Professor Caster Warmachines/Hordes Lore Course

Christopher Wood

Please join Professor Casters course on the Lore of the Iron Kingdoms, Warmachines and Hordes from the company Privateer Press inc. In these shortish podcasts you will be playing the part of a student (New to the lore) , Professor(Knows some of the lore)or Tactician(actively plays the games) listening to Professor casters reading and commentary on every Warcaster, Warlock, unit, solo, Warbeast, and Warmachines in the iron kingdoms( the world where Warmachines and Hordes are from) All the readings are quoted from Privateer Press army books directly and all commentary is provided by Me Professor Caster. Lore and Quotes are originating from the Privateer Press are © 2001—2019 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. WARMACHINE ®, HORDES, and their logos are trademarks of Privateer Press, Inc. Images and trademarks used without permission. This Podcast/Youtube is unofficial and is not endorsed by Privateer Press. read less


2nd Semester Course 9 Protectorate warcasters Durant, Reznik Malekus and Durst
Apr 25 2024
2nd Semester Course 9 Protectorate warcasters Durant, Reznik Malekus and Durst
Welcome back students to another course continuing our look at Protectorate of Menoth Warcasters. Today we will discuss the Protector and watcher of his Flock Durant and all his variations, Then the powerhouse the destroyer of all things not Menoth Reznik and his variations, Then we discuss the man who will cleanse all corrupted religions off of Caen with his purifying fire Malekus and then we will discuss the Stalwart defender of his people one of the few if any Paladins of the Order of the Wall warcasters Durst. Also Noting MK3 to MK4 differences if any If you are enjoying these please like comment and subscribe and tell your friends and fellow gamers so we can grow the class size. Credits Forest Walk by Alexander Nakarada (CreatorChords) | Music promoted by Creative Commons / Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Tavern Loop One by Alexander Nakarada (CreatorChords) | Music promoted by Creative Commons / Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Lore, Quotes and Art are originating from the Privateer Press are © 2001—2019 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. WARMACHINE ®, HORDES, and their logos are trademarks of Privateer Press, Inc. Images and trademarks used without permission. This Podcast/Youtube is unofficial and is not endorsed by Privateer Press
2nd Semester Course 8. Trollbloods Warlocks Grim, Bloodsong and Gunbjorn.
Apr 19 2024
2nd Semester Course 8. Trollbloods Warlocks Grim, Bloodsong and Gunbjorn.
Welcome Back students to another Course going over more of the formidable Trolkin Warlocks of the Trollbloods. Today we are talking about the former Bounty hunter for hire who takes Grim pleasure in hunting down the enemies of the Trollbloods that is of Course Angus Grim and then later on his trusted companions the Hunters Grim, Then we move on to the Fell Caller herself a leader of her people in their times of need who stands up when the the fighting is thickest we are of course talking about Grissel Bloodsong and then her rise to Marshal of the Kriels. Then Last but not least the modern military strategist from the Ranks of Cygnaran Trenchers who is working to modernize the Trollkins military to stand at equal footing with the Iron Kingdoms, Captain Gunnbjorn and then his rise during the Infernals invasion Brigadier General Gunnbjorn. If you are enjoying these please like comment and subscribe and tell your friends and fellow gamers so we can grow the class size. Credits Forest Walk by Alexander Nakarada (CreatorChords) | Music promoted by Creative Commons / Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Lore, Quotes and Art are originating from the Privateer Press are © 2001—2019 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. WARMACHINE ®, HORDES, and their logos are trademarks of Privateer Press, Inc. Images and trademarks used without permission. This Podcast/Youtube is unofficial and is not endorsed by Privateer Press
2 Sem Course 6 Troll Blood Warlocks The Most impactful Hoarluk Doomshaper, Madrak Ironhide and Borka Kegslayer
Apr 4 2024
2 Sem Course 6 Troll Blood Warlocks The Most impactful Hoarluk Doomshaper, Madrak Ironhide and Borka Kegslayer
