Congratulations! You're Divorced

Congratulations! Network

Men constantly experience difficult seasons. And for some God-awful reason, we believe it makes us less “manly” to actually discuss our hardships with each other and try to find a place of healing. So Steven Woodson and Keith Parker decided to create the Congratulations! Network. Now that you've found us, you get to become part of a community. A group of elevated and enlightened men, who aren't afraid to express their emotions and still stand tall. We own our mistakes and rewrite our stories. We treat everyone with kindness and face our demons with a ferocity that the Greek gods would have admired. So Congratulations, guys, and get ready to write the best chapters of your life.

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The Shadow of Absence: Grief, Legacy, and the Quest for Unity After Loss
May 8 2024
The Shadow of Absence: Grief, Legacy, and the Quest for Unity After Loss
Send us your feedback! In Loving Memory of Our Beloved Memaw: Jo Laverne Cox, age 78. When the matriarchal beacon of Parker's family, said goodbye to this life, it left us with more than just memories; it left a profound sense of absence that stretched across our lives and family dynamics. As Keith Parker joins me in this heartfelt conversation, we wander through the complexities of grief and shared personal stories that resonate with anyone who has felt the sting of loss. We talk about the need to redefine roles within the family and the painful yet hopeful pursuit of unity and healing in the face of mourning.This episode is not just a reflection on loss; it's an exploration of the hidden intricacies in legacy, identity, and the rituals that comfort us. We discuss breaking the chains of generational health issues, acknowledging the importance of proactive steps towards healthier lifestyles. As we reminisce about Memaw's diverse working life, we contemplate the impact of her legacy on us and the generations to come, challenging ourselves to live in a way that honors those who have laid the foundations of our existence.We wrap up this conversation by emphasizing the importance of open communication, empathy, and the small gestures that can carry us through our darkest days. Whether it's navigating the nuances of grief as men or finding solace in our 'village,' this episode is an invitation to anyone grappling with loss to find connection, support, and ultimately, a path towards healing.Want more? Check out our website at, join our discord community, or reach out to us at 501-503-1307. And as always, don't forget to celebrate yourself, keep your mental health in check, and keep growing!
Dating Under the Influence: Exploring the Intoxicating World of Vices, Dating, and Divorce
Apr 23 2024
Dating Under the Influence: Exploring the Intoxicating World of Vices, Dating, and Divorce
Send us your feedback! Ever found yourself chuckling at the memory of a date where you bonded over shared bad habits, or cringed recalling the Jekyll and Hyde transformation of a partner after one too many drinks? This episode is as much a therapy session as it is a treasure trove of tales from the front lines of dating and divorce. We're peeling back the layers on how vices like smoking, drinking, and yes, even those trendy cannabis gummies play the hero and villain in our love stories.From the profound to the profane, we share the impact that quitting smoking has had on our lives and dig into the ways these habits shape, test, and sometimes strain our relationships. If you have ever pondered how much to reveal on your dating profile or questioned when to bring up your penchant for a good puff, you're in good company. Join us as we learn about the delicate dance of transparency and timing, and how owning your vices might just lead to more authentic connections—or the occasional swift rejection.But it's not all smoke and mirrors; alcohol's role in uncovering the true colors of our partners provides some of our most sobering moments. We've been there, and we're dishing out the gritty details about the repercussions of indulging in excess and the revelations that come with seeing someone's behavior under the influence. Through anecdotes that might just sound eerily familiar, we highlight the importance of communication and compatibility in navigating the intoxicating world of dating post-divorce. So, whether you're nursing a heartbreak or a hangover, buckle up for an episode that's as enlightening as it is entertaining.Want more? Check out our website at, join our discord community, or reach out to us at 501-503-1307. And as always, don't forget to celebrate yourself, keep your mental health in check, and keep growing!
Leaving a Thought a Thought: The Comedy & Complexity of Intrusive Thoughts.
Apr 13 2024
Leaving a Thought a Thought: The Comedy & Complexity of Intrusive Thoughts.
Send us your feedback! Ever wrestle with those pesky, uninvited thoughts that crash your brain party when you least expect it? You're not alone. Join the guys, as they lay bare the curious world of intrusive thoughts and dive into the impact of these mental gate-crashers on our daily lives and relationships. Sharing those secret and wild ideas we all have but never act upon—and for good reason!As we celebrate Keith's recent engagement, we also explore the road to personal growth and the strive to do things 'right', especially when it comes to navigating life post-divorce. We get real about the emotional triggers hidden in the most mundane moments and objects—yes, even fabric wipes have a story to tell. Throughout our candid conversation, we uncover how to differentiate between irrational fears and legitimate concerns and the importance of trust and communication in keeping the past from overshadowing the present in our relationships.But it's not all about looking back; we also focus on strategies for moving forward. From the discipline required in medication adherence to the art of taking a beat before reacting, we share actionable advice on managing mental health and strengthening connections. Discover how creating a little space from those knee-jerk reactions can not only save a date night but also turn you into a communication ninja both at home and in the workplace. Buckle up for an episode that's equal parts enlightening, entertaining, and empowering—because who says personal development can't come with a few laughs?Want more? Check out our website at, join our discord community, or reach out to us at 501-503-1307. And as always, don't forget to celebrate yourself, keep your mental health in check, and keep growing!
Soundtracks for Healing: Breakups
Mar 27 2024
Soundtracks for Healing: Breakups
