laura's journey and empowered to pursue our dreams with passion and perseverance. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to the podcast for more captivating stories of young entrepreneurs making their mark on the world. Remember, youth is your power.Subscribe to Young Boss with Isabelle Guarino wherever you get your podcasts, and be sure to like, share and follow on Instagram and TikTok.And remember, youth is your power.
How to Prepare for a Buyout
Mar 13 2024
How to Prepare for a Buyout
As a business owner, you need to be prepared for anything. In this week’s episode of the Young Boss podcast, I dive into a topic that might not be top of mind for many young bosses: preparing for a business buyout. Whether you’re knee-deep in building your empire or just starting to dip your toes into the entrepreneurial waters, understanding the ins and outs of selling your business is essential for long-term success.I kick things off by discussing the importance of recognizing the right time to sell. Much easier said than done and while the thought of parting ways with something you've poured your heart and soul into can be daunting, being prepared for any scenario is vital. Waiting until you're in a "need to sell" situation could leave you vulnerable and undervalued. Instead, it'll be essential to start planning and strategizing for a potential sale early on, even if it isn’t your current intention. I’ll share the importance of building solid systems within your business. Establishing standard operating procedures will ensure that your operations are organized and efficient, making your business more attractive to potential buyers down the line.I’ll also explore why businesses buy other businesses. Understanding the motivations behind acquisitions will help you position your business as an attractive asset. Whether it's to acquire new technology, talent, or distribution channels, knowing what makes your business valuable to potential buyers will be key.As with just about anything, there are options when it comes to selling your business - from partnerships to franchises to outright purchases. Each type of sale comes with its own set of benefits and considerations, so it'll be essential to weigh your options carefully. We will be exploring negotiation tactics and strategies that will help you secure the best possible deal for your business.Finally, I’ll touch on the importance of keeping your team and company culture top of mind throughout the sale process. Selling your business can have a significant impact on your employees, making it vital to communicate openly and transparently and ensure a smooth transition for your team.New episodes drop every Wednesday on YouTube, Spotify and Apple OR wherever you get your podcasts. See you next week! Remember, youth is your power.Subscribe to Young Boss with Isabelle Guarino wherever you get your podcasts, and be sure to like, share and follow on Instagram and TikTok.And remember, youth is your power.
How to Navigate Sacrifices in Business
Mar 6 2024
How to Navigate Sacrifices in Business
Picture a future where your entrepreneurial dreams are reality—but first, consider the sacrifices required to get there. Are you ready for the oftentimes unpredictable and tumultuous  journey of self-discovery and achievement? Join me as I dive deep into the muddy waters of sacrifice and its remarkable ability to shape the trajectory of your future.In this episode, I’ll share what it truly means to make sacrifices in the pursuit of your dreams. Sacrifice, in the realm of entrepreneurship, is not just about giving up personal luxuries or fleeting pleasures. It's about making tough choices, prioritizing our goals, and staying laser-focused on the path ahead.As a young boss, your days blur into nights as you juggle the demands of your business with the rhythm of everyday life. Gone are the traditional 9-5 hours; instead, you’ll find yourself working odd hours, seizing every moment available to propel your ventures forward.And what about your cherished relationships? As you pour your hearts and souls into our businesses, friendships, old and new, may fade, and family gatherings become moments of distraction rather than connection. But fear not, for communication is key. By openly discussing your priorities with loved ones, we can navigate these challenges with grace and understanding.That being said, it’s imperative to not forget about your health—the ultimate signal of wealth. Long gone are the days of skipping meals or burning the midnight oil fueled by caffeine and substance. As a young boss, you must prioritize self-care amidst the chaos, ensuring that you’re operating at your best, both mentally and physically.But here's the silver lining: amidst the sacrifice lies an undeniable truth—you are the architect of your destiny. With every late night and missed opportunity you become one step closer to your goals. As Serena Williams once said, "You have to believe in yourself when no one else does."So, my fellow young bosses, embrace the sacrifices, for they are the fuel that propels you forward. Seize the day, chase your dreams, and rewrite the rules of success.Thanks for tuning in to another episode of the Young Boss podcast. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe!And remember, youth is your power.Subscribe to Young Boss with Isabelle Guarino wherever you get your podcasts, and be sure to like, share and follow on Instagram and TikTok.And remember, youth is your power.