Hello Students a long time sense we posted a podcast. Please check out our Youtube Channel for full art and discussions as well as polls and engagement with out Lore.  Hello Students and welcome back today in class we are discussing some of the most impactful Trollblood Warlocks in the United Kriels and their history lore and all their variations depending on what dates they were added into our archives First off we have the Scroll and Krielstone enthusiast Hoarluk Doomshaper and him being one of the first Trolkins to commune with Dire Trolls. Then we move on to The first carrier of the Cursed Axe Rathrok, The World Ender and its affects on Madrak Ironhide in his desperation to save his people and then his giving up the Axe and almost summoning the Devour Wurm back onto Caen but being lifted of that Burden he has become the great chief he is today. The we get to Discuss the Keg Carrying rebel rousing lady loving Troll that is Borka Kegslayer and his additional of a Polar Bear Mount, Yep that's right what's better than a horse, or Ox to ride into battle, A Polar Bear. Also Noting MK3 to MK4 differences if any If you are enjoying these please like comment and subscribe and tell your friends and fellow gamers so we can grow the class size. Credits Tavern Loop One by Alexander Nakarada | Music promoted by Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Lore, Quotes and Art are originating from the Privateer Press are © 2001—2019 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. WARMACHINE ®, HORDES, and their logos are trademarks of Privateer Press, Inc. Images and trademarks used without permission. This Podcast/Youtube is unofficial and is not endorsed by Privateer Press
Course 37 Khadors Remaining Historic Archives
Nov 16 2023
Course 37 Khadors Remaining Historic Archives
Hello Students and welcome back to the last class of the first semester. We will be finishing up the older Khador Historic Archives as well as discuss some of what happened to Khador between the end of the Infernals Wars and the beginning of MK4 in minor detail we will go into greater detail on a later date when we talk about the MK4 Armies.  But today we are discussing Khador and their rise and mild setbacks after the Corvis Treaties (After the first Orgoth Invasion) and their Royal Lines and intrigues and warjacks and wars and The 1st, 2nd and 3rd armies and their make ups as well as some different armies and side lore as well and their Navy. Who knew Khador had a navy? But for everyone one that's been with us through this first semester Thank you i appreciate your continued support in our course. If you are enjoying these please like comment and subscribe and tell your friends and fellow gamers so we can grow the class size.   Credits  Tavern Loop One by Alexander Nakarada | Music promoted by Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)   Lore, Quotes and Art are originating from the Privateer Press are © 2001—2019 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. WARMACHINE ®, HORDES, and their logos are trademarks of Privateer Press, Inc. Images and trademarks used without permission. This Podcast/Youtube is unofficial and is not endorsed by Privateer Press
Course 35 Khador Greylords, Doom Reavers and all thats left
Nov 2 2023
Course 35 Khador Greylords, Doom Reavers and all thats left
Welcome Back students to the last of the armies of Khador. Today we will be finishing off with Greylords, Doom Reaver and all that is left of the Khadoran Armies we have touched on yet.  Today we will be talking about the trio of ice wizards the Greylords Ternion, The speedy mounted winter storm is coming with us Greylord Outriders, The best magical warcaster assistant The Greylord Adjunct, The High ranking leader of wizards who makes every other wizard better The Koldun Lord, The secret service wizard who would task convicts, mercenaries and the like in secret missions for the Motherland Koldun Kapitan Valachev, Then we get into the maddening whispers and whimpering of the cursed Doom Reaver Swordsmen and then their controlling wizard who keeps them from destroying themselves and others the Greylord Escort and then if they weren't bad enough we will be discussing a Doom Reaver so into utter destruction that he was put under the charge of The Butcher of Khardov directly, Fenris. Then we will go over mans best friend and in this case the fury friend of every warcaster of Khador the War Dog, then to finish up we will discuss the only undead entity working for Khador, The only Wraith ever to wield a rifle, the ghost of a Widowmaker marksman who put his ethereal powers to good use for the motherland Ol' Grim.  Also Noting MK3 to MK4 differences if any If you are enjoying these please like comment and subscribe and tell your friends and fellow gamers so we can grow the class size.   Credits  Tavern Loop One by Alexander Nakarada | Music promoted by Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)   Lore, Quotes and Art are originating from the Privateer Press are © 2001—2019 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. WARMACHINE ®, HORDES, and their logos are trademarks of Privateer Press, Inc. Images and trademarks used without permission. This Podcast/Youtube is unofficial and is not endorsed by Privateer Press
Course 34 Khador Irregulars. All units solos and characters.
