The Gag is… Podcast

Charli Shanta

The GAG is" is a powerful podcast that takes you on a journey through the life of a remarkable black woman who defied the odds. Charli Shanta became a teen mom and a widow by 21. Now in her mid 30’s life has been unpredictable, she’s faced unimaginable adversity yet she's never given up. Join Charli as she shares her inspiring story, offering a message of resilience and hope even if it isn’t always perfect. Discover that even in the darkest times there are better days ahead. Laughter can always follow tears.

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EP 26:The Gag is....Pet Peeves and White Flags
May 31 2024
EP 26:The Gag is....Pet Peeves and White Flags
Send us a Text Message.Ever had one of those months where everything seems to go haywire? That’s been my May, and I’m here, sinus infection and all, to share the rollercoaster ride with you. From Teacher Appreciation Week turning into a chaotic blur to hospital visits and family illnesses, this month has tested my patience and sanity. My son, New Face, was knocked out of commission by a nasty virus, missing his much-anticipated eighth-grade dance. And just when I thought I had a handle on things, planning Big Baby's graduation trip to New York threw another wrench into the mix. Today, we’ll unpack all these frustrations together.Ever been at an event and had to dodge clouds of marijuana smoke? Let's talk about the impact of those pungent fumes on everyone around. I’ll share my gripes about recent graduation ceremonies, including one where we had to sneak out for a snack run due to zero concessions, and another "clap out" event where parents had to cheer from behind a fence. We’ll also dive into the world of customer service, or rather, the lack of it. Spoiler: If you’re easily irritated by people, maybe a customer-facing job isn’t for you. Trust me, these tales of misadventures will resonate with anyone who’s experienced public frustrations.Finally, let me take you on a journey through a maddening visit to Dunkin' Donuts, where I faced off with unprofessional staff over a simple order of donuts and drinks. I didn’t just let it slide, and I’ll tell you exactly how I handled it with the manager. On a lighter note, get ready to chuckle as I recount my mom's amusing physical therapy sessions, featuring an elderly gentleman named Rufus who fancies himself her boyfriend. Through all the chaos and laughs, remember to like, comment, share, and subscribe to "The Gag is Podcast." Here’s hoping I’m back to my healthy self next week! Stay tuned and keep it real with me. Support the Show.Follow us on Instagram!
EP 24: Grief and Mental Health: A Journey of Loss, Recovery, and Resilience
May 17 2024
EP 24: Grief and Mental Health: A Journey of Loss, Recovery, and Resilience
Send us a Text Message.When I found myself grappling with the untimely loss of my spouse, the path to healing seemed shrouded in a mist of grief and misunderstanding. My struggle with mental health is a tale many can relate to, yet it's often left untold. This episode is an unflinching exploration of mental well-being, as Mental Health Awareness Month takes center stage. We strip away the veneer of normalcy to reveal the raw struggles beneath—from my personal battle with alcoholism post-widowhood to the nuanced pressures black women face when it comes to mental health. My best friend, a beacon of strength, illuminates her own powerful narrative dealing with depression, PTSD, and substance abuse, and how a simple lunch invitation steered her back to her psychiatrist and a journey of authentic self-discovery.This conversation isn't just about the battles we face; it's a testament to the triumphs that come from vulnerability and the unwavering support of friends. I share how journaling, exercise, and time spent with my children have been instrumental in my personal growth and maintaining mental equilibrium.  I refuse to shy away from the gravity of this subject, opting to forgo the typical distractions in order to focus on the message at hand. For anyone who feels alone in their fight, this episode stands as a promise that there's hope and strength to be found in community, therapy, and the resilience of the human spirit.Support the Show.Follow us on Instagram!
