Maven Marketing with Brandon Welch

Frank & Maven

Each year, business owners spend one trillion dollars on advertising with very little to show for it. In fact, eight out of ten say they are not confident they are getting their money’s worth.

Without throwing money at advertising, how do you grow your business?

Maven Marketing with Brandon Welch is a workshop-style podcast answering real growth questions from today’s business leaders. Each episode will introduce you to the Maven Method, our straight-forward, proven approach for growing a business without wasting money on ineffective ads.

Trade the marketing lies for solid growth strategies so you can reach your big dream!

Join Brandon Welch and co-host, Caleb Agee, each week for Maven Monday and Frankly Friday!

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5 Ads That Are Killing It (And Why)
May 27 2024
5 Ads That Are Killing It (And Why)
You probably already know this... but a reminder never hurts. The media you choose to buy doesn't make your ad successful... It's the ad you choose to write that makes the media successful! Even with the biggest budget, the biggest audience and the most fancy targeting in the world... you can STILL wind up empty handed without the right message (ad). Most ads fail because the business owner thinks that if they "just get their name out there," people will automatically want to do business with them. But when was the last time you bought something just because "the name was out there?" Human decisions are a lot more complicated than that. But it's okay, because in this episode, we're going to show you exactly how to write ads that get attention and persuade people to take action.  Three principles that will never fail you:Avoid predictability at all costsUse real, 2nd person voiceMake it extremely clear how their life will be better when they take the next stepClick here to see magic behind 5 that are making big money for our clients. It's gonna be a great week! Quick Links: 02:23 Ad 1 How to use "Divergence" To Earn Attention11:01 Ad 2 Why Smiles, Fists, and Tears are the key to selling19:51 Ad 3 Fame = Fortune26:52 Ad 4 How to Use Metaphors for Emotional Appeal31:07 Ad 5 The Power of Jingles...When Done Right38:09 Three Principles That Will Never Fail YouHost: Brandon WelchCo-Host: Kyle DeVriesExecutive Producer: Carter BreauxAudio/Video Producer: Nate the Camera GuyOur Website: you have a marketing problem you'd like us to help solve? Send it to!Get a copy of our Best-Selling Book, The Maven Marketer Here:
How To Hold Your Digital Ad Agency Accountable
May 20 2024
How To Hold Your Digital Ad Agency Accountable
When things are running smooth, you assume your marketing is doing its job.But as soon as leads and sales get tougher, you suddenly wonder if you’ve been giving credit to the right things… and now every penny you’ve been spending is suspect. Are you facing lackluster results with your advertising?Are you wondering if your marketing people have been fluffing all along?Would you like to know how to cut through all the nerdy jargon and get the truth?These are the times that separate the boys from the men, as they say. Today we are going to teach you how to bring a mature, methodical approach to your marketing conversations and get to the bottom of what’s working and what’s not.This episode could be the biggest difference maker we’ve ever brought you. It’s all one click away!00:00 Intro01:11 Today's Episode05:01 "How Many Different Media Services Am I Advertising On?10:04 "How Much Am I Spending On Each Ad Platform?"12:08 "What Kind of Campaigns Am I Running?"19:18 "What Is My Cost Per Lead?"23:05 Review23:55 You Get What You Pay For26:54 Media Mixing Is A Myth28:19 Choose The Right Google Campaign28:39 Make Your Agency Show You The Math35:40 Our Goal For You The Business OwnerHost: Brandon WelchCo-Host: Caleb AgeeExecutive Producer: Carter BreauxAudio/Video Producer: Nate the Camera GuyLinks In This EpisodeDigitalmarketer.comOur Website: you have a marketing problem you'd like us to help solve? Send it to!Get a copy of our Best-Selling Book, The Maven Marketer Here:
Tell it Where to Go
May 10 2024
Tell it Where to Go
