Entrepreneurial Appetite

Langston Clark

Entrepreneurial Appetite is a series of events dedicated to building community, promoting intellectualism, and supporting Black businesses. This podcast will feature edited versions of Entrepreneurial Appetite’s Black book discussions, including live conversations between a virtual audience, authors, and Black entrepreneurs. In this community, we do not limit what it means to be an intellectual or entrepreneur. We recognize that the sisters and brothers who own and work in beauty salons or barbershops are intellectuals just as much as sisters and brothers who teach and research at universities. This podcast is unique because, as part of this community, you have the opportunity to participate in our monthly book discussion, suggest the book to be discussed, or even lead the conversation between the author and our community of intellectuals and entrepreneurs. For more information about participating in our monthly discussions, please follow Entrepreneurial_ Appetite on Instagram and Twitter. Please consider supporting the show as one of our Founding 55 patrons. For five dollars a month, you can access our live monthly conversations. See the link below:https://www.patreon.com/EA_BookClub read less


When Life Calls an Audible: Transitioning Beyond Football with Isaiah 'Juice' Williams and James Cooper
May 27 2024
When Life Calls an Audible: Transitioning Beyond Football with Isaiah 'Juice' Williams and James Cooper
When former football players Isaiah "Juice" Williams and James Cooper share their tales of trials and triumphs, it's not just a stroll down memory lane; it's a masterclass in resilience. This episode peels back the layers of their journey beyond the field, delving into their commitment to mentorship, financial literacy, and the unbreakable bonds forged within the Illinois football brotherhood.Special guest host James Cooper, a mentor and friend of Isiah "Juice" Williams, joins us to share his insights. Juice, now James' financial advisor and the founder of Audible Wealth Solutions, brings a unique perspective to the conversation. Together, they discuss the transition from student-athlete to career professional and entrepreneur, emphasizing the challenges and opportunities faced during this significant shift.Transitioning from the adrenaline rush of college sports fame to the uncharted territories of post-athletic life, Williams and Cooper recount personal anecdotes from their time on the field, emphasizing the importance of community and personal growth. The conversation also tackles the crucial role of identity for student-athletes, shedding light on the pressures and expectations that come with the territory. Listeners are invited to reflect on their own experiences with networking and embracing diversity, as our guests highlight the transferable skills honed in the high-stakes arena of collegiate football.Wrapping up, the dialogue pivots to the philosophies propounded in Simon Sinek's "Leaders Eat Last," drawing parallels between the principles of servant leadership in sports and the corporate sphere. Our episode culminates with a look at the tailored financial services designed for professional athletes, emphasizing the imperative of sound fiscal management in an ever-evolving landscape. This conversation is a testament to the power of perseverance, the importance of preparation, and the potential for new beginnings beyond the game.Support the Show.
From Immigration to Employment to Entrepreneurship with Eno Eka
May 20 2024
From Immigration to Employment to Entrepreneurship with Eno Eka
Join us on a captivating odyssey with Eno Eka, an inspiring trailblazer and founder of the Business Analyst School. Eno's serendipitous shift from the world of accounting to the innovative realms of business analysis and entrepreneurship is a narrative that resonates with the undulating waves of career transition. Our conversation unveils the essence of Eno's transformative journey—from harboring medical aspirations to flourishing in technology and education, her story is a beacon for self-improvement enthusiasts and tech career aspirants alike.Venture into the heart of an idea that blossomed into a global educational phenomenon, as we explore how Eno's informal online gatherings grew into a professional online school. The metamorphosis of a simple WhatsApp group into a beacon of global education for in-demand tech skills is not just about the expansion of a platform, but the crafting of a community. Eno articulates the meticulous steps that paved the way for this growth, sharing the lessons of community building, the embrace of technology, and the spirit of education that fueled her entrepreneurial success.As we traverse the landscape of Eno's entrepreneurial odyssey, we uncover the crucial role of team building and the transformative power of coaching. Eno provides a candid glimpse into hiring her first virtual assistant and the liberating shift towards coaching, shedding light on the synthesis of personal and professional growth. The episode culminates with the profound influence of market research and the significance of tailoring a business to the needs of underrepresented communities, all while weaving in the threads of spirituality and personal narratives that define success on one's own terms.Support the Show.