How to Embrace Abundance as a Business Owner
Feb 28 2024
How to Embrace Abundance as a Business Owner
Limiting Beliefs Are So Last Year: How Abundance Mindset Can Lead to Success and Personal FulfillmentAre you tired of the negative energy and scarcity mentality that seems to permeate every corner of the business world? Do you long for a mindset that celebrates opportunity, fosters collaboration, and propels you towards success? You're in luck. In this episode of Young Boss with Isabelle Guarino, I’m diving deep into the transformative power of the abundance mindset.First up, I define what the abundance mindset truly means. It's about envisioning a world where opportunities are plentiful, success isn't a zero-sum game, and the possibilities are endless. This mindset revolutionizes your approach to business and life, opening doors you never knew existed.Next, I contrast the abundance mindset with its counterpart, the scarcity mindset. We explore how scarcity breeds competition and inhibits collaboration, while abundance fosters shared success. Shifting from a scarcity to an abundance mindset is one of the many keys to unlocking your full potential as a young boss.But does this mindset shift really work? Absolutely. I share real-life success stories of individuals who have embraced the abundance mindset and achieved remarkable success. From turning competitors into collaborators to finding joy in supporting others, these stories prove that living abundantly is not just a philosophy but a path to fulfillment.Gratitude plays a pivotal role in amplifying the power of the abundance mindset. By cultivating gratitude in our daily lives and surrounding ourselves with positive influences, we are able to enhance our personal well-being and foster a more supportive, collaborative environment in our professional ecosystem.Overcoming limiting beliefs is vital for living abundantly. We explore strategies for challenging negative self-talk and adopting a growth mindset, paving the way for success. Finally, I provide practical tips for implementing abundance in our daily lives, from showing gratitude to creating win-win situations. It’s time to embrace the abundance mindset, unlock your full potential, and create a world where success and happiness attainable for everyone.Be sure to like, share, and follow us on Instagram and TikTok, and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. And remember, youth is your power.Subscribe to Young Boss with Isabelle Guarino wherever you get your podcasts, and be sure to like, share and follow on Instagram and TikTok.And remember, youth is your power.
Sobriety and Business: The Unspoken Influence
Feb 21 2024
Sobriety and Business: The Unspoken Influence
What if I told you that choosing sobriety could be your secret weapon for success?This week, we’re challenging norms, breaking stigmas, and uncovering the undeniable rise of sobriety in professional settings. So, buckle up as I take you on a journey through the shifting sands of networking, company culture, and the profound impact of choosing sobriety in your entrepreneurial journey.Have you ever felt like the odd one out at a corporate happy hour? You’re not alone. In this episode, I peel back the layers of societal expectations and dive deep into the stigma surrounding sobriety in business. From the assumption that non-drinkers are boring to the pervasive belief that alcohol is the key to trust and authenticity, I’ll confront these misconceptions head-on. I’m here to challenge the status quo and redefine what it means to build genuine connections in the business world, sans the liquid courage.You might be asking yourself - but what about those after-work drinks? Enter the rise of mocktails and non-alcoholic options. From artisanal mocktails to sophisticated non-alcoholic beverages, bartenders are getting creative, catering to a growing demographic of sober-curious professionals. Yet, amidst this shift, I ponder a crucial question: does holding a non-alcoholic drink alter how we’re perceived in social settings? It’s a dynamic conversation that underscores the need for continued evolution in societal perceptions.How does sobriety impact the happy hours that “build” company culture? In this episode, I’ll help you reimagine traditional networking events, and envision a future where connection takes precedence over cocktails. From volunteer work to creative workshops, it’s time to champion inclusivity and diversity in all aspects of business.As I examine the advantages and challenges of sobriety in business, I unsheath a myriad of insights. From improved cognitive function to increased energy and presence, choosing sobriety can indeed be a superpower in the entrepreneurial space. But I don’t want you to ignore the elephant in the room: the lingering biases and expectations that still permeate professional circles. As young bosses, it’s vital to navigate this delicate balance, while striving to build authentic connections and staying true to ourselves.Together, we’re breaking stigmas, embracing diversity, and forging a new path in the world of sobriety in entrepreneurship.Don’t forget to like, share, and follow us on Instagram and TikTok. Until next time, stay inspired, stay empowered, and keep conquering those entrepreneurial dreams. Cheers to a future filled with clarity, connection, and endless possibilities.And remember, your youth is your powerSubscribe to Young Boss with Isabelle Guarino wherever you get your podcasts, and be sure to like, share and follow on Instagram and TikTok.And remember, youth is your power.
