Good Friends; Strong Families The Podcast

Angela and Anna

Welcome to 'Good Friends, Strong Families,' where family coaches and lifelong friends Angela and Anna, armed with over a quarter-century of combined experience, share research-backed strategies, heartwarming chats, and a dose of humor to make your family stronger, more joyful, and deeply connected. Join us in building resilient families through friendship. 🎧💪❤️

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Emotional Bank Accounts: Investing in Your Family's Heart
Mar 21 2024
Emotional Bank Accounts: Investing in Your Family's Heart
In this episode of "Good Friends; Strong Families," dive into emotional bank accounts, a representation of the trust and safety built within family relationships through actions and words. Learn how to enrich your family life by making more deposits than withdrawals, ensuring your children and partner feel valued, loved, and genuinely appreciated. Discover actionable strategies to create an environment of resilience and connection, where every interaction becomes an opportunity to reinforce feelings of love, acceptance, and appreciation. Join us as we explore the importance of emotional deposits through specific, sincere compliments and the skillful avoidance of overly critical comments, laying the foundation for a lifetime of strong, healthy family bonds. Look for and Compliment the Good  - Compliment Tracking:Every day look for things you can complement in each person. Put a mark each time you give a reinforcing compliment.Steps to a Reinforcing Compliment: To change behavior or encourage better behavior regularly, you should incorporate these five steps:Give it immediately: Don’t delay; provide the compliment right after the positive action occurs.Be excited and sincere: Your enthusiasm shows its importance, and sincerity ensures the message is received as genuine.Say exactly what the person did well: Be specific about what action or behavior you're praising.Tell how it helps the person: Connect the action to its positive impact, making it meaningful.Add a gentle touch: If appropriate, a small physical gesture like a pat on the back can reinforce your words.STRENGTHENING FAMILIES PROGRAM 40 Phrases That Praise Putting deposits in your kid’s “emotional bank account”:REINFORCING COMPLIMENTSI’m proud of you for…Thanks for trying so hard on…I’m pleased the way you…How thoughtful of you to…You’ve made real progress on…You did a good job on…Keep up the good work on…You are a natural at…I like it when you…That was a really good try at…That’s a great improvement on…I’m pleased you…I appreciate you being (so thoughtful, honest, persistent, kind, etc.)You showed a lot of creativity at…I’m impressed with the way you…Thanks for being so (responsible, organized, etc.)EXPRESSING LOVE 17. I love you.We make a great team.I have fun with you.I’m glad you’re my son/daughter, husband/wife.I enjoy spending time with you.I’m glad you called.If you’re concerned/sad/hurting, I’m here to listen; help me understand.You mean a lot to me.You’re right.POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS 26. Well done!I like to hear your ideas.Excellent work!What a great job!That’s a good point. Thanks for sharing.I’m sure you can do it; you’ve done hard things before. (Or: I knew you could do it.)Thanks for doing what I asked.I couldn’t have done it without you.Wow! Cool! Way to go!That’s great! Give me five!I like the way you’re
Family Rules That Resonate: Shaping a Respectful Home
Mar 15 2024
Family Rules That Resonate: Shaping a Respectful Home
In this Good Friends: Strong Families episode, Angela and Anna delve into establishing family rules and expectations. Far from laying down a list of dos and don'ts, this discussion opens up a meaningful dialogue on creating rules that align with your family's values and encourage participation and understanding from every family member. Learn how to craft respected and accepted guidelines, fostering a home environment where everyone feels valued and heard.Discover the importance of implementing rules beyond the surface to teach responsibility, respect, and the skills necessary for navigating the wider world. Learn how rules can be more than just household commands—they can be the cornerstone of teaching your kids about the world, preparing them for adulthood with the right balance of discipline and freedom.This episode is packed with practical advice on involving children in the rule-making process, ensuring they understand the ‘why’ behind each guideline, and setting up a system that works for your unique family dynamic. Whether you're looking to refresh your family's rules or starting from scratch, tune in for strategies to make your family rules effective, respected, and woven into the fabric of daily life, creating a respectful and loving home. Here are Dr Amen's 8 family rules from the Strengthening Families Program: 1) Be honest.2) Treat each other with respect.3) Respect each other’s property.4) Put away things you take out.5) Look for ways to be kind and helpful.6) Ask permission before you go.7) Do what Mom or Dad asks the first time.8) Don’t argue with your parents.
Breaking Bread, Building Bonds: The Power of Family Meals
Mar 8 2024
Breaking Bread, Building Bonds: The Power of Family Meals
Join Angela and Anna in this warm and insightful episode of Good Friends; Strong Families, where they share the secrets to building a close-knit family. They explore the simple joys that bring us together, like mealtime chats, family game nights, and even the quiet moments that might seem small but add up to a lifetime of memories. It's not just about what we do together, but how we make each other feel—valued, understood, and part of a team.Our hosts, two seasoned parents and family coaches, open up about their own experiences. They give you the inside scoop on how to make every family member feel important, from the little ones just starting to talk to the teens navigating their independence. They believe that being there for each other—in good times and tough ones—is what family is all about.Angela and Anna don't just talk the talk; they walk you through easy-to-apply steps that can make your family feel more connected starting today. This episode isn’t about grand gestures; it's about the small, everyday actions that show we care. So whether you're trying to get everyone to open up more, or you're looking for ways to show your kids they're loved, tune in and discover how to make your family ties stronger and your home the heartwarming place everyone wants to be. Here are 20 questions designed to get families with kids of all ages talking, sharing, and laughing together:If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?What was the best part of your day today?If you could be any animal for a day, which one would you choose and why?What is one thing you did today to help someone else?Where would you go if you could travel anywhere in the world?What have you always wanted to learn how to do?What was the funniest thing that happened to you this week?If you could meet any fictional character, who would it be and why?What is one goal for the next week/month/year?What is your favorite family tradition and why?If you could invent something that would make life easier, what would it be?What are you most grateful for right now and why?What’s the best book you’ve read or movie you’ve seen this year?If you had a theme song that played every time you walked into a room, what would it be?What’s something new you’d like to try, and what’s holding you back?Who is someone you look up to and why?What’s one thing you love about the person sitting to your right?If you could change one rule we have as a family, what would it be and why?What’s the most interesting fact you know?If we could have any real or mythical animal as a family pet, what should it be and why?
Woven Together: The Art of Parenting Through Friendship and Resilience
Jan 18 2024
Woven Together: The Art of Parenting Through Friendship and Resilience
As family coaches and parents,  we understand that sometimes, a chat with a friend can be the lifeline we need in the whirlwind of family life. In our heart-to-heart conversation, we reveal how these bonds not only support us through parenting challenges but also shape the very fabric of our family's existence. We're peeling back the layers of friendship's influence, sharing stories that range from the laughter that comes with learning to say 'yes' more to the solidarity found in constructive feedback that steers us back to what matters most—our families.Motherhood and parenting are not for the faint of heart, and the journey is as unique as each child we raise. We reflect on the evolving parenting landscape, trusting our instincts, and how life's tapestry enriches our approach to nurturing our kids. Embracing the diversity of family structures, from biological to step-parenting, we affirm the importance of parenting with intention and adapting to the individual paths that we and our children walk.Finally, we tackle the tightrope act of juggling work, parenting, and personal relationships, sharing tales from the trenches of early parenthood, including those sleepless nights we all know too well. But it's not just about survival—it's about thriving, building connections, and fostering resilience. So, as we wrap up this episode, we invite you to join the conversation, share your experiences, and become part of a community that's all about strengthening the ties that bind families together. Join us, Angela and Anna, as we continue to explore the wonders and challenges of family life.