Social Entrepreneurship: Brandon Logan on Business, Social Impact, and the Doug Williams Center
May 13 2024
Social Entrepreneurship: Brandon Logan on Business, Social Impact, and the Doug Williams Center
As we sit down with the visionary Brandon Logan, we uncover the potency of merging business acumen with societal impact, a quest he embodies as the founder of the Doug Williams Center for the Study of Race Politics and Sport. Logan's narrative, steeped in the experiences of his own journey as a black man, offers a blueprint for future leaders who seek to craft enterprises that serve as pillars for community development and the redress of social inequities. His insights on utilizing entrepreneurship for social good not only enlighten but also challenge us to reconceptualize how we perceive success and legacy in the business world.The halls of Grambling State University echo with stories of growth and empowerment, a chorus to which Brandon adds his own voice. He credits his time there as formative, not just academically through his studies in entrepreneurship and sports administration, but personally, through the tapestry of honors programs, Greek life, and athletics. It's a reminder of the profound influence that diverse educational environments and broad extracurricular engagement have on cultivating the leadership and identity of Black Americans, a topic that inspires both reflection and a call to action for listeners with aspirations to lead.Finally, Brandon takes us through the awe-inspiring legacy of Doug Williams, whose sportsmanship transcended the gridiron and tackled societal norms. The Doug Williams Center stands as a beacon in this mission, fostering young talent and elevating the voices of HBCUs in the dialogue of progress. We dissect the crucial role of social capital and the art of networking, a skill set that Logan deems essential in the playbook of any aspiring professional. This episode isn't just a conversation; it's an invitation to join a community dedicated to shaping an inclusive and prosperous future.Support the Show.
Loving and Leading Black Boys and Men: The Power of Mentorship, Community, and Resilient Leadership
May 6 2024
Loving and Leading Black Boys and Men: The Power of Mentorship, Community, and Resilient Leadership
When Shawn Dove joined me to share his life's blueprint for empowering Black boys and men, the air crackled with the weight of every word—a testament to the power of mentorship and leadership. Together, we navigated Shawn's New York roots, his mother's Jamaican resilience, and the profound impact community figures had on his journey. Our conversation is a tapestry of anecdotes and insights, framing a narrative that champions educational and systemic change as cornerstones of Black male achievement.Grasping the lifeline of adult mentorship can be transformative, as I've witnessed firsthand within the brotherhood at the Dome Center. Shawn and I peeled back the layers of this nurturing model, emphasizing the necessity of developmental relationships that extend beyond biological family lines. We shared personal stories that highlighted the potential of caring environments to infuse our youth with the courage to confront vulnerabilities, discover their identity, and foster personal growth—all wrapped up in the safety of community bonds.The resilience and leadership displayed by a Wesleyan student who took on the Klan, the healing powers of mentorship, and the importance of entrepreneurial leadership are but a few of the chapter titles that make up our playbook for change. Sean's narrative is a call to arms, urging us to bridge generational divides and engage in a relentless fight for social justice and equity. As your host, I invite you to join us on this profound exploration of what it means to uplift and transform the lives of Black boys and men—an episode that promises to resonate with your spirit and ignite a spark of change.Support the Show.
Empowering Black Wealth: FinTech Innovation with Calvin Williams Jr of Freeman Capital
Apr 29 2024
Empowering Black Wealth: FinTech Innovation with Calvin Williams Jr of Freeman Capital
Ever wondered how FinTech is revolutionizing the way Black communities handle wealth? Join us as special guest Calvin Williams Jr, the enterprising mind behind Freeman Capital, unpacks how his company is leveling the financial playing field. His personal tale of entrepreneurship will not only inspire you but also provide you with the keys to unlock your own financial potential. Through affordable wealth management services, Calvin's mission to bridge the wealth gap is a beacon of hope and possibility, offering actionable steps for anyone eager to grow their net worth.As we navigate the complexities of raising capital and giving back, our conversation takes a heartfelt turn towards the importance of support systems within the Black entrepreneurial community. Calvin's insights into the power of mentorship and mutual growth shine a light on the collective journey of Black founders. Touching on business ethics, strategies for growth, and the need to uplift every stakeholder, this episode is a tapestry of valuable lessons and commendable practices that can steer Black businesses towards exemplary service and success.Wrapping up with a sincere look at the balance of personal branding, privacy, and the realities of business success, we explore how entrepreneurs can foster their brands authentically. We also discuss the tailored financial advice Freeman Capital offers, accessible to people at various economic levels, ensuring that the path to wealth management is open to all. Plus, we delve into the nuances of work-life balance, and how a week's 168 hours might be best utilized for maximum productivity and fulfillment. So, tune in for an episode brimming with practical advice, empowering insights, and an unwavering commitment to entrepreneurial excellence within the Black community.Support the Show.