If you asked the average person why they haven’t conquered their goals, there is a significant chance they’d provide one of four excuses:Not enough timeNot enough moneyNot enough energyNot enough knowledgeThere is also a significant chance they would be… wrong.Consider that the average person:Spends 2.2 hours a day on social mediaSpends 2.9 hours a day watching meaningless TVWorks out less than 20 minutes a dayOver eats by 400 caloriesIs sleep deprived 7+ hours per weekHas less than $1,000 in savingsReads less than one book per yearDo the math and the reality is that the average person already has an additional 10 weeks per year to work on their big dreams… if they would just choose them over TV and Facebook.The average person could lose 10lbs in 2 months with just one better eating decision per day.And the average person could earn the educational equivalent of 10 college degrees in their life if they would just read two books a month.So, what is exactly the problem?Most of us don’t tell our time where to go… we wonder where it went.It seems evident that we also don’t tell our money, our energy, our nutrition, our hobbies, our learning, our spiritual health, or our relationships where to go.But all too often, we wonder where they went.The good news is that there’s is an alternative:Don’t do that.It’s time to take the things back that already belong to you.Friendly reminder – The year is still young. Your dreams are still worthy. Your options are still plentiful.Tell your life where to go so you’ll never wonder where it went.It’s so much better that way.Cheers,BWDo you have a marketing problem you'd like us to help solve? Send it to!Get a copy of our Best-Selling Book, The Maven Marketer Here:
God and Your iPhone
May 3 2024
God and Your iPhone
I’d like to find the writers of the iPhone software who automated this video title yesterday, and I’d like to punch them. Notice I didn’t just say “this video.”I said “this video title.”“Early Adventures with Jude”It was one of the many auto-generated slide shows served up to me each week on my home screen. Like most, this video was a blessing of past memories.But it was that “early” word that got me.The “*Early* Adventures” implies that we are now in… The *later* years, and that caused me to have a moment.At first I thought “he’s still a young kid.”Then I thought, “no, he’s really not.”And then I heard what God was trying to tell me. “Give your infinite attention to him as I have given my infinite attention to you.”Oof. It had nothing to do with the software guys. It was a reminder of how big and precious his gifts are, and that they are currently right in front of me. And suddenly everything else in my week felt very small in comparison. I have surpassed the halfway point of the moments Jude and I will live under the same roof. That stings.But I am grateful for the reminder to cherish those moments like pure gold. I am also curious:If God just used the iPhone to speak with me, could he use something unusual to speak with you today?The reminders of His love are everywhere. Let’s try to give them our infinite attention.Cheers,BWGod and Your iPhoneFrankly Friday 5/3/24“Time, like money, is spent. What are you buying with the hours of your life?”– Roy H. WilliamsDo you have a marketing problem you'd like us to help solve? Send it to!Get a copy of our Best-Selling Book, The Maven Marketer Here:
Get Paid to Learn
Apr 26 2024
Get Paid to Learn
When I was 17, I wanted to be a music producer. The path presented to me was an $80,000 program at a music school.It seemed logical: pay to learn the skills, then get a job that pays you for those skills.Lucky for me, I met a guy who had gone to that school, paid the money, learned the skills, and had a blast. There was only one problem: he was broke. I took a closer look at my options. Also, lucky for me, I had a job at a music store that sold recording equipment. As part of my training, they let me borrow some of it. Luckiest of all, there was a new website called “YouTube.” It was full of videos about how to use that equipment—and they were free! I made a goal to watch an hour of training per day for a whole year. I wanted to see if I could learn how to be a producer without the expensive school.In the meantime, I recorded songs for some local bands pro bono. Word spread and more bands started calling. I started charging them a little bit of money. As I got more experienced, I started charging more money.In a little less than one year, I had made over $20,000 as a self-taught music producer. And you know what?I figured out that I didn’t like that career nearly as much as I thought I would. So I gave the business to my friend from the fancy school and moved on to my next thing. But can I tell you something?The money I earned was nothing compared to the lesson I learned:Getting paid to learn is WAY sweeter than paying to learn. That lesson has proved to be worth 100x more.When I was 21, I wanted to go into advertising. The conventional option was a $60,000 marketing degree.When I was 24, I wanted to be a pilot. The conventional option was a $100,000 flight school. When I was 29, I wanted to be an author. The conventional option was a $50,000 traditional publishing route. But I had learned long ago that there is a better way. So I repeated the process: I studied advertising for an hour a day for a whole year.I gave free