Sustainable Futures


Sustainable Futures is the latest podcast from Kantar, the world's leading marketing data and analytics company. In this podcast the leaders of Kantar address the biggest issue of our age: sustainability.Each episode will feature a frank discussion with an expert designed to help you understand how marketing can engage consumer behaviour in driving the changes targeted to our planet's needs.We'll assess how brands and businesses need to adopt a more strategic approach towards sustainability at a time when many consumers are looking to big businesses to play their part in delivering a fairer, cleaner and more biodiverse environment. Catch up with all episodes and get more info at https://

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Are co-creation and industry-wide collaboration an unlock to sustainable transformation?
Feb 28 2024
Are co-creation and industry-wide collaboration an unlock to sustainable transformation?
Join us for the latest Sustainable Futures episode in our Sustainable Marketing 2030 mini-series – this time on Transformative Relationships. Listen to our host Jonathan Hall interviewboth Michelle McEvoy, Initiative Lead at Planet Pledge at the World Federation ofAdvertisers, and Charlie Thompson, Director of Commercial Strategy at the CambridgeInstitute of Sustainability Leadership. This episode focuses on the transformativerelationships lever within SM2030’s circular marketing framework: outlining the importance ofembracing opportunities for industry-wide collaboration to benefit both business and theplanet.  Fostering a new collaborative mindset acknowledges the need to come together to tacklecomplex challenges such as climate change that cannot be solved in silos. Building newrelationships with and beyond the immediate value chain can enable brands to take a moreholistic approach to sustainable marketing that considers long-term social and environmentalimpacts.   Links referenced in the recording: Defining and Categorising Partnerships:  United Nations 2030 Agenda Partnership AgendaEllen Macarthur Foundation report WFA Planet PledgeDownload Kantar’s Sustainable Marketing 2030 reportCISL’s Leadership for a Sustainable Future FrameworkCISL’s definition of sustainable marketing:CISL’s Sustainable Marketing, Media & Creative online course:Characterising Marketing Paradigms for Sustainable Marketing Management by Dr Victoria Hurth:Jon Alexander book on citizens Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Sustainable Marketing 2030: Putting ‘Sustainability First’ with AWorld, a gamified stakeholder engagement platform  that encourages climate action
Jan 8 2024
Sustainable Marketing 2030: Putting ‘Sustainability First’ with AWorld, a gamified stakeholder engagement platform that encourages climate action
In the next episode of Sustainable Futures’ mini-series ‘Sustainable Marketing 2030’ listen to Jonathan Hall, managing partner of Kantar’s Sustainable Transformation Practice interview CEO Alessandro Armillota and UK country manager Gaia Arzilli from AWorld, a gamified stakeholder engagement platform that encourages sustainable living. The theme of this episode ties in with Sustainability First, the first pillar of Kantar’s 5 levers for change in the Sustainable Marketing 2030 report. This lever emphasises the importance of brands making sustainability a priority and outlines how brands can take steps to understand their impact on the planet. AWorld provides a gamified, AI-driven platform that educates, motivates and rewards individuals and groups for adopting sustainable practises.  This approach, infused with optimism, aims to bridge the gap between values and actions. It's a tool that companies can leverage competitively to meet ESG objectives and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals through small, consistent actions.Kantar website copyListen to Jonathan Hall, managing partner of the Sustainable Transformation Practice interview CEO Alessandro Armillota and country manager Gaia Arzilli from AWorld. AWorld is more than just a platform; it's a movement towards sustainable living, blending education, motivation, and rewards to foster eco-conscious habits. The platform provides detailed, data-driven insights, aligned with SDGs and ESG metrics, to enhance corporate regulatory compliance. This discussion relates to the first pillar of Kantar’s 5 levers for change in the Sustainable Marketing 2030 report ‘Sustainability First’ which outlines how brands can prioritise sustainability by taking steps such as carbon reporting. Learn how AWorld's positive nudges can close the gap between intentions and real actions, promoting a competitive yet cooperative environment within organisations to reduce carbon footprints and support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
POLAND SPECIAL EDITION: Jaki impact społeczny i środowiskowy ma „na tacy” McDonald’s?
Nov 15 2023
POLAND SPECIAL EDITION: Jaki impact społeczny i środowiskowy ma „na tacy” McDonald’s?
Note: This episode is a special edition in Polish. Tym razem nasze rozważania o zrównoważonym rozwoju prowadziłyśmy w restauracji i to takiej, którą zna każdy, bo McDonald’s to największa sieć restauracji szybkiej obsługi na świecie, wpisana w krajobraz każdego miejsca. W Polsce sieć liczy już ponad 500 restauracji, które prowadzi ponad 90 przedsiębiorców, związanych z siecią na minimum 20 lat, czyli dłużej niż statystyczne polskie małżeństwo. Wiedziałyśmy, że to będzie pasjonujący, ale również trudny dla nas odcinek #SUSCASTÓW. Dlaczego? Po pierwsze, trudno wyjść z butów gościa akurat tej restauracji – kto ma inaczej ręka w górę!? Z drugiej strony „case” McDonald’s może być uznany za raj dla „zielonego kołnierzyka”, bo trudno znaleźć miejsce, w którym jak w soczewce skupiają się tematy, którymi należy w zrównoważony sposób zarządzić. Bo znajdziemy tutaj i wołowinę (fundament menu), i frytki, i słodzone napoje, ale również dyskusyjne (a może nie, bo bardzo zdrowe) lubiące wodę, awokado, czy opakowania jednorazowe (traktowane przez sieć jako „cenne surowce”), no i kalorie, bo z tej restauracji trudno nie wyjść sytym, zwłaszcza jeśli nasz wybór padnie na kultową kanapkę Drwala. Jak zarządzić tym impactem mając takie tematy „na tacy”?  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
POLAND SPECIAL EDITION Suscasty #05 Food waste w praktyce sieci handlowej i strategii ESG.