Say Yes to No Debt: A Conversation with Reverend Dr. DeForest B. Soaries Jr.
Apr 22 2024
Say Yes to No Debt: A Conversation with Reverend Dr. DeForest B. Soaries Jr.
Uncover the blueprint for financial freedom as Reverend Dr. DeForest B. Soaries, and I take you on a journey through the intertwining paths of social justice, church influence, and economic savvy in the Black community. Together, we explore the profound impact of the Black church's role in nurturing not only spiritual but also fiscal growth, providing support and scholarships that continue to propel young minds into their future successes. As Father's Day approaches, we examine the long-standing tradition of church scholarships and their testament to the commitment of congregations in fostering the aspirations of high school seniors.Venture into a heartfelt discussion where personal narratives meet community triumphs. I share my transformation from a civil rights activist to a champion of financial empowerment, revealing the life-altering realizations about the importance of living within one's means and contributing to our community's economic independence. Reverend Soaries and I dissect the conventional wisdom on debt, breaking down the crucial differences between what hinders and what helps in building wealth. We also celebrate the extraordinary philanthropy of Pastor Thomas Boyd, whose disciplined financial management serves as a beacon of inspiration for Black communities.This episode isn't just about acknowledging success; it's an empowering dialogue designed to equip you with the knowledge and strategies for creating your legacy of financial freedom. We tackle the cultural shift necessary for educating our youth in financial literacy through innovative methods, including gaming, and underscore the critical role of small businesses in uplifting Black communities. We also address the complex landscape of student loan repayment and provide insights into navigating the path to influential boardroom positions. Join us for an enriching experience that will leave you with both the celebration of cultural achievements and the tools to forge your economic destiny.Support the Show.
The Black Girl's Guide to Financial Freedom: A Conversation with Dr. Paris Woods
Apr 8 2024
The Black Girl's Guide to Financial Freedom: A Conversation with Dr. Paris Woods
Embark on a transformative journey with Dr. Paris Woods, author of "The Black Girl's Guide to Financial Freedom," and financial advisor Ashley Bailey, as we uncover the secrets to achieving Fiscal Freedom. With Paris's inspiring story as our guide, we travel from her humble beginnings in a single-parent household in St. Louis to a life of purpose and financial wisdom. Our conversation exposes the critical role of education and deliberate planning in breaking the chains of debt, and we challenge you to consider the financial norms that may be holding you back. Throughout the episode, we dissect proven debt repayment methods like the snowball and avalanche approaches, sharing not just theories but also our personal triumphs and stumbles with these strategies. We confront the societal expectations of car ownership, urging you to rethink what liabilities and assets truly mean in your pursuit of financial freedom. Our discussion is a genuine reflection on the delicate balance between trimming expenses and boosting income, exploring side hustles and the art of amplifying your earnings without sacrificing your soul.Finally, we chart the course for navigating higher education and investment options with a critical eye, weighing the costs and returns of graduate degrees and the prestige of alma maters. Dr. Woods and I demystify the investing landscape, starting with the low-hanging fruits of 401(k)s and index funds. The episode wraps with an invitation to carve out your unique financial destiny, armed with the insights and strategies shared by Paris, a beacon of financial empowerment whose wisdom can be further tapped into at ParisWoods.com. Join us for an episode that promises not just to inform but to equip you with the tools for a financially savvy future.Support the Show.