marketing services to practice what I was learning.That got me the real job in advertising…Which took me to see clients in an airplane with a flight instructorWhich allowed me to get my pilot’s license on the jobWhich got me the consulting experience I needed to write, publish, and promote my own bookThe principle has come through for me hundreds of times. The alternate path isn’t always crystal clear, but know this for sure: there is always an alternate path. Three questions for you:What do you want to do next?What conventional option has been presented to you? What better way can you find? Don’t forget that traditional wisdom is usually more tradition than it is wisdom.And don’t ever believe the lie that you aren’t yet qualified to start right now.Get paid to learn, my friend. It’s better this way.Cheers,BWDo you have a marketing problem you'd like us to help solve? Send it to!Get a copy of our Best-Selling Book, The Maven Marketer Here:
It Only Takes a Little Bit
Apr 5 2024
It Only Takes a Little Bit
I was a B student. Not because getting an A was hard. But because getting a B… was easy. Until 3rd quarter in 4th grade when my dad sat me down at the dining room table with my report card in his hand. He wasn’t mad, but he had something to say. He looked at my list of not bad, not great marks, held up his thumb and index finger 1-inch apart, peered his eye through the gap and said,“It only takes a little bit to be better than average.”He then got up and went to the kitchen to eat. *mic drop*That thumb and index finger symbolized everything I already knew: I could do better, and he was calling me out on it. And since I was 9 years old, that thumb and index finger has become the silent prompt for conviction, pivot, and motivation in my life. Every time I walked away from half-hearted job helping around the house, working for his company, or saying something I shouldn’t have said, there he’d be standing, holding up that agonizing little gesture reminding me of all that I could be if I only tried. He did it so many times that as I grew into an adult it became an involuntary voice in my head. I should probably talk to a therapist about that some time.But today I wanted to share with you how powerful that tiny phrase has been for me, and how powerful I think it can be for you too. The impact of small moves has long been studied. Modern science knows that small, “little bit,” moves are the neurological secret to brain change.“Little Bits” are the secret to breaking every bad pattern in life, and building every good thing that you want:Do you want to earn more money?- Give a little bit more value.- Show up a little bit more prepared. - Polish your craft a little bit more often.- Get a little bit more organized.- Communicate a little bit more clearly. Do you want to have a better marriage?- Listen a little bit more than you talk.- Acknowledge her strengths a little bit more sincerely - Let go a little bit more of your ego.- Own and fix a little bit more of your mistakes. - Care a little bit more about her dreams. Do you want to conquer unreasonable dreams?- Write them down with a little bit more detail.- Look at them a little bit more regularly.- Tell them to a little bit bigger group of people.- Ask “what’s in the way,” a little bit more seriously. - Spend a little bit more time with peoplewho have actually gone through the process.——The “little bit” rule has served me every time I have put it to test in the last 26 years; in business, in leadership, in relationships, in being a musician, in being a pilot, in being a dad… it has always lead me to goodness. I’m never perfect and never done, but I am always sure that behind every challenge is a simple little answer. Thank you, dad. Your wisdom and your heart are a rare gift.I am glad I got to be your son. And I’m glad we all have the chance to go back and give it a little bit more.Cheers,BWDo you have a marketing problem you'd like us to help solve? Send it to!Get a copy of our Best-Selling Book, The Maven Marketer Here:
Bought and Freed
Mar 29 2024
Bought and Freed