A CEO's Secret to Growing Your Business
Feb 14 2024
A CEO's Secret to Growing Your Business
Looking for the secret to growing your business? This week, we embark on a thrilling journey through the various phases of business growth and development. From the initial spark of startup inspiration to the pivotal moments of maturity and renewal, we unpack the mysteries of entrepreneurship.We first set the stage for an exploration of the four fundamental phases of business: startup, growth, maturity, and renewal or decline. Through relatable anecdotes and practical insights, we learn how to navigate the complexities of each phase, turning each challenge into opportunities for growth.You’ll dive head first with me into the startup phase, where we encounter the many ups and downs of a new business owner’s thoughts, feelings, and challenges. With a reassuring reminder to embrace the messy beginnings and pivot when necessary, become inspired to take the leap and start building your dreams.As we move into the growth phase, we are reminded that complacency is the enemy of progress. With a nod to the wisdom of Kobe Bryant, we're encouraged to maintain an abundance mindset and keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible for our businesses, even when it feels okay to relax.But it doesn't stop there. As we reach the maturity phase, we learn the cautionary tale of Kodak's rise and fall that serves as a powerful reminder to never rest on our laurels. With innovation as our compass, we're empowered to stay relevant and resilient in an ever-changing landscape.As we stand at the crossroads of renewal or decline in a business, we share the importance of choosing the path of innovation and growth. With a renewed sense of purpose and determination, we pledge to keep striving for greatness and embracing the endless possibilities that lie ahead.Remember, youth is your power.Subscribe to Young Boss with Isabelle Guarino wherever you get your podcasts, and be sure to like, share and follow on Instagram and TikTok.And remember, youth is your power.
How to Run a Successful Farmer’s Market Business
Feb 7 2024
How to Run a Successful Farmer’s Market Business
How does tech sales experience impact a farmers market business?This week you’ll find out as we dive head first into the ups and downs of the uber competitive and cutthroat farmers market business when we sit down with Mike and Killian, the dynamic duo behind Pitties Popcorn.Born out of a profound love for pitbulls and a commitment to using natural, whole-food ingredients, Pitties Popcorn is a business that transcends profit. The brains behind this business are none other than our friends, Mike and Killian, who seamlessly blend passion, dedication, and tech sales expertise into a recipe for success.Mike and Killian open up about the experiences, the impact on their lives as a married couple, and the stories that have left an everlasting mark on their hearts.Their reflections on giving back, working with family, and growing their business out of their own kitchen - paint a vivid picture of the compassionate ethos that underpins their entrepreneurial spirit.Ever wondered what goes into making popcorn that stands out? Pitties Popcorn's definitely didn’t take the easy route. As vegans themselves, their commitment to vegan, whole food, and chemical-free ingredients is commendable. In addition to their commitment to excellence, Mike and Killian let us in on the secret ingredient behind Pitties Popcorn's success—family involvement.We’ll talk about what challenges and opportunities lie ahead for Mike and Killian’s business, how Mike’s recent shift to making popcorn his main gig has changed his daily routine and the dynamics of their relationship. I drop some valuable nuggets of insight on scaling businesses and leveraging past experiences, as well how childhood experiences can influence the ways we conduct business.Grab your popcorn, this is an episode you will not want to miss! And remember, youth is your power.Subscribe to Young Boss with Isabelle Guarino wherever you get your podcasts, and be sure to like, share and follow on Instagram and TikTok.And remember, youth is your power.