Unearthing the Personal Narratives of African American History: Dr. Rita Roberts on Love, Literacy, and Legacy
Apr 1 2024
Unearthing the Personal Narratives of African American History: Dr. Rita Roberts on Love, Literacy, and Legacy
When Dr. Rita Roberts recounts tales from her grandfather, it’s like unearthing lost treasures from the annals of history. In this heartfelt exchange, she narrates her evolution from a captivated child to a revered historian, enriching our understanding of African American experiences during the Civil War era. Her book, "I Can't Wait to Call You My Wife," not only showcases deeply moving letters but also serves as a vessel, transporting us across time to grasp the profound connections of love and family that withstood the test of adversity. Her voice adds texture to our conversation, as she unravels how historical documents aren't just artifacts but lifelines to voices long silenced.Imagine the act of reading - so often taken for granted - as a radical weapon against the chains of slavery. Dr. Roberts guides us through the shadows of America's past, illuminating the defiance and determination of African Americans who wielded literacy as their shield. We delve into the complexities of 'hired out' slavery, the half-hearted dance around abolition in Northern states, and the intense emotional landscape of those who were traded as commodities. Their relentless quest for dignity and the sustenance of family bonds form the crux of a gripping narrative that challenges us to see beyond the surface of historical facts.Emancipation brought new horizons for African Americans, yet the journey was riddled with trials of identity and respect. The episode reaches its crescendo as Dr. Roberts brings to life Jordan Anderson's dignified refusal to dismiss the wrongs of his enslavement. The conversation ventures deeper, exploring how faith intertwined with the yearning for liberty and how the personal writings of abolitionists revealed their intertwined struggles for racial and gender equality. Rounding off with an examination of racial ideology's lasting scars, this episode is a testament to Dr. Roberts' dedication to preserving the rich tapestry of African American history through the intimate medium of letters—a legacy of individual lives that collectively shape our understanding of a painful yet pivotal chapter in America's story.Support the Show.
Digital Money Demystified: Exploring Blockchain's Impact with Professor Tonya Evans
Mar 25 2024
Digital Money Demystified: Exploring Blockchain's Impact with Professor Tonya Evans
Unlock the mysteries of digital currency with Professor Tonya Evans, a legal scholar with a passion for intellectual property and blockchain technology, who takes us on a journey from her HBCU roots to the forefront of the cryptocurrency revolution. Prepare to have your understanding of digital money transformed as we tackle "Digital Money Demystified" and explore how Professor Evans's experiences and education have influenced her groundbreaking work in this rapidly evolving space.Join us for a thought-provoking conversation that goes beyond the buzz of Bitcoin and into the heart of how blockchain technology can reshape our daily lives and economies. We confront the myths that cloud the crypto world, celebrate the inclusion and advancement of black women in the industry, and examine the unique opportunities blockchain presents for wealth generation and the decentralization of data economies. Our discussion bridges the gap between skepticism and the potential for informed investment, particularly within the black community, emphasizing the power of knowledge and engagement in the digital age.From discussing the implications of blockchain in education to the nuances of decentralized monetization, this episode is an essential guide for anyone looking to stay at the cutting edge of technology and finance. We extend our heartfelt thanks to our vibrant community of listeners and supporters and invite you to immerse yourself in a conversation that not only informs but inspires action and participation in the transformative world of blockchain and cryptocurrency.Support the Show.
The Architectural Soul of Origin Studio House:  A New Venture with Dante Clemons
Mar 18 2024
The Architectural Soul of Origin Studio House: A New Venture with Dante Clemons
When Dante Clemens, co-founder of Origin Studio House, decided to leave the world of architecture for entrepreneurship, she embarked on an adventure that would lead her to champion a community-driven oasis in Austin, Texas. Her story, a testament to the transformative power of following one's passion, unfolds in our latest episode where architecture converges with digital production, and where the essence of community shapes the heart of business.Our conversation meanders through the architectural soul of Austin, revealing how the city's history, climate, and economy have carved unique spaces for gatherings and growth. Dante's endeavor, Origin Studio House, stands as a beacon of inclusivity, providing a 'home' rather than a mere house, where 'micro invitations' and cultural familiarity create an atmosphere of warm embrace. As we explore the creation of this welcoming Black oasis, we glean the subtleties of space as a storyteller and the delicate craft of designing environments that resonate deeply with local culture.Dante's tale does not end with aesthetics alone; it's also about the art of networking and the seamless crossover of skills from one industry to another. Our discussion travels from the tangible structures of buildings to the digital frameworks of user experience, celebrating the fluidity of professional identity. With Dante's insight on the horizon, Origin Studio House stands ready to expand beyond Austin, aspiring to lay foundations in new cities and cultivate further connections. Tune in for an episode rich with lessons on entrepreneurship, community, and the boundless potential of skillful adaptation.Support the Show.
