Stories about Kevin

Stories about Kevin

Stories about Kevin is a web series about soldiers. Please be aware there is a language and content warning on this pod. We’d love to hear stories from Military Industry, or really any job where you encounter a Kevin that may have been in the military, Kevin is everywhere, the fun is in the fact that if we can’t laugh at Kevin, we will cry. Submit your stories to: read less


Episode 10  -The Disappearance of Peter Mims
Sep 17 2023
Episode 10 -The Disappearance of Peter Mims
Welcome to the latest episode of "Stories about Kevin." In this installment, we embark on a captivating journey into the enigmatic disappearance of Peter Mims, a dedicated sailor aboard the USS Shiloh. Join us as we navigate the murky waters of this perplexing case that left both the crew and Navy officials baffled. On a routine mission in the Philippine Sea, Peter Mims vanished without a trace, triggering an extensive search and rescue operation by the U.S. Navy's 7th Fleet. But what could compel a highly regarded sailor to conceal himself within the bowels of his own ship? We delve into the theories, the investigation, and the intriguing questions surrounding this eerie maritime enigma. Before we dive into the heart of the story, we explore the history of the USS Shiloh, a Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser with a rich operational legacy. From its pivotal role in Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm to its participation in international exercises and humanitarian missions, the USS Shiloh embodies the dedication and professionalism of its crew. The United States Seventh Fleet, often referred to as C7F, plays a pivotal role in modern naval operations across the Indo-Pacific region. Discover its storied history, from World War II to present-day challenges, and its role in shaping contemporary security dynamics. As we unravel the mystery of Peter Mims' disappearance, we examine the factors that may have contributed to his decision to go into hiding within the USS Shiloh. From personal struggles and fear of consequences to the complex psychology of isolation at sea, his story sheds light on the unique challenges faced by sailors. The discovery of Peter Mims within the storeroom of the USS Shiloh brought relief, astonishment, and concern among the crew. It also prompted a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding his disappearance, revealing a stark contrast between his professional excellence and personal struggles. Join us as we explore the complexities of this captivating story and its valuable lessons about the mental and emotional challenges faced by those in military service. Remember, if you ever need help, there are support services available. If you have your own stories to share or episode suggestions, please reach out to us at Tune in for a thought-provoking episode that delves deep into the unexplained and reminds us of the importance of reaching out and seeking help when needed.
Episode 9
Sep 10 2023
Episode 9
In todays episode, we have a couple of stories: Our first story is about a soldier who had anger issues and got involved in a violent altercation after a night of heavy drinking. The soldier nearly stabbed another soldier and then had to face, and live to regret, the decision.Our second tale is a poignant story from a deployment to Balad Airfield during the Iraq War. The narrator describes a heartbreaking incident where a commanding officer, mistook a family for insurgents and opened fire, resulting in the deaths of four innocent civilians. The sender carries the weight of not intervening or speaking up, even though they were a junior enlisted member at the time.This story revolves around a time when a military camp faced a shortage of food rations, leading the soldiers to take matters into their own hands. They encountered a cow crossing the road and decided to claim it for their own use, along with some chickens. The soldiers then organized a feast around a bonfire, cooking and sharing the meat.In this story, set in 1989 while the sender was in the Navy, they describe how they were issued uncomfortable flight deck boots. When the boots wore out within a few months due to their demanding duties, the supply clerk refused to issue new boots, citing a six-month policy. The narrator had to resort to creative solutions like wire and duct tape to repair the boots. Eventually, they caught the attention of their squadron's commanding officer, leading to a resolution of the issue. It was later revealed that the supply clerk had been involved in unethical practices.These stories cover a range of experiences, from humorous and lighthearted incidents to tragic and morally challenging situations within the military. Thank you for sharing them, and if you have any specific questions or further details about any of the stories, please feel free to ask. Otherwise, send your stories into and we’ll see you next week!
Episode 8 - DVA Data Breach
Sep 3 2023
Episode 8 - DVA Data Breach
In this episode, we discuss a pressing issue surrounding data breaches involving the Australian Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA), the University of South Australia, and the DVA MATES Program. Our aim is to inform you, our audience, about these breaches and the steps you can take to safeguard your privacy and request information. We believe it's crucial for all of us to exercise our right to submit Freedom of Information Requests to the Department of Veterans Affairs. This enables us to gain access to information about our files and cases, in most cases, within 30 days of submission. Here are the key points we address in this episode: We delve into the data breaches, which involve the monthly forwarding of personal details and medical history by DVA to a university in South Australia.We share our concern over the privacy commissioner's disagreement with DVA