Oct 26 2023
Course 34 Khador Irregulars. All units solos and characters.
Welcome Back Students to another course today we are going to be talking about some of the more fringe groups of Khadors Military and since all citizens serve the Motherland regardless of background or training we see some of these more specialized maybe less organized group rise up whether it be national pride or Khadoran Coin all serve. We will of course be talking about the far fringe settlements forest survivalists and ambushers the Kossite Woodsmen, The Snipers extraordinaire who are chosen based on skill rather than birthright The Widowmaker Scouts and then the Cut above the rest the decider of battles based on one bullet The Widowmaker Marksman, Then the premier hunter for hire who have pivoted their hunt from beast to man, The Manhunter then even they have someone who is feared someone who has such an impact that even other nations are terrified to walk in his territory due to fear of angering the bear, Yuri the Axe. Then due to some scrolls found of potential futures the short lived retirement of such a man Yuri The Hunter. Then we pivot our talks from the Fringe settlements to the seedy underbelly of the Khadoran Empire. The cut throat corners the dirty dealings of the Kayazy. Mostly deeply hidden in large cities where dealings are the richest and not knowing what boss will come out on top. We are talking about the cut throats for hire. the assassins with a the blade. The Kayazy Assassins', then even they have someone even more ruthless someone who sees killing as common as drawing breath the Kayazy Underboss. Then we get specialist assassins' who's paired killings are like watching a dance for those who are not their targets. Flipping over and around guards to find their target from unexpected angles the Kayazy Eliminators. Then last but not least We have a Kayazy underboss of note a man who gave up that life for something less cut throat but just as dangerous Underboss Vizkova. Also Noting MK3 to MK4 differences if any If you are enjoying these please like comment and subscribe and tell your friends and fellow gamers so we can grow the class size.   Credits  Tavern Loop One by Alexander Nakarada | Music promoted by Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)   Lore, Quotes and Art are originating from the Privateer Press are © 2001—2019 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. WARMACHINE ®, HORDES, and their logos are trademarks of Privateer Press, Inc. Images and trademarks used without permission. This Podcast/Youtube is unofficial and is not endorsed by Privateer Press
Course 33 Khadors Iron Fang Pikemen. All units, Solos and Characters
Oct 18 2023
Course 33 Khadors Iron Fang Pikemen. All units, Solos and Characters
Welcome Back Students. Today we will be reading about the entirety of the Iron Fang of Khador. The Shield and Spear carrying spartan esk army of elite melee fighters. We will of course talk about the Base level Iron Fang Pikemen who are elite in their own right and then their older even more elite seniors the Black Dragons. Then we will discuss Their devastating calvary command with the ability to meet the enemy head on weather their enemy is fast or not The Iron Fang Uhlans, Then we will find the most elite of even that with the axe wielding iron fang Kovnik who makes all under their command turn up to 11. Then on top of that we will go over their Character Unit the last surviving members of a overwhelmed fort whos' body count between the 3 of them are in the hundreds of Cygnaran bodies to create a bloody wall protecting it. The Great Bears of Gallowswood. Then we will discuss the the iron will and undying resolve of one the the most noted Black Dragons Kapitan Sofya Skirova and on top of all that we will go over the Horse mounted Kommandant Irusk's most trusted Iron Fang commander and a powerhouse in himself Uhlan Kovnik Markov. Also we will only be discussing Mk3 versions and what we think MK4 changes will most like be for these guys sense together they hype each other up something fierce.  If you are enjoying these please like comment and subscribe and tell your friends and fellow gamers so we can grow the class size.   Credits  Tavern Loop One by Alexander Nakarada | Music promoted by Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)   Lore, Quotes and Art are originating from the Privateer Press are © 2001—2019 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. WARMACHINE ®, HORDES, and their logos are trademarks of Privateer Press, Inc. Images and trademarks used without permission. This Podcast/Youtube is unofficial and is not endorsed by Privateer Press