The Black Reparations Project Part 2
Mar 11 2024
The Black Reparations Project Part 2
Join us for part two of this two-part series, where we continue our journey as we sit down with esteemed scholars William Sandy Darity and A Kirsten Mullen, the architects of the Black Reparations Project Handbook. Our conversation is a deep and transformative look into the heart of reparations for Black Americans, a topic that unravels the fabric of our nation's history. We traverse the could-have-been world of 40 acres land grants, dissect the insufficiencies of piecemeal local and state attempts at reparations, and scrutinize the controversial HR 40 legislation. It's a dialogue that promises to challenge your perceptions, offering a nuanced perspective on the moral imperative to right the wrongs of the past and the potential to heal a nation through a comprehensive federal reparations program.In a twist that reveals the power behind the scenes, we pull back the curtain on how media shapes our understanding and collective narrative about reparations. From the intricacies of determining who is eligible to receive reparations to the crucial role Hollywood plays in influencing public opinion, our discussion with Darity and Mullen is a masterclass in the interplay of media, identity, and history. We look at how representations of diverse relationships and social issues in the media can lead to widespread acceptance and change, pondering the possibility for this to pave the way for reparations discourse.Finally, we reflect on the burgeoning support for reparations among different demographics and discuss the critical support HBCUs need, and deserve, as pillars of education and progress. We talk about closing the racial wealth gap, the tax implications of reparations payments, and the need for unity in the face of a fragmented support system. As we set the stage for future dialogues and action, we close with a heartfelt call to listeners, inviting them to join in the global fight for reparations—a fight rooted in justice, solidarity, and the unyielding belief that together, we can forge a path toward rectifying historical injustices.Support the Show.
Lauren Washington: Building Black Future House
Mar 4 2024
Lauren Washington: Building Black Future House
Discover the extraordinary path of Lauren Washington, from Teach for America to the forefront of tech entrepreneurship and advocacy for Black businesses. Our latest episode is a beacon for those looking to navigate the challenges and triumphs of turning vision into reality. Lauren, with her wealth of experience in social media marketing and founding successful ventures , joins us to share how the threads of community and support weave through her narrative and offer a lifeline for Black entrepreneurs in the bustling hub of Austin, Texas.Imagine if the skills honed in the classroom could unlock the potential of leading a start-up to greatness. Lauren Washington brings this perspective to life, illustrating the surprising similarities between teaching and entrepreneurship. As the co-founder of Fundr, she's breaking down barriers to create a bias-free landscape for investors and startups alike. Hear her story of Black Women Talk Tech's genesis and how harnessing community insights can lead to transformative business solutions. This episode isn't just about the journey – it's about finding your crew, your mission, and your voice in the world of innovation.As we peel back the layers of what it means to be a Black woman navigating the entrepreneurial space, Lauren's candid reflections on the lifecycle of a business are eye-opening. From scaling to selling or stepping away, she emphasizes readiness for every outcome. Join us as we take you through the vibrant tapestry of the Black Future House event, where cross-industry collaboration and cultural celebration converge. Prepare to be inspired, enlightened, and ready to mark your calendar for an experience that embodies unity and progress.Support the Show.