regarding the handling of private information.We highlight the six-year struggle of a veteran who fought to stop DVA from sharing personal information without obtaining consent.We express our concerns about potential implications and issues arising from data sharing with non-clinical researchers.We report that DVA suspended the program after a complaint was filed with the University of South Australia's human ethics committee.We underscore our concerns regarding the security of the data set that DVA shared with the university.We provide you with clear instructions on how to opt out of the program and request the deletion of your information.We share contact details for ethics committees at both the University of South Australia and DVA.We encourage you to file complaints with the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner if your requests are met with refusal. We want you to be aware that signing a claim form or using a DVA card did not imply consent for data sharing, and we believe this is a breach of your privacy. Post about the Breach on Reddit: Veterans’ MATES Program Official Page at DVA: Veterans’ MATES Official Site: FOIA Overview: D8601 – FOI Application Form: Office of the Australian Information Commissioner: Opt-Out by emailing You can ask uni SA to delete information they have received by emailing  Ethics Committees are: and DVA ethics committee You can also ask Uni SA to tell you who they shared your data with at and tell them to advise those universities that they must destroy any of the data they have received without consent. DVA Privacy Breach Facebook Group:
Episode 7
Sep 3 2023
Episode 7
In this episode of Stories about Kevin, we have the following stories: Finnish Army Shenanigans: The first story is from the child of a Finnish Army soldier who recounts a hilarious incident involving their dad. While on duty officer shift, their father discovered two drunk individuals playing with a shot put ball in the barracks' basement, leading to a comical encounter with some unexpected guests. Australian Soldier's Misadventures: The second story takes us to Afghanistan in 2011, where an Australian soldier is responsible for crucial encryption equipment during a deployment. After a series of mishaps, including the loss of this vital equipment and an incident involving a missing pistol, the soldier's actions have serious consequences for both him and his unit. Canadian Army Reserve First Day: The third story shares a humorous experience from the Canadian Army Reserve. On the narrator's first day, they were mistaken for a homeless person on the way to training due to their outdated, mismatched uniform. It's a comical introduction to their reserve service. WWII Medics' Destiny: The fourth story takes us back to WWII, following the journey of the narrator's great-grandfather, a medic stationed in Singapore. He narrowly avoided staying in Singapore, which ultimately fell to Japanese forces. His life afterward was marked by a carefree attitude and a strong belief in destiny. 1980s Army Adventures: The fifth story is set in the US Army in the 1980s and revolves around the senders experiences with a demanding commander. It includes a PT test, an incorrect weigh-in situation, and a humorous incident involving pizza during a tape measurement session. Cyclone Preparations: The final story centers on cyclone preparations in Darwin, Australia. Soldiers are tasked with securing the compound, which leads to a series of comical missteps, including concerns about fencing and the physics of cyclone winds. Thankyou for listening, and please, continue to send your stories to for future episodes.
Episode 6
Aug 27 2023
Episode 6
Hey there, welcome back! I'm really excited to switch things up a bit for this episode and try out a new podcast format. Before we dive in, I want to give a big shoutout to everyone who enjoyed our last couple of episodes. Your support means a lot. Over the past few weeks, we've received some amazing stories in our inbox, and I want to encourage you all to keep sending more to It's fantastic to see the engagement growing! We have some varied stories today, one from the Federation Guard, one from a Medic, and some more Truckie Stories! Shifting gears to a more serious note, I stumbled upon a touching story from the Australian War Memorial's collection. It's about Dick Turner, who joined the army at a young age and eventually became a pilot during World War II and the Korean War. His journey is a mix of courage, fear, and growth, with anecdotes that reveal the complexities of wartime experiences. Before we wrap up, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to the Australian War Memorial for sharing some incredible resources with me. And I want to remind you all to keep those stories coming – submit them to I promise to read each and every one, though I might not get a chance to respond to all of them. As we head back to our regular weekly schedule, I'm looking forward to featuring more listener stories and digging into historical anecdotes. Stay tuned for more exciting content in the episodes to come! Todays history story was obtained from: The War Memorial Provided me with the following great link
Episode 4 - Lynndie England
Aug 17 2023
Episode 4 - Lynndie England
[Trigger Warning: This episode contains distressing content involving torture, abuse, and mistreatment in a military prison.] In this episode, we explore the grave story of Private Lynndie England, a former US Army Reserve soldier central to the Abu Ghraib prison scandal during the Iraq War. Amid disturbing photographs and unsettling actions, we navigate England's journey and accountability within a complicated chain of command. Listener discretion is advised due to the distressing content involving torture and abuse in a military prison. If you have any stories you wish to share with the Pod, please send them into ----more---- Sources: