
The Blank Page

Becoming/Unstuck tells the stories of internal paradigm shifts. Unsticking from old paradigms is the work of Becoming, or setting ourselves free. The process of Becoming Unstuck is individual, but universal. Everyone has their own story to tell, and this show is the table around which we gather together to share and listen. Here we illuminate that Becoming Unstuck is both journey and destination, process and result, the way Home and Home itself. These stories help us understand that the process of Becoming Unstuck isn't formulaic. It isn't neat and clean. You can't learn it from a book. You have to be willing to get dirty. This kind of education is embodied. It is dynamic and vibrant and messy. This show isn't one in which we cover up that mess because that mess is life, and what we are here to do is learn to live it.

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Society & CultureSociety & Culture


Building Boundaries, Breaking Cycles with Shawna Reilly
Jul 2 2022
Building Boundaries, Breaking Cycles with Shawna Reilly
Shawna Reilly has always been somewhat at the opposite end of me, energetically. As teens we lovingly called her "slow waters" and at a friend's wedding, in our 20s, she responded, "You think too much" when I asked her, "How are we getting home tonight?"  For me, that was emblematic of her ability to go with the flow. She just had this easy way of being in the world that was so far out of reach for me. I desperately wanted it to be effortless, and for her it really was.   Of course we later came to learn that both of the places we inhabited were a function of childhood wounding, and as we have healed, we have both come away from those poles. Me, practicing loosening my grip on the metaphorical wheel, and she, learning that it's possible to steer. One of the ways that Shawna has been presented with this journey of healing is through being a mom. Shawna has a daughter, now 8, who is absolutely Her Own Human. In fact, her daughter is energetically a lot more like me.  I have always been enamored with Shawna's parenting journey because it's very courageous, and thoughtful and loving. It's full of breaking open, and evolving into something even more magical for the benefit of not only herself, but her family. We don't have a good understanding in this culture about parenthood as a spiritual journey, but it absolutely can be. Please join us for a tender look at being a parent, being a child, and becoming unstuck around both.