Course 31 Circle Orboros Blackclads and the Rest Every Unit solo and Character
Sep 28 2023
Course 31 Circle Orboros Blackclads and the Rest Every Unit solo and Character
Welcome Back students to the final installments of what the Circle Orboros has at the disposals for their armies in the Legacy builds but don't see this as an end see this as a new beginning for another fantastic factions lore readings. But today we are reading all about the Blackclads and the rest of the units solos and battle engines. We will discuss the groups of elemental wizards known as the Druids of Orboros, Their sneaky commander the Overseer, The magically teleporting both themselves and others Shifting stones, The Wold Friendly Stone Keepers, the magically imbued Mannikins creating Stoneward, The Dangerous rock through both Wolds and actual rocks of the Blackclad Stoneshaper, The Wizards on mountain goats the Blackmist riders, The keepers of the ley line transportations the Blackclad wayfarers, The Assistant and rising Druid Wilder, the blood hungry mini wurmwood trees Gallows Grove, The Semi insane last druid of the apocalypse Chuck Dogwood, The 4 season carrying magic moon following power of the Celestial Fulcrum and the ancient ritual site made manifest the Well of Orboros.  Also Noting MK3 to MK4 differences if any If you are enjoying these please like comment and subscribe and tell your friends and fellow gamers so we can grow the class size.   Credits  Tavern Loop One by Alexander Nakarada | Music promoted by Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)   Lore, Quotes and Art are originating from the Privateer Press are © 2001—2019 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. WARMACHINE ®, HORDES, and their logos are trademarks of Privateer Press, Inc. Images and trademarks used without permission. This Podcast/Youtube is unofficial and is not endorsed by Privateer Press
Course 30 Khador Man o War Armored Korps Every Model/Unit/Solo/Battle Engine
Sep 21 2023
Course 30 Khador Man o War Armored Korps Every Model/Unit/Solo/Battle Engine
Hello Students and welcome back. Today we are discussing every steam infused warrior of the Man o War. How their suits Run how a Man o War is like a light Warjack and what happens in case of a steam leak....nothing good. We will be going over the devastation of the Shocktroopers and their shield cannons and long axes, the Chainsaw and grenade launcher wielding Bombardiers and the Icy Mauls of the Demolition Corp as well as their Officers, We will discuss what its like to put a Man o War on a horse with a Drakhun, The leader of the leaders with the Kovnik and Kommandant Atanas, We will discuss the 2 heavily Armored Tankers the Bane of soldiers Suppression Tanker and the Bane of anything bigger the Strike Tanker. We will discuss the solo Bulkhead and his saw off gun, and the lastly we will Discuss the Chariots and all their explosives and why are they so fast.    Also Noting MK3 to MK4 differences if any If you are enjoying these please like comment and subscribe and tell your friends and fellow gamers so we can grow the class size.   Credits A big shout out to the Iron Kingdoms Wiki  Tavern Loop One by Alexander Nakarada | Music promoted by Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)   Lore, Quotes and Art are originating from the Privateer Press are © 2001—2019 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. WARMACHINE ®, HORDES, and their logos are trademarks of Privateer Press, Inc. Images and trademarks used without permission. This Podcast/Youtube is unofficial and is not endorsed by Privateer Press