A Friend In Your Ear - Helping You To Live A Fun Filled Mid-Life, Minus The Crisis!

Beth Goodrham

From Stylist, Coach & Author Beth Goodrham, comes the ultimate podcast for women over 50 looking to live a fun filled, meaningful life, full of potential. Featuring deep dives into topics like spirituality, health, the ketogenic diet, retreats, travel and ways to rediscover who you really are.  A Friend In Your Ear is designed to offer you comfort, support, insight and words of wisdom when your real life friends are busy.

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The Benefits Of A Morning Routine: Get Ahead Of Your Day Before It Gets Ahead Of You, With Simple Meditations, Affirmations & Visualisations
May 8 2024
The Benefits Of A Morning Routine: Get Ahead Of Your Day Before It Gets Ahead Of You, With Simple Meditations, Affirmations & Visualisations
I'd always rolled my eyes at the thought of a morning routine. I mean seriously, who has the time and how does it even help?And then I came across Hal Elrod, the author of the Miracle Morning Routine. In his podcast interview with Rachel Hollis (linked below) he explained how he had developed the Miracle Morning Routine and how it  worked. I was intrigued. So intrigued that I bought the book (also linked below) and a few days later I started my very own Miracle Morning Routine.  Nearly 40 days in now and I LOVE it!In this episode I share what it looks like in practice, how to tweak it to fit your day and the benefits it has brought to my life. It really has been life changing.  I hope that if you're feeling a little unsettled and you're searching for a practice to help, that this might offer some comfort. Oh and before I forget! Here's the link to the retreat that I'm running at the beginning of October 2024. I've prepared a brochure which answers and explains all that you should need to know in the first instance. And if you have any questions at all, please just email me at mail@bethgoodrham.com and I'll be happy to help answer any questions you may have.  CLICK HERE TO ACCESS THE RETREAT BROCHURE  Additional links referred to in the episode: The Rachel Hollis Podcast Episode 580 with Hal ElrodMiracle Morning Book By Hal Elrod
An introduction to biohacking: 10 simple biohacks you can use every day to optimise your health and well-being
Dec 1 2023
An introduction to biohacking: 10 simple biohacks you can use every day to optimise your health and well-being
Biohacking. What are the benefits of biohacking? Is it safe? Does it work?Today, I'm going to be talking about biohacking.  Biohacking is something that we're hearing about more and more and something I've become super interested in over the last 18 months or so.  So I thought I would share with you what biohacking is all about. You don't have to be a silicone valley billionaire to be interested in biohacking. It's available to anyone, whatever your age and stage in life and is about optimising your own health and well-being by making simple changes which "hack" your biology. During the course of the episode I'll be exploring what is biohacking? What are the benefits of biohacking? Is it safe? Does it work? And then I'm going to give you 10 quick biohacks that you can use in your every day life to promote your health and wellbeing. Below is my Stripe & Stare discount code, the podcast episode with the founder of Stripe & Stare (referred to in the episode) and the biohacking articles that I referred to in the episode, just in case you'd like to find out more:20% discount code for Stripe & Stare: BGOOD20Listen to the interview with Katie Lopes the co-founder of Stripe & Stare HERERead the ultimate biohacking guide, 23 ways to hack your biological age HERE. Read Sauna bio hacking:  an introduction by own your family HERE. If you'd be so kind as to leave me a review, you can do so by opening the apple podcast app on your phone. Search for "A Friend In Your Ear".  Scroll down to the end of the first page where you will see the heading "Ratings & Reviews". Beneath that you will see some starts and underneath them, the words "write a review". Just tap on the words and a screen will open up where you can leave a review. Thank you!
Episode 18: Eating For Energy: How The Ketogenic Diet Has Brought Me Incredible Results (Part 1)
Aug 11 2023
Episode 18: Eating For Energy: How The Ketogenic Diet Has Brought Me Incredible Results (Part 1)
In the first episode of this two part podcast, I'm sharing with you what changes I made to my diet, why I made them and the benefits I've noticed.As a girl who was brought up in the 1970s, everything was low fat. From cheese, to yoghurt and milk, the thought of eating anything other than a low fat version just wasn't done.  Fat was the enemy!Which is why it's so strange to find myself eating a diet which is higher in fat than it ever was before. And why I'm no longer looking to carbs to fill me up. The changes that I've noticed and the benefits I've felt have been beyond anything I could have imagined. I've had lots of questions about the changes I've made to my diet so if you're interested to find out more about what's going on tune in! And  in part 2, I'll talk through what I eat on a daily basis together with some recipe ideas so that you can see how it all comes together. At the start of the episode I referred to my "Sunday Love Letter" sign up link, the in person coaching event I'm holding in November with my friend Mandy Rees and the "Embrace Your Magic" talk that I'm holding on 22nd August. Just click the links below to find out more and I'll see you again next week! Link to "Sunday Love Letter Straight From The Heart" Link to "Set Fire To Your Sh*T In Person Coaching Day on Friday 10th November 2023Here's the Link to Embrace Your Magic talk that I'm holding on Tuesday 22nd August If you would like any more details about any of the above, please email me at mail@bethgoodrham.com or head over to BethGoodrham on Instagram 😊