Oct 23 2023
POLAND SPECIAL EDITION Suscasty #05 Food waste w praktyce sieci handlowej i strategii ESG.
**Please note that this episode is in Polish** Z każdym kolejnym odcinkiem mierzymy się z innym, ważnym tematem z obszaru (szerokorozumianego) zrównoważonego rozwoju, ESG. 16 października przypada Światowy Dzień Żywności i Walki z Głodem. Jest to dobry pretekst, aby podyskutować o temacie food waste, który swoją złożonością dotyka co najmniej kilku kluczowych Celów Zrównoważonego Rozwoju ONZ: nie tylko SDG 2 (zero głodu), ale i 10 (mniej nierówności), 12 (odpowiedzialna konsumpcja i produkcja) czy 13 (działania w dziedzinie klimatu). Rozmawiamy o marnotrawstwie żywności w sposób właściwy #SUSCASTOM, czyli rzeczowo, esencjonalnie, ale przystępnie i – jak zawsze – z perspektywy praktyki biznesowej. Zaprosiłyśmy Katarzynę Długą i Roberta Rękasa, przedstawicieli PSH Lewiatan, jednej z największej sieci handlowych w Polsce. O tym, jak sobie radzić z tym wyzwaniem na każdym etapie łańcucha dostaw, ale nie tylko z logistycznego punktu widzenia, lecz także (a może przede wszystkim!) zaczynając od odpowiedniego nakreślenia priorytetów i wartości wśród pracowników porozmawiamy z tymi, którzy odważnie zajęli się tym tematem – bynajmniej nie ograniczając się tylko do obowiązków i zadań wynikających z ustawy (o przeciwdziałaniu marnowania żywności). Da się to zrobić z prawdziwą werwą, pasją i wizją! Jak? Z jakim skutkiem (biznesowym)? Tego dowiecie z piątego odcinka #SUSCASTÓW. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Can marketing lead the way to sustainable growth?
Sep 20 2023
Can marketing lead the way to sustainable growth?
Can marketing solve the growth versus sustainability tension? This episode features two distinguished marketing experts, Rupen Desai, former Global Chief Marketing Officer at Dole Sunshine Company and Marc de Swaan Arons, founder of the Institute for Real Growth, to help us answer this question.   Rupen Desai, renowned for his passion in building brands that align with conscience, draws upon his rich experience as the former Global CMO of Dole and Co-founder of The Shed 28 to provide valuable perspectives. Marc de Swaan Arons, specializes in driving humanized growth for companies. Together, they engage in a thought-provoking discussion, exploring the challenges and opportunities in reconciling growth and sustainability.   During this captivating conversation, Rupen emphasizes the need to redefine our current systems of growth and challenge. He sheds light on the negative impacts of degenerative growth and calls for a shift in mindset and measurement. Marc complements this viewpoint by highlighting the significance of sustainable growth, encompassing a broader spectrum beyond mere environmental impact. Join this enlightening webinar as it unravels the crucial role marketing can play in shaping a sustainable future. Discover the strategies, language, and mindset shifts required to foster growth that not only drives profitability but also aligns with our collective goals for a more sustainable and inclusive world. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
MAX Burgers: Shaping a greener future, one bite at a time
Aug 22 2023
MAX Burgers: Shaping a greener future, one bite at a time
In this week's Sustainable Futures podcast, Jonathan Hall and his guests explore the captivating world of sustainable food particularly in the Polish and Scandinavian markets. Jonathan talks with Kaj Török, Chief Sustainability Officer at MAX Burgers, and Katarzyna Zalewska, Client Development and Commercial Lead at Kantar's Sustainable Transformation Practice. Together, they uncover MAX Burgers’ journey, Sweden's oldest burger chain and a pioneer in sustainable practices. MAX Burgers introduced burgers to the Swedish market and leads the way with Sweden's greenest burger menu. Their sustainability report showcases the initiatives implemented, including climate-labelled menus and carbon offsetting through tree planting. Katarzyna Zalewska, from Kantar, provides valuable insights into the contrasting landscapes of market maturity and sustainability awareness between Poland and Scandinavian countries. She brings attention to the concept of the value-action gap, shedding light on how attitudes, cultural factors, and different levels of market maturity significantly influence the behaviour of individuals and businesses in the field of sustainability. The podcast also delves into MAX Burgers' success in the Polish market, particularly with the introduction of their famous green burgers. Kaj emphasises the significance of offering products and services with a lower carbon footprint, emphasising the role of taste in driving sustainability choices. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.