EP 22: Tales and Truths of the Teacher-Parent Experience
May 3 2024
EP 22: Tales and Truths of the Teacher-Parent Experience
Send us a Text Message.From the unique vantage point of a middle school teacher and parent, I've seen the education world from both sides of the desk. My journey has been anything but ordinary, filled with moments that have shaped not just my career but also the way I raise my own middle schooler. In this candid conversation, I unravel the intricacies of the teacher-parent dynamic, sharing stories that will touch your heart and perhaps even change your perspective on the educational challenges we face today. As we navigate through anecdotes and personal reflections, prepare to see the classroom through a lens that blends humor with hard-earned wisdom.The heart of any educational experience hinges on the synergy between educators and parents - a dance of communication and accountability that can either propel a child to success or leave them floundering. We tackle the thorny issues, from cell phone policy struggles to the broader systemic challenges like inadequate teacher pay and oversized classrooms that educators battle daily. Armed with tales from the trenches and a fierce passion for teaching, this episode is a call to action for more effective partnerships in education. By the end of our time together, you'll have a richer understanding of the pivotal role each of us plays in crafting an environment where our children can truly thrive. Support the Show.Follow us on Instagram!
Ep 21: Breaking Free from the Cycle of Alcoholism
Apr 26 2024
Ep 21: Breaking Free from the Cycle of Alcoholism
Send us a Text Message.They say the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. My own path of sobriety has been a trek of endurance, reflection, and, yes, sometimes stumbling. As we observe Alcohol Awareness Month, I pull back the curtain on the raw and often hushed realities of alcoholism, sharing not just statistics, but the visceral experiences that statistics can never fully capture. We grapple with the shadow cast by alcohol in family relationships, acknowledging the heartbreaking cycle of addiction and the courage it takes to break free. The personal narrative woven throughout this episode is a testament to resilience and an invitation for anyone on a similar journey to find solace and solidarity in these words.Navigating the tightrope of tough love and support systems, we uncover the significance of standing by loved ones battling alcoholism and the importance of sturdy networks for those in recovery. I recount my own moment of clarity that led to the microphone before me, my voice now a vessel of hope and a beacon for change. In sharing my transition from alcohol to abstinence, I spotlight the myriad of recovery avenues available, from the privacy of online support to the helping hand of medication-assisted treatment. This episode is as much a celebration of sobriety as it is a candid exploration of the complexities of addiction, offering both my story and the reassurance that every day of sobriety is a victory worth toasting—with a non-alcoholic beverage, that is. Support the Show.Follow us on Instagram!
Ep 20: Tackling Safety in Youth Sports A Proactive Game Plan
Apr 19 2024
Ep 20: Tackling Safety in Youth Sports A Proactive Game Plan
Send us a Text Message.As a parent, nothing hits home harder than when your child takes a tumble on the sports field—cue the rush of adrenaline and a silent prayer that it's just a scare. That's why this week on Gag Is Podcast, we're putting the spotlight on Youth Sports Injury Awareness and Prevention. My personal journey through the minefield of my kids' soccer matches and swim meets has taught me a thing or two about the essential armor we call safety gear. With a mix of heartfelt stories and a nod to my confidante Tiffany's expertise, we peel back the layers on the importance of protection and preparation in youthful athletic pursuits. And because we're all friends here, I'll even let you in on my go-to sports drink flavor that keeps me company during those intense sideline moments.But it's not all fun and games; the sobering stats on ER visits and concussion rates in children demand attention. That's why we're having a critical conversation about the potential life-saving role of EKGs in sports physicals and the measures we can take to safeguard our young champions' hearts. On the flip side, I'm calling all parents to the field—your involvement is a game-changer! From advocating for your child's health to modeling good sportsmanship, we've got some serious coaching to do. Let's face it, if we want to see our kids thrive, we need to ensure the field, the court, and the pool are as safe as they are fun. Join us for a candid chat that just might make you the MVP of your child's sports experience. Support the Show.Follow us on Instagram!