Unlocking Business Synergy: The Intricate Dance of Visionaries and Integrators
Jan 31 2024
Unlocking Business Synergy: The Intricate Dance of Visionaries and Integrators
Have you ever wondered why some business partners seem to just click? This week we’ll tell you as we dive into the magnetic and sometimes contentious dynamic of Visionaries and Integrators.Let me break it down for you. The Visionary is your big dreamer, the one who sees beyond the horizon, always brimming with groundbreaking ideas. On the other hand, the Integrator is the doer, the one who turns these grand visions into tangible realities. Think of Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak of Apple – you can’t have one without the other..As a goal oriented business owner, I'm all about spicing things up and getting real about business. This episode is no exception. We’ll start by helping you identify whether you're an Integrator or a Visionary. Knowing your role is crucial because it aids in finding the right partner to complement your skills. You'll learn how each role adds unique value and how, when combined, they can create a powerhouse within your business.However, it's not just about defining roles - we unpack the dynamics of this partnership. Visionaries need Integrators to keep their feet on the ground, while Integrators need Visionaries to push the boundaries. When executed and maintained correctly - it can be a match made in heaven!Don’t get ahead of yourself though, finding your counterpart is just the beginning. The real magic happens in nurturing this partnership. You will learn how to communicate effectively, understand each other’s perspectives, and leverage each other's strengths for long-term success.Here are my top three takeaways from this episode:Know Your RoleUnderstand whether you're a Visionary or an Integrator – it’s the first step in creating a dynamic duo.Embrace the PartnershipLearn to appreciate the complementary nature of these roles. Remember, it's all about balance.Nurture the RelationshipGood partnerships need care. Learn to communicate and grow together for sustainable success.Together, let's explore how these roles collide to build something truly spectacular.Remember, your youth is your power.Subscribe to Young Boss with Isabelle Guarino wherever you get your podcasts, and be sure to like, share and follow on Instagram and TikTok.And remember, youth is your power.
Hustling Without Health: How to Avoid Burnout as a Young Boss
Jan 24 2024
Hustling Without Health: How to Avoid Burnout as a Young Boss
Conquering Entrepreneurial BurnoutIn this week’s episode, we unpack the critical issue of burnout in entrepreneurship. We’ll combine poignant anecdotes with practical advice, shedding light on how to keep your entrepreneurial spirit burning without succumbing to burnout.Burnout is a complex state of exhaustion and stress, impacting each individual differently. We’ll highlight the necessity of recognizing and acknowledging burnout, urging you to heed any physical and emotional cues that you experience.Tune in this week to dive deep on our main takeaways:Recognizing BurnoutUnderstand your limits and listen to your body and mind for signs of burnout.Transitioning from Hustler to CEOBalance your initial hustle with sustainable business practices and seamlessly transition to a strategic leadership role.Sustainable Business ManagementEmbrace delegation, technology, and selective commitment in order to maintain your personal and professional well-being.Remember, the transition from a relentless hustler to a strategic CEO is pivotal. This shift is not just about expanding responsibilities but also about cultivating an environment where both leaders and teams can thrive without burnout.I’ll also enlist some practical strategies for sustainable business management - sharing my approach to delegation, leveraging technology, and the art of saying "no" to maintain your work-life-balance.The key to success in your business is to enjoy your life outside work and while smartly utilizing your abundance of youthful energy. I’ll provide a comprehensive view on mitigating burnout that’ll set you up for success.Navigating the complexities of business and self-care is challenging and we’ve all been there before. Take it from me and tune in to this week’s episode on YouTube or Spotify and embark on your journey towards a balanced, successful entrepreneurial life as the YOUNG BOSS you are. Remember, youth is your power.Subscribe to Young Boss with Isabelle Guarino wherever you get your podcasts, and be sure to like, share and follow on Instagram and TikTok.And remember, youth is your power.