The Black Reparations Project Part 1
Feb 26 2024
The Black Reparations Project Part 1
In part one of a two-part episode, we embark on a journey through America's history of racial injustice; we welcomed scholars William Darity and A. Kirsten Mullen to discuss the imperative of Black reparations. Under the weight of the past and the shadow of Confederate monuments, our conversation meanders through the Sugar Land Massacre, the broken promise of 40 acres post-Civil War, and the haunting tale of Hortense MacLinton, UNC Chapel Hill's pioneering Black professor. The dialogue deepens as we confront the federal government's responsibility to address this historical debt and the moral obligation that compels our nation to act.The concept of wealth and its origins take center stage, revealing the stark disparity between white communities and Black Americans in their generational accumulation of prosperity. We dissect the role of historical land grants and policies such as the Homestead Act of 1862 in shaping today's racial wealth gap. Our guests, Darity and Mullen, navigate us through the complexities of federal reparations, emphasizing the inadequacy of local initiatives and underscoring the need for a national strategy to meet the $16 trillion endeavor necessary to forge equality.In our final segment, we scrutinize the autonomy and precedent set by direct payments in historical restitution cases, holding up the lens to America's capability and collective will to enact reparations. The discourse, rich with historical context and fueled by passion for justice, leaves us at the precipice of action, with a community-powered Q&A that challenges our collective understanding and calls us to engage further. This episode not only reflects on the past but also ignites the crucial conversation about what we owe each other as a society moving forward.Support the Show.
John Hervey Wheeler and Black Business Activism: A Conversation Brandon K. Winford, PhD.
Feb 19 2024
John Hervey Wheeler and Black Business Activism: A Conversation Brandon K. Winford, PhD.
Embark on a historical odyssey with me, Langston Clark, as we converse with the brilliant Dr. Brandon K. Winford about the legacy of one Black banker and his profound intersection with the Civil Rights Movement. Dr. Winford, author and historian, guides us through the remarkable journey of John Hervey Wheeler, whose multifaceted life defies the conventional barriers that often divide business leaders and activists. We delve into the rich tapestry of HBCUs and their role in sculpting African American thought as Dr. Winford shares his own path from law to mastering the annals of history, inspired by the very heart of Durham's storied past.As the dialogue unfolds, we uncover the lesser-known narratives of Black business magnates who have been pivotal in shaping the quest for social justice. These leaders, often eclipsed by other prominent figures, emerge as crucial agents of change, offering more than just economic growth—their voices carry the weight of a community's aspirations for equality. The episode challenges the simplicity of economic gestures from institutions, spotlighting the necessity for a holistic approach in the ongoing struggle for progress within black communities.The past's whispers echo into the possibilities of the future, where we muse about Black Wall Streets and their untapped potential had they not faced the ravages of urban renewal. We question what might have been for places like Durham had they been allowed to flourish alongside economic powerhouses like Charlotte. The conversation culminates in considerations of the re-emergence of black banking and the integration of black professionals into the corporate world, setting the stage for a deeper exploration of Dr. Winford's forthcoming work. Join us on this enlightening expedition through our shared history and its implications for the future of black economic empowerment.Support the Show.
Exploring the Power, Presence, and Impact of Black Women Journalists with Barbara Newman Davis
Feb 12 2024
Exploring the Power, Presence, and Impact of Black Women Journalists with Barbara Newman Davis
What happens when a renowned journalist takes on the mantle of a professor? Bonnie Newman Davis, author of "Truth Tellers: The Power and Presence of Black Women Journalists since 1960," shares her compelling journey and gives us an insider's view into the world of journalism. She's joined by the dynamic Melissa Monroe, co-founder of the San Antonio Association of Black Journalists, Cherry Griffin, and Benet Wilson, seasoned veterans of the industry, whose personal narratives illuminate the resilience and dedication intrinsic to the profession.Imagine a journalism landscape with more black journalists in decision-making roles - how would that shape the narrative? We dive into the significance of the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) and its initiatives to equip younger members, fostering diversity in newsrooms. Bonnie throws light on the compelling need for ownership in the industry and how it can bring about transformational changes. Whether you're a budding journalist or an industry veteran, you'll learn a lot about the challenges of journalism, the delicate balance between work and family, and handling the fatigue that comes along with the territory. We also journey with Bonnie into the world of black women journalists, exploring their unique paths, the beats they've chosen, and the value they bring with their diverse voices. Be inspired by the stories of Stacey Adams, Angela Dotson, May Israel, and Dan Hurd, who have all made an indelible mark on journalism. If you've always been curious about the trajectory of journalism through the lens of black women, this conversation is a must-listen!Support the Show.
The Pomegranate Principle: Exploring Black Excellence & DEI with Rory Verrett
Feb 5 2024
The Pomegranate Principle: Exploring Black Excellence & DEI with Rory Verrett
Have you ever considered the impact of being birthed into Black excellence? Join me, Langston Clark, as I engage in riveting discourse with Rory Verrett, ex-host of the Prodigy Podcast and both a Howard and Harvard University graduate. We dive into Rory's experience of being birthed into Black excellence and its influence on his life. We'll also reflect on Rory's podcast years, discussing the crucial role of networking and the power of LinkedIn.Our journey continues as we navigate  Black entrepreneurship within Corporate America. Hear intimate narratives about conquering career obstacles and the challenges of writing a book in today's swift-click culture. We underscore the value of maintaining one's integrity and the responsibility to uplift marginalized communities in the professional sphere. We then reorient towards diversity and recruitment, deploying the Pomegranate Principle as a metaphor to illustrate the organization of America's talent market.Lastly, we embark on the discussion of sustaining diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) amidst the current political headwinds, especially within public institutions. We unpack the thorny issues inherent in upholding DEI, the false narrative of DEI as a win-lose proposition, and the urgent need for infusing diversity throughout organizations. We delve into the dynamics and duties of a mentor-protégé relationship and the significance of respecting time. Our conversation concludes by illuminating the unique experiences and hurdles black professionals face in Corporate America, emphasizing the critical need for support, comprehension, and meritocracy in the workplace. Tune in for this enlightening exploration of black excellence and DEI.Support the Show.
Conversations with the Cofounder: Reimagining Reading Part 2 with Uthman Alibalogun of Monocle
Jan 29 2024
Conversations with the Cofounder: Reimagining Reading Part 2 with Uthman Alibalogun of Monocle
Have you ever witnessed a moment where ambition and innovation collide? Uthman Alibalogun, the co-founder of Monocle, an innovative social e-reading app, joins us to share his journey from a Nigerian immigrant to an entrepreneurial innovator in the tech industry. Our conversation with Uthman isn't just about technology; it's a deeper exploration of personal development through his experience as a college student at North Carolina A&T, Tech Co-founder, and Graduate Student at UC Berkeley.   Plus, we celebrate the team of Black men behind Monocle as they forge a new narrative in the ed-tech space, fostering pride and a strong sense of community.Wrapping up, Uthman lays out his vision for Monocle - a tool that promises to weave readers into a tightly-knit shared knowledge and discourse fabric. From its potential in academic peer reviews to chipping away at intellectual stereotypes, Monocle is poised to make waves in the educational landscape. We end on a personal note, sharing Uthman's inspiring climb of Mount Fuji, a testament to how life's unplanned routes can lead to fulfilling dreams. It's a session that's as much about the transformative power of reading as it is about the milestones on the entrepreneurship journey. Join us for an episode that's bound to ignite a spark within, whether you're a book lover, a tech enthusiast, or a dreamer looking to leave your mark on the world.Support the Show.
Reimagining Reading with Leslie Winston III: Fostering Community and Connection with Monocle
Jan 22 2024
Reimagining Reading with Leslie Winston III: Fostering Community and Connection with Monocle
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to transform a solitary activity like reading into a vibrant, intellectual community experience? Leslie Winston III, the mind behind the Monocle, joins us to unravel just that. From his roots in a family that valued social consciousness and black history, Leslie's remarkable journey through architecture and technology has created a platform redefining how we engage with literature and each other.This episode is a tapestry of ambition and innovation, weaving together Leslie's architectural precision with his drive to foster a knowledge-sharing society. We journey through Leslie's formative years, the influence of his HBCU-educated parents, and the pivotal switch from crafting buildings to coding apps. Leslie's story is a beacon for aspiring entrepreneurs, emphasizing the impact of HBCU networks and the resilience required to navigate the world of innovation.As Leslie shares, the future of reading and human connection lies in platforms like Monocle, which encourage thoughtful discourse and counteract the polarization plaguing our digital interactions. Our conversation ventures into Monocle's potential to enrich the reading experience by integrating social elements, allowing readers to connect and share insights. Leslie leaves us with a powerful message on authenticity and the collective potential for positive change. Tune in for a narrative bound to inspire readers, thinkers, and creators to see the possibilities at the intersection of technology, community, and literature.Support the Show.