EP 18: Spring Break Survival and Tiny Truth-Tellers
Mar 29 2024
EP 18: Spring Break Survival and Tiny Truth-Tellers
Send us a Text Message.Ever survived the parental aftershock of spring break with your wits barely intact? Then this episode's for you!  With Marco Polo still on his adventures and new face sporting a thumb cast, we kept our thrill-seeking to a minimum. But hold on to your grocery lists, fellow parents, I'm also breaking down how I managed to wrangle my budget back in line after a break-induced spending spree, all while adding a new word like 'bruh' to my daily mom lexicon thanks to my kiddos. You're not alone in the post-break pandemonium, and I've got stories and strategies to prove it!Now, let's swap tales from the honesty files of our little commentators. Binding us in laughter and the occasional wince, kids have a talent for dropping truth bombs at the most unexpected times. I'll recount how my son's couch commentary on my snoring became an accidental nudge about my single status, and you'll hear how other listeners' children have become mini life-coaches with their unsolicited advice on everything from aging to career choices. These pint-sized pundits remind us to find humor in the raw clarity they bring to our lives, and I'm here to highlight the best of their unscripted moments. Tune in for a dose of reality served with a side of giggles, as we celebrate the unfiltered charm that comes standard with every child. Support the Show.Follow us on Instagram!
EP: 13 Honoring a Legacy of Love Amidst Life's Shadows
Feb 9 2024
EP: 13 Honoring a Legacy of Love Amidst Life's Shadows
Send us a Text Message.Time sweeps forward like an unrelenting tide, and here I am, your guide through a journey of love, loss, and the indelible marks they leave on our lives. As February unfurls its days, I find myself reflecting on the emotional milestones, sharing with you the story of my late husband, a man whose memory is etched in the very fabric of my being. I honor his legacy, revisiting intimate memories, the shared laughter of Super Bowl Sundays past, and the Valentine's Day that never came.The fabric of grief is complex, woven with threads of sorrow, resilience, and, at times, bureaucracy—especially within the confines of military life. This episode delves into the heart-wrenching reality of losing a spouse in service to their country, the profound sorrow that follows, and the strength it takes to forge a new path in its wake. I explore the deep spiritual connection known as twin flames, recounting the visceral sense of loss that struck even before the official news arrived and how it has shaped the journey I continue to walk.Yet, even in the darkest of times, life has a way of offering unexpected moments of levity. I'll share a surprising incident from a military funeral that brought a glimmer of humor amidst the somberness. This episode also serves as a testament to the importance of representation and the unique hurdles faced by black women in the context of trauma and loss. And for those who seek comfort in music, as I often do, I'll introduce you to a playlist that has been my solace, featuring a song that holds the memory of a dance, a promise, and a love that endures. Join me on this profoundly personal episode, where we celebrate the resilience of the human spirit and the unbreakable bonds that love creates. Support the Show.Follow us on Instagram!
EP 11: The Balancing Act of Boundary Setting in Relationships
Jan 19 2024
EP 11: The Balancing Act of Boundary Setting in Relationships
Send us a Text Message.Ever found yourself stretched thinner than your favorite pair of pre-shrunk jeans? That's the tightrope walk of setting boundaries for me, Charlie Shanta,  and it's something we all wrestle with from time to time. Inside this heart-to-heart, I'm stripping back the layers on why it's crucial to establish limits that keep us humming along happily. From personal anecdotes about learning to say "no" without causing a scene to the challenges of maintaining privacy in a world addicted to oversharing, I'm laying it all out there for a conversation that's as real as it gets.Now, let's chew on the tough stuff – like those manipulative moves that can sneak into our relationships, and the juggling act of being both caring and self-preserving. I'm digging into the meat of what it means to stay true to ourselves, without ending up on an express train to Burnout City. Plus, I'm mixing in some lighter fare with tales of my kids redefining personal space and the love-hate relationship we have with self-checkouts. Trust me, it's a rollercoaster of laughs and face-palms that'll leave you nodding along.To tie a bow on our chat, I take a cue from Coleman Lane's "Keep My Cool" and reflect on the harmony found in holding our ground with a dose of cool composure. So, thanks for letting me be the voice in your earbuds, sharing tales and tips on finding that sweet spot between personal freedom and being there for others. Remember to leave that review, hit share, and I can't wait to hear from you after you've had a listen. Keep those boundaries in check, but most of all, keep your cool, my friends. Support the Show.Follow us on Instagram!