Send us your feedback! Have you ever found yourself at a loss for words, but then a song comes on and speaks directly to your heart? This week, the guys unpack the profound way music can stitch up the wounds left behind from a breakup, and guide us through the maze of divorce. We kick off with some casual chatter about life's little battles before diving into the anthems of our angst. From the pop-punk reassurance during our teenage heartbreaks to the defiant roar of breakup hits, we reflect on these tunes that resonate with our soul's healing process. Our journey doesn't stop at the songs that kept us company in the lonely moments. We explore the evolution of our music tastes as we mend, shifting from softer melodies to the raw energy that seems to scream our thoughts back at us. Drawing from personal stories like chilling at Sonic with Joey, to the raw emotions evoked by the harmonic melody of Penny and Sparrow, we illustrate how music can be both a companion and a catalyst for growth. And let's not forget the therapeutic release of belting out a rebellious track; we've all been there, and it's a powerful step on the road to recovery.So plug in, find solace in our shared experiences, and let's celebrate the personal growth that comes from the other side of heartache—all to the soundtrack of the music that helps us heal.Want more? Check out our website at, join our discord community, or reach out to us at 501-503-1307. And as always, don't forget to celebrate yourself, keep your mental health in check, and keep growing!
Criticism vs Confidence: Embracing Self-Compassion and Unlocking the Inner Champion
Mar 13 2024
Criticism vs Confidence: Embracing Self-Compassion and Unlocking the Inner Champion
Send us your feedback! Have you ever felt like your own worst enemy is residing inside your mind? Well, on this episode, we talk about the internal tug-of-war we face when stepping into new roles, especially under the weight of our relentless inner critics. Amid personal tales and shared vulnerabilities, this episode unfolds the complexities of confidence and self-doubt that accompany us in both professional and personal arenas. We dissect the roots of our self-criticism and challenge its validity, all while discovering the raw truth about what it takes to navigate the murky waters of self-perception. We also candidly discuss the treacherous cycle of validation and how it shapes our self-worth, translating personal anecdotes into life lessons for silencing the critic. You'll hear about the emergence of the inner champion, a concept that might just be the game changer in your journey toward mental resilience.Wrapping up with a heartwarming reminder to practice self-compassion, we extend an invitation to listeners to join the conversation. Your questions and stories are the heartbeat of our podcast, and as we emphasize the significance of mental health and self-celebration, we sign off with a hopeful message: You are your greatest ally, and it's time to let your inner champion be free.Want more? Check out our website at, join our discord community, or reach out to us at 501-503-1307. And as always, don't forget to celebrate yourself, keep your mental health in check, and keep growing!
The Ripple Effect: Reflections on Mortality, Loss, and Embracing Life's Changes
Feb 28 2024
The Ripple Effect: Reflections on Mortality, Loss, and Embracing Life's Changes
Send us your feedback! As we navigate the seasons of life, the path is often scattered with both deep loss and growth potential. In this heartfelt episode, we share personal stories of facing the decline of beloved family members and the rippling effects this has on our family dynamics, from strained conversations to introspective revelations about aging and mortality. Our journey through grief touches on the passing of grandparents, the sudden loss of a friend, and the profound ways these experiences carve out the landscape of our understanding of life's fleeting nature.Confronted with the inevitability of role reversals, we reflect on the responsibilities of caring for our elders and the conversations that shape our legacies. Parker opens up about the challenges posed by his mother's health habits and how these discussions force us to face the potential burden we may carry in the future. Loss, and how we cope with it, take a central role as we ponder the significance of our actions and the marks we leave on the world. Through these narratives, we find solace in accepting life's relentless progression and the grace found in the moments we share with those we cherish.Towards the close of this poignant episode, we consider the concept of 'cookie jarring' memories, making decisions that respect the autonomy of our loved ones, and the balance of living for ourselves while acknowledging our eventual caregiver roles. Rounding out with lighter musings on lost items that hold sentimental value and naming the current chapter of your story. Join us for an episode that promises not just a reflection on the inevitable but a celebration of the moments that make the journey worthwhile.Want more? Check out our website at, join our discord community, or reach out to us at 501-503-1307. And as always, don't forget to celebrate yourself, keep your mental health in check, and keep growing!
Poor with Purpose: Navigating The Financial Fallout of Divorce
Sep 15 2023
Poor with Purpose: Navigating The Financial Fallout of Divorce
Send us your feedback! Congratulations! On this week's episode, the guys talk about the silent specter of poverty that looms over many post-divorce financial decisions, the emotional weight of deciding whether to trade tools for trauma, and the push and pull of living within means all while the siren call of a high-end life beckons. Picture yourself at a crossroads, having to decide on dividing assets, making sense of debts, and stepping into an unfamiliar world of budgeting solo. Can you do it? Absolutely! And we're here to help you demystify it all, sharing personal experiences and proven strategies that can help you not just survive - but thrive.To wrap it all up, we're laying out the 50/30/20 financial rule - a flexible guideline that can give you the stability you need and the freedom to spend without guilt. We'll share how shifting our mindset and focusing on experiences rather than material possessions can lead to a completely different approach to budgeting. And remember, your mental health matters too, so we're opening up a new hotline for you to share your thoughts and feedback, or just to connect with us at 501-503-1307.  Thanks for listening,  and enjoy today's heart-to-heart conversation that we're sure you'll find insightful and even cathartic.Want more? Check out our website at, join our discord community, or reach out to us at 501-503-1307. And as always, don't forget to celebrate yourself, keep your mental health in check, and keep growing!