Bought and FreedOne day in 1791, a man showed up to a Virginia courthouse, proclaimed “I will pay the highest price for their freedom,” and then proceeded to emancipate every slave he had inherited. His name was Robert Carter III, and he was a remarkable human.In the face of uproar and disgust from his southern peers, he would go on to set over 500 people free in his lifetime at astounding expense to his wealth and reputation. He never stopped to count the cost.It was dangerous.It was unthinkable.It was a love that seemed far ahead of its time.Imagine for a moment; You were one of those slaves in captivity. You knew nothing but a life of darkness and doubt. Then, a mysterious Man saw your sorrow, paid the highest price for you, and set you free. Think for a moment how overwhelming that joy would have been. I have another story to share.A couple thousand years before Robert Carter III, another mysterious man showed up at a different courthouse. He saw mankind in chains by a different kind of captor:Pride.Insecurity.Addiction.Shame and guilt. Anxiety.Lust.Self-centeredness.Jealousy.Greed.Fear.He saw our sorrow, and proclaimed:“I will pay the highest price for your freedom.”Except, the ransom for you and I would cost him far more than money could buy.The price to pay for our freedom was his life. And he gave it to us by dying on a cross 1,995 years ago today.It was dangerous.It was unthinkable.It was a love that seemed far ahead of its time.A love that could only be understood by the son of a God who wants so much better for us. Today, I am remembering that love.I am remembering the sacrifice that was purchased for me at astounding expense by Jesus Christ.I am embracing the joy of a freed man. And I have wonderful news…We can all embrace the joy of being free if we just choose it.Because of the ransom that has been paid, we are allowed to shed the shackles of our pride, insecurities, addictions, shame, guilt, anxiety, lust, self-centeredness, jealousy, greed, and fear.There is no freedom in these things.They separate us from a life of peace that God wants for us. And he invites us to choose that life with a simple prayer.We have been bought and freed, my friend.What a Good Friday it is to be alive.BWSee insightsAll reactions:8Nathan Brooks, Aric Schauer and 6 othersDo you have a marketing problem you'd like us to help solve? Send it to!Get a copy of our Best-Selling Book, The Maven Marketer Here:
How to Double Your Business Without Advertising (ft. Alec Palen)
Mar 25 2024
How to Double Your Business Without Advertising (ft. Alec Palen)
00:00 Intro00:52 A Note About the Big Dream02:42 You are about to learn from a legendary company03:35 Collegiate Golfer, Professional Musician, 3rd Generation Leader06:19 Doubling Sales in An Extremely Competitive Environment 10:42 When The Mission Drives the Money12:49 How To Keep Vision Alive Through 3 Generations17:49 When Everyone Doubts You20:10 How to Take Brick and Mortar to E-Commerce24:00 Old School + New School (The First Secret to Growing Without Ads)27:32 When to Put Mission Over Margin30:08 Obsessive Customer Experience33:32 Vision, Values, and Vows are the Foundation34:50 Marketing and Advertising are Not the Same Thing (The Second Secret)36:45 Yes, Scent is Part of Your Brand41:20 What a Brand Really Is42:36 A Jesus Story44:06 When You Get The Experience Right, This is What Happens (The Third Secret)47:05 Who You Are is Who You Attract51:12 Bad Business Decisions52:03 What You Should Be Doing Now54:06 Review of Lessons LearnedHost: Brandon WelchCo-Host: Alec Palen of Producer: Carter BreauxAudio/Video Producer: Nate the Camera GuyOur Website: you have a marketing problem you'd like us to help solve? Send it to!Get a copy of our Best-Selling Book, The Maven Marketer Here:
Advice on Advice
Mar 22 2024
Advice on Advice
My friend Bill is an incredible husband, business leader, mentor, Jesus follower, aviator, and friend.I cherish his advice as much as anyone I’ve ever known… Except for when it comes to painting. He is certifiably awful.(Sorry, Bill. But you know it’s true.)Similarly:I don’t ask my fluffy friends how to get skinny.I don’t ask my broke friends how to get rich. I don’t ask my single friends for marriage advice.I don’t ask my atheist friends how to get closer to God. It’s not that I don’t love them…I just don’t seek advice from people who aren’t qualified to give it. You know what else?I don’t accept their criticism either. And neither should you.When you get unsolicited opinions, it’s very tempting to give authority to them. It is tempting to wrestle with the words.It’s tempting to believe, “Maybe they’re right.”Before you do that, ask:Is this person qualified to speak in this category?Have they actually earned this thing that you want or admire?Do they actually want to help?If it’s not a resounding yes on all 3… Smile, and go about your day. If you wouldn’t seek their advice, their criticism has no authority, because it will send you in a direction you don’t want to go.It’s an easy truth. Yet, so easy to forget. Keep your eyes on your North Star, my friend. You have everything you need to become the man or woman you’re supposed to be.If you are accepting this advice, then I’m honored and humbled. And if you don’t – I see that smile, and I hope you have an awesome day. Cheers to everything you’re making happen in this world. BWDo you have a marketing problem you'd like us to help solve? Send it to!Get a copy of our Best-Selling Book, The Maven Marketer Here: